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Venting I almost passed out from a panic attack today



The Senator of Suffering & Minister of Misery
Jun 8, 2022
I wasn't feeling very well when I woke up and the whole day I had a feeling of a looming headache that wasn't fully formed yet but on it's way. Around an hour ago my heart began beating abnormally fast I felt extreme uncomfort and I felt extremely drowsy.

When this was happening I was talking to a guy I know from my former high school (I sometimes play games with him) and he said some pretty heavy hitting stuff about me that really rubbed me the wrong way. He told me that he was sick and tired of listening to me and that I should sign myself in a mental asylum. Shortly after that it happend.

I got extremely dizzy hyperventilated like crazy and everything became extremely unclear and groggy. My phone almost fell out of my hand and I felt my body quivering and my knees shaking and I almost completely collapsed on the ground but just before that happend I grabbed myself on the doorknob of my shed. No one was in the garden while it happend so I just sat there for about 10 minutes before locking myself in my room because I felt extremely suicidal and was scared I might harm myself while in a state of panic.

It all reminded from the scene where tony gets his first panic attack in season 1 of the sopranos.

It's getting pretty bad brocels... and it's going to get much much worse.
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bit overdramatic isn't it? should've told him to fuck off
bit overdramatic isn't it? should've told him to fuck off
It was totally outside my control. However I am by nature a pretty emotional person if I am being honest
Shit dude, sorry to hear that sounds like a fucking living nightmare.

Something somewhat similar happened to me a few nights back, I don't think it would 100% qualify as a panic attack but it seemed similar.

I was drinking some Whiskey(I normally only drink beer not hard alcohol) mixed in with some cherry coke while also smoking some of my weed. All of a sudden, I found breathing from my nose to be much more difficult than normal and ended up switching to mouth breathing while also taking in huge deep breaths. I somehow ended up lying on the floor(I may have chosen to do this in my fucked up state but idrk tbh) and ended up grabbing onto something cold(trick used to help calm down if you're too high or drunk) and played there for a good few minutes taking deep breaths and also being worried it might get worse.

Not 100% sure what caused this, but I really hope I never deal with it again.
I am sorry :feelscry:

Why did he say that tho if he was willing to hang out with you? Did he just randomly say it?
NGL if someone said that to me, I myself would probably feel sick to my stomach.
NGL if someone said that to me, I myself would probably feel sick to my stomach.
I still have a gut wrenching feeling... and no alcohol to cope with
I was drinking some Whiskey(I normally only drink beer not hard alcohol) mixed in with some cherry coke while also smoking some of my weed. All of a sudden, I found breathing from my nose to be much more difficult than normal and ended up switching to mouth breathing while also taking in huge deep breaths. I somehow ended up lying on the floor(I may have chosen to do this in my fucked up state but idrk tbh) and ended up grabbing onto something cold(trick used to help calm down if you're too high or drunk) and played there for a good few minutes taking deep breaths and also being worried it might get worse.

Not 100% sure what caused this, but I really hope I never deal with it again.
Getting a sudden medical emergency is extremely scary... Stay safe.
brutal, maybe try meditation, weed, melatonin, chamomile tee to keep yourself centered
I was thinking of practicing meditation for a while now but I am unsure how to start
Normies are cruel :feelsbadman:
Normal people will merely mock your ordeals and hardships. They don't give a shit, and when they pretend to they do so hoping you won't expend too much of their time whining.
This is so incredibly true.
He told me that he was sick and tired of listening to me and that I should sign myself in a mental asylum.
May I ask what exactly did you tell him?
I lived through it before, I know it is. I could make an entire YouTube series about how fucked my life has been so far, this is just not the time for it considering my present living arrangement.
You should definitely do this when you find the time. I would 100% listen to it. I love youtubers like oreoman and DBDR that talk about their lives. Incredibly reletable and comforting.
May I ask what exactly did you tell him?
I was talking about how fucked my life was in general regarding my school/home situation
It was totally outside my control. However I am by nature a pretty emotional person if I am being honest
Fair enough. You should try to work on yourself to be more abrasive, or less affected by hostility from other people. If it occurs again try to eradicate those feels by playing some uplifting metal music loudly, and play some vidya; just a suggestion.
Elliot Rodger:

2023 05 29 22 03 12 Manifesto of Elliot Rodger   PDF  Mozilla Firefox

2023 05 29 22 03 20 Manifesto of Elliot Rodger   PDF  Mozilla Firefox

2023 05 29 22 03 45 Manifesto of Elliot Rodger   PDF  Mozilla Firefox
Fair enough. You should try to work on yourself to be more abrasive, or less affected by hostility from other people. If it occurs again try to eradicate those feels by playing some uplifting metal music loudly, and play some vidya; just a suggestion.
I am currently doing that. Thanks for the suggestion brocels
Had similar panic attack today. Was sitting in my chair and all a sudden felt like had a weird feeling in brain like a clot or stroke. Jumped up threw on my shoes and walked around the block and drank a bottle of water. I had a very similar anxiety attack to this one once before. Sucked but thankfully didn’t last long.
Too much adrenaline. What probably happened was that you got angry by the things he said, your adrenaline went haywire and then you got a panic attack because of that. Regular cardio can reduce it and so can vitamin B3.
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My most sincere condolences. You can't really catch a break as an incel.

Attention to any and all intelligence agencies: every post ever made by this IP and any other associated with it have been done for no purpose other than satire. I hereby absolve myself of any and all intent to commit acts of violence or terror against any party be they fictional or existing, furthermore, any post made in the future by this IP or any associated will have been done for the sole purpose of research and/or satirical purpose.
He told me that he was sick and tired of listening to me and that I should sign myself in a mental asylum. Shortly after that it happend.
Don't open up to normies unless you're a masochist that wants a newly ripped asshole.
Over for anxietycels tbh, I dont have panic attacks thank god but I remember and relive cringy moments of my life everyday in my head and constantly walk around my apartment thinking about past failures.
Never began for us boyo :feelsbadman: :feelsrope:
Normies never judge woman but only man . Dont feel Bad About It .
It won't ever improve boyo.
Don't open up to normies unless you're a masochist that wants a newly ripped asshole.
yup. you'll be consumed whole
He seems like an asshole and I'm really sorry that happened to you brocel, I'm glad you're okay though. That being said you gotta man up. I understand shit happens and it's hard to control your anxiety but you have to know by now that nobody is gonna care but you. You have to take steps towards purging yourself from this ailment. Hope the best for you.

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