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It's Over I feel sorry for the legit mentalcels here



Jan 13, 2018
LARPers have destroyed their reputation on this forum. Whenever someone new says they are a mentalcel now they are almost certain to get witchhunted.
Why? Their gl and have way better lives than ogrecels.
lol i dont they dont know anything of my struggle, lol, "muh social anxiety" fucking retards lmao

try living with a fucking facial deformity you stupid poor cunts XD

"im a fucking mentalcel b-b-b-b-but i have a social circle, i go to school and i went clubbing once :ooo" fucking cunts, fuck you

fair enough, if your mentalcel enough to be a neet etc, then by all means you are probably not lying/attention seeking, but most people like that are ugly so yeah
I offered to prove to sergeant that I’m legit autistic by PMing him documented evidence of my diagnosis but he said I didn’t need to prove anything.

In light of all that has occurred, I think I might PM him anyway with the evidence.
Bouncing up and down and running kangaroo game is enough proof.
i love the way how like 90% of the cunts saying they have mental issues stay here for like a month and then go inactive, top kek meme LOL
I offered to prove to sergeant that I’m legit autistic by PMing him documented evidence of my diagnosis but he said I didn’t need to prove anything.

In light of all that has occurred, I think I might PM him anyway with the evidence.
The kangaroo game thread is all the proof anyone needs bro :lul:
The kangaroo game thread is all the proof anyone needs bro :lul:

hes a troll so sad how much attention u give him, did he actually make a kangaroo theory? fucking troll piece of shit, literally laughing at this place with his normie cunt friends in whatsapp or some shit :D
"mentalcel" lol. yeah it's my personality, not the looks.
im a legit schizocel
This social anxiety '' disorder '' everyone has, even chad and stacy, is a meme. Try being a 3/10 while having 0 friends and everyone find you repulsive then only you will appreciate what you have
For me I don't know what it is, I've tried to be a normie. I lifted, got a great job, wore nice clothes, drove a nice car, read books. It didn't work, I was rejected over and over and over and over. "You re a great guy but I don't want a relationship". Then again I have asbergers and other mental disorders. Fuck femoids, fuck society. After all of it I was empty sold my car quit my job... I just wanna die tbh
just told my mum i hope she gets bone cancer.
i only feel sorry for the subhuman faced manlets here
I am the furthest from a mentalcel, if I woke up in Chad's body I would be in the club 24/7
Mentalcel is volcel anyway. I’ve known shittons of boring introverted aspies who drown in pussy because they are TALL & GL
Because mentalcels are almost guaranteed to say shit like "I'm even worse off than a truecel because muh wasted potential!". Nothing can compare to being incel because you're too repulsive to date.
because being ugly and mental isn't truecel meanwhile you have chads posting in the ratings thread :lul:
I offered to prove to sergeant that I’m legit autistic by PMing him documented evidence of my diagnosis but he said I didn’t need to prove anything.

In light of all that has occurred, I think I might PM him anyway with the evidence.
I will do this if needed to prove I'm legit
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I am a mentalcel. I was inside my oneitis (paid) and i can’t even ask her to go to the movies. Social anxiety is real and it is DEATH if sub 9 looks.
Why? Their gl and have way better lives than ogrecels.
Mentalcels can be ugly too
Only sub8's can be mentalcel. An autistic Chad will find some foid to hop on his dick, guaranteed. A man who's mentally malformed is more likely to be physically malformed, as well. Subhuman genes hit the body and the mind.
I'm both unattractive and fucked in the head. I mean I've been in the pysch ward multiple times, I don't have friends, and I don't even bother leaving the immediate proximity of my house much anymore.
Only sub8's can be mentalcel. An autistic Chad will find some foid to hop on his dick, guaranteed. A man who's mentally malformed is more likely to be physically malformed, as well. Subhuman genes hit the body and the mind.
True. And if your sub 5 it doesn't matter. 7 to 5 is the sweet spot to be a mentalcel.
This social anxiety '' disorder '' everyone has, even chad and stacy, is a meme. Try being a 3/10 while having 0 friends and everyone find you repulsive then only you will appreciate what you have

only 3/10 subhumans with no friends like us can be TRUE mentalcels. if you have friends and decent or good looks you simply cannot have mental issues.
I'm both unattractive and fucked in the head. .
only 3/10 subhumans with no friends like us can be TRUE mentalcels. if you have friends and decent or good looks you simply cannot have mental issues.

I feel much worse about being fucked in the head because it means I cant have friends or careermax like some uglies here have. NT uglycels have made it and so have GL mentalcels but unattractive mentalcels have no chance in hell
I feel much worse about being fucked in the head because it means I cant have friends or careermax like some uglies here have. NT uglycels have made it and so have GL mentalcels but unattractive mentalcels have no chance in hell

couldnt have said it better myself.
Cries when Chad won't commit to her.
I've tried and tried, I never want it to start as dating. I want to kiss and see if we fit. I've come to realize that "you're a great guy but.. " are all basically you're ugly and/or weird. No girl wants to hangout with me, it's always "let my friends come" "are we going to be alone?". It's the dishonesty that infuriates me the most tbh, like if you're not attracted to me admit it. If I'm ugly tell me, don't lie to make me feel better. If it's something I can work on tell me.
Only sub8's can be mentalcel. An autistic Chad will find some foid to hop on his dick, guaranteed. A man who's mentally malformed is more likely to be physically malformed, as well. Subhuman genes hit the body and the mind.
Why would a chad want to fuck an average/ugly woman? You just don't get it, do you? It is possible to have chad-tier looks and be incel. All you need is standards.
mentalceldom is a meme
If it's something I can work on tell me.
This infuriates me the most. Women are supposedly all strong and empowered, yet can't ask for what they want. It's like if I want a big mac, and scream at the cashier for not ordering it for me.
I am sure that having social anxiety disorder and bellow average 4/10 look makes you legit incel.

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