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Venting I do not want sex, I just want to be loved

  • Thread starter Deleted member 11318
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Deleted member 11318

Deleted member 11318

Jul 29, 2018
I'm not interested in sex, I never have. All I want is to have someone who loves me, with whom I can spend my life together. I want love!

Many users here say that they are only interested in sex and that they are not interested in relationships. I envy you for that! Getting sex is easy, even if you are ugly. You just have to pay a hooker and then you get it. But love? You can not buy that. To get the love of a woman you have to be tall and good looking. I am ugly, short and also an ethnic on top of that. It's over! :(
imagine believing in love at 2019 jfl relationships dont really exist anymore its just casual sex everywhere sorry bro
imagine believing in love at 2019 jfl relationships dont really exist anymore its just casual sex everywhere sorry bro
Posts like this are so sad, but you know whats worse getting older knowing you missed out teen love. This makes me wanna rope :feelsbadman::feelsrope:
Wouldn't say no to some sex tbh.
Posts like this are so sad, but you know whats worse getting older knowing you missed out teen love. This makes me wanna rope :feelsbadman::feelsrope:
I do not understand what you find so special about teen love. I'm 18 years old and most girls in my age group are very bitchy and extremely superficial. Women between the ages of 20 and 30 are much more mature and more sympathetic. It's not terrible to miss teenage love when you find a GF in your mid 20s.
You can't kiss a whore or fuck it without a condom. Well you can but that would be disgusting and retarded.
imagine believing in love at 2019 jfl relationships dont really exist anymore its just casual sex everywhere sorry bro
i hate this distopian femminist tecnocrat society so much, there is still some normies getting normal relation ships but they are a minority, nowdays is just chad fucking stacy and femcels prefering to be alone than have anything with a non chad
The thing you call love is "Attraction that evolves to become obsession" ,no attraction? No love!
Never began for uglies
Also in this day and age, the foid can always find someone chaddier to monkey branch to before the attraction evolves into obsession
I'm not quit sure if you can actually refer to it as "love" if it requires you to be handsome and tall.
at this point i dont know what i want
I do not understand what you find so special about teen love. I'm 18 years old and most girls in my age group are very bitchy and extremely superficial. Women between the ages of 20 and 30 are much more mature and more sympathetic. It's not terrible to miss teenage love when you find a GF in your mid 20s.
She's had more dicks by that point than you have ever thought about sex
No uncucked man wants love from a used up 30+ year old whore.
Foids cant love boyo.

Their sadistic sociopaths that only seek for themselves. They can never put someone's well-being before theres (unless it gets them money/famous/status and she doesn't die).
I have actually came to the conclusion a long time ago that LOVE does not actually exist, its only foids lusting after chad. They dont even love chad, they just want him to fuck them.

Love isnt real man.. i tried coping with the fact that I wanted to be love, but its just a meme.
I agree OP sex isn't the issue at all for me. I need to be wanted by a femoid, I need to be needed by a femoid. But not by some cumbucket single mother who should be in a workhouse.
I do not understand what you find so special about teen love. I'm 18 years old and most girls in my age group are very bitchy and extremely superficial. Women between the ages of 20 and 30 are much more mature and more sympathetic. It's not terrible to miss teenage love when you find a GF in your mid 20s.
I feel the same way man. Im 18. i dont get why these niggas are so hung up on teen love. Its exaggerated in most TV shows. Most foids my age or younger are stuck up bitchy cunts. I graduated high school last year and I dont want anything to do with any foid there ever
I just want to have something when taking into account of all the experiences I've missed.
Actually I was never love someone and doesn't have oneitis like 5 years. I don't want love, I want to be beautiful.
imagine believing in love at 2019 jfl relationships dont really exist anymore its just casual sex everywhere sorry bro
Brutal reality it's over. Honestly why even try anymore
Sex is the culmination of love. The two have to go together.

Now of course, you can have sex without love, which as a lot of escortcels here have reported, doesn't feel all that great (or not as great as they had hoped). You can also have love without sex but i think that's more of a spiritual kind of thing, a practice often found in some religions.

One thing i do not believe in the slightest is that people want sex because they want children. Not to say that having children isn't an attractive prospect for some people, but i firmly believe that sexuality exists for its own sake, and i also believe it is a kind of "metaphysical" experience which is why it is so difficult to be happy without it.

This was argued by Evola in his "Metaphysics of Sex", a book which frankly altered my understanding of sexuality forever and also provides an explanation for why sexuality is so important for most people and why inceldom is such an ordeal. I won't go into details since the book talks about a million of different things, all connected with esoteric or metaphysical concepts and practices, but the gist of the problem is the following. Material existence is essentially limited, "relative" and transient. Nothing in this world is actually capable of proving an experience that can liberate a person from the crushing realization of his own relative condition EXCEPT for two things, spiritual realization, and "sexuality" (but only from an higher point of view, which we erroneously refer to as "love", even though the experience in question as nothing to do with mere sentiment).

The reason being an incel causes so much suffering is that you are basically imprisoned into an existential cul-de-sac. Everything is a "cope" because only metaphysical experiences can provide liberation from the oppressing condition of being forced to exist in a state of pure relativity. What human beings experience during coitus is a type of existential respite from the torturing limitations of ones own finite ego, however briefly, and it is the only means normal people have available to them, the path of higher spiritual realization being limited to a select few even in traditional societies, and we no longer live in such societies so there's also that problem that one has to deal with (monkcelling was legit because of this, btw, because it fulfilled the need for the metaphysical which nullified sexual desire altogether).

Human existence is not about survival, it is not about procreation, it is not about hedonism. It is about meaning, and meaning is found only in metaphysical experiences. All those normies who scoff at incels would be behaving exactly like incels do if they were to be flung in the same predicament. Inceldom is literally the existential equivalent to life in prison.
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I just want to pump and dump a bunch of foids lmao i don't care

Jfl at believing in love in 2k19. Love is dead
You can. They are called prostitutes.
Truth is chad doesn't know what a prostitute is, he just fucks any foid he sees
Only incels and failed normies use prostitutes
Truth is chad doesn't know what a prostitute is, he just fucks any foid he sees
Only incels and failed normies use prostitutes

Ok, but so what. The only different between you and Chad is that you get to have the same thing he has at a cost. Not much of a deal if what you are saying is true, if all that mattered was just the simple act of having sex without any other element involved, such as "love", validation etc.

But that isn't the case, is it not?

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