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I Deserve Sex

  • Thread starter universallyabhorred
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Nov 8, 2017
Fuck you inceltears saying I am not entitled to sex, I am vastly superior to every one of you and should be able to get any women I desire and in a fair society I would.
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If men didn't "deserve sex" thousands of years ago then humans would go extinct.
It's only a modern day occurance of woman being allowed to deny sex with men.
Every human being is entitled to a singular lifetime partner.

Adulteresses ("Polyamorists") from IT are just huge fucking hypocrites ranting about how "no one is entitled!!!" meanwhile they cheat on their "boyfriends" with any stranger they meet, taking their fuck count to 97.
How is this lifefuel? You won't be getting it anytime soon.
Yeah, escorts should just be legal, and if you can't afford it, the government will subsidize it for you.
Dogshit quality bait. You are an incel. You are on this board. You deserve nothing.
Every human being is entitled to a singular lifetime partner.

Adulteresses ("Polyamorists") from IT are just huge fucking hypocrites ranting about how "no one is entitled!!!" meanwhile they cheat on their "boyfriends" with any stranger they meet, taking their fuck count to 97.
we all do. It's a basic biological need.
Nobody deserves to be alone their whole lives.
Deep down, everyone craves SOME sort of companionship; why do you our species has been mating since the beginning of time?
Ugly fat feminists on IT are not "entitled" to Chad.
it should be a human right
Nobody deserves anything, in my opinion.
Cucktears shill detected.
Nope, when I say that I mean it quite literally. No one deserves to live a happy fulfilling life just as much as no one deserves to live a sad lonely one. Just how I see things, and I extend that to include bodily "needs".
Nope, when I say that I mean it quite literally. No one deserves to live a happy fulfilling life just as much as no one deserves to live a sad lonely one. Just how I see things, and I extend that to include bodily "needs".
We could extend that further if incels do not deserve sex from females, females do not deserve safety or protection from angry incels. Do you agree with that?
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You butthurt boyo. We could extend that further if incels do not deserve sex from females, females do not deserve safety, protection, or painless living from incels.
Of course, but it would correctly be that nobody deserves not to be OR to be afflicted by such criminality. It also does not remove morality, in that while nobody would deserve one way or the other, actions may still be immoral, or to a greater extent, criminal. The 'deservedness' of things in one's life is not a matter of justice (as you may want it to be), but acceptance in retrospect and in moving forward.
I want validation
Of course, but it would correctly be that nobody deserves not to be OR to be afflicted by such criminality. It also does not remove morality, in that while nobody would deserve one way or the other, actions may still be immoral, or to a greater extent, criminal. The 'deservedness' of things in one's life is not a matter of justice (as you may want it to be), but acceptance in retrospect and in moving forward.
Morality or criminality would not ultimately matter if the concept of human rights did not exist. The deservedness of things is a matter of justice why should a male that is inferior to me be able to get a female while I am denied one? it is unjust.
Morality or criminality would not ultimately matter if the concept of human rights did not exist. The deservedness of things is a matter of justice (...)
Justice, and by extension, human rights, is more a matter of wanting than deservedness. People, collectively, do not want to be killed and more so than they want to kill others, so murder is immoral and criminal. People want personal freedom and freedom of choice more so than they want to fuck, so you don't see the government giving out wives/husbands. Human rights are hardly tangible in reality, but they are formed through the illegalization of actions. The collective illegality and immorality of such actions creates a protected sphere that becomes these "human rights" that only exist tangibly by an extension of the law.
As I said, the way I labelled deservedness is in relation not to justice but to acceptance. In the end, if there is a murderer, then someone must have been murdered. No one deserved to be murdered, but no deserves not to. The fact that no one deserves to be murdered allows for the action to be labelled a crime and thusly punished, while the fact that no one deserves not to be murdered allows for the acceptance of this crime, allowing for people to move on after grief. The want to not be killed generates the connotation of murder as a crime, while the want to murder, of the murderer, creates the necessity (should he enact the crime) to realize that the crime is inevitable and that it must happen to someone.
In the context of your grievance (which in nature is not illegal, criminal, unjust, or even immoral), while you do not deserve to be alone you do not deserve to have a partner. It is the same, thusly, for the male who does have one: he does not deserve to have a partner and he does not deserve to be alone, just like you. But one of you shall be left alone, just as someone shall ultimately be murdered. Though, one is a heinous crime and the other is a natural circumstance of society lol
Same bro. My dick is too big for me to be a virgin, I am objectively more physically qualified for sex than most people. To deny me of it is a travesty and a waste of superior dick.
Justice, and by extension, human rights, is more a matter of wanting than deservedness. People, collectively, do not want to be killed and more so than they want to kill others, so murder is immoral and criminal. People want personal freedom and freedom of choice more so than they want to fuck, so you don't see the government giving out wives/husbands. Human rights are hardly tangible in reality, but they are formed through the illegalization of actions. The collective illegality and immorality of such actions creates a protected sphere that becomes these "human rights" that only exist tangibly by an extension of the law.
As I said, the way I labelled deservedness is in relation not to justice but to acceptance. In the end, if there is a murderer, then someone must have been murdered. No one deserved to be murdered, but no deserves not to. The fact that no one deserves to be murdered allows for the action to be labelled a crime and thusly punished, while the fact that no one deserves not to be murdered allows for the acceptance of this crime, allowing for people to move on after grief. The want to not be killed generates the connotation of murder as a crime, while the want to murder, of the murderer, creates the necessity (should he enact the crime) to realize that the crime is inevitable and that it must happen to someone.
In the context of your grievance (which in nature is not illegal, criminal, unjust, or even immoral), while you do not deserve to be alone you do not deserve to have a partner. It is the same, thusly, for the male who does have one: he does not deserve to have a partner and he does not deserve to be alone, just like you. But one of you shall be left alone, just as someone shall ultimately be murdered. Though, one is a heinous
crime and the other is a natural circumstance of society lol
Society just wants to continue torturing incels while protecting the rights of others we are lower than dog shit to them. Also when saying nobody deserves to be murdered you are speaking for yourself, this is not some universal fact, all females deserve to be murdered imo.
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Also when saying nobody deserves to be murdered speak for all yourself all females deserve to be murdered IMO.
Then why do you even want one? Just masturbate for the rest of your life if you're so obsessed with fleeting pleasures.
Then why do you even want one? Just masturbate for the rest of your life if you're so obsessed with fleeting pleasures.
You must really be an undercover inceltears agent that is the dumbest question anyone's ever asked here, I am reporting you.
If men didn't "deserve sex" thousands of years ago then humans would go extinct.
It's only a modern day occurance of woman being allowed to deny sex with men.
I know what you desERve
social security should recognize inceldom as a medical condition and fund escorts and GFE for them
Elliot is that you?
I deserve sex too man. Life is unfair.

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