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Venting I find it sad how pervasive culture is



May 2, 2018
You simply cannot say certain things, no matter how logically sound they are, because they simply offend people. They get people in an emotional state that causes them to not think clearly and engage in a type of metonymic thought pattern.

There are many examples, but the best one is pedophilia. Whenever the subject is pedophilia, culture requires that you must only ever attack and condemn it. If you make any declaration concerning this topic that is not an attack or a condemnation, even if it's logically sound and reasonable, people already get mad at you and assume through that metonimical thought pattern process that you're a pedophile or for child sexual abuse being legalized or whatever.

In the case of pedophilia, since it's so hated and despised in modern western culture, whenever you're talking about it, you have to make it clear that you're in favor of measures that make no sense at all logically and are not universally applied to other crimes and situations (criminalizing feelings, tastes, emotions, etc), or else, people will use the metonymic thought pattern to conclude that you're a pedophile/for child sexual abuse being legalized.


Non-offending pedophiles deserve (at least) ostracism and/or being forced into rehab attempts or whatever.

People who just looked at/downloaded CP, without ever supporting it in any concrete way (financial, etc), must be jailed/have their lives ruined/be forced into rehab attempts, etc.

There are more examples of that phenomenon though, pedophilia is just the most evident one. Race would be another topic like that. Example: Someone can (rightly so IMO) think that people who simply say racist things must not be jailed, which doesn't mean they think racial discrimination is right/moral. It's merely the application of an universal, logical principle: just stating opinions should not be a crime (just like feeling feelings, enjoying things, etc).
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Sadly that's just the way the cookie crumbles. We Humans aren't dry robots, We're wet and messy, our emotions influence our thinking, actions and decisions. This is why I don't waste my time debating other people about any subject really.
Sadly that's just the way the cookie crumbles. We Humans aren't dry robots, We're wet and messy, our emotions influence our thinking, actions and decisions. This is why I don't waste my time debating other people about any subject really.
Yeah, this thread is just me lamenting about this sad reality, really. I won't engage anyone who comes with the intention of debating tbh. It's tiresome, rage-inducing and useless.
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I can understand the immense hatred directed towards pedophiles (not men that are attracted to teens) because they are usually offenders. And those that haven't one day will. Logically you cannot defend them. Because same thing applies women; they aren't always whores but one day they do become whores.
I wonder if the witch hunts are because of societal guilt over how little it cares about the well-being of children. It seems like behaviors rooted in evolutionary drives have spun out of control being freed from their natural contexts and culture is now thoroughly schizophrenic.
Yeah, this thread is just me lamenting about this sad reality, really. I won't engage anyone who comes with the intention of debating tbh.
I can see why you're frustrated, but yeah you're wasting your time, energy and braincells debating people on subjects really. Most people don't care about what's good for them, they only care about what feels good. No apology will appease them, no new facts will dissuade them so it's generally fruitless to bother. Spend your time energy and braincells on copes or self improvement or hobbies of some kind instead.

I can understand the immense hatred directed towards pedophiles (not men that are attracted to teens) because they are usually offenders. And those that haven't one day will. Logically you cannot defend them. Because same thing applies women; they aren't always whores but one day they do become whores.
While I can understand why people hate pedophiles(The adults who go after small children, NOT Teenagers, tbh teen/adult relationships should be legal imo)There are non offending pedophiles who actually try to seek help, but alot of them have the authorities called on them and they end up in a mental asylum and treated like crap, that bothers me. They're trying to get help and yet they get casted aside. That makes me sad really. They seek help because they don't trust themselves, they believe they'll one day harm a child, that's why they seek help in the first place. But if there's no one to help them, then what can they do?
Another thing that comes to mind: even when governments pass utterly insane, 0% logical laws, such as criminalzing people for having nude pictures of themselves from when they were children, people don't protest against it, because they see things like "well pedophilia is so horrible any measure against it is good! It's never too much!"
I can see why you're frustrated, but yeah you're wasting your time, energy and braincells debating people on subjects really. Most people don't care about what's good for them, they only care about what feels good. No apology will appease them, no new facts will dissuade them so it's generally fruitless to bother. Spend your time energy and braincells on copes or self improvement or hobbies of some kind instead.
Thanks for the tips. I'm a very abstract-driven, unfocused type of person. I should be working on my album rn. I'll do it!
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OP, you don't think there's something inherently wrong with pedophilia? If so, why?

I disagree with the notion that all pedophiles will invariably offend.

Not all of them do offend. Only the offenders should be punished, obviously.
OP, you don't think there's something inherently wrong with pedophilia? If so, why?
I think sex with children is wrong because 1) they are not physically ready for penetration 2) they are frailer than adults, so yeah, the chances of them getting hurt are greater and 3) they're not ready to marry yet (1st Corinthians 7:36), so it's basically adultery/fornication. Not because invariable emotional trauma happens in any sexual contact between adults and children, this is what modern psychology claims and it's not true. I've read the studies. They cherrypick and still get questionable correlations. Also, they can't prove the trauma didn't come from society's reaction to it (which is exactly what they claim when someone points, for instance, that "trans" people have astronomical suicide rates.)
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I disagree with the notion that all pedophiles will invariably offend.
Then you cannot say that all women are whores either.
I can see why you're frustrated, but yeah you're wasting your time, energy and braincells debating people on subjects really. Most people don't care about what's good for them, they only care about what feels good. No apology will appease them, no new facts will dissuade them so it's generally fruitless to bother. Spend your time energy and braincells on copes or self improvement or hobbies of some kind instead.

While I can understand why people hate pedophiles(The adults who go after small children, NOT Teenagers, tbh teen/adult relationships should be legal imo)There are non offending pedophiles who actually try to seek help, but alot of them have the authorities called on them and they end up in a mental asylum and treated like crap, that bothers me. They're trying to get help and yet they get casted aside. That makes me sad really. They seek help because they don't trust themselves, they believe they'll one day harm a child, that's why they seek help in the first place. But if there's no one to help them, then what can they do?
Yes I specifically stated those that target actual kids, as we know teens are not kids even if they are 12 when they enter puberty.
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Then you cannot say that all women are whores either.
The thing with women is, they have like millions of opportunities to have sex with different guys during their fertility years. Not even a hyperbole. So, even if they only take like 0,001% of those opportunities, they'll still get a pretty high notch count.
I think sex with children is wrong because 1) they are not physically ready for penetration 2) they are frailer than adults, so yeah, the chances of them getting hurt are greater and 3) they're not ready to marry yet (1st Corinthians 7:36), so it's basically adultery. Not because invariable emotional trauma happens in any sexual contact between adults and children, this is what modern psychology claims and it's not true. I've read the studies. They cherrypick and still get questionable correlations. Also, they can't prove the trauma didn't come from society's reaction to it (which is exactly what they claim when someone points, for instance, that "trans" people have astronomical suicide rates.

While your points are all true, there are also philosophical and ethical reasons that are equally, if not more, important.

Children are not yet capable of autonomous decision-making nor are self sufficient, and are thus easily exploitable. Their brains are underdeveloped, which means they are unable to make informed decisions regarding choices about themselves. They are generally vulnerable and defenceless, and exploitation of another when the other is unable to defend from it is unethical. This is where the visceral knee-jerk reaction of, "it's wrong," usually comes from. They also have a natural right to their corporeal autonomy, but they're too young and underdeveloped across all dimensions (physical, psychological, emotional, cognitive etc.) to properly exercise that right.

Most people are generally either incapable of articulating these moral and ethical reasons, or they assume that it's universal and should be obvious.
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Children are not yet capable of autonomous decision-making nor are self sufficient, and are thus easily exploitable. Their brains are underdeveloped, which means they are unable to make informed decisions regarding choices about themselves. They are generally vulnerable and defenceless, and exploitation of another when the other is unable to defend from it is unethical. This is where the visceral knee-jerk reaction of, "it's wrong," usually comes from. They also have a natural right to their corporeal autonomy, but they're too young and underdeveloped across all dimensions (physical, psychological, emotional, cognitive etc.) to properly exercise that right.

Most people are generally either incapable of articulating these moral and ethical reasons, or they assume that it's universal and should be obvious.
While I admit there is a lot of truth to all that, I don't like to focus on it a lot because I question the capacity of women to make reasonable decisions regarding the choice of their partners as well.

Tbh most people are slaves to their inclinations. When you see a woman who wants to stop dating asshole-ish Chad and get abused by them but can't, it's not much different from a guy who wants to quit fapping to porn but can't either.

There's also the question that, if people under a certain age can't consent, this doesn't change the fact society and their parents will still force them to do certain stuff. Because it's allegedly "good for them". So following that logic, why would it be different if, say, a father were to pick a good husband for his young daughter? In the long run, it's certainly better for her to marry young to a good guy than to undergo a high risk of becoming a spinster or a single mom full of baggage.
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You talk like emotions are a bad thing. They are not. Sometimes they are good measures of where things are to be taken. Because every human venture, interaction and thought cannot be decoded in the black and white of logic. Every legal system recognizes this fact. That's why laws can be so different in countries like USA and, say, Saudi Arabia. They are guided by different sets of values.

For example- Laws against pedophilia are guided by the very human reaction of disgust towards the idea of children getting preyed upon.
The thing with women is, they have like millions of opportunities to have sex with different guys during their fertility years. Not even a hyperbole. So, even if they only take like 0,001% of those opportunities, they'll still get a pretty high notch count.
I am going by the argument of the belief here that all women grow up to be whores. And if you subscribe to that idea then similarly the same logic should apply here also.
Summoning @ScornedStoic @Personalityinkwell @Edmund_Kemper to back up the OP.
Summoning @ScornedStoic @Personalityinkwell @Edmund_Kemper to back up the OP.
thanks for the tag

anyway yeah people are giga brainwashed. i hate them all
Summoning @ScornedStoic @Personalityinkwell @Edmund_Kemper to back up the OP.
I wish @Leucosticte was still around. Not because I agree with his opinions, but rather because it'd be highly amusing to see him debating and interacting with the agecucks of this new batch here.

It's kinda like seeing a 12th century Mongolian warrior interact with a gender's studies SJW.
While I admit there is a lot of truth to all that, I don't like to focus on it a lot because I question the capacity of women to make reasonable decisions regarding their partners as well.

Tbh most people are slaves to their inclinations. When you see a woman who wants to stop dating asshole-ish Chad and get abused by them but can't, it's not much different from a guy who wants to quit fapping to porn but can't either.

Yes, but you can easily see how the ethical argument of complete autonomy supersedes the argument from impulse or helplessness. It's a necessary prerequisite to being able to think and decide, before deciding on some thing in question.

There is nothing compelling a rational (KEK, as if humans are rational) agent to act on their inclinations or addictions (be that as it may). It's hard to resist, certainly, but you're not free from responsibility, since you have complete awareness of the risks and situation but choose to give in to your desires

There's also the question that, if people under a certain age can't consent, this doesn't change the fact society and their parents will still force them to do certain stuff. So following that logic, why would it be different if, say, a father were to pick a good husband for his 12 yo daughter?

For the aforementioned reasons, namely proper pyschological and cognitive development. The father should still that make that decision, but should probably wait a few more years. Though, it's difficult to say when exactly, since not everyone develops at the same rate, which is why arbitrary lines imposed on everyone across society is a viable solution, but not the optimal one.

As a related tangent, I think that's why 18 is legally considered an adult virtually everywhere. Intuitively, we can see that some teenagers at 14 and 15 are well developed (cognitively, emotionally etc.). And while they clearly more mature than their older peers and behave like more of an adult than them, the line gets very blurry sometimes. So to avoid problems, I think this is why the classification of adult is generally set to 18, which is well past the age you're capable of autonomy and decision risk evaluation.
Sadly that's just the way the cookie crumbles. We Humans aren't dry robots, We're wet and messy, our emotions influence our thinking, actions and decisions. This is why I don't waste my time debating other people about any subject really.
I'm not like that. you can reason even the most absurd shit with me and I'll contemplate it. only normdroids are like that
I think it's OK to criminalize possession of actual CP
I can understand the immense hatred directed towards pedophiles (not men that are attracted to teens) because they are usually offenders. And those that haven't one day will. Logically you cannot defend them. Because same thing applies women; they aren't always whores but one day they do become whores.
the idea that pedophiles will inevitably act on it is a myth. we aren't slaves to our sexuality, just like how men aren't inevitably going to fuck a jb foid
the idea that pedophiles will inevitably act on it is a myth. we aren't slaves to our sexuality, just like how men aren't inevitably going to fuck a jb foid
Eh, yeah, we are? Heterosexual men want to fuck women, don't they? Similarly, pedophiles want to fuck kids. It will inevitably happen if the circumstances allow it.
Eh, yeah, we are? Heterosexual men want to fuck women, don't they? Similarly, pedophiles want to fuck kids. It will inevitably happen if the circumstances allow it.
saying pedophiles will inevitably act on it is like saying incels will inevitably rape a woman to get laid. we aren't slaves to our hormones. there's no scientific proof that pedophiles will inevitably act on it. instead sexologists show that many won't act on it, because who you're attracted to doesn't affect how likely you are to act on it. many gay people before the stonewall era prolly didn't act on it with even one person out of fear.
saying pedophiles will inevitably act on it is like saying incels will inevitably rape a woman to get laid. we aren't slaves to our hormones. there's no scientific proof that pedophiles will inevitably act on it. instead sexologists show that many won't act on it, because who you're attracted to doesn't affect how likely you are to act on it. many gay people before the stonewall era prolly didn't act on it with even one person out of fear.
No, because incels can rely on masturbation to calm their urges. Pedophiles can too, but they will use CP to do it, but then they are also complicit in the production of CP, so either way you look at it, they are harmful. I don't understand why you are protecting literal pedophiles, I understand men that are attracted to teenagers but men that get their rocks off to anyone between 0 and 11?
No, because incels can rely on masturbation to calm their urges. Pedophiles can too, but they will use CP to do it, but then they are also complicit in the production of CP, so either way you look at it, they are harmful. I don't understand why you are protecting literal pedophiles, I understand men that are attracted to teenagers but men that get their rocks off to anyone between 0 and 11?
they don't need to look at CP, besides, fantasizing is good enough for them to calm their urges, that's what men did before porn got popular.

show me proof that pedophiles will inevitably act on it because all experts on the topic say that many won't act on it. we aren't slaves to our hormones. even incels who don't masturbate or watch porn can still never rape
they don't need to look at CP, besides, fantasizing is good enough for them to calm their urges, that's what men did before porn got popular.

show me proof that pedophiles will inevitably act on it because all experts on the topic say that many won't act on it. we aren't slaves to our hormones. even incels who don't masturbate or watch porn can still never rape
Yes they do. They need their own fetish in order to calm their urges but only temporarily so. Idk why you are protecting pedophiles, you're probably one yourself then, and no I don't mean that you are attracted to teens but actual kindergartners, lol. If you can say not all pedophiles will act on their urges then you should also say that not all women are whores, but I bet you won't say that because like every pedophile protector on here, you're a hypocrite too.
Yes they do. They need their own fetish in order to calm their urges but only temporarily so. Idk why you are protecting pedophiles, you're probably one yourself then, and no I don't mean that you are attracted to teens but actual kindergartners, lol. If you can say not all pedophiles will act on their urges then you should also say that not all women are whores, but I bet you won't say that because like every pedophile protector on here, you're a hypocrite too.
if i was a pedophile i'd prolly keep my mouth shut. this is another strawman people use, "well you're defending NOMAPs so you're probably one yourself". if someone was a pedophile, i think they'd do anything to hide it, so i doubt they'd be saying the shit i say. just because i look at this rationally instead of through a moral panic perspective doesn't mean i'm a pedophile. also, women and pedophiles are two seperate topics. so that argument doesn't work.

no, we don't need to rely on anything to control our sexual urges. we aren't slaves to our hormones. i'm sure in societies where masturbation is taboo and porn is absent, incel men still don't rape women.
if i was a pedophile i'd prolly keep my mouth shut. this is another strawman people use, "well you're defending NOMAPs so you're probably one yourself". if someone was a pedophile, i think they'd do anything to hide it, so i doubt they'd be saying the shit i say. just because i look at this rationally instead of through a moral panic perspective doesn't mean i'm a pedophile. also, women and pedophiles are two seperate topics. so that argument doesn't work.

no, we don't need to rely on anything to control our sexual urges. we aren't slaves to our hormones. i'm sure in societies where masturbation is taboo and porn is absent, incel men still don't rape women.
Nope, the women argument absolutely works, if you can generalize one but not the other then you're just full of shit, not just you but anyone who shares your opinion. I think all women are degenerates and all pedophiles are future offenders.
Nope, the women argument absolutely works, if you can generalize one but not the other then you're just full of shit, not just you but anyone who shares your opinion. I think all women are degenerates and all pedophiles are future offenders.
no because women choose to be this way. it isn't some inevitable slave hormone women have, women just choose it because they have rights and a society encouraging them to be this way. pedophiles don't live in society that worships them like that. so no, pedophiles aren't future offenders. why are the experts wrong but you're right?

again, we aren't slaves to our hormones. if incels who don't masturbate won't rape, neither will pedophiles.

no because women choose to be this way. it isn't some inevitable slave hormone women have, women just choose it because they have rights and a society encouraging them to be this way. pedophiles don't live in society that worships them like that. so no, pedophiles aren't future offenders. why are the experts wrong but you're right?

again, we aren't slaves to our hormones. if incels who don't masturbate won't rape, neither will pedophiles.

And pedophiles choose on the urge to act, so what's the difference? Everyone can choose to do good but most do it to do evil and this especially applies to pedophiles.
And pedophiles choose on the urge to act, so what's the difference? Everyone can choose to do good but most do it to do evil and this especially applies to pedophiles.
because we live in a society that makes women be sluts, society isn't like that with pedophiles.
because we live in a society that makes women be sluts, society isn't like that with pedophiles.
But the elite are definitely pedophiles and they do it behind closed doors. They created this taboo so they can have more loli pussies and assholes for themselves.
But the elite are definitely pedophiles and they do it behind closed doors. They created this taboo so they can have more loli pussies and assholes for themselves.
many child molesters aren't pedophiles. many are teleiophiles
many child molesters aren't pedophiles. many are teleiophiles
They're attracted to telephones? Jfl, if you sexually violate a kid you're a pedophile, nobody gives a shit about teleiophiles. No one uses that definition lol.
You simply cannot say certain things, no matter how logically sound they are, because they simply offend people. They get people in an emotional state that causes them to not think clearly and engage in a type of metonymic thought pattern.

There are many examples, but the best one is pedophilia. Whenever the subject is pedophilia, culture requires that you must only ever attack and condemn it. If you make any declaration concerning this topic that is not an attack or a condemnation, even if it's logically sound and reasonable, people already get mad at you and assume through that metonimical thought pattern process that you're a pedophile or for child sexual abuse being legalized or whatever.

In the case of pedophilia, since it's so hated and despised in modern western culture, whenever you're talking about it, you have to make it clear that you're in favor of measures that make no sense at all logically and are not universally applied to other crimes and situations (criminalizing feelings, tastes, emotions, etc), or else, people will use the metonymic thought pattern to conclude that you're a pedophile/for child sexual abuse being legalized.


Non-offending pedophiles deserve (at least) ostracism and/or being forced into rehab attempts or whatever.

People who just looked at/downloaded CP, without ever supporting it in any concrete way (financial, etc), must be jailed/have their lives ruined/be forced into rehab attempts, etc.

There are more examples of that phenomenon though, pedophilia is just the most evident one. Race would be another topic like that. Example: Someone can (rightly so IMO) think that people who simply say racist things must not be jailed, which doesn't mean they think racial discrimination is right/moral. It's merely the application of an universal, logical principle: just stating opinions should not be a crime (just like feeling feelings, enjoying things, etc).
High IQ post really shows that we humans ain't shit
You simply cannot say certain things, no matter how logically sound they are, because they simply offend people. They get people in an emotional state that causes them to not think clearly and engage in a type of metonymic thought pattern.

I'm so not in my safespace right now. For you to even assume this is very offensive. How can you say such a thing even call yourself a human.
You disgust me. Everyone knows everything is toxic. Especially if it comes from a man.
I need my soy.
They're attracted to telephones? Jfl, if you sexually violate a kid you're a pedophile, nobody gives a shit about teleiophiles. No one uses that definition lol.
teleiophile means preference for grown-ups not telephones. also, no not all child molesters are pedophiles. if you look it up, many molest children for reasons having little to nothing to do with attraction, such as opportunity and curiosity
teleiophile means preference for grown-ups not telephones. also, no not all child molesters are pedophiles. if you look it up, many molest children for reasons having little to nothing to do with attraction, such as opportunity and curiosity
Sounds like a giga cope, nobody in his sane mind would molest a kid, only a pedophile would do it.
Sounds like a giga cope, nobody in his sane mind would molest a kid, only a pedophile would do it.
and nobody in their sane mind would become a mass murderer, but here we are
That's because mass murderers aren't sane lmao.
if that was true all of them would be found not guilty due to insanity. look up situational offender child molesters
if that was true all of them would be found not guilty due to insanity. look up situational offender child molesters
You're pretending as if the law isn't faulty by design?
Eh, yeah, we are? Heterosexual men want to fuck women, don't they? Similarly, pedophiles want to fuck kids. It will inevitably happen if the circumstances allow it.
So because I'm incel, does that mean that I'll eventually rape a female? Wtf is this logic?

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