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LifeFuel I cheated on my fiance and can't win him back - Cucked Chad shows men how to treat misbehaving, traitorous women



Jun 17, 2019
First she blames her husband for being a superslut, the she tries to pass bastard kid as her husband's, yet in the end her husband is the cruel person. Man fuck that. Degenerate people. Yeah yeah, her husband is just insecure and not a real man.
"I have no way of transportation, because he took away the car he helped me get (the car he bought himself). Well, guess what, you're not entitled to other people's property. The absolute state of society, not only foids r on tutorial mode, they also wanna take away men's hard moneymaxxed stuff.
You can clearly what kind of person she is. She has problems (not only money) and the first thing she thinks about is either her parents to to support her, or her friend's. How about taking the responsibility yourself? And people suggest her gofundme? Fuck, i guess thats why im inkwell. Lets forget about all cancercels and other people who rly needs this fundbux and give it all to her coz she a massive whore
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YIKES!! NTA. He's a misognyist who thinks he owns your body!! You're an independant woman who should be able to sleep with whoever she wants he's the asshole sweaty
Alright I just read the whole story and god women are so fucking manipualtive. she got pregnant with the other man's kid, and the first thing she did was try to get her bf to have condomless sex with her so she could trick him into raising a baby that isn't his. And then when that failed and he found out, she's literally playing the victim of how he was rude to her after words. God women are remorsless and without soul
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I was furious at first but then I had a good laugh when I read what he did with her in the end. JFL. This is what every cheating whore deserves. :feelshaha: :feelshaha: :feelshaha:
One day when my fiance was out for a trip, I was over at my friends drinking to get a little tipsy like usual, when she for some reason brought up having a threesome and I laughed it off as a joke because I thought she was straight and I felt that we were having this awkward conversation because it was fueled by alcohol. She wasn't and she kissed me. Her husband, who was also drunk, came back from using the restroom and joined in. I don't know why I didn't stop it, but went along with it (part of me was missing my fiance in more than one way and I was longing for him). One thing led to another and we all woke up the next day in their bedroom. I was mortified and my friend acted surprised and kept apologizing. Her husband also apologized stating he blacked out and they both knew that this relationship meant everything to me and suggested keeping this a secret.

I didn't know how to tell my fiance, and he knew something was off when we talked on the phone but I kept lying. I ended up finding out I was pregnant, and I knew that he was not the father. When he came home, I wanted to sleep with him, but he always strongly suggested using a condom and I kept pushing since we planned on getting married anyways, to not worry. He said he didn't want an unplanned pregnancy and we fought and I said some very horrible things out of desperation (I know, it was wrong now to try and pass off this other man's baby as his). I was planning on telling him what had happened, but he found out.

At first we talked about having an abortion, but we both felt that it wasn't the unborn child's fault that this had happened. After a heated argument instigated by my fiance to my friend and her husband, and at times him almost beating the crap out of her hubby, they stated that they (since she was having difficulties having children) would adopt the child. They knew he was upset and apologized profusely. He asked if this is what I wanted and I agreed so I didn't lose him.

As time went on, I really fell in love with the baby boy growing inside of me. Each passing day made it harder and harder to think about giving him up. I fought with him a few times entertaining the idea that I at least got to visit my son once born and have him at least know who his real mom was, but my fiance was greatly opposed to it. At one point, I even threatened to leave which shockingly he didn't fight for me.

Unbeknown to me, my fiance was actually planning out something very detailed and cruel that has left me in my current situation. The week of my due date, he gave me an ultimatum that the kid is either adopted and treated like 100% my friend's kid and it's all of our little secret, or that I keep the kid, we move but I have to have my friends block me. I foolishly agreed to the latter since I was now in love with the idea of being a mommy and my friends respected our decision and blocked me from all social media.

We decided to move very far to a location where we knew no one. I was determined to be the best mom I can be as well as make it up to my fiance who I was under the impression would be my future husband by making him the happiest man alive and by being a much more attentive, better significant other. I also believed that before officially getting married we'd take couple's counseling.

The child was born and I had a gut feeling something was off. After recovering from the hospital and due to come home with a very healthy son, all the locks were changed and he had lied to authorities that I was crazy and even hired a lawyer to get a restraining order against me. He told me that he wasn't going to be humiliated like this and become a cuck to a bast*rd child and that he always knew my friends were a bunch of creeps. He immediately disconnected my line from his service and left me with a huge medical bill, no job, no home, and took possession of the car he helped get for me and sold it, so now I have no transportation.

I tried to reason with him but had the cops escort me off of his new home. I just don't know what to do and I feel that my world is falling apart. My parents is too poor to assist me and I have no way of contacting my best friend.
I just don't know what to do because I don't want to have my son starving and the homeless shelter that I'm currently in is miles away from various places that I can start working.

I just don't know what to do, I'm hurt, scared, and felt that karma has gotten the best of me. Some of the people that I have talked to had suggested drug dealing or becoming an escort to make end's meat and slowly pay off my hospital bill.

Should I try to patch things off with my ex since he's the best shot at my little one and I's survival?
Son starving when there is taxypayer funded WIC and food stamps?

jfl at one of the comments

No, he doesn't want you. You have to make a life for you and your son. Even if your parents are poor you could still move in with them and get federal benefits for your son. Food stamps, medical and a check for your child. You can live off of that until you get a job. Where are you staying now? BTW, they say revenge is best served cold but what your ex did to you was freezing. He must be a Scorpio.
Son starving when there is taxypayer funded WIC and food stamps?

jfl at one of the comments
Sure, just make the incel taxpayers fund her and her bastard's useless livings. Since chads and whores are who have kids out of wedlock, they're the only ones who should pay taxes to support the negative effects of their degeneracy. Taxation for non-chadsis slavery.
Sure, just make the incel taxpayers fund her and her bastard's useless livings. Since chads and whores are who have kids out of wedlock, they're the only ones who should pay taxes to support the negative effects of their degeneracy. Taxation for non-chadsis slavery.
Also how can your son be starving when there are funds available for food from WIC and food stamps unless you are overspending on other things?
And yes only chads and whores should have to pay the expenses for the kids they made.
Lifefuel tbh. This is why it is good to have knowledge of the law.

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