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Hybristophilia, thugmaxxing, and why femoids are disgusting



Lost time is never found again.
Nov 8, 2017
Can men become more attractive to women by appealing to hybristophilia? (hybristophillia being sexual arousal stemming from a perceived person's misdeeds such as violence, murder, lying, rape etc.) Colloquially we would know this as Thugmaxxing. Does Thugmaxxing work? What is thugmaxxing?

If you're familiar with Ted bundy or Richard Rameriz you know of individuals who pulled women on the basis of their Thugmaxxed lifestyle. Some would disagree, however, and argue these man succeeded on the basis of their looks. While their looks did help, thugmaxxing works on men of all looks levels.


John Wayne Gacy. Fat, moonfaced gay pedophile, murdered 33 young boys. He was known to receive significant female attention
"Ms. Terry began writing to Gacy after reading about him in a local newspaper, and she first traveled the 140 miles from her home to Menard to meet the prisoner nearly two years ago, according to the Sun Times statement."

Not enough for you?

"Cellar monster Josef Fritzl has been sent hundreds of love letters from lonely women offering him romance. "


Look familiar? One average looking white guy and one below average looking one. In highschool they complained about love troubles, but only if they could see their future.

"I want to see that smile everyday," one girl writes, under an old school photo of Eric.
"Can you imagine how cute Dylan would have been on a date, like seriously I bet he would have tried really hard and got flowers and everything, the cutie," another one ponders.
They share gun pictures with captions like "ugh I want."

“I low-key wanna suck your cock while watching a Columbine documentary”. JUST FUCKING LOL


James Holmes killed quite a few people. Repugnant? Yes. Arousing? To femoids, also yes!
"The letter was just one of the 4,000 cards, letters and well wishes the 27-year-old received from his admirers as he was being held in the Arapahoe County Jail while on trial for the 2012 massacre in Aurora."

Other examples exist(Including Elliot Rodger even) But the point being is Thugmaxxing works, but it isn't a personality you adopt or a shit test you pass. It's direct, measurable violence toward others and made notable. If you're willing to kill a few people, hell, you might get a girlfriend. If you thought femoids weren't absolutely disgusting proto-humans before, you probably do now.
It's a blackpill fact, at this point, that 'foids are attracted to this sort of thing. All evidence, anecdotal and otherwise, backs it up.
Great post.

This is the ultimate ragepill tbh. JFL at ugly meek cucks trying to be all righteous and contributing to society in a women liberated society where only Chads, ultra rich and powerful evil elites and downright psychopath murderers can really win with women.

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This also explains why girls in schools are attracted to Chads/Chad-lites when they see them bully other guys, because it´s a turn-on for females to see others in pain, just as mentioned by you as hybristophillia. And it isn´t just girls who are attracted to killers and rapists who share this trait is is also regular girls at school as I mentioned that are attracted to bullies because females are indeed vicious evil creatures that takes sexual pleasure and satisfaction from seeing what they perceive as an alpha male to beat down a beta or omega.
Low trust dark triad bad boy game or death
This also explains why girls in schools are attracted to Chads/Chad-lites when they see them bully other guys, because it´s a turn-on for females to see others in pain, just as mentioned by you as hybristophillia. And it isn´t just girls who are attracted to killers and rapists who share this trait is is also regular girls at school as I mentioned that are attracted to bullies because females are indeed vicious evil creatures that takes sexual pleasure and satisfaction from seeing what they perceive as an alpha male to beat down a beta or omega.

very true. the attraction to serial killers, criminals, school bullies is basically the same thing.
Amazing that one way to get women is to abuse women. Why are women masochists?
All women are attracted to violence commited on sub 8 men
Women have always adored criminals and psychopathic killers.
This also explains why girls in schools are attracted to Chads/Chad-lites when they see them bully other guys, because it´s a turn-on for females to see others in pain, just as mentioned by you as hybristophillia. And it isn´t just girls who are attracted to killers and rapists who share this trait is is also regular girls at school as I mentioned that are attracted to bullies because females are indeed vicious evil creatures that takes sexual pleasure and satisfaction from seeing what they perceive as an alpha male to beat down a beta or omega.
All women are attracted to violence commited on sub 8 men

I'd like to see IT and the cuck crew try to argue against the demonstrable fact that women are attracted to violence. Literally anyone here could become a slayer if they killed a bunch of people and somehow managed to stay out of jail. But it's best to just be a Chad who bullies ugly men. Your bully was motivated by the guaranteed pussy he would get from making fun of you and attacking you, and he was right. He got endless violent sex and adoration from women while you rotted.
Just kill few normies to get laid bruh tbhtbh
Being good is useless in life, a fact being proven once more.
Strongest ER fuel yet is here folks. Just Be Homicidal.
Do you have some bald nochin example?
Due to my ugliness, I have extremely high social inhibition. I would try to thugmaxx if I could, but if would just lead to me making a fool out of myself :feelstrash: :feelscry:
someone needs to write a guide to thug game.

like how are us normal folks going to give image of being a thug when we sit on computer all day?

I mean you can get tattoos and get contacts instead of big eugene glasses. and you can get a fucking pitbull.

but you're still going to be a loser.

and let's face it if we try and be actual thugs we're gonna get fucked up by some 15 year old wigger and then he'll piss on us and put it on worldstar and we're back to square minus one.

so what do we do guys
Can men become more attractive to women by appealing to hybristophilia? (hybristophillia being sexual arousal stemming from a perceived person's misdeeds such as violence, murder, lying, rape etc.) Colloquially we would know this as Thugmaxxing. Does Thugmaxxing work? What is thugmaxxing?

If you're familiar with Ted bundy or Richard Rameriz you know of individuals who pulled women on the basis of their Thugmaxxed lifestyle. Some would disagree, however, and argue these man succeeded on the basis of their looks. While their looks did help, thugmaxxing works on men of all looks levels.

View attachment 21041
John Wayne Gacy. Fat, moonfaced gay pedophile, murdered 33 young boys. He was known to receive significant female attention
"Ms. Terry began writing to Gacy after reading about him in a local newspaper, and she first traveled the 140 miles from her home to Menard to meet the prisoner nearly two years ago, according to the Sun Times statement."

Not enough for you?

"Cellar monster Josef Fritzl has been sent hundreds of love letters from lonely women offering him romance. "


Look familiar? One average looking white guy and one below average looking one. In highschool they complained about love troubles, but only if they could see their future.

"I want to see that smile everyday," one girl writes, under an old school photo of Eric.
"Can you imagine how cute Dylan would have been on a date, like seriously I bet he would have tried really hard and got flowers and everything, the cutie," another one ponders.
They share gun pictures with captions like "ugh I want."

“I low-key wanna suck your cock while watching a Columbine documentary”. JUST FUCKING LOL

View attachment 21040
James Holmes killed quite a few people. Repugnant? Yes. Arousing? To femoids, also yes!
"The letter was just one of the 4,000 cards, letters and well wishes the 27-year-old received from his admirers as he was being held in the Arapahoe County Jail while on trial for the 2012 massacre in Aurora."

Other examples exist(Including Elliot Rodger even) But the point being is Thugmaxxing works, but it isn't a personality you adopt or a shit test you pass. It's direct, measurable violence toward others and made notable. If you're willing to kill a few people, hell, you might get a girlfriend. If you thought femoids weren't absolutely disgusting proto-humans before, you probably do now.
Even ER has female admirers.

someone needs to write a guide to thug game.

like how are us normal folks going to give image of being a thug when we sit on computer all day?

I mean you can get tattoos and get contacts instead of big eugene glasses. and you can get a fucking pitbull.

but you're still going to be a loser.

and let's face it if we try and be actual thugs we're gonna get fucked up by some 15 year old wigger and then he'll piss on us and put it on worldstar and we're back to square minus one.

so what do we do guys
Anybody can become a thug.

You just have to go out and kill a few people.

Then you get instapussy apparently.
someone needs to write a guide to thug game.

like how are us normal folks going to give image of being a thug when we sit on computer all day?

I mean you can get tattoos and get contacts instead of big eugene glasses. and you can get a fucking pitbull.

but you're still going to be a loser.

and let's face it if we try and be actual thugs we're gonna get fucked up by some 15 year old wigger and then he'll piss on us and put it on worldstar and we're back to square minus one.

so what do we do guys
don't forget about Nikolas cruz, had a bunch of a love letters sent to him while he was in jail

Fuck I hate that bitch! It is 100% certain that she wouldn´t even had glanced at Elliot if he was alive, it is ONLY because of what he did. Even if she had seen his videos she wouldn´t have felt sorry for him, she would think he was weird like all the rest. Girls brains are so fucked up it´s beyond comprehension.
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Fuck I hate that bitch! It is 100% certain that she wouldn´t even had glanced at Elliot if he was alive, it is ONLY because of what he did. Even if she had seen his videos she wouldn´t have felt sorry for him, she would think he was weird like all the rest. Girls brains are so fucked up it beyond comprehension.
ER would have shot her.
this is the most disgusting thing ever to me
It worked for Elliot Rodger too but do you think if those women would have sex with him if he was living right now? Is there some unreachability element in this type of arousal?
Daily reminder that these people have the right to vote.
Foids loved one of the Boston Bombers for some reason.
Females are fucking disgusting.

This planet would be so much better without them, hope some scientistcel creates a femoidbot which can bear children soon, and the world can move on from this useless gender who are good as nothing more than male property anyway.
Er rodgers only got the supreme gentlelady fan though.
A few years after WWII, Israel banned this book genre called "Stalag Fiction", it was literally concentration camp erotica.
just run rapist, kidnapper, killer, thug game bruh
I guess it works... had an emo girl literally stalk me in middle-school because some fucks spread a rummor that I attacked them with a knife to bully me.
I guess it attracts the super-psychotic women.
It'a true that foods like that thing, but I'm guessing it's not a guarantee
It'a true that foods like that thing, but I'm guessing it's not a guarantee
*foids I hate autocorrect
This also explains why girls in schools are attracted to Chads/Chad-lites when they see them bully other guys, because it´s a turn-on for females to see others in pain, just as mentioned by you as hybristophillia. And it isn´t just girls who are attracted to killers and rapists who share this trait is is also regular girls at school as I mentioned that are attracted to bullies because females are indeed vicious evil creatures that takes sexual pleasure and satisfaction from seeing what they perceive as an alpha male to beat down a beta or omega.
I bealive that they are actually atracted by firmness, decisiveness, masculinity, or that sentiment of empowerment. Bealive me, not proud of this, but I was somewhat of a bully in school, and pretty knowned, but this didn't get me any girls, actually in my 9th grade class, in the last semester were all truning on me because I was being that way I guess, so they didn't get "attracted" by the violence and bad things, at first b4 the class turned on me practically, rightfully so, now in retrospective, if the girls found something inteesting was my I don't give a fuck attitude, freedom, somewhat straightforwardness and confidence, but back then I was still a total was if a girl felt like getting a little to close. Girls aren't monsters, they're just programed differently and somewhat unfairly for some guys.
Sorry to bring up an old topic, just wanted to share my views on this.
Where I live this is certainly true.
You see a lot of young girls and foids up til 30-something years old interested in al kinds of murderers, drugdealers, "traquetos" and "atracadores".

However, older foids seem like they settle down and change their interests.
They look for stability and realize that thugs won't offer that.
At any rate, foids are cruel and sometimes more cruel than men.
when ever you get the chance, treat them like shit.
Sorry to bring up an old topic, just wanted to share my views on this.
Where I live this is certainly true.
You see a lot of young girls and foids up til 30-something years old interested in al kinds of murderers, drugdealers, "traquetos" and "atracadores".

However, older foids seem like they settle down and change their interests.
They look for stability and realize that thugs won't offer that.
At any rate, foids are cruel and sometimes more cruel than men.

yes, this is well observed... Chicks want the most violent assholes knocking them up and then once they're discarded by these assholes they want BetaBucks to take care of them and their demon spawn.

18-28 - get fucked by dominate assholes

28-death - get taken care of by cucked chumps
I guess it works... had an emo girl literally stalk me in middle-school because some fucks spread a rummor that I attacked them with a knife to bully me.
I guess it attracts the super-psychotic women.
if you larped you could of gotten some pussy
lool what if the younger foids love the thrill of being the object of desire of a monster and the older foids are just lonely pathetic women that think they can cure them they are all so disgusting
Can men become more attractive to women by appealing to hybristophilia? (hybristophillia being sexual arousal stemming from a perceived person's misdeeds such as violence, murder, lying, rape etc.) Colloquially we would know this as Thugmaxxing. Does Thugmaxxing work? What is thugmaxxing?

If you're familiar with Ted bundy or Richard Rameriz you know of individuals who pulled women on the basis of their Thugmaxxed lifestyle. Some would disagree, however, and argue these man succeeded on the basis of their looks. While their looks did help, thugmaxxing works on men of all looks levels.

View attachment 21041
John Wayne Gacy. Fat, moonfaced gay pedophile, murdered 33 young boys. He was known to receive significant female attention
"Ms. Terry began writing to Gacy after reading about him in a local newspaper, and she first traveled the 140 miles from her home to Menard to meet the prisoner nearly two years ago, according to the Sun Times statement."

Not enough for you?

"Cellar monster Josef Fritzl has been sent hundreds of love letters from lonely women offering him romance. "


Look familiar? One average looking white guy and one below average looking one. In highschool they complained about love troubles, but only if they could see their future.

"I want to see that smile everyday," one girl writes, under an old school photo of Eric.
"Can you imagine how cute Dylan would have been on a date, like seriously I bet he would have tried really hard and got flowers and everything, the cutie," another one ponders.
They share gun pictures with captions like "ugh I want."

“I low-key wanna suck your cock while watching a Columbine documentary”. JUST FUCKING LOL

View attachment 21040
James Holmes killed quite a few people. Repugnant? Yes. Arousing? To femoids, also yes!
"The letter was just one of the 4,000 cards, letters and well wishes the 27-year-old received from his admirers as he was being held in the Arapahoe County Jail while on trial for the 2012 massacre in Aurora."

Other examples exist(Including Elliot Rodger even) But the point being is Thugmaxxing works, but it isn't a personality you adopt or a shit test you pass. It's direct, measurable violence toward others and made notable. If you're willing to kill a few people, hell, you might get a girlfriend. If you thought femoids weren't absolutely disgusting proto-humans before, you probably do now.

Low IQ post, this only shows that the worst females are attracted to the worst males. Dredging up these examples is stupid IMO because most femoids are going out of their way to try to decrease the qmount of men that commit violent acts. A comedian was raped and murdered in Melbourne recently and the community had over a thousand people (not just women) come together in mourning. Most people dont act like this or like people who act like this. If you think thugmaxxing will get you a girlfriend u r a fucking idiot.
Low IQ post, this only shows that the worst females are attracted to the worst males. Dredging up these examples is stupid IMO because most femoids are going out of their way to try to decrease the qmount of men that commit violent acts. A comedian was raped and murdered in Melbourne recently and the community had over a thousand people (not just women) come together in mourning. Most people dont act like this or like people who act like this. If you think thugmaxxing will get you a girlfriend u r a fucking idiot.
Don't fall for it. Those women just ACT as if they are sad, internally they all want to fuck the thug/chad. You have a lot to learn my naive fellow incel

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