Is this an autist trait?
Most of the time I'm browsing youtube and I see a comedy sketch I cringe more so then anything.
Especially if it's a women making jokes. It always eventually leads to them talking about sex or their vaginas.
Some edgy humor is funny, but I find it hard to understand how great comedians write their comedy, and more so how they deliver it.
just like go like
story story
penis poop sex joke
say x cultural thing is dumb
thats it
most comedy is lowest common denominator bullshit
here is the average comedy routine
"me and my wife went to cosco recently...
slight laughter
yeah, some of you know what im talking about he he
points into audience
anyway, we are in cosco and i see this teddy bear, nice, little thing,
i have a niece, she is four years old...
so i say to my wife, lets pick this thing up, its a nice present
as she picks it up
the thing goes BRAAAAAAAAP
pauses and looks around with wide eyes
huge laughter
raises arm to show what the teddy thing did
*more laughter*
looks into audience with wide eyes
puts mic back into stand
lets tension build
normies quiet down, they are anticipating to be fed next line
waits until room is completely quiet
"i had to buy it man, I-"
huge laughter
"guys, guys, I had to -
laugher, he laughs like its so funny and he hasnt done this same fucking routine 1000 times
"can you
imagine the look on my relatives face-"
laughter intensifies
"You can not imagine, oh, i was so giddy on our way to the party,
i was singing in the car"
pretends hes driving with one hand while holding mic
audience laughs medium tier laugh
"my wife on the other hand..."
makes phew gesture to his face and shows teeth
audience laughs
"lets just put it this way - SHE WAS NOT INTO IT"
audience laughter intensifies
ok im fucking bored, but basically this for 45 minutes, its the same shit everytime