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Venting I feel utterly out of place in this world, anyone else?

  • Thread starter Deleted member 22685
  • Start date

Deleted member 22685

Nov 16, 2019
This isn't just about inceldom, but in general i suppose so il post it here. No matter what i do it doesn't feel right. I at the same time, want to be alone and don't want to be alone, i feel uncomfortable when in public with anyone a group or just a single person and can't wait to get back home but i also feel sad most of the time when im alone, whenever i get energy to start doing something i just say "fuck it" and give up mid way because all that energy is drained. This applies to pretty much anything you can think off: talking, school(in the past), finding a job, going to a interview, when i first start playing games, anything. I can't remember the last time i had a dream(DREAM not nightmare).

I feel like dogshit on this forum too, remember when i said i feel comfy here? Well i opened my big mouth too soon and here i am, i don't feel welcome even here. I don't have any groups like others do, i can't connect with anybody here to save my life, the things i am interested in seem to be niche and bizzare even here, i remember 1 guy that was nice to me here(not to say others weren't) but im afraid of losing him too. Nobody gives a shit about my threads, why? It's not that i put any significant amount of effort into them don't get me wrong, but neither do others but they still find more success in thread making then i do.

Regarding inceldom: I don't even dream(i don't dream of anything as previously said) of being with women anymore, im too damaged as a human being and paranoid about them so i made peace with myself that im dying alone, yet i still want someone to hug me and say they love me.
With each passing day it becomes harder and harder to get out of bed or just not spontaneously cry, i have no fucking clue how im going to navigate through the rest of my life. I can't even take my mind off it anymore like i usually do because my GPU is busted.

My stay at a mental hospital and the psych has only helped me discover that there is something wrong with me, it didn't do shit for helping me cope with my life. My parents don't know how to help me, everytime i let them down on something i want to burst into tears, but out of fear that i will make them sad too i hold back said tears. I feel like a piece of shit because i doubt this is what they expected when they conceived me, my heart hurts the most when i realize how hard they must have it.

I just don't get it, what am i doing wrong? Why am i like this? Why is everything upside down for me?
Same tbh. So much uncertainity.
I can sympathise.
Have any incels actually left a mental hospital better than when they entered?
My stay at a mental hospital and the psych has only helped me discover that there is something wrong with me
Are you sure it is you? or maybe society is complete trash causing you to feel the way you do
I can relate to a certain extent
This isn't just about inceldom, but in general i suppose so il post it here. No matter what i do it doesn't feel right. I at the same time, want to be alone and don't want to be alone, i feel uncomfortable when in public with anyone a group or just a single person and can't wait to get back home but i also feel sad most of the time when im alone, whenever i get energy to start doing something i just say "fuck it" and give up mid way because all that energy is drained. This applies to pretty much anything you can think off: talking, school(in the past), finding a job, going to a interview, when i first start playing games, anything. I can't remember the last time i had a dream(DREAM not nightmare).

I feel like dogshit on this forum too, remember when i said i feel comfy here? Well i opened my big mouth too soon and here i am, i don't feel welcome even here. I don't have any groups like others do, i can't connect with anybody here to save my life, the things i am interested in seem to be niche and bizzare even here, i remember 1 guy that was nice to me here(not to say others weren't) but im afraid of losing him too. Nobody gives a shit about my threads, why? It's not that i put any significant amount of effort into them don't get me wrong, but neither do others but they still find more success in thread making then i do.

Regarding inceldom: I don't even dream(i don't dream of anything as previously said) of being with women anymore, im too damaged as a human being and paranoid about them so i made peace with myself that im dying alone, yet i still want someone to hug me and say they love me.
With each passing day it becomes harder and harder to get out of bed or just not spontaneously cry, i have no fucking clue how im going to navigate through the rest of my life. I can't even take my mind off it anymore like i usually do because my GPU is busted.

My stay at a mental hospital and the psych has only helped me discover that there is something wrong with me, it didn't do shit for helping me cope with my life. My parents don't know how to help me, everytime i let them down on something i want to burst into tears, but out of fear that i will make them sad too i hold back said tears. I feel like a piece of shit because i doubt this is what they expected when they conceived me, my heart hurts the most when i realize how hard they must have it.

I just don't get it, what am i doing wrong? Why am i like this? Why is everything upside down for me?

I know the feelings you describe, because I have the same traits. I'll be clear : you're probably autistic.
Asperger's syndrome, to be precise. Just read the Wikipedia webpage, and compare what you read to your life.
You can ask for an official diagnosis.

You've also developped a depression. It means you'll probably try to kill yourself if you don't treat this.

If your parents want to help you, it's probably because they love you, like most of the parents do. What they expect you is you to be happy. Tell them being alone is slowly killing you. They need to know that.
You're not a piece of shit, you're alone, depressed of being alone, depressed to think you deceived your parents, and probably autistic without knowing it.

This forum isn't exactly the most positive place to be. But it's a place where people can discuss things with realistic points of view about female behaviors and . I don't think anybody specific is welcome here. This forum is special, it doesn't work like the other forums you may have seen on the web. You won't get famous here and I won't too. I didn't came here for that. Being famous here will not grant you access to a foid as a reward.

Just say what you think and your interests too. Mine are informatics, astronomy, quantuum mechanics, geography, Lego building and collecting, video games, and movies.
shit brain i have that too
Are you sure it is you? or maybe society is complete trash causing you to feel the way you do
I was talking about them discovering i was aspie in that sentence actually so yea im pretty sure it's me
I'll be clear : you're probably autistic.
Asperger's syndrome, to be precise
Im already officially diagnosed so you are correct
It isn't really about being famous or not, it's just that i feel so out of touch even with everyone here. It's ridiculous, i feel like a alien among my own species.
Have any incels actually left a mental hospital better than when they entered?
Well i voluntarily checked in and voluntarily checked out so, here i am i suppose.
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You need some pussy tbh :feelscry:
You need some pussy tbh :feelscry:
You don't say lol
Nothing would make me happier then to have someone who will cuddle with me and tell me "it's all going to be alright" :feelsbadman:
You don't say lol
Nothing would make me happier then to have someone who will cuddle with me and tell me "it's all going to be alright" :feelsbadman:
The fact that we’ve been denied this basic human necessity that everyone literally couldn’t live without makes me want to kill something.

But remember, we’re not entitled to it.
This isn't just about inceldom, but in general i suppose so il post it here. No matter what i do it doesn't feel right. I at the same time, want to be alone and don't want to be alone, i feel uncomfortable when in public with anyone a group or just a single person and can't wait to get back home but i also feel sad most of the time when im alone, whenever i get energy to start doing something i just say "fuck it" and give up mid way because all that energy is drained. This applies to pretty much anything you can think off: talking, school(in the past), finding a job, going to a interview, when i first start playing games, anything. I can't remember the last time i had a dream(DREAM not nightmare).

I feel like dogshit on this forum too, remember when i said i feel comfy here? Well i opened my big mouth too soon and here i am, i don't feel welcome even here. I don't have any groups like others do, i can't connect with anybody here to save my life, the things i am interested in seem to be niche and bizzare even here, i remember 1 guy that was nice to me here(not to say others weren't) but im afraid of losing him too. Nobody gives a shit about my threads, why? It's not that i put any significant amount of effort into them don't get me wrong, but neither do others but they still find more success in thread making then i do.

Regarding inceldom: I don't even dream(i don't dream of anything as previously said) of being with women anymore, im too damaged as a human being and paranoid about them so i made peace with myself that im dying alone, yet i still want someone to hug me and say they love me.
With each passing day it becomes harder and harder to get out of bed or just not spontaneously cry, i have no fucking clue how im going to navigate through the rest of my life. I can't even take my mind off it anymore like i usually do because my GPU is busted.

My stay at a mental hospital and the psych has only helped me discover that there is something wrong with me, it didn't do shit for helping me cope with my life. My parents don't know how to help me, everytime i let them down on something i want to burst into tears, but out of fear that i will make them sad too i hold back said tears. I feel like a piece of shit because i doubt this is what they expected when they conceived me, my heart hurts the most when i realize how hard they must have it.

I just don't get it, what am i doing wrong? Why am i like this? Why is everything upside down for me?
I feel as though I got accidently dropped here
Im already officially diagnosed so you are correct
It isn't really about being famous or not, it's just that i feel so out of touch even with everyone here. It's ridiculous, i feel like a alien among my own species.

I feel exactly the same, like an alien. Social relationships are a complete mystery to me, and the attitude foids follows have absolutely no logic. So I watch this world, trying to understand what people are doing and why. Just do your best and don't worry about the rest, we can't really understand this world shaped for neurotypicals. Shaped for foids and chads.

And unfortunately, not shaped at all for male Aspies like us, unless you're exceptionally beautiful. In the contrary, female Aspies may have some difficulties finding someone, but they definitely can. Normies and more take our females, but not the males. Which is why a female Aspie who is not with another Aspie
betrays us and betrays who she is.
This isn't just about inceldom, but in general i suppose so il post it here. No matter what i do it doesn't feel right. I at the same time, want to be alone and don't want to be alone, i feel uncomfortable when in public with anyone a group or just a single person and can't wait to get back home but i also feel sad most of the time when im alone, whenever i get energy to start doing something i just say "fuck it" and give up mid way because all that energy is drained. This applies to pretty much anything you can think off: talking, school(in the past), finding a job, going to a interview, when i first start playing games, anything. I can't remember the last time i had a dream(DREAM not nightmare).

I feel like dogshit on this forum too, remember when i said i feel comfy here? Well i opened my big mouth too soon and here i am, i don't feel welcome even here. I don't have any groups like others do, i can't connect with anybody here to save my life, the things i am interested in seem to be niche and bizzare even here, i remember 1 guy that was nice to me here(not to say others weren't) but im afraid of losing him too. Nobody gives a shit about my threads, why? It's not that i put any significant amount of effort into them don't get me wrong, but neither do others but they still find more success in thread making then i do.

Regarding inceldom: I don't even dream(i don't dream of anything as previously said) of being with women anymore, im too damaged as a human being and paranoid about them so i made peace with myself that im dying alone, yet i still want someone to hug me and say they love me.
With each passing day it becomes harder and harder to get out of bed or just not spontaneously cry, i have no fucking clue how im going to navigate through the rest of my life. I can't even take my mind off it anymore like i usually do because my GPU is busted.

My stay at a mental hospital and the psych has only helped me discover that there is something wrong with me, it didn't do shit for helping me cope with my life. My parents don't know how to help me, everytime i let them down on something i want to burst into tears, but out of fear that i will make them sad too i hold back said tears. I feel like a piece of shit because i doubt this is what they expected when they conceived me, my heart hurts the most when i realize how hard they must have it.

I just don't get it, what am i doing wrong? Why am i like this? Why is everything upside down for me?
My condolences
I've always been an outsider looking in on the world. I only get to experience things if I'm watching from afar or seeing it on the TV/Computer. It's an eerie, cold existence.

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