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Venting I actually have autism, any other aspies here?

Total Imbecile

Total Imbecile

Honorary ethnic
Dec 19, 2017
I just realized that Im definitely an aspie, Ive been denying it for years but looking at it objectively now all the signs are there:

-am a social retard - cant hold a conversation to save my life
-have low emotional & social IQs - cant read people or situations and act or behave accordingly
-like routines - hate improv or being put on the spot or deviating from my plans/trying out new things
-am good at math - self explanatory
-have a speech delay/am very inarticulate/cant communicate with others properly
-shower only when I go out and am gonna be near other people, otherwise dont take care of myself
-get easily upset or frustrated
-fall back to repetitive phrases and behaviors (fapping for example)

Overall I think that denying it would be just coping at this point

Anyone else here aspie or suspects that they might be?
i am diganosed.

on nofap or before PMO i pass as NT.

on PMO im usually severe aspergers. on a good day i come off as somewhat weird.
50%< of the Internet = self-diagnosed "aspies"
-have low emotional & social IQs
> emotional intelligence
Yes diagnosed at 10

i am diganosed.

on nofap or before PMO i pass as NT.

on PMO im usually severe aspergers. on a good day i come off as somewhat weird.

Diagnosed at 6.

Brutal, I dont want to get diagnosed mainly because I dont want it on my medical record

Same with AD(H)D, I probably have it (one of my elementary school teachers even told my parents I could be hyperactive JFL) but I dont wanna have to take any jew pills or have the diagnosis come back and bite me in the ass once Im applying for a job or something
I just realized that Im definitely an aspie, Ive been denying it for years but looking at it objectively now all the signs are there:

-am a social retard - cant hold a conversation to save my life
-have low emotional & social IQs - cant read people or situations and act or behave accordingly
-like routines - hate improv or being put on the spot or deviating from my plans/trying out new things
-am good at math - self explanatory
-have a speech delay/am very inarticulate/cant communicate with others properly
-shower only when I go out and am gonna be near other people, otherwise dont take care of myself
-get easily upset or frustrated
-fall back to repetitive phrases and behaviors (fapping for example)

Overall I think that denying it would be just coping at this point

Anyone else here aspie or suspects that they might be?

Are you sure? The main trait is not being able to interpret human expressions.
I wish I was, it would explain a lot of things, but only my appearance is blamed for the way society treated me and the result of it
Are you sure? The main trait is not being able to interpret human expressions.
View attachment 37458

Id say so, Im pretty shit at talking to and "reading" others

>Inadequate friendships tho
Legit 0 friends, like Im not even kidding here


Fuck it, just end my life already
Are you sure? The main trait is not being able to interpret human expressions.
View attachment 37458

No, I am going to tell you which is the real main trait that can lead you to a serious doubt about your neurotipicity:
Stereotyped behavior.

If you didn't use to throw your back at the couch in the same move for minutes straight as a kid, bite cables or any rubber device, move your hands in circular routes during half and hour then YOU ARE NOT AUTISTIC.
No, I am going to tell you which is the real main trait that can lead you to a serious doubt about your neurotipicity:
Stereotyped behavior.

If you didn't use to throw your back at the couch in the same move for minutes straight as a kid, bite cables or any rubber device, move your hands in circular routes during half and hour then YOU ARE NOT AUTISTIC.
Source? I don't have this and I am diagnosed in a long term procedure. You are conflating this with low functioning autism, I think, but I am not sure. Maybe they interpreted my hobbies and playfulness as this.
I got diagnosed at 7.
diagnosed at 8. 1990
50%< of the Internet = self-diagnosed "aspies"
This. I bet none of these fuckers have ever seen an actual autistic person irl. At this point people who say that they are aspies are same as girls who say "tehehe i'm a shy girl".
This. I bet none of these fuckers have ever seen an actual autistic person irl. At this point people who say that they are aspies are same as girls who say "tehehe i'm a shy girl".

So what exactly is wrong with me? How do I explain being a total social retard, even online?
So what exactly is wrong with me? How do I explain being a total social retard, even online?
Psychology is complicated. You could have become a social retard for various reasons, BUT you ain't fucking autistic if you don't have atleast 2-3 doctors confirm it.
I want to get diagnose tbh but how do I tell that to my parents?
some of the fuckers here explaining their “autism” explain stuff i’ve never experienced as if they copied from wikipedia
Yea i could imagine most people are diagnosing themselves with autism while reading wikipedia/webmd symptoms.
Yea i could imagine most people are diagnosing themselves with autism while reading wikipedia/webmd symptoms.
idk why someone would want autism; it’s embarrassing af imo
I wanted to rope when my manager saw my medical records and found out.
idk why someone would want autism
GL members play the "autism card" to explain their inceldom. Even a male model can come here, say he is austic and therefore incel, and he will be left untouched.

idk why someone would want autism; it’s embarrassing af imo
I wanted to rope when my manager saw my medical records and found out.

Thats why I dont wanna go to see a doctor to get diagnosed

Having any sort of mental disorder closes so many doors
GL members play the "autism card" to explain their inceldom. Even a male model can come here, say he is austic and therefore incel, and he will be left untouched.
Gosh they should just man up and accept the fact that they’re incels bc they’re ugly as fuck like the rest of us smh
Thats why I dont wanna go to see a doctor to get diagnosed

Having any sort of mental disorder closes so many doors
I would suggest you get tests done to make 100% sure, because if you do, starting therapy to cope with it sooner, the better.
Like ya I don’t want others to know I have aspies, but I’m glad I know what’s wrong and am getting therapy for it. Better safe than sorry.
I was diagnosed with Asperger's at 16. Could have been dianosed ten years earlier if my mum wasn't afraid of getting me "labelled." Teachers suspected I was autistic, but she wouldn't listen to them. Part of me feels bitter about it because I think the early intervention could have helped me become a normie.

Being socially retarded is awful. I'm so high inhib as well. I know looks are more important, but don't expect foids to even associate with you if you're extremely autistic and below a 7/10.
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Gosh they should just man up and accept the fact that they’re incels bc they’re ugly as fuck like the rest of us smh
Some of them aren't actualy ugly. People like Weed, VST and a few more are actualy GL and get a lot of tinder matches, but i guess they get some sort of sexual kick from being the gl ones in the sea of incels.
I have slight autism. I can't socialize for shit, I stick to a routine, I get frustrated easily, I'm extremely detail oriented where I can't see the big picture of things. I was diagnosed less than a year ago
Some of them aren't actualy ugly. People like Weed, VST and a few more are actualy GL and get a lot of tinder matches, but i guess they get some sort of sexual kick from being the gl ones in the sea of incels.
O h
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Source? I don't have this and I am diagnosed in a long term procedure. You are conflating this with low functioning autism, I think, but I am not sure. Maybe they interpreted my hobbies and playfulness as this.

Then you are mistakenly diagnosed.
And no, everykind of person at the autism spectrum shows some kind of stereotypical behavior, from low functioning ones to geniuses who can emulate a normie personality.
Then you are mistakenly diagnosed.
And no, everykind of person at the autism spectrum shows some kind of stereotypical behavior, from low functioning ones to geniuses who can emulate a normie personality.
You count Asperger as Autism, like most shrinks do today, right?

Hmm, maybe I am on the edge then. I display some light symptoms mentioned in the article below. I don't want to force you to read it, but if you did so nevertheless, would you say it is accurate?

Do these behavior patterns change from time to time? I used to do different stuff but currently, I break small sticks peu a peu and flick them away, hit fences with a stick repeatedly while walking along or step on certain stones in a fixed pattern. It's mostly subconcious and it gets worse when I get stressed. There is other stuff a well, but it is all pretty unproblematic tbh.

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I just realized that Im definitely an aspie, Ive been denying it for years but looking at it objectively now all the signs are there:

-am a social retard - cant hold a conversation to save my life
-have low emotional & social IQs - cant read people or situations and act or behave accordingly
-like routines - hate improv or being put on the spot or deviating from my plans/trying out new things
-am good at math - self explanatory
-have a speech delay/am very inarticulate/cant communicate with others properly
-shower only when I go out and am gonna be near other people, otherwise dont take care of myself
-get easily upset or frustrated
-fall back to repetitive phrases and behaviors (fapping for example)

Overall I think that denying it would be just coping at this point

Anyone else here aspie or suspects that they might be?

Diagnosed with Asperger's Syndrome in accordance to DSM-IV in at the age of one. I got a lot of therapy over the past two decades so I can pass as normal when I try to (I call it chameleonmaxxing) but I am still a stickler for routines. After DSM-V came out and had Asperger's subsequently removed from the list of mental disorders, I was listed as Asperger's in accordance to DSM-IV, but Autism Level 1 in accordance to DSM-V. Strange, I know.
Diagnosed with Asperger's Syndrome in accordance to DSM-IV in at the age of one. I got a lot of therapy over the past two decades so I can pass as normal when I try to (I call it chameleonmaxxing) but I am still a stickler for routines. After DSM-V came out and had Asperger's subsequently removed from the list of mental disorders, I was listed as Asperger's in accordance to DSM-IV, but Autism Level 1 in accordance to DSM-V. Strange, I know.
What did you do in the therapy? I get therapy soon too, but I fear they are just shills or it is to late anyway. How old are you now? I am almost 26.

I heard it is just seen as form of light autism today and the term Asperger was abandoned, maybe that's why?
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My condolences to aspiecels
With the onset of delayed child birth, we should expect to welcome loads of aspies in the coming decade.
I probably have autism, my parents hinted at it when I had to go to therapy but I was never straight up told I had autism just depression and ADHD.

I WISH I had an autism diagnosis so I could get bux but the worst case scenario is I have ASPD and they'll take my rights away, put me on a list and kick me to the streets.
Autism is a death sentence. No woman wants a man who can't connect with others
idk but people arround me mock me all the time anyways

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