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LifeFuel Hypothesis: things will change soon



Nov 17, 2017
Is it fair that 20% of men are getting to enjoy sex with 80% of females? Obviously it isn't. Especially, considering that this distribution of sex is not based on any kind of contribution to society but purely things that are out of a person's control; such as bone structure, height, early childhood development and so on. I think most people would agree that this is not fair. Perhaps they wouldn't vocally agree with this idea in public if this is applied specifically to sex distribution, because it's currently a socially unacceptable view. But if you apply this concept to wealth for example, almost everyone would agree that such a distribution is ridiculously unfair largely due to the fact that it is based on random chance and not on a person's actions and there is nothing that can be done to improve your situation.

Why does this matter? A series of studies have found that a sense of fair play and justice is biologically ingrained in almost every animal on the planet - rats, dogs, monkeys and of course humans as well, just to name a few. Link: http://www.interfaceboulder.org/newinterface/html/history/Archives/2007-08/9bekoff/time.pdf

A short quote from this article:
If you watch rats wrestle, says Stephen Siviy, a psychologist at Gettysburg College, you'll see that the bigger rat lets the smaller rat win every now and then so that the smaller rat will keep playing.

Play between dogs involves extremely complex, precise behavior, he says. "They're really close, they're mouthing, but they don't bite their own lips; they almost never bite the lip of the other animal hard, nor the eyes, nor the ears." And that requires communication and constant feedback. "Just think of basketball players faking left and going right," says Bekoff. "There's no way you could be doing that by pure instinct."

This means that a sense of fair play and justice is hard wired into humans. It is not a cultural thing. And once again, the current distribution of sex and fulfilling social relationships is obviously not fair.

Now think about the current trends. There was a good chart floating around here which showed percentage of male celibacy, which has been steadily increasing every year but unfortunately I was not able to find it, but in any case I believe the majority of people here are already well aware of this. We already know only 20% of men are seen as AVERAGE OR ABOVE, thanks to the okcupid study.


If you consider both of these things, then logically, things are going to continuously get worse and more unfair.
And as our animal friends have demonstrated such unfairness will simply not be tolerated.
And really, all you need to do is look at what is happening in Japan with all the herbivore men - https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Herbivore_men
Herbivore men[1] or grass-eater men[2] (草食(系)男子 Sōshoku(-kei) danshi) is a term used in Japan to describe men who have no interest in getting married or finding a girlfriend.
Surveys of single Japanese men conducted in 2010 found that 61% of men in their 20s and 70% of men in their 30s considered themselves to be herbivores.[12] Japan's government views the phenomenon as one possible cause of the nation's declining birth rate.[13]
People simply opt out of society altogether. But what happens when 80% of people "opt out of society"? The current one cannot continue to exist and must change or die. Which is why I believe and why I hope to see a violent revolution in the near future.

For now we must continue to spread the truth and shine light on the primal and animalistic nature of females to accelerate it. Once enough men are aware of the injustice created by online dating and hypergamy they will not put up with it, similarly to how rats will not play with a stronger rat if they lose all the time.
We’re dealing with females though. It’s not men play fighting other men. Females are ruthless by nature. They are the quality control of the species. You can’t just fuck around with quality control to make some manlets happy.
Perhaps they wouldn't vocally agree with this idea in public if this is applied specifically to sex distribution, because it's currently a socially unacceptable view.

Not only will they not vocally agree, but they won't actually agree.

All normies and many incels truly believe that lifting, getting haircuts, having a better fashion sense, etc. will make them significantly more attractive to foids.
We’re dealing with females though. It’s not men play fighting other men. Females are ruthless by nature. They are the quality control of the species. You can’t just fuck around with quality control to make some manlets happy.

You can't quality control who you mate with if you have nothing to eat
bruh, you are deluding yourself snap out of it before you become a cuck
You can’t just fuck around with quality control to make some manlets happy.
It's for their own good, they are reckless hypergamous whores who are out of control otherwise.
back in the day yeah but now it’s illegal to go full beta uprising on ppl brah
bruh, you are deluding yourself snap out of it before you become a cuck
the blackpill is potent, a glass of cope monthly is imperative for proper function
Don't underestimate the power of sexbots and male birth control. More men will be blackpilled too.
Don't underestimate the power of sexbots and male birth control. More men will be blackpilled too.

The blackpill is still in its infancy. We must cultivate it and spread it.
Eventually more and more redpill copers will get funneled into it when they realize it's all about bones. People are attracted to the truth.
My projection is that things will not be better because women have right to choose with who will they have sex and they will always choose chad. 80% of population will be sexless monks, and chads will fuck 5 girls on average at the same time. That is my projection of future events.
The blackpill is still in its infancy. We must cultivate it and spread it.
Eventually more and more redpill copers will get funneled into it when they realize it's all about bones. People are attracted to the truth.
That's why cucktears and others are trying so hard to shut us down. It's not because they're afraid of ER, they let islamic terrorists in their country with open arms all the time, they want to shut us down because we're deprogramming the cucks.
In comparison to wealth inequality, the dating market inequality is much worse
last post: nothing good is going to happen. next post:something good is going to happen. ITS 0VER BUCKAR00
My projection is that things will not be better because women have right to choose with who will they have sex and they will always choose chad. 80% of population will be sexless monks, and chads will fuck 5 girls on average at the same time. That is my projection of future events.

Why wouldnt 4 men just gang up and kill 1 chad?

last post: nothing good is going to happen. next post:something good is going to happen. ITS 0VER BUCKAR00

is this a sign of BPD?
My projection is that things will not be better because women have right to choose with who will they have sex and they will always choose chad. 80% of population will be sexless monks, and chads will fuck 5 girls on average at the same time. That is my projection of future events.
Men will have more options like sexbots and have access to male birth control. That will tip the scale and decrease femoid smv. If men are blackpilled they will also refuse to orbit or get cucked by useless whores.
You can't quality control who you mate with if you have nothing to eat
FOUNDATION OF CIVLILXATION MY NIGGA... LEVERAGE THROUGH WITHHOLDING SURVIVAL.... but bitches CAN EAT now. They have this catastrophic, dangerous, apocalyptic tool called VOTING RIGHTS that they can use to manipulate their conditions.. they can work and not be reliant on a man for SURVIVAL. This breeds free reign natural selection. You can’t go back to a civilization not on the tracks to collapse without doing some very “reasonable” things that would be considered “LITERALLY HITLER OPPRESSION” by the rest of the population.

The west is fucked up beyond repair.

I keep saying it....

Voting righs
Working rights (survival, rids men of their leverage)
Makeup and gym (genetic manipulation/misrepresentation/inflation of SMV)
Contraception (consequence free casual sex)
IG / TINDER / social media (global sexual marketplace inherently already based on genetics)
No religion (population doesn’t police its own morals)

This is truly a worst case scenario for any mammal society. It’s legit apocalypse tier. How can you think the west can recover from this?

Civilization caters to men at the expense of women
The jungle caters to women at the expense of men

The two can not co-exist.

Women will stop at nothing to burn this world to the ground and send us all back to the jungle, where they can continue with their quality control.. And they don’t even know it!. Ever since the dawn of civilization, there has been a war between men and women. Men have already lost, and they didn’t even know there was a war.

Seems like nature always wins, no matter what. We went through a couple thousand year period letting poor genes propagate, females somehow instinctively knew something was wrong, even if they didn’t know it consciously, and corrected it.. it’s kind of respectable tbh

Edit: also reminder that this new world headed back to the jungle has GUNS.. that equalize manlets and men, chads and sub-chads.. I predict the sexual market will eventually be something like 95/5 when harems become the new thing.. it’s gonna be a dangerous world when that’s accepted as the new normal, and it will be, because IT IS THE JUNGLE’S NORMAL amplified orders of magnitude by technology.. seems like in the end, humanity’s genes will be better off post-civilization than pre-civilization.. this whole civilization thing was just to create the instruments needed to more easily and more efficiently select genes for reproduction.. back to the guns.. the new world will have nothing to offer the bottom 95% of men.. and the reason why is self-evident.. and they have guns.. put 2 and 2 together... dangerous times are ahead.
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Don't underestimate the power of sexbots and male birth control. More men will be blackpilled too.

Legalizing & decriminalizing escorts alongside this. Are our littleboy and fatman.
The only thing we need is to now is to find the incel Lenin and together size the means of reproduction in the name of the incels.

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