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It's Over I dislike when other people are happy or succesful.



May 1, 2018
At least, for the most part.
Out of all my negative traits, of which there are many, this is among those that can be deemed most reprehensible, the most 'evil'.
Maybe dislike is too weak a word, I often hate it. When others tell tales of their successful careers, relationships, accomplishments, whatever, I am often filled with a horrible rage. When I am out, simply seeing a tall, handsome man, alone, or with a girl at his side, casually going about his day, I am sent on a downward spiral of anger and loathing.

It only takes the smallest display of superiority from another, the slightest reminder of what I lack, of what I am, to ruin my mood for hours, days.
In those moments I am drowned by the reality that I have no future, that there is no hope, that there is no good in the world, that no matter how I cope I will always be who I am, I'm unable to think of anything else. "It's over, it's over, it's over, I hate you all, I hate this planet, I hate this reality, I don't want to live, I don't want to live, I hate what I see, I hate the air I breathe, I hate the sensations of my body, I hate the ground I walk, I'm disgusted, I'm disgusted, it's over, I won't last, I'm gonna kill somebody", on repeat in my head, until I calm down.
It makes me want to scream out what I am thinking to all who listen, grab a knife, and stab whoever enters my line of sight until I collapse from exhaustion, and then pierce my own heart and slip away into blackness, forever. Not that, I would, but that is the feeling.

It is not uncommon I wish everyone shared in my pain and misery. It's pathetic, but I can't help it, that's what I've become. I now despise myself that severely. It's exhausting, being this bitter and sad is terribly exhausting. I don't know how I will change, but, I hope that by some miracle I can become a stable, relaxed, benevolent person, before I die. :feelsrope:
Honestly, maybe I don't hope for that miracle. Maybe I just felt ashamed of what I wrote and wanted to come off as redeemable in some way.
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misery loves company fr0g. :feelsbadman:
I want normies to be as miserable as me.
only 5 % of male population is happy or successful
A lot of people don't deserve the life's they have, they really don't
What if an incels successful?
What if an incels successful?
I am not sure. I like to think I would be glad for them, if I knew they had experienced suffering like I have known, before succeeding.
Perhaps though, it is more likely, if I was to see it with my own eyes, I would not be as pleased as I imagine, regardless of their prior hardship..
Perhaps though, it is more likely, if I was to see it with my own eyes, I would not be as pleased as I imagine, regardless of their prior hardship..
Nobody would, you shouldn't blame yourself for that, in case you do. That's why i also like to think about some incel ascended, and sympathize him, but if somebody would offer me to watch some screen where his "happy new life" would be depicted, i would refuse, because all my sympathy would go away, and i will quickly become envious.
Envy is the worst. Don’t even care about it from a virtue/vice standpoint. Literally it is a disease that kills you slow like cancer. It’s over for caincels.
Rain down upon the noRmiEs.
I am not sure. I like to think I would be glad for them, if I knew they had experienced suffering like I have known, before succeeding.
Perhaps though, it is more likely, if I was to see it with my own eyes, I would not be as pleased as I imagine, regardless of their prior hardship..
that sucks :( i've had a super had life before experiencing success by pushing myself everyday to get better.
Legit blood, sweat and tears.
You should try your hardest to bring people like that down. Honestly, the majority of "successful" business people are depressed as fuck. All you'd have to do is remind them of how they never have any free time, constantly have to wait on calls from people and pretend to like the people they speak to and they'd probably end up crying. Everybody has shit going on in their lives, no matter how much they want to try and cover it up. Everybody has their weaknesses and insecurities too, so you can play on them. You could easily bring a bodybuilder to tears just by using words if you figured out what his biggest weakness/insecurity was. It seems like most people who get into bodybuilding only do it to cover up how fragile they are on the inside anyway. It's all a front.
Same. I feel you brother. I'm always envious of other's success in life. :feelsbadman:
Envy is the worst. Don’t even care about it from a virtue/vice standpoint. Literally it is a disease that kills you slow like cancer. It’s over for caincels.
You're right, but is it something that is possible to overcome? I have no idea where I would even start, if I wanted to become less envious. I don't think I can, short of actually attaining the things I am envious of in the first place. The only advice one ever hears upon admitting jealousy, is the usual bluepilled shit that doesn't work for anyone who isn't able to delude themselves with fantasy.
I agree, it is among the worst feelings, though. It's making me severely irrational, hell, it's the main reason I feel suicidal most of the time. It is also making me prone to incredible fits of rage, as I described in the post. Sometimes I blow up at people when they say the slightest thing wrong, I keep breaking shit, punching, kicking things to things to the point of harming myself. Feels like it is getting worse, and I can't control it. :feelsrope:

You should try your hardest to bring people like that down. Honestly, the majority of "successful" business people are depressed as fuck. All you'd have to do is remind them of how they never have any free time, constantly have to wait on calls from people and pretend to like the people they speak to and they'd probably end up crying. Everybody has shit going on in their lives, no matter how much they want to try and cover it up. Everybody has their weaknesses and insecurities too, so you can play on them. You could easily bring a bodybuilder to tears just by using words if you figured out what his biggest weakness/insecurity was. It seems like most people who get into bodybuilding only do it to cover up how fragile they are on the inside anyway. It's all a front.
You know, that's not a bad point. Even if I am a socially retarded aspie, I'm usually okay at seeing through peoples bullshit for what they really are. Maybe I'll go and piss off a bodybuilder in the hopes he snaps my neck. :feelshehe:
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"Never Be Jealous" - Miyamoto Musashi, Dokkodo

I just ask them what they did, depending on what it is, and if it's something I CAN do, then I copy them. If I can't, I just forget it.

Think like the Greek Stoics (if it helps): Focus on what you CAN control, and ignore what you can't. Misery awaits anyone who tries to copy others. Trust me, I used to hate myself for not being as smart as my hero Stardusk.
You're right, but is it something that is possible to overcome? I have no idea where I would even start, if I wanted to become less envious. I don't think I can, short of actually attaining the things I am envious of in the first place. The only advice one ever hears upon admitting jealousy, is the usual bluepilled shit that doesn't work for anyone who isn't able to delude themselves with fantasy.
I agree, it is among the worst feelings, though. It's making me severely irrational, hell, it's the main reason I feel suicidal most of the time. It is also making me prone to incredible fits of rage, as I described in the post. Sometimes I blow up at people when they say the slightest thing wrong, I keep breaking shit, punching, kicking things to things to the point of harming myself. Feels like it is getting worse, and I can't control it. :feelsrope:

Some of Nietzsche’s work touched on envy, or so I’m told. I think he believed it could be used as a catalyst for growth and change. I need to look into it.
it doesnt bother me that much...

just remember @Gremlincel

it will all end eventually for you / me and everyone reading this..;)

death is the ultimate equalizer
it doesnt bother me that much...

just remember @Gremlincel

it will all end eventually for you / me and everyone reading this..;)

death is the ultimate equalizer
I don't find that comforting at all, to be honest. I know many do, but I just can't. I hate that I will live a life of misery, in a world where many are living lives of joy, and at the end, we reach the same destination. I want them to suffer now, I want them to be brought low, to my level, while they still live. I want to see them dying long before I do, I want to think about how they are dead, unable to do the things that once brought them happiness, while I experience great pleasure.
i'm like this to, i think everyone is like this but virtue signals

it makes our social standing lower when we see somebody higher and I think the reason incels is a prime target is normies have a group to always feel better than and need to keep that group lower in their mind as to not feel at the bottom
I don't find that comforting at all, to be honest. I know many do, but I just can't. I hate that I will live a life of misery, in a world where many are living lives of joy, and at the end, we reach the same destination. I want them to suffer now, I want them to be brought low, to my level, while they still live. I want to see them dying long before I do, I want to think about how they are dead, unable to do the things that once brought them happiness, while I experience great pleasure.

i have similar thoughts / but only when reminded im ugly by a random person... or realize i have to pay a women for pussy and she still doesnt want to fuck me because i look akin to a gremlin... doesnt help that im black....

this world has a way of destroying you..

i dont necessarily find comfort in dying

but more so this stupid "game" i was forced to play will forcibily end whether you want it to or not / having fun or not etc...

it puts a slight smile on my face and days that remind me im subhuman makes that oh so more comforting!

any plans for your future i wish to go well!
whatever that may be
there's a hierarchy created by media about looks, clothing, car, wealth and the higher you are in that game compared to others you'll feel those ego highs but lower you'll feel like crap - MMO's like World of warcraft have a heirarchy to and you'll get similar highs and lows

honestly this is why i think religion is helpful is it flips the game around, those things are seen as hindrances and attachments - religion has a game to buts non attachment, self knowledge and not lusting after flesh or things which aren't temporary
There is nothing wrong in feeling this way. This is exactly how the poor downtrodden and low class should feel upon gazing at the opulant lifestyles of the rich successful upper class genetic elite. This inequality between the different groups of people is a massive injustice. They get to enjoy so much while we endure silently the agonozing pain of being denied all our hopes dreams and desires. I strongly believe these privileged fuckers need to be taught a lesson about what true suffering really is. A powERful AMazing impressive set of actions that should completely change their perspective on life. For those that disagree or see it as wrong. Consider that they enjoy while we suffer. Therefore it is fair for us to enjoy by making them suffer. These bastards have had it to good for too long, time for them to see the other side of existence.
At least, for the most part.
Out of all my negative traits, of which there are many, this is among those that can be deemed most reprehensible, the most 'evil'.
Maybe dislike is too weak a word, I often hate it. When others tell tales of their successful careers, relationships, accomplishments, whatever, I am often filled with a horrible rage. When I am out, simply seeing a tall, handsome man, alone, or with a girl at his side, casually going about his day, I am sent on a downward spiral of anger and loathing.

It only takes the smallest display of superiority from another, the slightest reminder of what I lack, of what I am, to ruin my mood for hours, days.
In those moments I am drowned by the reality that I have no future, that there is no hope, that there is no good in the world, that no matter how I cope I will always be who I am, I'm unable to think of anything else. "It's over, it's over, it's over, I hate you all, I hate this planet, I hate this reality, I don't want to live, I don't want to live, I hate what I see, I hate the air I breathe, I hate the sensations of my body, I hate the ground I walk, I'm disgusted, I'm disgusted, it's over, I won't last, I'm gonna kill somebody", on repeat in my head, until I calm down.
It makes me want to scream out what I am thinking to all who listen, grab a knife, and stab whoever enters my line of sight until I collapse from exhaustion, and then pierce my own heart and slip away into blackness, forever. Not that, I would, but that is the feeling.

It is not uncommon I wish everyone shared in my pain and misery. It's pathetic, but I can't help it, that's what I've become. I now despise myself that severely. It's exhausting, being this bitter and sad is terribly exhausting. I don't know how I will change, but, I hope that by some miracle I can become a stable, relaxed, benevolent person, before I die. :feelsrope:
Honestly, maybe I don't hope for that miracle. Maybe I just felt ashamed of what I wrote and wanted to come off as redeemable in some way.
I feel you. It's hard getting through a work day when there is nothing but envy and negativity on my mind.
Nobody would, you shouldn't blame yourself for that, in case you do. That's why i also like to think about some incel ascended, and sympathize him, but if somebody would offer me to watch some screen where his "happy new life" would be depicted, i would refuse, because all my sympathy would go away, and i will quickly become envious.
this is why male solidarity is a pipe dream. we're genetically unable to tolerate another mans success, especially if said man has incel traits that make him seem unworthy.
There is nothing wrong in feeling this way. This is exactly how the poor downtrodden and low class should feel upon gazing at the opulant lifestyles of the rich successful upper class genetic elite. This inequality between the different groups of people is a massive injustice. They get to enjoy so much while we endure silently the agonozing pain of being denied all our hopes dreams and desires. I strongly believe these privileged fuckers need to be taught a lesson about what true suffering really is. A powERful AMazing impressive set of actions that should completely change their perspective on life. For those that disagree or see it as wrong. Consider that they enjoy while we suffer. Therefore it is fair for us to enjoy by making them suffer. These bastards have had it to good for too long, time for them to see the other side of existence.
I agree. I feel my rage is justified, righteous. It is the reasonable response to a situation such as ours.

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