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LifeFuel Hugging pillows and imagineing hugging a girl is one the most fun parts of my day to day life



Jun 24, 2024
Hugging pillows and imagineing hugging a girl is one the most fun parts of my day to day life this is one of my biggest copes I have survived the last 4 or 5 like the hardest part was when at some point I felt so subhuman that I couldn't even imagine a foid hugging me
But now I'm fine
Give this a try brocel?
It might make your life better
I remember I used to like hugging my schoolbag
You posted this as I’m cuddled up to my pillow rn. Mindreadercel
I used to go as far as humping my pillow. It didn't last long tho. Not enough stimulation.
Imagine the real thing
change tag to suicide fuel
How is he?
He's anywhere between a 5.5 to 6.5/10. Good frame. Doesn't seem to have wide hips. Chin's there. He's got it all, just not anything impressive.
Imagine the real thing
No shit. If just the thought of it is so good, imagine touching a woman, and getting sensual touches back from her. Imagine cuddling her as you feel her loving embrace. This is shit humans are supposed to have just as easily as food and water. This isn’t supposed to be this difficult. Brutal af to be this deprived
No shit. If just the thought of it is so good, imagine touching a woman, and getting sensual touches back from her. Imagine cuddling her as you feel her loving embrace. This is shit humans are supposed to have just as easily as food and water. This isn’t supposed to be this difficult. Brutal af to be this deprived
Apparently we've been told by society it's not important and that we don't need it. That we should instead focus on other things in life that are more enjoyable than this.
Your out of your mind if you believe that
I'm not. Though I'm not going to send you pictures cause my friend's privacy is important and all (to him).
Apparently we've been told it's not important and that we don't need it.
Anyone that says that can fuck right off. The only ones that say that are the ones that had it their whole life so easily they never realized how much it matters. They take it for granted like we take air for granted. It’s just there for them so effortlessly that they genuinely don’t think it’s that valuable. Air normally isn’t rare or worth that much, but when you are suffocating with no air it suddenly becomes all you can think about
I'm not. Though I'm not going to send you pictures cause my friend's privacy is important and all (to him).
He send me his pictures too. He’s not ugly, but he’s certainly not above average. I rated him between a 4 and 4.5/10
He send me his pictures too. He’s not ugly, but he’s certainly not above average. I rated him between a 4 and 4.5/10
Fuck then I'm like a one. Brutal.
Hugging pillows and imagineing hugging a girl is one the most fun parts of my day to day life this is one of my biggest copes I have survived the last 4 or 5 like the hardest part was when at some point I felt so subhuman that I couldn't even imagine a foid hugging me
But now I'm fine
Give this a try brocel?
It might make your life better
I literally cannot sleep without hugging a pillow
Anyone that says that can fuck right off. The only ones that say that are the ones that had it their whole life so easily they never realized how much it matters. They take it for granted like we take air for granted. It’s just there for them so effortlessly that they genuinely don’t think it’s that valuable. Air normally isn’t rare or worth that much, but when you are suffocating with no air it suddenly becomes all you can think about
Great way of putting it. Also I'd like to add that those types of people feel more entitled to sex than we do. We are deprived of it but it's all we have known for our lives. Being sexless is our reality and we have come to accept that. There are days where our sexlessness make us feel extremely miserable but for the most part we have grown used to it and are not expecting much to change. The feeling of being entitled to something only happens when you have grown accustomed to the resource in question and had it quickly taken away from you. Entitlement comes from taking things for granted, but how the fuck are incels entitled if we had nothing to take granted for in the first place?
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Fuck then I'm like a one. Brutal.
Over. Maybe he could be a 5 at most. Perhaps the pic he sent me wasn’t the best angle. He’s certainly not above average though, and most people would agree on that I think.
Over. Maybe he could be a 5 at most. Perhaps the pic he sent me wasn’t the best angle. He’s certainly not above average though, and most people would agree on that I think.
Yeah OK but I think of 5 as the baseline for being eligible to date women in the first place. So something average. Like 5 is the point where asking out a woman no longer carries a 0-5% success rate. 5 would be the point where that jumps to 20 to 45%. Something like that.
Great way of putting it. Also I'd like to add that those types of people feel more entitled to sex than we do. We are deprived of it but it's all we have known for our lives. Being sexless is our reality and we have come to accept that. There are days where our sexlessness make us feel extremely miserable but for the most part we have grown used to it and are not expecting much to change. The feeling of being entitled to something only happens when you have grown accustomed to the resource in question and had it quickly taken away from you.
Yep. This is our reality. The people that get it regularly wouldn’t be able to stand life without it. They are so used to having it they genuinely don’t know how bad life would be without it. You only tend to understand struggles that affect you. Hence why in other regards like mechanical repairs on riding lawnmowers and cars, you probably don’t have the slightest idea how frustrating working on that stuff can be because you never did it, and don’t care to know what it’s like. I do because I work on stuff like that a lot. It’s the same way how people in relationships view our problems
Yeah OK but I think of 5 as the baseline for being eligible to date women in the first place. So something average. Like 5 is the point where asking out a woman no longer carries a 0-5% success rate. 5 would be the point where that jumps to 20 to 45%. Something like that.
Hard to base that on percentages man. Women nowadays are so entitled they think they deserve legit Chads, so a perfectly average man might have like a 5% or less success rate. I base averageness just on how the face compares to typical faces I see in day to day life. I would say I’m a similar looks level to OP, maybe a half a point higher on a good day. Average looks to me is a face that is somewhat attractive and definitely it ugly, but nowhere near the top tier attractiveness either
Yep. This is our reality. The people that get it regularly wouldn’t be able to stand life without it. They are so used to having it they genuinely don’t know how bad life would be without it. You only tend to understand struggles that affect you. Hence why in other regards like mechanical repairs on riding lawnmowers and cars, you probably don’t have the slightest idea how frustrating working on that stuff can be because you never did it, and don’t care to know what it’s like. I do because I work on stuff like that a lot. It’s the same way how people in relationships view our problems
Yea but it baffles me how people have the ego to assume that they know more about our struggles than us. I might not know how cars work or might not care all too much, but if you're explaining some kind of problem you're having with a car I'm not gonna talk over you and act like I have more expertise. That's like common sense to me. You have more knowledge in this field so chances are I will probably contribute nothing too useful in the conversation if you have complaints about a car. I'll learn and take notes from those who have more experience. This shit should be obvious.
Hard to base that on percentages man. Women nowadays are so entitled they think they deserve legit Chads, so a perfectly average man might have like a 5% or less success rate. I base averageness just on how the face compares to typical faces I see in day to day life. I would say I’m a similar looks level to OP, maybe a half a point higher on a good day. Average looks to me is a face that is somewhat attractive and definitely it ugly, but nowhere near the top tier attractiveness either
You should go to public places more often, dude. I see plenty of girls with 5s. A lot, to your credit, are with Chads or Chadlets. But still there is a notable amount with 5s.
Yea but it baffles me how people have the ego to assume that they know more about our struggles than us. I might not know how cars work or might not care all too much, but if you're explaining some kind of problem you're having with a car I'm not gonna talk over you and act like I have more expertise.
I agree. When someone tells me about a problem I have no idea about, I try to understand what it’s like and not just be a dick and act like I know better. The person actually doing something and experiencing the problems knows more about what it’s like than some egotistical individual who THINKS they understand, but never faced the problem.
That's like common sense to me. You have more knowledge in this field so chances are I will probably contribute nothing too useful in the conversation if you have complaints about a car. I'll learn and take notes from those who have more experience. This shit should be obvious.
Yep. Sad this isn’t obvious to most people. I also know a good amount about cutting grass and the necessary techniques to do it right in big yards that have thick high grass. I know what it takes because I have maintained the massive yard at our cabin for like 3 years. My father and I used to do it and we knew the perfect cutting pattern to maximize efficiency and decrease load and wear on the expensive riding mowers. Ever since he passed away, my mother helps me, and she often decides to do it how she thinks is better instead of just following the established method that works. Really pisses me off, and I have to stop me mower, and walk up to her and set her straight on how it’s done. When someone else knows more about something than you, just listen to them and don’t pretend to know more. She thought she knew better than me and actually broke a deck belt on the mower from taking it in an area I told her to avoid. So then I had to find a part online (super hard because it’s a discontinued 30 year old machine), and do the work, which took an hour.

She had no experience compared to me and tried to act like she knew more, and this is what happened. This is the same principle for people in relationships in regards to us. They hear what we say, yet think their knowledge overrides ours despite having no experience being deprived of these needs
You should go to public places more often, dude. I see plenty of girls with 5s. A lot, to your credit, are with Chads or Chadlets. But still there is a notable amount with 5s.
Do you live in a big city? I live in a suburban town, and there’s nothin outside basically. There’s no fucking places to meet people other than bars and clubs, which I’m way too much of a sperg for
why hug pillows and imagine a girl

girls are annoying, bitchy and give you cooties

pillows are comfy and you can lie down on them and chill
Hugging pillows and imagineing hugging a girl is one the most fun parts of my day to day life this is one of my biggest copes I have survived the last 4 or 5 like the hardest part was when at some point I felt so subhuman that I couldn't even imagine a foid hugging me
But now I'm fine
Give this a try brocel?
It might make your life better
I literally don’t do this anything

Always feel like crap after

No point in lying to myself
I agree. When someone tells me about a problem I have no idea about, I try to understand what it’s like and not just be a dick and act like I know better. The person actually doing something and experiencing the problems knows more about what it’s like than some egotistical individual who THINKS they understand, but never faced the problem.

Yep. Sad this isn’t obvious to most people. I also know a good amount about cutting grass and the necessary techniques to do it right in big yards that have thick high grass. I know what it takes because I have maintained the massive yard at our cabin for like 3 years. My father and I used to do it and we knew the perfect cutting pattern to maximize efficiency and decrease load and wear on the expensive riding mowers. Ever since he passed away, my mother helps me, and she often decides to do it how she thinks is better instead of just following the established method that works. Really pisses me off, and I have to stop me mower, and walk up to her and set her straight on how it’s done. When someone else knows more about something than you, just listen to them and don’t pretend to know more. She thought she knew better than me and actually broke a deck belt on the mower from taking it in an area I told her to avoid. So then I had to find a part online (super hard because it’s a discontinued 30 year old machine), and do the work, which took an hour.

She had no experience compared to me and tried to act like she knew more, and this is what happened. This is the same principle for people in relationships in regards to us. They hear what we say, yet think their knowledge overrides ours despite having no experience being deprived of these needs
Pin worthy if you go more in depth about normie ego.
Just hump your pillow theory
Do you live in a big city? I live in a suburban town, and there’s nothin outside basically. There’s no fucking places to meet people other than bars and clubs, which I’m way too much of a sperg for
Yeah kinda. By public places I more or less meant grocery stores, small restaurants, and parks. Thing's like that.
Pin worthy if you also go more in depth about normie ego.
Alright. Normies have big egos because they generally had enough validation growing up. They had a decent friend group their whole life without much effort, and also got a girlfriend fairly easily when they were of age. They experienced the essential social developmental milestones at the correct times. Because of this, their self esteem is high and they believe they succeed because of how smart of choices they made instead of the fact they were good looking and NT enough to succeed socially and romantically. As a result, they genuinely believe that you are doing something wrong if you can’t succeed socially and romantically. Because they had it so much easier, they cannot comprehend what it is like to struggle in this regard. Because just being themselves and treating people alright worked for them, they think it will work for everyone. What they fail to realize is that people aren’t as receptive to us as to them, in terms of women and trying to make friends with other guys. It’s kinda like if you had two people working on two engines. The normie is working on an engine that literally just needs a new spark plug, so it’s gonna be fixed very easily. The incel is working on an engine with bad spark plugs, a bad coil, a clogged carburetor, popped out intake valve, and no oil. Of course the normie is gonna succeed far more easily because the game was rigged from the start. The issue with normie logic is that the normie will criticize the incel for taking so long to fix it, failing to account for how much easier his talk was in the game. Same goes for real life. Everything just happened easier for the normie, and he fails to realize this, causing him to genuinely think he is doing things a much better way than us, when in reality, he wouldn’t know where to begin if he lived our lives
Alright. Normies have big egos because they generally had enough validation growing up. They had a decent friend group their whole life without much effort, and also got a girlfriend fairly easily when they were of age. They experienced the essential social developmental milestones at the correct times. Because of this, their self esteem is high and they believe they succeed because of how smart of choices they made instead of the fact they were good looking and NT enough to succeed socially and romantically. As a result, they genuinely believe that you are doing something wrong if you can’t succeed socially and romantically. Because they had it so much easier, they cannot comprehend what it is like to struggle in this regard. Because just being themselves and treating people alright worked for them, they think it will work for everyone. What they fail to realize is that people aren’t as receptive to us as to them, in terms of women and trying to make friends with other guys. It’s kinda like if you had two people working on two engines. The normie is working on an engine that literally just needs a new spark plug, so it’s gonna be fixed very easily. The incel is working on an engine with bad spark plugs, a bad coil, a clogged carburetor, popped out intake valve, and no oil. Of course the normie is gonna succeed far more easily because the game was rigged from the start. The issue with normie logic is that the normie will criticize the incel for taking so long to fix it, failing to account for how much easier his talk was in the game. Same goes for real life. Everything just happened easier for the normie, and he fails to realize this, causing him to genuinely think he is doing things a much better way than us, when in reality, he wouldn’t know where to begin if he lived our lives
Make it all in one post and tag the mods
I got a waifu pillow and added sheets and cushions to simulate breasts and ass and cuddled that throughout middle school and high school twas a good cope
Alright. Normies have big egos because they generally had enough validation growing up. They had a decent friend group their whole life without much effort, and also got a girlfriend fairly easily when they were of age. They experienced the essential social developmental milestones at the correct times. Because of this, their self esteem is high and they believe they succeed because of how smart of choices they made instead of the fact they were good looking and NT enough to succeed socially and romantically. As a result, they genuinely believe that you are doing something wrong if you can’t succeed socially and romantically. Because they had it so much easier, they cannot comprehend what it is like to struggle in this regard. Because just being themselves and treating people alright worked for them, they think it will work for everyone. What they fail to realize is that people aren’t as receptive to us as to them, in terms of women and trying to make friends with other guys. It’s kinda like if you had two people working on two engines. The normie is working on an engine that literally just needs a new spark plug, so it’s gonna be fixed very easily. The incel is working on an engine with bad spark plugs, a bad coil, a clogged carburetor, popped out intake valve, and no oil. Of course the normie is gonna succeed far more easily because the game was rigged from the start. The issue with normie logic is that the normie will criticize the incel for taking so long to fix it, failing to account for how much easier his talk was in the game. Same goes for real life. Everything just happened easier for the normie, and he fails to realize this, causing him to genuinely think he is doing things a much better way than us, when in reality, he wouldn’t know where to begin if he lived our lives
add paragraphs and make this post into a thread, it would be a good one imo
Alright. Normies have big egos because they generally had enough validation growing up. They had a decent friend group their whole life without much effort, and also got a girlfriend fairly easily when they were of age. They experienced the essential social developmental milestones at the correct times. Because of this, their self esteem is high and they believe they succeed because of how smart of choices they made instead of the fact they were good looking and NT enough to succeed socially and romantically. As a result, they genuinely believe that you are doing something wrong if you can’t succeed socially and romantically. Because they had it so much easier, they cannot comprehend what it is like to struggle in this regard. Because just being themselves and treating people alright worked for them, they think it will work for everyone. What they fail to realize is that people aren’t as receptive to us as to them, in terms of women and trying to make friends with other guys. It’s kinda like if you had two people working on two engines. The normie is working on an engine that literally just needs a new spark plug, so it’s gonna be fixed very easily. The incel is working on an engine with bad spark plugs, a bad coil, a clogged carburetor, popped out intake valve, and no oil. Of course the normie is gonna succeed far more easily because the game was rigged from the start. The issue with normie logic is that the normie will criticize the incel for taking so long to fix it, failing to account for how much easier his talk was in the game. Same goes for real life. Everything just happened easier for the normie, and he fails to realize this, causing him to genuinely think he is doing things a much better way than us, when in reality, he wouldn’t know where to begin if he lived our lives
Also rehab room made a good point. Their success in romance and friendships leads to them thinking that they have the ability to succeed and do EVERYTHING. For example, chico started a podcast and had the confidence to do so because he was under the false illusion that he is desired for his innate qualities. After a while, the podcast flopped since a good face can't keep people entertained forever. Another example is Connor Murphy, a chad whose main appeal was making videos where he took his shirt off in front of women to see their reaction, who tried to branch out and make philosophical videos with the videos eventually flopping because he doesnt have a good enough iq to ponder about deeper topics. Humans have a tendency to prize and value others' validation and use that as confirmation that they are good people who have a lot of potential residing within them
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Yeah kinda. By public places I more or less meant grocery stores, small restaurants, and parks. Thing's like that.
I go to places like that a lot, but it’s so hard to tell because most people are boomers and gen X. There’s hardly ever people my own age there, so there isn’t much of a sample size to look at. At the gym, most couples are average to above average men with below average woman. I’m not kidding, one guy there is an HTN who mogs me, 190 pound muscle mogger, good height, and his girlfriend is a 300 pound ugly fat chick who I wouldn’t even want. Her face is so fat and her eyes are like slits from the fat. Her body proportions are terrible with most of it in her belly and face, and this is what he settled for. I’m fucked if he had to go for that. There’s another guy there, normal weight MTN with a 250 pound fat chick that doesn’t take care of herself. Another one, although not as bad, is an HTN slightly chubby guy with a much fatter woman 1 point lower than him in looks. There are sometimes more looksmatched couples, but ones like this are the majority and it’s fucked up.
Also rehab room made a good point. Their success in romance and friendships leads to them thinking that they have the ability to succeed and do EVERYTHING. For example, chico started a podcast and had the confidence to do so because he was under the false illusion that he is desired for his innate qualities. After a while, the podcast flopped since a good face can't keep people entertained forever.
Yep. Their egos are so overinflated and they think they are the best in everything until proven otherwise

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