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Brutal I don't care that white women get fucked by niggers and shitskins



Jan 31, 2023
Cucked as fuck and bluepilled if you hate niggers because of that. I despise ALL WOMEN equally, no matter white, yellow or green.

I don't even hate them because of crime.

I dislike shitskins because they are instruments of the joo and tools of globohomo and are used to eradicate white culture and guilt trip whites into being betabuxx for the entire planet. There are millions of chinks in the West. There aren't millions of whites in China. Maybe a few thousand at best.

As soon as shitskins stop being anti-white parasites I will stop disliking them.
I don't care for anything that doesn't affect me directly, entire planet can go to hell for all I care.
Whenever I see Black or Arab men with white foids with mixed kids, I think at least they have half-white children at all and aren't just childless roasties with dogs and cats and wine.
Also someone has to bleach all the shitskins in the West, I just don't understand why whitecels can't be the bleachers of ethnic foids.
a shitskin wrote this
Cucked as fuck and bluepilled if you hate niggers because of that. I despise ALL WOMEN equally, no matter white, yellow or green.

I don't even hate them because of crime.

I dislike shitskins because they are instruments of the joo and tools of globohomo and are used to eradicate white culture and guilt trip whites into being betabuxx for the entire planet. There are millions of chinks in the West. There aren't millions of whites in China. Maybe a few thousand at best.

As soon as shitskins stop being anti-white parasites I will stop disliking them.
We indians don't want beautiful white people to go extinct
Cucked as fuck and bluepilled if you hate niggers because of that. I despise ALL WOMEN equally, no matter white, yellow or green.

I don't even hate them because of crime.

I dislike shitskins because they are instruments of the joo and tools of globohomo and are used to eradicate white culture and guilt trip whites into being betabuxx for the entire planet. There are millions of chinks in the West. There aren't millions of whites in China. Maybe a few thousand at best.

As soon as shitskins stop being anti-white parasites I will stop disliking them.
We indians don't want beautiful white people to go extinct
Cucked as fuck and bluepilled if you hate niggers because of that. I despise ALL WOMEN equally, no matter white, yellow or green.

I don't even hate them because of crime.

I dislike shitskins because they are instruments of the joo and tools of globohomo and are used to eradicate white culture and guilt trip whites into being betabuxx for the entire planet. There are millions of chinks in the West. There aren't millions of whites in China. Maybe a few thousand at best.

As soon as shitskins stop being anti-white parasites I will stop disliking them.
This is also joowish propaganda
If white men stop caring about white woman and black men relationship
Then it’s easier to push joowish racemixing and white genocide agenda
If foids get fucked by guys who mog me, idgaf if they're nigs or sandnigs
niggers and sand niggers aren't really fucking that much white women

white men are fucking way much more deathnic women
Based pigskin, hate everyone equally
Cucked as fuck and bluepilled if you hate niggers because of that. I despise ALL WOMEN equally, no matter white, yellow or green.

I don't even hate them because of crime.

I dislike shitskins because they are instruments of the joo and tools of globohomo and are used to eradicate white culture and guilt trip whites into being betabuxx for the entire planet. There are millions of chinks in the West. There aren't millions of whites in China. Maybe a few thousand at best.

As soon as shitskins stop being anti-white parasites I will stop disliking them.
Indians did nothing wrong against whites
We Indians are not chasing your women
It’s blacks and arabs
Blame on them do not add Indians to ethnic categorie
We indians don't want beautiful white people to go extinct
Most curries don’t give a fuck. They’re like an unintelligent version of Jews, a literal leech race
Indians did nothing wrong against whites
We Indians are not chasing your women
It’s blacks and arabs
Blame on them do not add Indians to ethnic categorie
Jeets creep on white foids all the time
Daughters who have an ethnic parent hate this part of themselves and always want to bleach (becoming an exotic sex toy on nazi chad's cock)
Extremely high IQ. Genocide shitskins, preserve and expand White beauty!
All shitskins look better when bleached
Indians did nothing wrong against whites
We Indians are not chasing your women
It’s blacks and arabs
Blame on them do not add Indians to ethnic categorie
Bevause most indian men can't get white women to begin with
Cucked as fuck and bluepilled if you hate niggers because of that. I despise ALL WOMEN equally, no matter white, yellow or green.

I don't even hate them because of crime.

I dislike shitskins because they are instruments of the joo and tools of globohomo and are used to eradicate white culture and guilt trip whites into being betabuxx for the entire planet. There are millions of chinks in the West. There aren't millions of whites in China. Maybe a few thousand at best.

As soon as shitskins stop being anti-white parasites I will stop disliking them.
We found the martin luther king of incels here, I have a dream that all sexless men would rise up. Come hand to hand and defeat the feminist and normies, laid at last, laid at last, Thank God all mighty I laid at last.
I just don't understand why whitecels can't be the bleachers of ethnic foids.
Do you seriously think shitskin foids aren't chad only? Especially those who are immigrants to the west.
Just get yourself a curry foid and stop complaining
I don’t want cumskin whores highly overrated I’m fine with a brown girl or a girl of my ethnicity
>“Da joos”
Take your meds OP.

Also white women don’t really fuck ethnics as much as you think.

Black women fuck white men and Latinos at the same rate that white women fuck shitskins, which is barely.
Do you seriously think shitskin foids aren't chad only? Especially those who are immigrants to the west.
They are Chad-only. At least the ones in Germany. all foids here are exactly the same.
only 300pund + single mothers with an iq of 85 go anywhere near shitskins
good point. if it weren't some nig, they would join some chad harem anyways
Kkkcels who use racism as a cope are cucked af. They think they’re better than the men who are fucking their women when they can‘t :feelskek::feelskek::feelskek::feelskek::feelskek::feelskek:
Kkkcels in this thread doing exactly what I said :feelskek: :feelskek: :feelskek: :feelskek: :feelskek: :feelskek: :feelskek: :feelskek:
/pol/Chud cope, WW don't get fucked by shitskins as much as ethnic toilets by mayomen
/pol/Chud cope, WW don't get fucked by shitskins as much as ethnic toilets by mayomen
cope i see ww with ethnic males all the time, more with blacks especially
White culture is weak now, controlled by Jews, non-White countries wouldn't tolerate that shit to such a degree in their homeland.
Cucked as fuck and bluepilled if you hate niggers because of that. I despise ALL WOMEN equally, no matter white, yellow or green.

I don't even hate them because of crime.

I dislike shitskins because they are instruments of the joo and tools of globohomo and are used to eradicate white culture and guilt trip whites into being betabuxx for the entire planet. There are millions of chinks in the West. There aren't millions of whites in China. Maybe a few thousand at best.

As soon as shitskins stop being anti-white parasites I will stop disliking them.
So you're never going to stop? Because I'm always going to hate bird shit colored neanderthals. And you cared enough to make a thread about it.
I just don't understand why whitecels can't be the bleachers of ethnic foids.
They actually are since there aren't cases of shitskin males being bleached by coomskin toilets.
Coomskin toilets are aryan gigachad only.
I don't care for anything that doesn't affect me directly, entire planet can go to hell for all I care.
This. Let it all explode. It doesn’t fucking matter.
This is also joowish propaganda
If white men stop caring about white woman and black men relationship
Then it’s easier to push joowish racemixing and white genocide agenda
racist wonder showzen GIF

Caring about

>muh BBC

Is cope for loser, white stormcels.

If you were a tall, attractive, uncut, big dicked white Chad, you wouldn’t give two fucks. You only care because you’re a loser and your precious white skin (your only genetic advantage) can’t overcome black men who are 6in taller, more athletic, and have bigger dicks.

It’s infinitely better to be a white Chad than a black Chad, but stormcels are neither, so they conjure in their heads that Tyrones and Chads are competing. They’re not. It’s stormcels vs. Chad and Tyrone and stormcels lost.


You think Johnny Sins gives a fuck about BBC porn? No, he doesn’t give a shit because his dick is big and he gets laid. There are Chads and Cucks of all races.
niggers and sand niggers aren't really fucking that much white women

white men are fucking way much more deathnic women
If they are, they deserve it. White men in the USA are gross, beta losers. They chop up their sons’ cocks at birth, and then tell them women care about being treated right or some horseshit.

that 70s show forman GIF

Women want big, uncut cocks inside their holes. Desexualizing women in Conservative cultures is unironically a bad thing because it’s all religious smoke and mirrors to hide reality from young boys. Life is a competition. Women want big, strong handsome men with big dicks, not dorks that respect them. At least if your sons know the truth at the beginning, they have a chance at competing. Feeding them lies about romance and loyal housewives is just gonna fuck them up more when they eventually learn the truth in the real world.

I ate up all the churchy bullshit about how porn isn’t real life and women want meek, respectful men that won’t look at their tits. Boy was I surprised when I learned that was horseshit and porn is real life. Women love having their breasts ogled, which is why they’re practically spilling out their shirts.
Kkkcels who use racism as a cope are cucked af. They think they’re better than the men who are fucking their women when they can‘t :feelskek::feelskek::feelskek::feelskek::feelskek::feelskek:
It’s almost funny that some short, fat, poor, ugly, inbred, Klan member

earl dibbles jr yes GIF by Granger Smith

Can look at Lebron James and go

Coming Through Lebron James GIF by NBA

>Yeah, I’m better than that guy because of my white skin

Yeah, I’m sure Lebron wakes up crying in a bed full of money every morning wishing he was white.
White culture is weak now, controlled by Jews, non-White countries wouldn't tolerate that shit to such a degree in their homeland.
They deserve it for being weak losers. The amount of tall, potentially handsome white men are see who are fat and disgusting are revolting. Like go fucking work out faggot, you got the golden ticket.

At least black parents force their kids into sports so they can take advantage of their genetics. I definitely see more in-shape black males than whites. Whites seem to not fucking care, and that’s their fault.
Whenever I see Black or Arab men with white foids with mixed kids, I think at least they have half-white children at all and aren't just childless roasties with dogs and cats and wine.
Also someone has to bleach all the shitskins in the West, I just don't understand why whitecels can't be the bleachers of ethnic foids.
White genes are very recessive. Half-white creatures end up not looking white.

Trap Houston GIF

Case in point: Lightskins
It’s almost funny that some short, fat, poor, ugly, inbred, Klan member

earl dibbles jr yes GIF by Granger Smith

Can look at Lebron James and go

Coming Through Lebron James GIF by NBA

>Yeah, I’m better than that guy because of my white skin

Yeah, I’m sure Lebron wakes up crying in a bed full of money every morning wishing he was white.
:feelskek: :feelskek: :feelskek: :feelskek: :feelskek: :feelskek: :feelskek: :feelskek: :feelskek: :feelskek: :feelskek:
Did some white man hurt you? You reacted so painfully to the words of stormcel that you started defending Chads and whores.

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