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Venting I cant believe this is my fucking life and theres no way to change it



May 9, 2024
This is a long rant you've probably seen the same type of thing posted over and over on this site but Idgaf anymore I need to vent this shit somewhere

Most of this wont be very well written and I will have to explain some stories so that it makes sense

My life has always been fairly unenjoyable and its not like its gotten any worse recently
Its just been painfully Okay
nothing that bad is happening like when I was younger

And this is the best its been in fucking years

But my life still feels empty and stagnant I have no purpose because I know now its genuinely over for me

For years and years I coped trying to improve
Somehow thinking I had a fucking chance when I never did
No matter what I fucking do theres no fucking point it always leads to nothing
And the cycle of suffering or nothingness continues and continues

Every night Im tormented by dreams that remind me of my shit life and then I wake up to reality and my first thought every morning the past few months after realising its over has been
“ really…. this shit Is still going I cant believe this is my life”

As I get up to rot for yet another day

Everyday doing the same shit Over and Over
Theres nothing to fucking do
unless you have a good social life the outside world is empty for you

games are becoming boring and I dont even have the energy to bring myself to play them alot of the time because they are all so shit these days I barely ever find anything worth playing
Im running out of copes

My genes have fucking ruined me
Ive failed at nearly everything in life and most of it wasnt my fault
anything that was I take the blame for but most of it I couldn't have done anything to change

All the brutal isolation bullying and abuse Ive had to suffer for something I never even fucking decided

I fucking hate this shit world everything is rigged from the fucking start

Your fate is set in stone from the start and theres nothing you can fucking do about it

Nature and the World itself is so cruel and brutal for only the selfish purpose of keeping itself and the cycle of suffering the world is fuelled by going

Even my life isnt the worst it can get
As much as I hate it compared to alot of people it isnt extremely bad
Everytime I think of it I get fucking angry
It fucking annoys me that other people
Probably good people too
have to suffer even more for fucking nothing
Born poor in the shitty favelas or born deformed shit like that

And it pisses me off that normies still complain about their fucking lives they all have it fucking easy they are never grateful for anything

What is the fucking point of all of this
any of this fucking shit

Some people are born just to suffer and make others feel good about themselves

I was cursed from the start
im a 5’7 weak bodied framecel 4/10 face incel with lifelong depression (no surprise there)

Inattentive adhd and low iq which ruined my focus and led to me being uneducated and not passing any of my grades
So I cant even cope with being rich like I could of if I was high iq and lucky

I probably have autism which made it even harder for me to socialise along with my shit looks and lead to even more isolation and bullying

I was abused as A kid so that ruined my view on people from fairly early on in life and lead to me always having a negative view of people so this and everything else made it hard for me to form relationships with anyone

A year after starting secondary school I had rotted with no friends until I managed to join a group and opened myself up to them which was difficult for me to do

For awhile it all went well and I thought I had made some real friends
I would then go on to be betrayed and treated like shit by the people I trusted which made it even worse

Me even having a couple friends at all now is “lucky”
But I had to go through so much brutal shit just to stay friends with them and only one of them K I would call my real friend
A few Years ago now I went through a stage where I was completely isolated because some of the people in our bigger friend group didnt like me anymore And they wanted everyone else to stop being friends with me

It was mostly one guy but the rest of them just agreed because I guess they didn't really gaf about me even though I trusted them as my friends

I dont even know wtf I did to this guy we were decent friends for a couple years and then he just turned on me for no fucking reason or atleast no wrong I had actually done except having shit genes
But I guess thats the life of a sub5

Its brutal to even think about this time in my life I was genuinely losing my mind I dont know how other incels can live like this their entire lives only the worst people deserve this treatment and they never get it because they are favoured by society
Society loves evil people they always rise to the top

I had to rot in my dark room for so long
With no social interaction Knowing I hadnt done anything wrong and I was being punished for fucking nothing while everyone else was living their normal lives

I think that was when I became truely blackpilled I had always been somewhat blackpilled but that time changed me for the worse

There was 6-7 months where I spoke to noone as I hadnt fully become friends with K yet but we knew eachother from the same friend group before I was kicked out of school
we weren’t fully friends at this point though

He started speaking to the friend group again after he bought an xbox and realised what they did so he started to speak to me often and now we have spoken nearly everyday since

the other one would still speak to me sometimes but not as much as K because the guy who didn’t like me was his bestfriend

I felt very betrayed by this but I couldn’t say anything about it because then I would have no friends at all

the other friend grew up to be a htn so now he has a gf and another friend group and wont stop rubbing his nt life in my face constantly like I dont fucking notice

It annoys me because I dont know if this is just me being paranoid and looking for the worst in every situation or if he is doing this on purpose to mog me

He will treat me like a friend and then randomly talk about how hes going out with his other friends and his gf or talk about fucking her when it’s obvious I’m an inkwell

I know people will come to me and say “soooooo much self pity brooo just work hard bro and Improve yourr life broooo”

But seriously What could I even do to change this shit its already fucking over

Im basically just a live rotting corpse at this point
I feel like a hollow shell of a person

Even if i Became a chad now I would still be fucked up beyond repair but atleast then maybe I could actually do some shit in life to distract myself

I just wish I could really live
I always hoped my life would get bettER but Im fucked

typing this shit Out reminded me of so many brutal experiences Id blocked out that I havent even talked out

Im so fucking tired of this shit and Ive been semi detached from reality for years now just to cope
But its gotten worse recently

Its like im being pulled along for the ride with no choice and Im just watching my life like its a boring tv show I want to switch off but Ive lost the remote control

I guess no one is really in control of their life like they think they are they are just following the path set out for them by fate and they never had any choice in who or what they would become and what will happen to them

I hope I fucking die soon If this is how it is always going to be

Im thinking of starting a commentary channel like dbdr just to vent and have something to do
I can also talk about my life stories so that maybe other people can relate

Atleast then they wouldnt be meaningless brutal experiences

I feel like I either wouldnt get any views or I would end up losing my friends somehow like dbdr and then my life would become even worse

I dont know wtf to do anymore everything always just goes to shit
Fuck this life
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Even if i Became a chad now I would still be fucked up beyond repair but atleast then maybe I could actually do some shit in life to distract myself
Yeah even if one ascends, mentally you're still going to have resentment and will still psychologically be an incel
Yeah even if one ascends, mentally you're still going to have resentment and will still psychologically be an incel
Thats the point when its genuinely over for someone

But you only get to that point if you had shit genes to begin with so I guess it never really began for anyone that even has the potential to become like that
This is a long rant you've probably seen the same type of thing posted over and over on this site but Idgaf anymore I need to vent this shit somewhere

Most of this wont be very well written and I will have to explain some stories so that it makes sense

My life has always been fairly unenjoyable and its not like its gotten any worse recently
Its just been painfully Okay
nothing that bad is happening like when I was younger

And this is the best its been in fucking years

But my life still feels empty and stagnant I have no purpose because I know now its genuinely over for me

For years and years I coped trying to improve
Somehow thinking I had a fucking chance when I never did
No matter what I fucking do theres no fucking point it always leads to nothing
And the cycle of suffering or nothingness continues and continues

Every night Im tormented by dreams that remind me of my shit life and then I wake up to reality and my first thought every morning the past few months after realising its over has been
“ really…. this shit Is still going I cant believe this is my life”

As I get up to rot for yet another day

Everyday doing the same shit Over and Over
Theres nothing to fucking do
unless you have a good social life the outside world is empty for you

games are becoming boring and I dont even have the energy to bring myself to play them alot of the time because they are all so shit these days I barely ever find anything worth playing
Im running out of copes

My genes have fucking ruined me
Ive failed at nearly everything in life and most of it wasnt my fault
anything that was I take the blame for but most of it I couldn't have done anything to change

All the brutal isolation bullying and abuse Ive had to suffer for something I never even fucking decided

I fucking hate this shit world everything is rigged from the fucking start

Your fate is set in stone from the start and theres nothing you can fucking do about it

Nature and the World itself is so cruel and brutal for only the selfish purpose of keeping itself and the cycle of suffering the world is fuelled by going

Even my life isnt the worst it can get
As much as I hate it compared to alot of people it isnt extremely bad
Everytime I think of it I get fucking angry
It fucking annoys me that other people
Probably good people too
have to suffer even more for fucking nothing
Born poor in the shitty favelas or born deformed shit like that

And it pisses me off that normies still complain about their fucking lives they all have it fucking easy they are never grateful for anything

What is the fucking point of all of this
any of this fucking shit

Some people are born just to suffer and make others feel good about themselves

I was cursed from the start
im a 5’7 weak bodied framecel 4/10 face incel with lifelong depression (no surprise there)

Inattentive adhd and low iq which ruined my focus and led to me being uneducated and not passing any of my grades
So I cant even cope with being rich like I could of if I was high iq and lucky

I probably have autism which made it even harder for me to socialise along with my shit looks and lead to even more isolation and bullying

I was abused as A kid so that ruined my view on people from fairly early on in life and lead to me always having a negative view of people so this and everything else made it hard for me to form relationships with anyone

A year after starting secondary school I had rotted with no friends until I managed to join a group and opened myself up to them which was difficult for me to do

For awhile it all went well and I thought I had made some real friends
I would then go on to be betrayed and treated like shit by the people I trusted which made it even worse

Me even having a couple friends at all now is “lucky”
But I had to go through so much brutal shit just to stay friends with them and only one of them K I would call my real friend
A few Years ago now I went through a stage where I was completely isolated because some of the people in our bigger friend group didnt like me anymore And they wanted everyone else to stop being friends with me

It was mostly one guy but the rest of them just agreed because I guess they didn't really gaf about me even though I trusted them as my friends

I dont even know wtf I did to this guy we were decent friends for a couple years and then he just turned on me for no fucking reason or atleast no wrong I had actually done except having shit genes
But I guess thats the life of a sub5

Its brutal to even think about this time in my life I was genuinely losing my mind I dont know how other incels can live like this their entire lives only the worst people deserve this treatment and they never get it because they are favoured by society
Society loves evil people they always rise to the top

I had to rot in my dark room for so long
With no social interaction Knowing I hadnt done anything wrong and I was being punished for fucking nothing while everyone else was living their normal lives

I think that was when I became truely blackpilled I had always been somewhat blackpilled but that time changed me for the worse

There was 6-7 months where I spoke to noone as I hadnt fully become friends with K yet but we knew eachother from the same friend group before I was kicked out of school
we weren’t fully friends at this point though

He started speaking to the friend group again after he bought an xbox and realised what they did so he started to speak to me often and now we have spoken nearly everyday since

the other one would still speak to me sometimes but not as much as K because the guy who didn’t like me was his bestfriend

I felt very betrayed by this but I couldn’t say anything about it because then I would have no friends at all

the other friend grew up to be a htn so now he has a gf and another friend group and wont stop rubbing his nt life in my face constantly like I dont fucking notice

It annoys me because I dont know if this is just me being paranoid and looking for the worst in every situation or if he is doing this on purpose to mog me

He will treat me like a friend and then randomly talk about how hes going out with his other friends and his gf or talk about fucking her when it’s obvious I’m an inkwell

I know people will come to me and say “soooooo much self pity brooo just work hard bro and Improve yourr life broooo”

But seriously What could I even do to change this shit its already fucking over

Im basically just a live rotting corpse at this point
I feel like a hollow shell of a person

Even if i Became a chad now I would still be fucked up beyond repair but atleast then maybe I could actually do some shit in life to distract myself

I just wish I could really live
I always hoped my life would get bettER but Im fucked

typing this shit Out reminded me of so many brutal experiences Id blocked out that I havent even talked out

Im so fucking tired of this shit and Ive been semi detached from reality for years now just to cope
But its gotten worse recently

Its like im being pulled along for the ride with no choice and Im just watching my life like its a boring tv show I want to switch off but Ive lost the remote control

I guess no one is really in control of their life like they think they are they are just following the path set out for them by fate and they never had any choice in who or what they would become and what will happen to them

I hope I fucking die soon If this is how it is always going to be

Im thinking of starting a commentary channel like dbdr just to vent and have something to do
I can also talk about my life stories so that maybe other people can relate

Atleast then they wouldnt be meaningless brutal experiences

I feel like I either wouldnt get any views or I would end up losing my friends somehow like dbdr and then my life would become even worse

I dont know wtf to do anymore everything always just goes to shit
Fuck this life
Find you one in the Philippines going thru somewhat similar struggle and hardship. Start out as pen pal.

View: https://youtu.be/XR1fJKHbt6k?si=DoPhf0OLzXNfW2SW
Find you one in the Philippines going thru somewhat similar struggle and hardship. Start out as pen pal.

View: https://youtu.be/XR1fJKHbt6k?si=DoPhf0OLzXNfW2SW

Ive thought about seamaxxing and I dont think it would even be possible with how mentally fucked I am now

I wouldn't be able to take care of myself on my own and my social skills are quite bad at this point

when Im with other people I feel more comfortable and can socialise alot better then when Im alone and even then its nothing good

but if I was on my own I wouldnt be able to socialise properly and Id be in a foreign country where I know no one

Not having a gf Isnt even my worst issue anymore I hate everything About life theres barely anything I enjoy anymore and Im running out of copes now

Ever since I was abused Ive never really liked being alive and Now Im not being given any motivation to continue since everything I try to do goes to fucking shit
Shivambu, a yoga concept, saved my life
Shivambu, a yoga concept, saved my life
Are you serious? I try to keep an open mind but how can drinking urine be healthy?

What are the details? Is it a drop in a glass of water or do you gulp down a full bottle?
Are you serious? I try to keep an open mind but how can drinking urine be healthy?

What are the details? Is it a drop in a glass of water or do you gulp down a full bottle?
Are u actually contemplating drinking piss
Are you serious? I try to keep an open mind but how can drinking urine be healthy?

What are the details? Is it a drop in a glass of water or do you gulp down a full bottle?
You shouldnt drink piss, unless you have no choice
Are u actually contemplating drinking piss
No, it's a pathogen but I'm curious whether it's just a drop mixed with water or a couple of bottles gulped down with the head pulled back and spillage running down the T-shirt.
You shouldnt drink piss, unless you have no choice
Okay Bro I won't but I was curious. Does the urnine have to be a dark yellow, left to mellow for a couple of weeks then gulped down in one go and what the benefits are.
Okay Bro I won't but I was curious. Does the urnine have to be a dark yellow, left to mellow for a couple of weeks then gulped down in one go and what the benefits are.
Healthy urin is is supposed to be light to medium yellow colored.

And just so i get this right, you left urin rot for weeks and then you drank it ?
Okay Bro I won't but I was curious. Does the urnine have to be a dark yellow, left to mellow for a couple of weeks then gulped down in one go and what the benefits are.
Why are u thinking so deeply into it I’m pretty sure that guy only said it as a joke
Healthy urin is is supposed to be light to medium yellow colored.

And just so i get this right, you left urin rot for weeks and then you drank it ?
No it's a question for @LifeMaxxer who is a practictioner of Shivambu. I was just wondering what the details are and what exactly does he do and what the benefits are.
No it's a question for @LifeMaxxer who is a practictioner of Shivambu. I was just wondering what the details are and what exactly does he do and what the benefits are.
Does he actually drink piss??
We've got one fucking life on this hell planet, and it's being wasted away on our subhuman bodies just because we had the bad luck of being born with inferior genes... :feelsseriously:
Does he actually drink piss??
He said it's been a life changer for him but I don't know the details or if he was serious.

Just to clarify I'm not a practictioner, not in any past life, present life and any future life in this universe or any multi parallel universes, and was just curious if DrinkUrineMaxxing was a real cope for him.

Btw, I did read your post and it was brutal. You shoud do a YT rant channel as it might help you and others.
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We've got one fucking life on this hell planet, and it's being wasted away on our subhuman bodies just because we had the bad luck of being born with inferior genes... :feelsseriously:
out unluckiness is actually insane to think about we were born just to suffer and make other people feel good about themselves and even after all the pain in life we get nothing
out unluckiness is actually insane to think about we were born just to suffer and make other people feel good about themselves and even after all the pain in life we get nothing

We aren't even afforded any sympathy for our misfortune.
5498A1F4 6028 4B39 9328 3AD56B23184A
out unluckiness is actually insane to think about we were born just to suffer and make other people feel good about themselves and even after all the pain in life we get nothing
We deserve to be reincarnated as chad in the next life. While I don't actually believe in reincarnation and think it's a cope for subhumans, it makes me wonder if today's chads used to be truecels in their previous life. But let's be real, that's just gigacope. Sigh
We deserve to be reincarnated as chad in the next life. While I don't actually believe in reincarnation and think it's a cope for subhumans, it makes me wonder if today's chads used to be truecels in their previous life. But let's be real, that's just gigacope. Sigh
We deserve to have never existed in the first place

Had none of us existed we wouldnt have suffered at all

I dont remember if I said it in this post or not but life itself is just suffering and everything else is just a cope to distract yourself from that

Being a chad or having good genes just allows you to more easily distract yourself from life

Its better to just not exist at all
Are you serious? I try to keep an open mind but how can drinking urine be healthy?

What are the details? Is it a drop in a glass of water or do you gulp down a full bottle?
I piss in a bottle and drink it. I do it as much as I can and drink as much as I can. No mixing with water or anything.
No, it's a pathogen but I'm curious whether it's just a drop mixed with water or a couple of bottles gulped down with the head pulled back and spillage running down the T-shirt.
I will make a thread on it
Respectfully your only problem is that you seek good in people, life, society and all these wordly pleasures but the only good is god and all the good from the materials world is from the mercy and blessing of god. Seek good from god and make him your best closest friend, vent to him, cry to him, beg from him, talk with him.he created you and he was always above you, caring for you. Gods love is stronger than the love of a mother to her child. But we have so many blessings that we are blinded by them, healthy body, loving parents, safe country, internet, this forum, sight things we think are general but we wont acknowledge them until they are lost. I pray to god (Allah) to heal you, me and all of us brocels and make us go back to him
Are you serious? I try to keep an open mind but how can drinking urine be healthy?

What are the details? Is it a drop in a glass of water or do you gulp down a full bottle?
drinking pee and eating poop gives you infinity food and water
drinking pee and eating poop gives you infinity food and water
@LifeMaxxer promised to post a thread so we will have to wait and see.

Maybe the urine is partially filtered before ingestion and mixed with some herb or drink. Only LifeMaxxer knows the truth.
If you start a YouTube channel share it to this forum.
If you start a YouTube channel share it to this forum.
I will if i end up making one
my main problem with making a commentary channel is that not much even happens in my life anymore since im neetmaxxed and I’ve forgotten alot of the things that have happened to me unless its recent because my memory is terrible

Brutal early onset dementia pill
A couple years back i was trying to write a suicide note which turned into me just telling off my dad a dozen different ways in word form. Last I spoke to him he mocked me over it.
Im thinking of starting a commentary channel like dbdr just to vent and have something to do
I can also talk about my life stories so that maybe other people can relate
If you don't have a mog Voice, I don't think you would have much of a success there. Or worse bluepilled normfags and redpilled faghads would user your videos to make fun of you and make the blackpill and inceldom look worse. And since your average jewtuber has the IQ of that of a room's temperature, they would post stupid shit alongside retarded emojis such as and move along without giving any thought of what they have just witnessed.
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I know people will come to me and say “soooooo much self pity brooo just work hard bro and Improve yourr life broooo”
Yeah and after what you said about your "friends" rejected your whole existents and bluepillers still think like "just work hard bro" then their neurons are not firing correctly :feelsclown::feelsclown::soy::soy:
If you don't have a mog Voice, I don't think you would have much of a success there. Or worse bluepilled normfags and redpilled faghads would user your videos to make fun of you and make the blackpill and inceldom look worse. And since your average jewtuber has the IQ of that of a room's temperature, they would post stupid shit alongside retarded emojis such as and move along without giving any thought of what they have just witnessed.
Yeah the voicepill is another reason I haven’t done it
Its not like my voice is terrible but its not the type of voice that halos you and your videos like dbdr
I also wouldnt be able to tell many stories because my memory is so bad that Ive forgotten alot of things that have happened to me
I want to tell them as close to how it happened as possible but thats hard to do with my memory

Honestly I dont gaf what any of those bluepillers or redpillers think I would only be making the content for people in the bp community and people who can relate to it
Honestly I dont gaf what any of those bluepillers or redpillers think I would only be making the content for people in the bp community and people who can relate to it
True, but it's not about what they think, it's about feeding them content and making normfags even more hostile towards truecels than they ever were, people (even normies) sympathise with him just because of his voice
Yeah the voicepill is another reason I haven’t done it
Its not like my voice is terrible but its not the type of voice that halos you and your videos like dbdr
I also wouldnt be able to tell many stories because my memory is so bad that Ive forgotten alot of things that have happened to me
I want to tell them as close to how it happened as possible but thats hard to do with my memory

Honestly I dont gaf what any of those bluepillers or redpillers think I would only be making the content for people in the bp community and people who can relate to it
I guess another way you can have a mogger voice is via voice modding. I remember back in my keyboard warrior LARP phase where I was in this ROBLOX faction where its leader created a cult of personality and he had a mogger voice. Even his own speeches sounded epic due to his high testosterone voice, but then later I found out he was modifying his voice and his original sounded like your average bloke, jfl :feelskek:
I think it is possible DBDR uses a voice mod as well, but idk it wasn't proven yet.

So I guess you could use that as well if you really want this blackpilled youtuber career, go for it mang, you have my full support.
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i realised recently that the discord servers i would get turned on and villainised by the whole group, was only in the servers i would show my face in. any tiniest slight, anything they could use against me (even making things up) they did, simply because they wanted me out purely for the sin of being subhuman. last server i ever showed my face in, they turned on me until i willingly left. i rejoined with a burner to see if theyd say anything about me, and the foids were making false accusations about me.

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