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I am starting to hate white knights/cucks more than femoids tbh



Living girl repellent
Nov 8, 2017
Seriously, they are the lowest and most pitiable life-forms in existence. They deserve to be castrated, because it's not like they had balls in the first place.
Do you really think she'll notice you if you identify as a feminist? Do you really think she'll notice you if you white knight for her on the internet? While you're grovelling like a worm, she's fucking Chad and not even thinking of you.

Why do you think women have so much power in modern day? Because of men like this. They tell them that they're beautiful, they send them money just for going on webcam and smiling, they shed any dignity they have in the hopes of being so much as acknowledged by a roastie. If we are to topple orbiting culture, ewhoring culture, and strip females of their power we must cleanse thirsty betas from our society. (Or at the very least, blackpill them)
I have always hated them more.

Why do people still throw literal dogshit at me? I followed the grooming and fashion advice of AskWomen. Would any of you fair ladies deign to go out with thee? Trump is the anti-Christ and guys who think Looks matter should be thrown in a wood chipper! Hello...ladies?

They're pathetic indeed.
what amazes me is there are so many of these orbiters and white knights.

Why do people still throw literal dogshit at me? I followed the grooming and fashion advice of AskWomen. Would any of you fair ladies deign to go out with thee? Trump is the anti-Christ and guys who think Looks matter should be thrown in a wood chipper! Hello...ladies?

Lmao pretty much, they think themselves as knights in shining armor. "please love me m'ladies, I respect you!"

Who is that guy btw?

Why do people still throw literal dogshit at me? I followed the grooming and fashion advice of AskWomen. Would any of you fair ladies deign to go out with thee? Trump is the anti-Christ and guys who think Looks matter should be thrown in a wood chipper! Hello...ladies?

Who is this guy ? I see his pics a lot.
what amazes me is there are so many of these orbiters and white knights.
Same here, I see them absolutely everywhere.
At first I thought it was just a minority, but it's an entire culture. Sad, really.

Why do people still throw literal dogshit at me? I followed the grooming and fashion advice of AskWomen. Would any of you fair ladies deign to go out with thee? Trump is the anti-Christ and guys who think Looks matter should be thrown in a wood chipper! Hello...ladies?


Looks like this really fat short ugly dude I know named Robert (except Robert is even uglier and has glasses). Dude is a literal 30 year old virgin and was actively on OKcupid for 2 years without getting a single date. I would feel sorry for the dude but he's a blue-pilled beta cuck that says all that same kind of shit and hasn't figured out that it won't get him anywhere. I call him Bluepill Blobert.
They don't deserve the privilege of calling themselves men.
All our problems stem from cucks' actions: Feminism, sexual liberation, hypergamy, fall of Patriarchy - cucks' fault.
Lmao pretty much, they think themselves as knights in shining armor. "please love me m'ladies, I respect you!"

Who is that guy btw?

Venne1138. Someone posted him on PUAHate and I invited him to the forum. He basically told us to fuck off and dug in even deeper as a “male feminist”. Basically autistic as fuck, a KHHV friendless supercel who asks for help only to aggressively reject it. Might well be one of the smartest guys in the world but has the common sense of a toddler. His life story is so unbelievable that when people pretend to be him, they’re banned for being “too perfect”.
All our problems stem from cucks' actions: Feminism, sexual liberation, hypergamy, fall of Patriarchy - cucks' fault.
This, if men simply said "no, we ain't dealing with you roastie cunts" we would still be living in a non-degenerate society.
Yeah, they do it to get a femoid's attention, at the end, she will never fuck whiteknights or cucks, only Chad. Honestly, women don't even care about whiteknights, even mocking them. As OP stated, they should be blackpilled. However, they should be blackpilled not because of last resort, but is the best resort as it prevents femoids from having a lot of orbitters and saves the men from being fucked over.

t.beta orbiter who became blackpilled and stopped anyways
Cucks should be put to death too.
white knights, cucks, betas, manginas whatever you wanna call em all enable this activity
i hate them both equally
When men stopped demanding virgin women for wives, degeneracy happened. When men stopped providing for their women and daughters, "independent" femoids happened. Society once had it right, but betas wanted to go the easy way.
It's because they are worse. You always kill the traitor before attacking the enemy.
but you are the prime example of cuck. You admitted it on other thread yourself. Calling yourself a cuck.

You are also a whiteknight.

you are exactly what you hate most.
Exactly. I hate myself.

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