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I don't understand how humans keep on living.



May 1, 2018
I get that we as incels are unhappier than most, but as far as I can tell, those who know love don't have much more reason to be happy, either.
What reason is there to live, for the average person? We spend our entire youth in school, then work all day, every day, with a meager few hours of spare time, then retire when we are old and sick, to lay around all day, exhausted and waiting for the end.
Where is the joy? Where is the relief? Where is the silver lining? The thing that makes it all worth it, the reward? I can't see anything that makes any of this worth it.
What is stopping the general population from just skipping all the misery, and pain, and going right to their destination, the grave?
There is nearly 8 billion of us, and most will never even consider suicide seriously. I feel like they see something that I don't.
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well same reason you dont kill yourself RIGHT NOW...

YOU do not want to die..
i was telling my mom this the other day. what am i supposed to do with my life? everyone around me is working some random job they barely like to have some annoying kids if they're lucky and then do that shitty job forever and LDAR after work for 50 years until they die. life is joyless for me. working sucks. managers are always mean and the work and pay is bad on top of having to kiss the persons ass to get the job in the first place. everyday i get closer to putting a gun in my mouth and pulling the trigger.
The pursuit of shallow pleasure? Does that brief, physical pleasure really stave off the suffering adequately enough to survive 80, 90, 100 years? It doesn't for me, that's for sure. No short amount of random, meaningless joy can compare to the far greater, more intense pain that is guaranteed each day.

well same reason you dont kill yourself RIGHT NOW...

YOU do not want to die..
If I had a gun I don't think I'd be here, honestly. I am fairly certain the reasons I have yet to kill myself are different than the reason the average normie never does, and I want to know their reason.

i was telling my mom this the other day. what am i supposed to do with my life? everyone around me is working some random job they barely like to have some annoying kids if they're lucky and then do that shitty job forever and LDAR after work for 50 years until they die. life is joyless for me. working sucks. managers are always mean and the work and pay is bad on top of having to kiss the persons ass to get the job in the first place. everyday i get closer to putting a gun in my mouth and pulling the trigger.
Exactly, man. I don't understand it, I genuinely don't. What do those who survive, and enjoy life, know that we don't? What is the secret?
they live fo pussy and cumshots
I wonder the same thing many times throughout the day. I have reached the conclusion that they are either too busy or dumb to think about their misery, or they have some sort of coping mechanism such as alcohol, prescription/recreational drugs, or family. In fact, most women have children because they think that a baby will cure their misery and depression, but they end up being miserable single mothers with miserable troubled children.
they live fo pussy and cumshots
What if they really do? Like, seriously, maybe that is fucking it. We live to reproduce, pass on our genes, mate. That's all we ever evolve to do, it's all that matters in natures eyes. Life does not matter. Creating more life is the only thing that matters. More, more and more, no matter the suffering each living incarnation is doomed to bear.
As incels, perhaps we fail to achieve the only thing that matters, and hence will never be even mildly satisfied or content.
Exactly, man. I don't understand it, I genuinely don't. What do those who survive, and enjoy life, know that we don't? What is the secret?
i think they just don't think about it very deeply. my mom just says I'm being negative, but its true. most people work a random job they hardly like making barely any money. all they have is their family and by seeing how 50% of marriages end in divorce and how ungrateful and annoying kids are thats barely even a consolation.
I wonder the same thing many times throughout the day. I have reached the conclusion that they are either too busy or dumb to think about their misery, or they have some sort of coping mechanism such as alcohol, prescription/recreational drugs, or family. In fact, most women have children because they think that a baby will cure their misery and depression, but they end up being miserable single mothers with miserable troubled children.
i think they just don't think about it very deeply. my mom just says I'm being negative, but its true. most people work a random job they hardly like making barely any money. all they have is their family and by seeing how 50% of marriages end in divorce and how ungrateful and annoying kids are thats barely even a consolation.
You two could be right, that's what it seems like to me, too. I don't think it has anything to do with 'IQ' or bullshit like that, but maybe there is a fundamental difference between people like us, in how our brain works, and the average human, that allows us to see how bad and terrifying reality really is, while they blissfully slave away in their ignorance.
And our rare knowledge grants us nothing. We can do nothing, with what we see, and realize, we have to participate in just the same way everyone else does, it is that, or suicide, and a hell of a lot of us commit suicide.
Because they don't want to fucking die. Doesn't matter if your reasons for not suiciding are different, you don't want to die or else you would've killed yourself already. Most people don't want to die.
People just can't over their irrational instincts to stay alive even when they know it's the logical choice.
Because they don't want to fucking die. Doesn't matter if your reasons for not suiciding are different, you don't want to die or else you would've killed yourself already. Most people don't want to die.
People just can't over their irrational instincts to stay alive even when they know it's the logical choice.
Maybe it's that simple.
You two could be right, that's what it seems like to me, too. I don't think it has anything to do with 'IQ' or bullshit like that, but maybe there is a fundamental difference between people like us, in how our brain works, and the average human, that allows us to see how bad and terrifying reality really is, while they blissfully slave away in their ignorance.
And our rare knowledge grants us nothing. We can do nothing, with what we see, and realize, we have to participate in just the same way everyone else does, it is that, or suicide, and a hell of a lot of us commit suicide.
i don't think I'm smarter. I'm probably just mentally ill, and I've had a lot of fucked up stuff happen. i won't get help because i find it embarrassing and worthless to talk about my problems. its a huge decision to kill yourself and I'm still young. if my parents weren't here i would do it in a heartbeat. since they are here it makes it a big decision that i think about daily.
we're on this earth to reproduce, like every other fucking mammal.
You two could be right, that's what it seems like to me, too. I don't think it has anything to do with 'IQ' or bullshit like that, but maybe there is a fundamental difference between people like us, in how our brain works, and the average human, that allows us to see how bad and terrifying reality really is, while they blissfully slave away in their ignorance.
And our rare knowledge grants us nothing. We can do nothing, with what we see, and realize, we have to participate in just the same way everyone else does, it is that, or suicide, and a hell of a lot of us commit suicide.

There definitely is a difference between how our brains work. Based on my research the difference is mostly the activity present on the prefrontal cortex and the default mode network of the brain. These areas work differently in people like us, which causes our mind to wander into mostly negative thoughts, which leads to rumination and mental illness, primarily depression and anxiety. In addition, most incels have fucked up dopamine levels. This is why you a lot of incels masturbate multiple times a day and still crave more.
i don't think I'm smarter. I'm probably just mentally ill, and I've had a lot of fucked up stuff happen. i won't get help because i find it embarrassing and worthless to talk about my problems. its a huge decision to kill yourself and I'm still young. if my parents weren't here i would do it in a heartbeat. since they are here it makes it a big decision that i think about daily.
I don't consider myself smarter either, and certainly subhuman in every way I could be, in terms of body. Guilt in relation to my family holds me back sometimes, too. Sometimes I think about my parents, siblings, cousins, everyone, and I suddenly feel beyond disgusted with myself, so ashamed I want to throw up. I think about the things I've wanted to do to people, and myself, and I know how horrified everyone would be if they could see, and I want to go 'clean', become a normie, stop with all this strange negative shit. But I always return to this baseline, once the guilt wears off.
I don't reaaaaly believe in mental illness, in the typical modern sense, or the whole mental health field of psychology. I use to, I went to therapy for a while, and seen a psychiatrist. Glad I wisened up and got out before I was landed in a mad house with actually braindead lobotomites, and other legit insane goons. With what I have learned since then, I think the whole clinical/pharmaceutical field is pretty damn fucked up. I don't really think there is 'help' out there, for most of us, in the way people think when they say 'get help' to those of us who are depressed and anxious, and the like, if that makes sense.

Maybe if I went into some big enough existential nihilistic thought I could muster up the courage to pull the trigger.
I'm not ready to do it, myself, I don't think. I want to get certain things in order, first, before I can really work on steeling my nerves to the point I can overcome the natural fear we all have. It is for sure doable though, we can see that much from history.
There definitely is a difference between how our brains work. Based on my research the difference is mostly the activity present on the prefrontal cortex and the default mode network of the brain. These areas work differently in people like us, which causes our mind to wander into mostly negative thoughts, which leads to rumination and mental illness, primarily depression and anxiety. In addition, most incels have fucked up dopamine levels. This is why you a lot of incels masturbate multiple times a day and still crave more.
can you expand on this? Is there a way to fix it?
to OP, it is because ppl have copes and they dont have negative thoughts most of the time. Nowadays most people are depressed, I would say 95% of people in first world are depressed to an extent, they just have copes to get through it. If I lived in a German village, as maybe a baker or a carpenter, or a farmer, I would be quite happy. Nature, community, fulfilling work, no managers, and best of all you still get to enjoy modern technology.
I don't consider myself smarter either, and certainly subhuman in every way I could be, in terms of body. Guilt in relation to my family holds me back sometimes, too. Sometimes I think about my parents, siblings, cousins, everyone, and I suddenly feel beyond disgusted with myself, so ashamed I want to throw up. I think about the things I've wanted to do to people, and myself, and I know how horrified everyone would be if they could see, and I want to go 'clean', become a normie, stop with all this strange negative shit. But I always return to this baseline, once the guilt wears off.
I don't reaaaaly believe in mental illness, in the typical modern sense, or the whole mental health field of psychology. I use to, I went to therapy for a while, and seen a psychiatrist. Glad I wisened up and got out before I was landed in a mad house with actually braindead lobotomites, and other legit insane goons. With what I have learned since then, I think the whole clinical/pharmaceutical field is pretty damn fucked up. I don't really think there is 'help' out there, for most of us, in the way people think when they say 'get help' to those of us who are depressed and anxious, and the like, if that makes sense.

I'm not ready to do it, myself, I don't think. I want to get certain things in order, first, before I can really work on steeling my nerves to the point I can overcome the natural fear we all have. It is for sure doable though, we can see that much from history.

I feel like I am similar to you in these thoughts. For me it started very early, and I think it is based off my anxiety and depression I have had since around 10-11 years old. I am always feeling bad, therefore the world must be bad. Maybe if I didn't develop my genetic anxiety disorder and depression as a result of the anxiety, my outlook on life would be different probably more positive.
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can you expand on this? Is there a way to fix it?
I have been looking into this matter for the last month or so. It's a little complicated, but basically your brain gets stuck on a negative feedback loop. To fix it your need to stop the negative feedback loop. Proper diet and exercise help a little, but in my experience what helps the most is meditation. However, it must be meditation as instructed in the ancient Pali texts and the Theravada and Mahayana traditions, not the New Age 5-minute guided meditation crap that modern psychologists use to extract money from suckers. Apparently Christan/Jewish/Muslim prayer also helps, but I am not religious so these don't work for me.
I have been looking into this matter for the last month or so. It's a little complicated, but basically your brain gets stuck on a negative feedback loop. To fix it your need to stop the negative feedback loop. Proper diet and exercise help a little, but in my experience what helps the most is meditation. However, it must be meditation as instructed in the ancient Pali texts and the Theravada and Mahayana traditions, not the New Age 5-minute guided meditation crap that modern psychologists use to extract money from suckers. Apparently Christan/Jewish/Muslim prayer also helps, but I am not religious so these don't work for me.
do u ahve the instructions?
everyday i get closer to putting a gun in my mouth and pulling the trigger.
I envy those who have access to guns tbh. It would give me freedom and peace of mind in everyday life knowing I have that option. Do you own a gun?
I envy those who have access to guns tbh. It would give me freedom and peace of mind in everyday life knowing I have that option. Do you own a gun?
no but i can easily buy one and can afford one. you could even go to a shooting range and rent one.
One way I interpret this problem that you propose, Gremlincel, is that human beings are highly narrative driven. And what I mean by that is that almost anything is tolerable if it aligns with a preconceived narrative, and that such a narrative must contain a proverbial pot of gold at the end (this is subject to variation, i.e. gold coins could be scattered intermittently throughout as well).

If we take the western world as an example, a common cultural notion passed down to children, particularly in the United States, is that huge amounts of wealth, status, fulfillment, etc are accessible to all through pure effort. I believe this notion will remain pervasive (although perhaps not expressed in the same language) due to the fact that it works, in a rhetorical sense, rather than a truth sense. What I mean by that is that when the majority take this narrative into their psyche, it allows most transgressions they encounter to be perceived as justifiable, and the reason for their existences (fulfillment represented as status/money) to remain intact, and they can continue to output at a high level because the narrative remains a strong foundation that wards off negative ideation.

Now, why doesn't it work for everyone? Well because each person thinks differently. It seems to me that the majority of people have a top-down approach, which is why this narrative technique is so effective. By top-down, I mean they inherit the narrative necessary for their mental stability, and from that they take the stimuli they encounter in their everyday to fit within that narrative.

The obverse group will think in a bottom-up approach, where they compare the everyday to the inherited narrative, and when there is disjunction between the two, unhappiness necessarily is the consequent.

Now, the two caveats to this are as follows, (1) ways of thinking aren't so easily broken down into top-down or bottom-up. Sometimes people use both equally or both but have a predilection for one, and I've even seen different thinking styles for different topics (cognitive dissonance?). The point being, it's not so much a dichotomy as it is a spectrum with dichotomous zones.
(2) I am reluctant to say that the obverse group is smarter or better or some superiority bullshit. (1) contains within it too many complications to make that kind of judgement about people's intelligences.
Where is the joy? Where is the relief? Where is the silver lining? The thing that makes it all worth it, the reward? I can't see anything that makes any of this worth it.

Its sex, cumming into a girl is truly the greatest thing ever that makes it all worth it in the end, its the sole force that leads men to do what we do. For us truecels though there is nothing to live for, and you are right. If an steroid were to strike the planet tomorrow and wipe out everyone I wouldnt shed a tear because there would be nothing I would miss
the excess of dopamine in their brains
Drugs help. That’s how I cope. Alcohol is my best friend, no matter how horrible that sounds.
One way I interpret this problem that you propose, Gremlincel, is that human beings are highly narrative driven. And what I mean by that is that almost anything is tolerable if it aligns with a preconceived narrative, and that such a narrative must contain a proverbial pot of gold at the end (this is subject to variation, i.e. gold coins could be scattered intermittently throughout as well).

If we take the western world as an example, a common cultural notion passed down to children, particularly in the United States, is that huge amounts of wealth, status, fulfillment, etc are accessible to all through pure effort. I believe this notion will remain pervasive (although perhaps not expressed in the same language) due to the fact that it works, in a rhetorical sense, rather than a truth sense. What I mean by that is that when the majority take this narrative into their psyche, it allows most transgressions they encounter to be perceived as justifiable, and the reason for their existences (fulfillment represented as status/money) to remain intact, and they can continue to output at a high level because the narrative remains a strong foundation that wards off negative ideation.

Now, why doesn't it work for everyone? Well because each person thinks differently. It seems to me that the majority of people have a top-down approach, which is why this narrative technique is so effective. By top-down, I mean they inherit the narrative necessary for their mental stability, and from that they take the stimuli they encounter in their everyday to fit within that narrative.

The obverse group will think in a bottom-up approach, where they compare the everyday to the inherited narrative, and when there is disjunction between the two, unhappiness necessarily is the consequent.

Now, the two caveats to this are as follows, (1) ways of thinking aren't so easily broken down into top-down or bottom-up. Sometimes people use both equally or both but have a predilection for one, and I've even seen different thinking styles for different topics (cognitive dissonance?). The point being, it's not so much a dichotomy as it is a spectrum with dichotomous zones.
(2) I am reluctant to say that the obverse group is smarter or better or some superiority bullshit. (1) contains within it too many complications to make that kind of judgement about people's intelligences.
Despite your last point on intelligence, you'll have to forgive me when I call this a high IQ post, interesting take on it all. :feelsokman:

Its sex, cumming into a girl is truly the greatest thing ever that makes it all worth it in the end, its the sole force that leads men to do what we do. For us truecels though there is nothing to live for, and you are right. If an steroid were to strike the planet tomorrow and wipe out everyone I wouldnt shed a tear because there would be nothing I would miss
Us people come the closest to having, objectively, no purpose to live. The inability to carry out the most important act of all living creatures is the truest indicator of subhumanity.
People just have a bias towards life, probably because of evolution. People work their asses off their whole lives until they're dead because of that I guess.

Also, religion.
I dont understand how most of manlets dont commit suicide
I dont understand how most of manlets dont commit suicide
I'm sure you have seen the statistics and research for yourself, but, the difference in suicide rates between manlets, and tall men, is dizzying, to say the least.
Even normies who see those numbers have to admit, it is scientifically OVER, for us. :feelsrope:
I'm sure you have seen the statistics and research for yourself, but, the difference in suicide rates between manlets, and tall men, is dizzying, to say the least.
Even normies who see those numbers have to admit, it is scientifically OVER, for us. :feelsrope:
How tall are you?
The universe is conspiring against me everything is against me i cant even post in this shit anymore the universe god nature everything wants me to kill myself and is trying to make me kill myself
I'm 5'6.

Don't lose your mind, man. :feelsmega:
Everything goes wrong im not meant to enjoy anything not even here im not supposed to vent only post stupid blackpillzzz that everyone already knows fuck this life mods hate me everyone hates me
Everything goes wrong im not meant to enjoy anything not even here im not supposed to vent only post stupid blackpillzzz that everyone already knows fuck this life mods hate me everyone hates me
I feel the same, about not being meant to enjoy anything. Naturally, I was meant to die, I wouldn't have lasted a week, in a more tribal society. Existing has just felt 'wrong' the past year or so. I also think it is only natural that everyone hates me, and I am alone, I have nothing to offer anyone, I am a drain on society, people cannot enjoy my company, I cannot contribute to their lives, entertain them, help them, nothing, I'm just an ugly, depressing creature to be around. I mean, I fucking hate people, it is only natural I would be cast aside, if they could see into my mind they would kill me for what I think, I would be seen as a danger to the herd, I don't fit in.
There isn't even anything remotely positive to console people like you or I, with, we are more than likely just fucked. I have nothing comforting to tell you, just know that, at least, others suffered like you have, you are not completely alone in that.
All we can hope for, is a happier world, after this one, man. :feelsbadman:
I get that we as incels are unhappier than most, but as far as I can tell, those who know love don't have much more reason to be happy, either.
What reason is there to live, for the average person? We spend our entire youth in school, then work all day, every day, with a meager few hours of spare time, then retire when we are old and sick, to lay around all day, exhausted and waiting for the end.
Where is the joy? Where is the relief? Where is the silver lining? The thing that makes it all worth it, the reward? I can't see anything that makes any of this worth it.
What is stopping the general population from just skipping all the misery, and pain, and going right to their destination, the grave?
There is nearly 8 billion of us, and most will never even consider suicide seriously. I feel like they see something that I don't.

Death is a cope. You wouldn't be any happier dead, it would be so boring, at least when living you can go out to eat occasionally. Average people who experience love on the other hand, just have the joy of experiencing nice trips and things with their family, entertainment, feeling connected to others and interacting in a fruitful way, the warm glow of affection knowing you are raising future children to carry on your lineage etc., so they have fun living day-to-day, not that I'd know. And maybe be remembered by future generations as someone who advanced society.
Fuck, its over
5'3 here! :D
I get that feeling a lot. I don't understand how grown-ups really buy into existence so readily. I look at people working menial jobs and those really working their ass off just to feed themselves. How do they accept any of that? How come they don't question and rebel? Most of these people don't really think about meaning. They suffer the pain of existence in the worst way possible because they are not as desensitized as we are and so not really emotionally strong to cope with it. So they take to damage control. Appear happy, do everything associated with happiness. React with enthusiasm to every freaking thing. Like they are hearing it for the first time. It's just sad! I pity them.
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Getting sex seems to be enough life fuel for most people. Not getting even that truly means a useless life better ended swiftly.
I get that we as incels are unhappier than most, but as far as I can tell, those who know love don't have much more reason to be happy, either.
What reason is there to live, for the average person? We spend our entire youth in school, then work all day, every day, with a meager few hours of spare time, then retire when we are old and sick, to lay around all day, exhausted and waiting for the end.
Where is the joy? Where is the relief? Where is the silver lining? The thing that makes it all worth it, the reward? I can't see anything that makes any of this worth it.
What is stopping the general population from just skipping all the misery, and pain, and going right to their destination, the grave?
There is nearly 8 billion of us, and most will never even consider suicide seriously. I feel like they see something that I don't.

they find different copes and lie to themselves

normies are pussies in general that go with the flow

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