Yeah, of Chads by their girlfriends while incels get nothing

Intimate partner violence among male and female Russian university students
Title:feelsjuice:. In modern times, 33.5% of married men in Kenya have been victims of physical domestic violence (Kigaya, 2021) According to Gathogo (2015), in the Central region of Kenya alone, by 2012 there had been 300,000 cases of domestic violence against men. In most Arab countries...
I think it mostly comes down to the second and fourth points honestly. Central Asian countries have been a part of the USSR and the Russian Empire after all, so you have a lot of shared history, lots of the people there know Russian, probably have friends or relatives with experiences of working in Russia, and so on. Lots of people also don't seem to appreciate just how poor those countries are, of the Uzbekistan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan trio, the first one is the only one with higher GDP per capita (nominal) than India, and the last one is solidly among the five poorest countries in Asia. If you're some urban elite Chinese who can buy a plane ticket on a whim, it's easy to just decide to go to the West despite them being so far away, but if you're some dirt-poor Tajik, the only way to even see the inside of a plane at least once in your life is to hope that the country used to import people like you for cheap labor is going to send one to bring you there, while the thought of somehow ending up in the US or Western Europe on your own is just unthinkable.