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It's Over I am repulsed by other living forms, including foids

Fancy Alcoholic

Fancy Alcoholic

Living by the name
Sep 2, 2020
Years and years of social isolation made me as I am now. Despite the fact I have bare minimum social intelligence allowing me to communicate with people and roam through wageslaving and socialmaXxing in automod, I can not even envision to touch a living form anymore. It feels odd, uncanny, unwanted.Back then, when I was still a student living with my parents, I did have fantasies of having close conversations with my crush and other beautiful foids I knew, excessively sophisticated eroticism, and even sex. But now, I really don't anymore. I don't dream of touching a beautiful foid anymore. It feels unnatural, clumsy. I don't know how to do it anyway. My reality isn't made of this kind of thing, never was, and never will.

inb4 low iq fake cels infiltrators say meme shit such as "cope" :

I do have sexual urges, I do watch porn and fap from time to time. But this whole thing has become purely physiological and soulless. My mind isn't involved in the process anymore, as it used to be back then, especially when I watch porn. And even then, I don't want to be the guy fucking the porn star in the fim. I'm just watching and consuming the image, and thatt's it; just a distant image of a reality that isn't mine. The very idea of sex does actually look more and more like some kind of cosmic horror parallel reality, were uncanny barely human looking silhouettes are engaged in unnatural body positions and physiological connection devoid of any logic. If there wasn't the actual physiological need for dopamine I'm still absurdly craving for, I would actually be terrorized by the antinatural complexity of this whole concept normies call intercourse.
29058 3
looks like a fancy alcoholic
What the fuck?

I find women to be attractive.
Same here. This is what many years of not giving a foid anything other than a handshake or greeting hug, along with the black pill, results in. If I ever find myself lusting after one, I've made it a habit to remind myself of the kind of things they say behind closed doors (gossip, insults, backstabbing) and I'm instantly turned off. It works like a charm. Some make this even easier for me by opening their mouths in my presence.

Some brocels say they're into hatefucking escorts but for me, even that is out of the question. Paying hard-earned money to rent a cumdumpster and to potentially get falsely accused of rape or get an STD aside, I don't hate them enough for that. I'm disgusted by their high body count at best, which only makes me want to get close even less for the sake of my own safety.

Also, to me sex and relationships are mainly about the ego boost from a foid validating you as someone she isn't utterly ashamed of or disgusted by. (inb4 "JFL at this foid-validation-seeking SIMP :feelskek:" -- IMO confidence doesn't come from within and the only real way to get it is from reinforcement by others; anything else is a cope) Since the last thing a prostitute would want after getting railed all day is my dick, she's useless for this. That would only be ropefuel for me. To be honest, I've never tried that so I might be wrong; I'm not falling for the "you never know until you've tried" BS though.
to me sex and relationships are mainly about the ego boost from a foid validating you as someone she isn't utterly ashamed of or disgusted by
high IQ

That's the difference between Chad's life experience and other males.
Years and years of social isolation made me as I am now. Despite the fact I have bare minimum social intelligence allowing me to communicate with people and roam through wageslaving and socialmaXxing in automod, I can not even envision to touch a living form anymore. It feels odd, uncanny, unwanted.Back then, when I was still a student living with my parents, I did have fantasies of having close conversations with my crush and other beautiful foids I knew, excessively sophisticated eroticism, and even sex. But now, I really don't anymore. I don't dream of touching a beautiful foid anymore. It feels unnatural, clumsy. I don't know how to do it anyway. My reality isn't made of this kind of thing, never was, and never will.

inb4 low iq fake cels infiltrators say meme shit such as "cope" :

I do have sexual urges, I do watch porn and fap from time to time. But this whole thing has become purely physiological and soulless. My mind isn't involved in the process anymore, as it used to be back then, especially when I watch porn. And even then, I don't want to be the guy fucking the porn star in the fim. I'm just watching and consuming the image, and thatt's it; just a distant image of a reality that isn't mine. The very idea of sex does actually look more and more like some kind of cosmic horror parallel reality, were uncanny barely human looking silhouettes are engaged in unnatural body positions and physiological connection devoid of any logic. If there wasn't the actual physiological need for dopamine I'm still absurdly craving for, I would actually be terrorized by the antinatural complexity of this whole concept normies call intercourse.

When you lose hope you also lose energy, will, passion.

Also : are you a frenchcel as well ? Why do you have EZ as a profile picture lol
When you lose hope you also lose energy, will, passion.

Also : are you a frenchcel as well ? Why do you have EZ as a profile picture lol
En gros c'est là où j'en suis ... Et pourquoi le Z ? Parce que c'est le candidat des un cel ! :feelsthink:
woman arent worth it longterm

still sex is a thing i want
En gros c'est là où j'en suis ... Et pourquoi le Z ? Parce que c'est le candidat des un cel ! :feelsthink:

Je suis un peu dans la même situation. La seule chose qui me maintient à flot psychologiquement c'est l'hypothèse de gagner assez de thunes pour profiter paisiblement de la vie sans avoir à aller au boulot tous les jours.

Pour Zemmour, en effet il a un physique d'incel à 100%. Et il est globalement sympathique, peu importe ses opinions politiques.
Je suis un peu dans la même situation. La seule chose qui me maintient à flot psychologiquement c'est l'hypothèse de gagner assez de thunes pour profiter paisiblement de la vie sans avoir à aller au boulot tous les jours.

Pour Zemmour, en effet il a un physique d'incel à 100%. Et il est globalement sympathique, peu importe ses opinions politiques.
La retraite avant l'heure, je pense que c'est un leurre pour notre génération. Les boomers se torturaient pas la tête pour économiser des clopinettes, et ont pourtant continué à travailler bien après avoir choppé assez pour "retire early". Ce délire pour aliéné américanisé de FIRE, c'est surtout parce qu'on est confronté à l'évidence que vivre correctement tout de suite est impossible, du coup on fantasme sur un futur hypothétiquement meilleur où on pourrait compter sur nos économies. La vérité c'est que ça va être la merde. Pas la fin du monde que nous promettent les demeurés écofascistes ou survivalistes, juste le déclassement progressif, l'habituation à la misère. Les gens vivront moins bien qu'il y a cent ans et devront faire avec, si ce n'est pas encore le cas. Perso je suis fataliste et je gagne juste assez en tant qu'esclave pour subvenir à mes besoins et avoir des petits plaisirs. Ca me suffit. Je pourrais monk max que ça me dérangerait pas. :feelsbadman:
woman arent worth it longterm
Nothing is worth it long term as long as we haven't found a way to significantly increase our life expectancy.
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La retraite avant l'heure, je pense que c'est un leurre pour notre génération. Les boomers se torturaient pas la tête pour économiser des clopinettes, et ont pourtant continué à travailler bien après avoir choppé assez pour "retire early". Ce délire pour aliéné américanisé de FIRE, c'est surtout parce qu'on est confronté à l'évidence que vivre correctement tout de suite est impossible, du coup on fantasme sur un futur hypothétiquement meilleur où on pourrait compter sur nos économies. La vérité c'est que ça va être la merde. Pas la fin du monde que nous promettent les demeurés écofascistes ou survivalistes, juste le déclassement progressif, l'habituation à la misère. Les gens vivront moins bien qu'il y a cent ans et devront faire avec, si ce n'est pas encore le cas. Perso je suis fataliste et je gagne juste assez en tant qu'esclave pour subvenir à mes besoins et avoir des petits plaisirs. Ca me suffit. Je pourrais monk max que ça me dérangerait pas. :feelsbadman:

Je suis en partie d'accord avec ton constat, notamment sur le déclassement progressif, sans "effondrement total" comme le disent les survivalistes (souvent demeurés en effet).
Mais ça n'enlève rien au fait qu'à travers l'entrepreneuriat et l'investissement, il est possible selon moi de tirer son épingle du jeu et de partir à la retraite "tôt".
C'est ce que je vise pour ma part activement. je suis de plein pieds dedans actuellement.

Tu te vois vraiment aller au taff tous les jours après avoir eu une jeunesse atroce à cause de ta sale gueule ? Et être quotidiennement au contact de gens qui te traiteront aussi comme de la merde parce que tu fais 172 cm et que tu as une sale tronche ?
Je préfère encore me flinguer. Donc pour moi la retraite précoce c'est le minimum qui m'est dû.

Mais c'est sans doute un fantasme, et peut etre que j'y parviendrai pas.. Mais je refuse de ne pas tenter le coup.
I can't tell the difference between a living being and voice in my head

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