You're only 26 years old so you're 2 years younger than me. I have absolutely no money and never have, and you say you have enough to afford escorts.
When you die you are dead forever. So why kill yourself before even trying to find a long term relationship with an adequate woman in another country, when you have nothing to lose by trying? The only barrier and logistics to travelling abroad to meet a woman is money, which you apparently have. And presumably you're a U.S. citizen who has a U.S. passport so can travel visa-free to all the countries I've brought up. It makes no sense to kill yourself on the assumption you could never have this before even trying to. Unless you're actually disabled or something, not an impression you've given me so far. I for one am not going to consider suicide until I try somewhere else.
Wilkes McDermid didn't even try to SEAmaxx before roping, even acknowledging in
his suicide note the only country he tried besides the U.K. was South Africa. (point 10. in the FAQ) Obviously SEA countries are a different experience. (maybe he felt he'd face discrimination there for being Chinese, who knows?)
Yes, NYC is hell. It's so skewed, warped, stupid and expensive it isn't even worth it for the guy who has an attractive girlfriend due to what he has to do to maintain this and the fact he could have a far, far, nicer place to live, overall quality of life (less work) if he lived somewhere else. It would be wiser to save as much money as possible and move to Mexico before getting into a relationship, than getting sucked into NYC or any stupid expensive american city past the point of no return. (you can also find a
more attractive woman with far less money in Mexico.) There's absolutely no actual basis for pride in "making it" here because no one except rich people "make it," everyone else is barely getting by and saying they "made it" to cope. There is nothing special about New York, it is crowded and dirty and ugly, this special "New York" feeling is just coping for all these people who have to slave away to barely not afford it just so they can be like "I live in the city with the most billionaires in the world!"