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Theory Humans are de-evolving back into Neanderthals



Heil I.N.C.E.L.
Sep 30, 2019
I know humans were not direct descendents of Neanderthals, but what I mean is I think humans have reached peak evolution, and are now de-evolving back to being large, lumbering, low-IQ, violent, ape-like creatures, and its all caused by technology, tinder, and hypergamy which is like pressing the fast-forward button evolution.


We are the useless twigs that fall off the genetic tree of life and what previously took millions of years will happen with just a few generations. Just see this article about how selective breeding over 9000 has completely transformed corn into the Chad corn we know today.

Screenshot 20201107 194539

When slective breeding like that is enhanced by today's technology and applied to the entire huma race at the same time, it won't take 9000 years for humans to evolve at an accelerated rate.

But here's the thing, females are choosing traits that will force evolution backwards. Evolution hasn't stopped in it's tracks.


Take a look at a modern day human vs a typical Neanderthal.


It's messed up how evolutionary forces cause human jawbones to get smaller, and eye area to get weaker over time, and their overall size is way smaller -- these traits were either desirable or beneficial over millions of years. And now, in todays world, being anything sub 6 foot, having a weak jaw, and prey eyes is considered unnatractive. Women's sexual preferences have reversed, and swung very hard in the other direction.

Incels will die out. Chad and Becky will out procreate everyone else, and their children will get larger and dumber over time. Idiocracy basically got it half right. Future humans will be both dumb, and 11 foot giants with ape-like jaws and square heads.
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CAP. What we might see is more darker skinned people because climate change.
how did we even evolve in the first place then. if women only selected low IQ neanderthal traits we wouldnt have gotten this far and would still be living in wood huts.
Revenge of the Neanderthals.
Neanderthals were physically superior but were more socially autistic and required more food to survive.
how did we even evolve in the first place then. if women only selected low IQ neanderthal traits we wouldnt have gotten this far and would still be living in wood huts.
We got this far because evolution benefitted men with smaller bodies and bigger brains. Eg. Smart small-ish people built houses and weapons and gardens, and had more babies that survived. Meanwhile Neanderthal autists were homeless thugs.

Today it's all gone into reverse, and homeless drug dealer 7 foot Tyrone knocks up 8 whores by age 20 and lives off welfare.
I know humans were not direct descendents of Neanderthals, but what I mean is I think humans have reached peak evolution, and are now de-evolving back to being large, lumbering, low-IQ, violent, ape-like creatures, and its all caused by technology, tinder, and hypergamy which is like pressing the fast-forward button evolution.


We are the useless twigs that fall off the genetic tree of life and what previously took millions of years will happen with just a few generations. Just see this article about how selective breeding over 9000 has completely transformed corn into the Chad corn we know today.

View attachment 368476

When slective breeding like that is enhanced by today's technology and applied to the entire huma race at the same time, it won't take 9000 years for humans to evolve at an accelerated rate.

But here's the thing, females are choosing traits that will force evolution backwards. Evolution hasn't stopped in it's tracks.


Take a look at a modern day human vs a typical Neanderthal.


It's messed up how evolutionary forces cause human jawbones to get smaller, and eye area to get weaker over time, and their overall size is way smaller -- these traits were either desirable or beneficial over millions of years. And now, in todays world, being anything sub 6 foot, having a weak jaw, and prey eyes is considered unnatractive. Women's sexual preferences have reversed, and swung very hard in the other direction.

Incels will die out. Chad and Becky will out procreate everyone else, and their children will get larger and dumber over time. Idiocracy basically got it half right. Future humans will be both dumb, and 11 foot giants with ape-like jaws and square heads.
I always say this. Foids find subhuman neanderthals attractive instead of finding intelligent cro magnoids as sexuest.
We got this far because evolution benefitted men with smaller bodies and bigger brains. Eg. Smart small-ish people built houses and weapons and gardens, and had more babies that survived. Meanwhile Neanderthal autists were homeless thugs.

Today it's all gone into reverse, and homeless drug dealer 7 foot Tyrone knocks up 8 whores by age 20 and lives off welfare.

So who was more successful then, the low inhib retards that did nothing or the high iq men who basically created such a perfect artificial environment that almost everyone has their needs met to the point where foids literally seek out unstable relationships and potentially getting beat to death by nigger thugs. Why is life so fucking flawed
So who was more successful then, the low inhib retards that did nothing or the high iq men who basically created such a perfect artificial environment that almost everyone has their needs met to the point where foids literally seek out unstable relationships and potentially getting beat to death by nigger thugs. Why is life so fucking flawed
For thousands of years - the former. And then foids got rights.
For thousands of years - the former. And then foids got rights.


Can you guess what was going on around the 1900-1910 years?

1908: The first suffrage march in the United States is held in Oakland, California on August 27,

The White-Slave Traffic Act, or the Mann Act, is a United States federal law, passed June 25, 1910. It is named after Congressman James Robert Mann of Illinois, and in its original form made it a felony to engage in interstate or foreign commerce transport of "any woman or girl for the purpose of prostitution or debauchery, or for any other immoral purpose"

Warning: those wikipedia pages are vomit-inducing suicide fuel. The US used to be so based, and then year after year it gets more and more cucked.
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neanderthals iqmog
how did we even evolve in the first place then. if women only selected low IQ neanderthal traits we wouldnt have gotten this far and would still be living in wood huts.

Low IQ men without discipline can't farm or form big reliable armies.
The underlying meaning of this thread :
"I'm High IQ, but foids doesn't choose me, they choose chads, and chads are Low IQ cuz robust men can't be High IQ hur dur which means our specie is de-evolving and we're going back to the caves"

It's over. The future will be 7ft low IQ chad apes with harems of a dozen stacies each. We will go extinct because the kweeenz hate us and hole presidents will send leftist death squads to our houses.
Neanderthals should have protected the fatherland.
We got this far because evolution benefitted men with smaller bodies and bigger brains. Eg. Smart small-ish people built houses and weapons and gardens, and had more babies that survived. Meanwhile Neanderthal autists were homeless thugs.
They were homeless because they were autists then tbh
Social cooperation and being NT has always been very important to survival in human society.

Today it's all gone into reverse, and homeless drug dealer 7 foot Tyrone knocks up 8 whores by age 20 and lives off welfare.
Because women don't need men as providers anymore so there is no reason for them to be in a relationship with a man except if a man is physically attractive and darktriadmaxxed enough for women to be interested in having sex with him and being with him.
how did we even evolve in the first place then. if women only selected low IQ neanderthal traits we wouldnt have gotten this far and would still be living in wood huts.
Women did not select anyone. High IQ neanderthals survived better and reproduced.
would still be living in wood huts.
Africa is, because the low IQ survived with plentiful resources.
Excellent read! I'm glad my theory has some scientific merit.


This terrifically illustrates what's I think is going to happen to humans if women's sexual preferences aren't kept in check.

If foids keep preferring 6'4" men with square jaws (as opposed to weak protracted jaws), their descendents won't stay exactly 6'4" with more and more perfectly square jawlines. The targets will keep moving, Chads will keep getting taller and bigger, their brains will keep getting smaller, and their jaws will become trapozoidal.... until they die off and get replaced by some other evolutionary branch.
Incels will die out.
Ugly women will continue to breed and create sub 8 sons who will be tortured 24/7 for merely being too unattractive
how did we even evolve in the first place then. if women only selected low IQ neanderthal traits we wouldnt have gotten this far and would still be living in wood huts.
Men took control and started redistributing sex through monogamy.
This meant men could focus on math, science, etc instead of fighting each other to get pussy
Ugly women will continue to breed and create sub 8 sons who will be tortured 24/7 for merely being too unattractive

Men took control and started redistributing sex through monogamy.
This meant men could focus on math, science, etc instead of fighting each other to get pussy
true, these ugly cunt foids will keep on having sex as even the 1/10 abomination foid can get laid with an average looking guy
and there will be more ugly males than before
Devolving to Neanderthals? The Neanderthals had a thicker skeletal structure and bigger brains. They were also quite advanced and sophisticated with tools. To my knowledge the Neanderthals were "superior" and more intelligent than Sapiens at the time.
Ugly women will continue to breed and create sub 8 sons who will be tortured 24/7 for merely being too unattractive
Yes perhaps I worded that wrongly. Evolution essentially ignores the existence of incels. They always have existed, and always will exist. They're the ones who dont reproduce, so future humans won't have their traits passed on. But in the long run, autist, weak jaw, skinny fat males under 6 feet will become more and more rare as the average height of humans keep climbing.
Devolving to Neanderthals? The Neanderthals had a thicker skeletal structure and bigger brains. They were also quite advanced and sophisticated with tools. To my knowledge the Neanderthals were "superior" and more intelligent than Sapiens at the time.
I am aware of this, I used to term neanderthal just to mean "bigger, dumber, ape like".
Excellent read! I'm glad my theory has some scientific merit.


This terrifically illustrates what's I think is going to happen to humans if women's sexual preferences aren't kept in check.

If foids keep preferring 6'4" men with square jaws (as opposed to weak protracted jaws), their descendents won't stay exactly 6'4" with more and more perfectly square jawlines. The targets will keep moving, Chads will keep getting taller and bigger, their brains will keep getting smaller, and their jaws will become trapozoidal.... until they die off and get replaced by some other evolutionary branch.
fucking brutal
Devolving to Neanderthals? The Neanderthals had a thicker skeletal structure and bigger brains. They were also quite advanced and sophisticated with tools. To my knowledge the Neanderthals were "superior" and more intelligent than Sapiens at the time.

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