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SuicideFuel I can never go to Israel again bc of some stuff I posted here



Genetiker und Evolutionspsychologe.
Dec 19, 2020
Eilat, Red Sea, is really nice
Really good food too.
No way to ascend there, but the sea temperature in Winter is like 21 degrees and it's always sunny, the closest possible place from Europe.

Already back then they searched through all my stuff at the airport for 15 minutes bc they thought I was a nazi terrorist.
Eilat, Red Sea, is really nice
Really good food too.
No way to ascend there, but the sea temperature in Winter is like 21 degrees and it's always sunny, the closest possible place from Europe.

Already back then they searched through all my stuff at the airport for 15 minutes bc they thought I was a nazi terrorist.
Who cares? They hate goyims, and the land is an illegitimate state run at the expense of Palestinians (Mossad, I'm not scared of you).
illegitimate state run at the expense of Palestinians
jfl at arabs. for once they loose 10'000 square miles, and all they can do is whine about it for centuries.
if i had the same mindset, i would have to go to constantinople and kill all muslims?

just blame it on the jews if you are too religious or stupid for economic progress theory.

but maybe you're right and i should support Palestine, just so the jews stop hating whites already and start hating arabs again.
jfl at arabs. for once they loose 10'000 square miles, and all they can do is whine about it for centuries.
if i had the same mindset, i would have to go to constantinople and kill all muslims?

just blame it on the jews if you are too religious or stupid for economic progress theory.

but maybe you're right and i should support Palestine, just so the jews stop hating whites already and start hating arabs again.
What's so wrong about Arabs? Jews are everywhere anyways, so why would they need Israel?
What's so wrong about Arabs? Jews are everywhere anyways, so why would they need Israel?
I like Arabs (not in my country though if they outbreed my native people).
And why shouldnt the Jews also have their land? just 10 000 square miles? (jfl at israelis who want gaza and west jordan land, not gonna happen)
also jfl at palestinians who neglected the idea of a tunnel between gaza and west bank, because they want all the country.
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I like Arabs (not in my country though if they outbreed my native people).
And why shouldnt the Jews also have their land? just 10 000 square miles? (jfl at israelis who want gaza and west jordan land, not gonna happen)
also jfl at palestinians who neglected the idea of a tunnel between gaza and west bank, because they want all the country.
Hating on Arabs coming to your country and outbreeding your kind, but Jews have infiltrated ever nation and like weeds with roots firmly in the bedrock, they won't be leaving that easily when they take over your enterprises.
I wish a Jewish girl would save me and let me live with her and her wealthy family
Well, there is always the greater Israel that is the United States.
you should have come visited me bro
Hating on Arabs coming to your country and outbreeding your kind, but Jews have infiltrated ever nation and like weeds with roots firmly in the bedrock, they won't be leaving that easily when they take over your enterprises.
I just watched some old Nazi propaganda, and they state that they are like leeches, sucking on their host, because they are just traders and it's the Germans (or whoever) who make the actual produce.

Well, economic theory proves that this is bullshit, because if they would make their prices too high, you could just go buy it at another trader's.
I just watched some old Nazi propaganda, and they state that they are like leeches, sucking on their host, because they are just traders and it's the Germans (or whoever) who make the actual produce.

Well, economic theory proves that this is bullshit, because if they would make their prices too high, you could just go buy it at another trader's.
They control ALL the enterprises, including the "competition" that they try to buy out but its all in the same collective.
They control ALL the enterprises, including the "competition" that they try to buy out but its all in the same collective.
Why don't you and some other like-minded people start a business and compete them? If they really held the prices artificially high, you could make profits in the millions?
israel seems like a boring place tbh
Why don't you and some other like-minded people start a business and compete them? If they really held the prices artificially high, you could make profits in the millions?
Your brethren would never allow the competition and you guys already have a stranglehold on the credit loaning industry amongst other things. You know, I wonder what it's like being a Jewish incel, that has to be rough, I mean afterall, it was your grandmothers, mothers, female cousins, and sisters that started the whole third wave feminism thing, how do you cope with that within your identity? That has to be fucking brutal, does it make you resent and hate them even more? Just being curious over here, don't mind me.

What's it feel like being the progenitors of the downfall of man and modern civilization? Honest question.
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Your brethren would never allow the competition and you guys already have a stranglehold on the credit loaning industry amongst other things. You know, I wonder what it's like being a Jewish incel, that has to be rough, I mean afterall, it was your grandmothers, mothers, female cousins, and sisters that started the whole third wave feminism thing, how do you cope with that within your identity? That has to be fucking brutal, does it make you resent and hate them even more? Just being curious over here, don't mind me.

What's it feel like being the progenitors of the downfall of man and modern civilization? Honest question.
you have to ask kikecel im not a jew
you have to ask kikecel im not a jew
Good to know, would love a Jewish incel explanation of the current state of things these days. Would be pretty entertaining that I am sure of.
Good to know, would love a Jewish incel explanation of the current state of things these days. Would be pretty entertaining that I am sure of.
btw u dont need much money to start a business, so "jewish banks wont give me a credit" is a lazy excuse
btw u dont need much money to start a business, so "jewish banks wont give me a credit" is a lazy excuse
Depends what you mean by a lot of money, quite relative across economic social class distinctions. Also, last I've looked into such things here applying for loans is quite a tricky process, takes money to make money you know.

Of course somebody of your caliber who can afford galavanting around between nations travelling I wouldn't expect you to understand my point of view.
Depends what you mean by a lot of money, quite relative across economic social class distinctions. Also, last I've looked into such things here applying for loans is quite a tricky process, takes money to make money you know.

Of course somebody of your caliber who can afford galavanting around between nations travelling I wouldn't expect you to understand my point of view.
If you really want to destroy the Jewish liberal "organisation" so bad, why don't you convince some nazis to marry their daughters so they will die out? Whites outnumber Jews by 1:50 still.
If you really want to destroy the Jewish liberal "organisation" so bad, why don't you convince some nazis to marry their daughters so they will die out? Whites outnumber Jews by 1:50 still.
An interesting idea, I've already thought about that with the White looking ones anyways. A theme setting with reproduction centers, reeducation camps, cages, abduction teams, and ect. I'll spare you the gruesome details of course and I don't want a knock on my door this morning trying to sleep here.
Sucks. How did they even find out about stuff you posted here? Did they check your phone or laptop or something?
An interesting idea, I've already thought about that with the White looking ones anyways. A theme setting with reproduction centers, reeducation camps, cages, abduction teams, and ect. I'll spare you the gruesome details of course and I don't want a knock on my door this morning trying to sleep here.
No I mean white Chads make them fall in love with them voluntarily
Sucks. How did they even find out about stuff you posted here? Did they check your phone or laptop or something?
No no when I went and they searched through my stuff was before I posted here, because I look like a Nazi maybe.

That they would stop be bc I posted here was just a speculation
If you really want to destroy the Jewish liberal "organisation" so bad, why don't you convince some nazis to marry their daughters so they will die out? Whites outnumber Jews by 1:50 still.
Lol, Jewry is passed matrilineally from mother to her children, so those children would still be Jews and you just helped them use your Goyim seed continue their bloodline.
I wouldn't give a shit. Sure the Red Sea is nice, but there's hundreds of more beautiful places, with nicer people (most Israelis are abrasive cunts)
Wait this kike lover didn't support Palestine? Bro I hate sandniggers as much as the next person but we should let them destroy Israel so the entire world will be better off.

Sucks. How did they even find out about stuff you posted here? Did they check your phone or laptop or something?
Ehm because they control the world and the tech industry and your phone.
Based & JQpilled.
Well, economic theory proves that this is bullshit, because if they would make their prices too high, you could just go buy it at another trader's.
not if all the traders are coordinating with each other in order to gouge prices
btw u dont need much money to start a business, so "jewish banks wont give me a credit" is a lazy excuse
The artificially create barriers of entry by lobbying the government to introduce regulations to industries that they are already firmly in control of. How can someone be this naive
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tbh, Im posting here the same as you and I dont think im about to get mossaded anytime soon atleast
(I live in Israel)
Israel wont see the next 20 years jfl
i don't think mossad is spying on you, doubt they can prove it
I wish a Jewish girl would save me and let me live with her and her wealthy family
lol i had this daydream a little bit, its not gonna happen as i am subhuman and know no girls nevermind jew girls, but it would be nice to be rich and have a wife. I had another nightmare about being broke and people forcing me to wageslave last night, its getting to me.
Eilat, Red Sea, is really nice
Really good food too.
No way to ascend there, but the sea temperature in Winter is like 21 degrees and it's always sunny, the closest possible place from Europe.

Already back then they searched through all my stuff at the airport for 15 minutes bc they thought I was a nazi terrorist.
Bro, how do they even know you post here? and also don't your knee hurt from too much climbing with the bicycle?
you should have come visited me bro
Remember that time we blew up that hospital full of pali kids? - (in mimecraft) good times!

See you next summer!
Honestly dude - if you are travelling across international borders I would have separate devices for that or at the very least factory reset your phone and change the SSD in your laptop you can always restore you data remotely or when you get home. There are all sorts of tools deployed at these borders - cloning the contents of your storage devices, putting spyware on your computer. Anything you need to get at you could store it encrypted in the cloud or SSH into a home server or something to get at any files while you're overseas. You should compartmentalise any social media so if they want to see your twatter and your g-mail you have cookie cutter normie stuff to show them.

I crossed Canadian customs in 2014 and they took my laptop off in a room for 15 minutes and got really suspicious because it was dual boot with Ubuntu and my windows install had a shit load of factory car interfaces and programming and manuals and stuff on it and they wanted to know what Ubuntu was. They said it was suspicious. I didn't really keep much personal on the windows partition because all that hacked Chinese software was virus ridden anyway and there wasn't much on the Ubuntu partition.

I did a clean install when I got home. God knows what they did to it. They probably got a virus whatever it was. :feelshaha:
I crossed Canadian customs in 2014 and they took my laptop off in a room for 15 minutes and got really suspicious because it was dual boot with Ubuntu and my windows install had a shit load of factory car interfaces and programming and manuals and stuff on it and they wanted to know what Ubuntu was. They said it was suspicious. I didn't really keep much personal on the windows partition because all that hacked Chinese software was virus ridden anyway and there wasn't much on the Ubuntu partition.

I did a clean install when I got home. God knows what they did to it. They probably got a virus whatever it was. :feelshaha:
How naturally Orwellian of them. Why did they look at your laptop? Isn't that a breach of privacy? All they should be concerned with is if you aren't physically smuggling anything in it, and if there might be hidden explosives or have it laced with illegal substances. I have to check their laws, but that sounds like bullshit to me (not your story, the fact that they tried to access your laptop).
How naturally Orwellian of them. Why did they look at your laptop? Isn't that a breach of privacy? All they should be concerned with is if you aren't physically smuggling anything in it, and if there might be hidden explosives or have it laced with illegal substances. I have to check their laws, but that sounds like bullshit to me (not your story, the fact that they tried to access your laptop).
Yeah - they made me log in to it. I refused at first but they said it was a condition of my entry to Canada. I was a bit annoyed, kept asking "what is this" (as to why it was dual boot) and "what is all this car stuff, are you a mechanic" (not really but its a side business for me). Then they were accusing me of coming to work and I was explaining to him I didn't have any of the interface cables or modules with me so it was useless for that. Then they made me log into Ubuntu which annoyed them and they asked a lot about that then asked me to log into Windows and then took my laptop off in a room for 15 minutes.

Another CBSA officer came and started asking me if I was coming to work and if I had ever been in trouble with the police and I'm like just a speeding fine when I was 21. Technically not as an adult. Then the other guy came back with my laptop and asked similar questions. They asked about my work history. They asked about some dumb stuff I had brought for my friend - a souvenir from Germany. Eventually they said I was free to go and to pack up my shit.

So yeah. They can do what they want. I was already aware of this - If I was going to travel across any international border I would make sure you have a fairly blank phone and computer, nothing you wouldn't want someone to see and bear in mind that Canada considers Incels terrorists today so you want to make sure you have nothing to tie you to Incels on your devices if you ever cross the border.
Why don't you and some other like-minded people start a business and compete them? If they really held the prices artificially high, you could make profits in the millions?
X should really be 100$ but Jews artificially raise the price to 200$ to profit more. If anyone even succeeds at starting a business then they'll still have to sell it for 200$ as well. Because if they don't, Mr. economist genius, then they'll go out of business because their competitor is selling for 200$ and getting huge profits.
Not to mention the fact that free market doesn't exist today and all existing companies work together to maintain their control over the market and prevent competition.

im not a jew
Yeah sure. I've seen more Jew worship from you in the past week than I see in Jewish media.
Yeah - they made me log in to it. I refused at first but they said it was a condition of my entry to Canada. I was a bit annoyed, kept asking "what is this" (as to why it was dual boot) and "what is all this car stuff, are you a mechanic" (not really but its a side business for me). Then they were accusing me of coming to work and I was explaining to him I didn't have any of the interface cables or modules with me so it was useless for that. Then they made me log into Ubuntu which annoyed them and they asked a lot about that then asked me to log into Windows and then took my laptop off in a room for 15 minutes.

Another CBSA officer came and started asking me if I was coming to work and if I had ever been in trouble with the police and I'm like just a speeding fine when I was 21. Technically not as an adult. Then the other guy came back with my laptop and asked similar questions. They asked about my work history. They asked about some dumb stuff I had brought for my friend - a souvenir from Germany. Eventually they said I was free to go and to pack up my shit.

So yeah. They can do what they want. I was already aware of this - If I was going to travel across any international border I would make sure you have a fairly blank phone and computer, nothing you wouldn't want someone to see and bear in mind that Canada considers Incels terrorists today so you want to make sure you have nothing to tie you to Incels on your devices if you ever cross the border.
I hope you scrubbed your devices. Who knows if they installed spyware.

I hate customs officers so fucking much. They're way more assholish than cops. They power trip so much and can make your life difficult on a whim, because their ego got offended that you failed to show them proper respect, so now they'll make up any excuse to go through all of your shit and run you through everything they can hit you with before letting you go.

This may be of interest:

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I hope you scrubbed your devices. Who knows if they installed spyware.

I hate customs officers so fucking much. They're way more assholish than cops. They power trip so much and can make your life difficult on a whim, because their ego got offended that you failed to show them proper respect, so now they'll make up any excuse to go through all of your shit and run you through everything they can hit you with before letting you go.

This may be of interest:

Oh yeah - It was my older laptop. I mainly used it for work and it was a very unstable system. I reinstalled my Ubuntu partition from a clean install when i got to the hotel and I wiped the whole thing and started again when I got home precisely because I suspected they may have installed spyware. Oddly enough they didn't go through my phone or touch it. There was a TV show for a while in England following Canada border security on some shitty cable channel and they actually would catch people planning to work illegally because they literally had text messages in their phone and dipshits who said they were coming for 3-4 weeks but had like 6 suitcases of all their possessions and piles of documents relating to their education, identity. etc They really catch stupid people. Most of the people who get hired to the border force in the UK are people who couldn't pass the test for the army, the police, the prison service or even the post office.

Even if they technically can't do something to you they can make up a bullshit charge like they think you're a drug mule or something or detain you on suspicion of something for 72 hours.
How easy it is to enter Canada? Can I try crossing the border with a state-issued ID?

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