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Cope "I am a 22-year-old incel in the original meaning of the word"

Comicwriter2020 :feelshaha:
The only thing this dude is writing are memes.
And also, dude is trying to escape his genetic prison doing situps only, while there are people on here who worked out for years and didn't get nowhere.
Also you gotta love how he basically said nothing yet he still got 250 upvotes. You can literally get +300 upvotes on IT by lying and making a post that contains the word excel. Like literally:
Hi redditors :soy:
Yesterday i was an incel then i took a shit and thought about it while drinking my soylent and now i am an excel, still no matches on tinder but it's a start. :soy:
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"in the ORIGINAL meaning of the word"

I love when NPC scum try to set themselves apart from us in order to appear special. Guarantee he'll be posting here in a few months.

Gorilla smile
He might join us.
He will be registering here soon once he realises that bluepilled advice didn't change his life at all.
@ComicWriter2020 come join us
JFL , at worshipping female
I hope Mr. ComicWriter2020 ascends. I don't think time is on his side, though.

I knew it was over for me when I was 18.
Incel but not incel
I am incel for 22 years and I keep getting screwed over but here are some meaningless motivational words, keep it up.
"Keep chasing that carrot, man. You'll get it eventually."
he can try as much as he wants to separate himself from us, but in the end he'll be here when he'll realize that genetics are everything and "pushing oneself" won't do jackshit
Feels good knowing this groveling worm will be put in his place by the very foids he worships
there was never another meaning
Just do sit ups after getting rejected for the 1000th time bro.
he's like me 2-3 yrs ago
No sit-ups for your face.
he's like me 2-3 yrs ago
After this dude does his 1,000,000 sit-up he'll probably come to his senses too Bro :feelsokman:
fUcKiNg cRuShEd mY SpIrIt fOr tHe rEsT Of tHaT DaY. bUt yA KnOw wHaT I DiD ThE NeXt dAy? i sTaRtEd dOiNg sIt uPs eVeRy mOrNiNg.

Tenor 1

Also JFL at dumb roastie trying to give out workout advice:

Two notes; sit ups can be pretty bad for you and the benefits are better realised by other body weights, like planking (no seriously, Google it)
Completely debunked by a professional physical therapist. Planks are useless.

View: https://youtu.be/ZyWEXjdAGCQ
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IT is an unethical subreddit that spreads false hope
In August, I found out this girl I liked was already taken. Third time this year that’s happened to me.

Amazing coincidence :feelskek:
I am a 22 year old incel in the original meaning of the word. I am trying to better myself.
In August, I found out this girl I liked was already taken. Third time this year that’s happened to me. Fucking crushed my spirit for the rest of that day. But ya know what I did the next day? I started two things: 1. I started doing sit ups every morning. 2. In an attempt to put myself out there, I joined tinder. It’s a long process but it’s a start.
I want this to be like a message for the incels that are probably lurking right now. The ones that are rational enough to listen. I understand that depression. That sadness you get when you have a day off from work and you feel so damn alone. I want you to know that regardless what you think, you’ve got this. You have the opportunity to better yourself. I believe that you can push yourself to greater things then posting about negativity on Reddit. You are capable of greater things then that. It’s hard, but nothing worth the time is ever easy. You can be better. So be better. I apologize if this sounds dumb as shit but I’m very tired as I’m writing this.
Edit: thank you all for the advice, encouragement, and positivity. It is appreciated
Edit 2: so apparently I got mentioned on the incel forum these guys got and they all said some stuff. I’ll make a post about it because I want to make people laugh.
"I started doing sit ups every morning"

that's his big self-improvement journey that separates him from the lazy toxic inklers? nigga I do sit ups every day too. just lol at him talking about "pushing yourself to greater heights and going beyond no matter what" because he started doing some basic exercises
"I started doing sit ups every morning"

that's his big self-improvement journey that separates him from the lazy toxic inklers? nigga I do sit ups every day too. just lol at him talking about "pushing yourself to greater heights and going beyond no matter what" because he started doing some basic exercises

You have to start small, inkler :feels:
Jfl men are fucking retarded. They really never learn, do they.

A girl doesn't like me...I know! I'll start doing sit ups!!! That'll fix the problem!!

I'm trying to actually remember the last time I saw some girl express desire/react well to a gymceled body JFL. It's the biggest myth ever.
Jfl men are fucking retarded. They really never learn, do they.

A girl doesn't like me...I know! I'll start doing sit ups!!! That'll fix the problem!!

I'm trying to actually remember the last time I saw some girl express desire/react well to a gymceled body JFL. It's the biggest myth ever.
dude is trying to escape his genetic prison doing situps only, while there are people on here who worked out for years and didn't get nowhere
If he's a fat chad, that may actually work
Feels good knowing this groveling worm will be put in his place by the very foids he worships
Jfl men are fucking retarded. They really never learn, do they.

A girl doesn't like me...I know! I'll start doing sit ups!!! That'll fix the problem!!

I'm trying to actually remember the last time I saw some girl express desire/react well to a gymceled body JFL. It's the biggest myth ever.
If by original meaning of this word he means that he's just too ugly to get a gf, he deserved nothing more than my condolences. The rest is total bullshit. What purpose making a tinder profile serves simply eludes me, sit ups as an example of something commendable is even more laughable. Whatever makes you feel better. You might as well just learn how to multiply 4 digit numbers in your head. Just about the same effect in terms of ascending.
>I joined tinder

:lul: :lul: :lul:
Their flair is a female sign + incel so it might be a "femcel" :feelskek:
I love how this dudes idea of breaking new revolutionary ground of not being le lazy inkwell is doing 5 shitty situps a day. I've been doing that shit since I was 10 years old on top of regular cardio and gymcelling and diet, this guy is a fucking moron.hey comic writer, I've been doing everything you did but probably with ten times the intensity for years upon years now, played sports for years on top of that as well, american football, rugby, nothing ever resulted in a gf, but I'm sure you doing 3 pushups a day will certainly work.
just lol at him talking about "pushing yourself to greater heights and going beyond no matter what" because he started doing some basic exercises
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I hope he has a good time trying to find foids on tinder if hes as incel as he say he is hes fucked
He's a brother that's lost at why he isn't succeeding. Unless he is actually a normie, he can come here or go to the looksmax website, cause otherwise it's over for him.

I hope he doesn't do al that shit and turn into a beta buck cuck.
"in the ORIGINAL meaning of the word"

I love when NPC scum try to set themselves apart from us in order to appear special. Guarantee he'll be posting here in a few months.
not reading all of that shit but at 22 if no foid has shown interest in you you are shit tier in foid eyes.
View attachment 332382

Also JFL at dumb roastie trying to give out workout advice:

Completely debunked by a professional physical therapist. Planks are useless.

View: https://youtu.be/ZyWEXjdAGCQ

AthleanX, this guy is the only fitness guy who I trust, you can tell he knows exactly what he's talking about, and in his promos he doesn't just show random images of fit Chads and say - "Do you wanna get like this", check his website, its just images of himself and a few celebs he coached, but its mostly his own body he shows

When I used to exercise (kinda fat right now lol) I actually saw increased results due to his training methods, he even has "hardgainer" exercises because he's honest about the fact that some people just don't have the genetics for putting on muscle

He even did a video about small wrists, not joking lol, and what exercises to do to build up more muscle there and alternative exercises for guys with small wrists

View: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MNLG4-diuYM

I can't find the wrists video but listen to what he said in the first few seconds (I don't have good genetics, said his mother was short and his dad wasn't strong)

Yes, I pirated his training programmes and I plan on doing them after wealthmaxxing and I get settled in JFL, IDK maybe I might just end up buying them anyways, it would not feel like a waste of money with that guy,
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AthleanX, this guy is the only fitness guy who I trust, you can tell he knows exactly what he's talking about, and in his promos he doesn't just show random images of fit Chads and say - "Do you wanna get like this", check his website, its just images of himself and a few celebs he coached, but its mostly his own body he shows

When I used to exercise (kinda fat right now lol) I actually saw increased results due to his training methods, he even has "hardgainer" exercises because he's honest about the fact that some people just don't have the genetics for putting on muscle

He even did a video about small wrists, not joking lol, and what exercises to do to build up more muscle there and alternative exercises for guys with small wrists

View: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MNLG4-diuYM

I can't find the wrists video but listen to what he said in the first few seconds (I don't have good genetics, said his mother was short and his dad wasn't strong)

Yes, I pirated his training programmes and I plan on doing them after wealthmaxxing and I get settled in JFL, IDK maybe I might just end up buying them anyways, it would not feel like a waste of money with that guy,

He's pretty legit and coached many professional athletes, but was recently caught having used fake weights in some of his videos.

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