Welcome to Incels.is - Involuntary Celibate Forum

Welcome! This is a forum for involuntary celibates: people who lack a significant other. Are you lonely and wish you had someone in your life? You're not alone! Join our forum and talk to people just like you.

Venting I do not wish to harm anyone.



Feb 8, 2019
So recently, I heard the news about how Texas is recognizing incels as a “potential dangerous terroristic threat” or something like that.

I understand why this is happening, because of people like Alek Minassian who committed murder in the same of involuntary celibacy.

However, I think it’s important to know that for every incel like him who takes things too seriously, there are a hundred other ones like myself who would avoid ever hurting someone, nor do they want to. In fact, I even go out of my way to avoid stepping on bugs. I wouldn’t hurt any living thing.

I, as well as most users here, are just troubled people who have turned out not so good looking. We come to communities like this forum not because we want to, but because for some of us, the only people we have are each other. After being shunned all throughout middle school and high school, and having no one even wanting to be friends with me, I was crushed. I heard about all the parties going on around me every Friday night on the bus ride home and I was left out. I was only ever recognized when people needed a scapegoat.

I would sometimes cry myself to sleep. I didn’t have a significant other, which sucked, but what sucked even more was having no one like you, and even people actively hating you. There was once an Instagram page with the username “wefuckinghate(my name here)”. And then my parents wondered why I was so reclusive.

I eventually found this community in late 2017 and finally decided to join in late 2018. I wasn’t a fan of the constant jokes about throwing acid on people’s faces and “going ER” but I learned to live with it because it was better than having nobody. The people here accepted me for who I am. I can’t say the same about my classmates.

And it wasn’t because of my “personality” either. Even when I was hated, I still tried to be friendly and outgoing to everyone, even those who hated me, with the hopes that maybe someone would see that I was like everyone else at heart. I tried to just “put myself out there bro”. But it never worked. I was still “the weird Tourette’s kid.”

I may be associated with a few crazy people who are also involuntarily celibate, but the last thing I am is a terrorist. I just want to live a happy life. I want everyone to live a happy life.
Recent news? Links to this?
Didn't read but title sounded gay
Recent news? Links to this?
I also don't want to harm anyone but only sufferers can understand sufferers.
I dont know about you man but I want to watch people wreck each other in mario kart.
F Texas. I hope they get taken over by mexico.
It's over for harmlesscels.

:lul: :lul: :lul: :lul: :lul:
texas: didn read bc ur incel :y'all:
I’m Christian, I don’t even feel malice towards people anymore, I’ve gotten over it. I wouldn’t kill someone, don’t have it in me nor do I want to go to Hell. Anytime I said anything violent was just satire.
Don't take anything in that article seriously. Anyone who actually does surveillance of incel spaces online doesn't take Elliot Rodger or Alek Minassian seriously at all. They also know that if healthcare policy doesn't change, the only way they can prevent killings is by killing incels preemptively themselves. The only way to stop incels from going E.R. someday one way or the other is to cure them of their physical state of inceldom or cure them from their physical state of breathing...
Don't take anything in that article seriously. Anyone who actually does surveillance of incel spaces online doesn't take Elliot Rodger or Alek Minassian seriously at all. They also know that if healthcare policy doesn't change, the only way they can prevent killings is by killing incels preemptively themselves. The only way to stop incels from going E.R. someday one way or the other is to cure them of their physical state of inceldom or cure them from their physical state of breathing...
Even so, I want outsiders (for lack of a better word, I say that without malice but I mean those who wouldn't really understand incels because they aren't incels) to realize that we're not all bad people. I know incels have a bad rap in the media and understandably so, but I just hope that people have some understanding for those of us who are just suffering souls.
For every violent incel, there are 100,000 incels committing suicide. Noone ever gave a shit about them.
At least when you commit mass murder, your pain is heard for a brief moment :cryfeels: :cryfeels: :cryfeels:
i only harm myself. i have barely any motivation to leave home. this is hell.
I just want to be left alone with my copes. I want free shit too. Just $1k a month and I'd be the happiest man in the world.
I just hope that people have some understanding for those of us who are just suffering souls.
Unfortunately, only other blackpilled ugly men understand blackpilled ugly men. Western culture promotes the idea that we are to blame for out ugliness and height. Neoliberalism+Feminism+Privatized Everything+Protestantism= Additional reasons people will never understand your suffering.

i only harm myself. i have barely any motivation to leave home. this is hell.
Self harm is [Based].
Anyone who disagrees is not a self aware truecel.
I do, but I'm just not gonna do it. I have violent thoughts toward anyone who has sex.
However, I think it’s important to know that for every incel like him who takes things too seriously, there are a hundred other ones like myself who would avoid ever hurting someone, nor do they want to. In fact, I even go out of my way to avoid stepping on bugs. I wouldn’t hurt any living thing.

I agree with you, but they don't care. As I've been saying for a while now, society loathes us and just wants us gone--or minimally, invisible. Violence is not the way to solve our problems. We should be approaching this as a socially sophisticated and legally savvy phalanx. We can either continue dying out of sight, pursue futile violence as the US' increasingly police state retaliates brutally (and many of us who're pacifists suffer), or organize for legal protected class status. Of course, if we did the lattermost, we'd have to make some concessions. For one thing, society is NOT concerned about the suffering of ugly, lonely men. We'd have to solidify our survival entitlements by appealing to a broader social "good" through inclusivity. I don't see it happening another way.

From the article: "And while the supposed problem of “involuntary celibacy” seems a bit comical, the incel community has proven to be dangerous." -- This speaks volumes...
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I’m Christian, I don’t even feel malice towards people anymore, I’ve gotten over it. I wouldn’t kill someone, don’t have it in me nor do I want to go to Hell. Anytime I said anything violent was just satire.
I’m Christian, I don’t even feel malice towards people anymore, I’ve gotten over it. I wouldn’t AND COULDN'T kill someone, don’t have it in me nor do I want to go to Hell. Anytime I said anything violent was just satire.
I totally understand how you feel. I'm in a similar situation. I'm glad you are here and I wish we would have a more caring environment instead of just throwing insults at each other.
I eventually found this community in late 2017 and finally decided to join in late 2018. I wasn’t a fan of the constant jokes about throwing acid on people’s faces and “going ER” but I learned to live with it because it was better than having nobody. The people here accepted me for who I am. I can’t say the same about my classmates.

I may be associated with a few crazy people who are also involuntarily celibate, but the last thing I am is a terrorist. I just want to live a happy life. I want everyone to live a happy life.
Relatable post bro. Not a fan of the ER stuff either tbh. Its just low IQ venting.

For every violent incel, there are 100,000 incels committing suicide. Noone ever gave a shit about them.
At least when you commit mass murder, your pain is heard for a brief moment :cryfeels: :cryfeels: :cryfeels:
Brutal and true. Sex havers commit way more violence than weak beta incels do.
If incels were on such a murderous rampage why tf do they keep bringing up the same 3 names. ER went ER 6 years ago and they still talk about that shit but chicago has a shooting every day and nobody goes crazy about that shit

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