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Brutal How would you rebut these two arguments?



Sep 28, 2018
I recently had a long discussion about inceldom with an intelligent Chad-lite at a bar. This was your standard 8/10 Chad-lite. 6'1, solid frame, white, blonde-haired, blue-eyed, and status-maxed.

I presented our case the best I could, using everything in my arsenal. Poured my heart and soul into my arguments, but was careful to not become emotional; I wanted the numbers, logic and reason to speak for themselves. I wanted to make the most of the opportunity, as I don't have a social circle and even if I did have one, it certainly wouldn't include any Chads.

I described our plight in as much detail as possible, citing Tinder data, male sexless statistics, Baumeister's research, etc.

He ultimately was unconvinced that there was any real problem. I was both confused and crushed. I hoped to make some headway, as he was clearly not a closed-minded normie by any stretch. His retort basically amounted to the following two points:

1. "Ugly men can always just pay for sex".

2. "Kind, loving, perfectly obedient sexbots, even if implemented, wouldn't even resemble real women because real women aren't like that at all".

Point (1) I felt was wrong (the 5'2 balding Indian janitor might be rejected by even the cheapest escorts).

And point (2) had me scratching my head. Are we fundamentally confused about what we want here? Do we want fake female desire or real female desire? And if we want the latter, maybe sexbots aren't the answer. Advancements in surgery might be the only way.
Trying to tell a Chad that inceldom is difficult and is true is like trying to show a blind person what colors look like
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1. They can't pay for affection and a family though.
2. Which sounds like a positive as the sexbot won't talk down on me because I'm male, they won't compare me to chad and say she settled for me, they won't think emotionally and probably think logically as that's what a robot or a computer does, they won't leave me for someone they find better looking, and won't judge me the features that I have no control over like my fucking height.
The king has returned.
Lookism goes far beyond dating. How you're treated day to day and your job opportunities are impacted hugely by lookism
"Ugly men can always just pay for sex".

It's true and it's the only way to get sex.

2. "Kind, loving, perfectly obedient sexbots, even if implemented, wouldn't even resemble real women because real women aren't like that at all".

Fuck trying to duplicate a defective foid. Sexbots are going to be great.
Lookism goes far beyond dating. How you're treated day to day and your job opportunities are impacted hugely by lookism
This is the real problem
2. "Kind, loving, perfectly obedient sexbots, even if implemented, wouldn't even resemble real women because real women aren't like that at all".

That's the whole point of sexbots.
1. Prostitution doesn't provide the emotional fulfillment that Chads have.

2. I'm not sure what point he was trying to make about sexbots. You are going to have to elaborate on the conversation you had.

What he doesn't understand is that subhumans receive a great deal more discrimination outside of sex/romance. See the halo effect.

Also, welcome back to the forum. It's been a while.
I wouldn't spread blackpill stuff in real life. I always hide my powerlevel, both politically and romantically. If anyone asks if I have a girlfriend I just say no and stop taking questions about it. You must understand, the perspective is completely different for us and normies. I said this in a previous post, getting a girlfriend as a normie is not easy. The difference between normies and incels however is that they can attain it with hard work and effort, they would be accepted even though it might not be a hot girlfriend. They could make it. There is no way for incels to make it. That is why if you try and blackpill a normie, they won't understand what you mean, because the struggles are completely different even though you think you are part of the same totem pole. Reality is you aren't even playing the same game
I wouldn't spread blackpill stuff in real life. I always hide my powerlevel, both politically and romantically.

The last thing I need to happen to me is to get lynched.
2. "Kind, loving, perfectly obedient sexbots, even if implemented, wouldn't even resemble real women because real women aren't like that at all".

Fuck trying to duplicate a defective foid. Sexbots are going to be great.

If those behavioral quirks are in fact what make women feel real, however, then sexbots aren't going to be our salvation. This didn't occur to me until that conversation. I now see it as a legitimate concern.

It's like a video game that seems great while you're playing it and then suddenly becomes too easy and isn't fun at all any more. It's impossible to make that game fun again. Chads don't seem to have this problem with real foids; they're always new and interesting.

Perhaps surgeries are our best bet.
I agree with that Chad-lite
"Ugly men can always just pay for sex.”

Sure but it’s not fair since people can get it for free. You also don’t get the validation that chads get. Escorts will also be very unenthusiastic and you won’t be able to do too much.

"Kind, loving, perfectly obedient sexbots, even if implemented, wouldn't even resemble real women because real women aren't like that at all".

In terms of looks they have the potential to look even better than real foids. Although they won’t be 100% realistic, it is the most promising option.


Welcome back

Also, welcome back to the forum. It's been a while.

Thank you.

1. Prostitution doesn't provide the emotional fulfillment that Chads have.

2. I'm not sure what point he was trying to make about sexbots. You are going to have to elaborate on the conversation you had.

With (1), he implied that Chads have an innate advantage in that regard, the same as any other innate advantage a person could have (intelligence, for example) and I conceded that point. Which led us into a discussion about how to fill that emotional void.

And I proposed sexbots. He argued that sexbots wouldn't fulfill it though, because "what makes foids feel real is that they're crazy, irrational, mean, unloyal, dramatic, conniving, etc." and that if you programmed that "bad but necessary" stuff into a sexbot, the bot would inevitably leave you for Chad.
I recently had a long discussion about inceldom with an intelligent Chad-lite at a bar. This was your standard 8/10 Chad-lite. 6'1, solid frame, white, blonde-haired, blue-eyed, and status-maxed.

I presented our case the best I could, using everything in my arsenal. Poured my heart and soul into my arguments, but was careful to not become emotional; I wanted the numbers, logic and reason to speak for themselves. I wanted to make the most of the opportunity, as I don't have a social circle and even if I did have one, it certainly wouldn't include any Chads.

I described our plight in as much detail as possible, citing Tinder data, male sexless statistics, Baumeister's research, etc.

He ultimately was unconvinced that there was any real problem. I was both confused and crushed. I hoped to make some headway, as he was clearly not a closed-minded normie by any stretch. His retort basically amounted to the following two points:

1. "Ugly men can always just pay for sex".

2. "Kind, loving, perfectly obedient sexbots, even if implemented, wouldn't even resemble real women because real women aren't like that at all".

Point (1) I felt was wrong (the 5'2 balding Indian janitor might be rejected by even the cheapest escorts).

And point (2) had me scratching my head. Are we fundamentally confused about what we want here? Do we want fake female desire or real female desire? And if we want the latter, maybe sexbots aren't the answer. Advancements in surgery might be the only way.
1) "Ugly men can always just pay for sex"

If this is the case why are there preferences for escorts which primarily excludes blakcs, asians, and other ethnic groups. If ugly men can always pay for sex, how come there are those who can be rejected, even when willingly paying for a service

2) "Kind, loving, perfectly obedient sexbots, even if implemented, wouldn't even resemble real women because real women aren't like that at all".

Define real women exactly, because this term seems to be always false when the ones who do get laid state this or the cuckknights in general. Social Sciences have shown that women if let to their own vices end up being as manipulative and aren't at all with a sense of self or any shed of awareness. Real women blame the effect and not the cause of their actions when they end up dating guys they know have punched them in the gut (I will bless those that do it).
Real women aren't at all sensible and have bloated requirements specifically in comparison to what they actually wanted in a guy and what they stated they "preferred"
With (1), he implied that Chads have an innate advantage in that regard, the same as any other innate advantage a person could have (intelligence, for example) and I conceded that point. Which led us into a discussion about how to fill that emotional void.

And I proposed sexbots. He argued that sexbots wouldn't fulfill it though, because "what makes foids feel real is that they're crazy, irrational, mean, unloyal, dramatic, conniving, etc." and that if you programmed that "bad but necessary" stuff into a sexbot, the bot would inevitably leave you for Chad.
Fair enough, so he does imply that said advantage exists, which is kind of the point of the blackpill, that our lives are genetically predetermined to an extent.

I actually agree with him when it comes to sex bots.
If those behavioral quirks are in fact what make women feel real, however, then sexbots aren't going to be our salvation. This didn't occur to me until that conversation. I now see it as a legitimate concern.

It's like a video game that seems great while you're playing it and then suddenly becomes too easy and isn't fun at all any more. It's impossible to make that game fun again. Chads don't seem to have this problem with real foids; they're always new and interesting.

Perhaps surgeries are our best bet.
Its a legitimate concern but its misplaced. We are conditioned to accept female behavior like he described due to gynocentric social factors. The behavior of western women wouldn't be tolerated in a traditional Afgani village for example. If the sexbots and artificial wombs lead to evolutionary success, why would males raised in such a society tolerate foids and their shit?
At least he admitted being ugly is no different than having cancer.
1. Prostitution is illegal in many countries, and doesn't provide the relationship aspect that men desire.
2. This seems to contradict part one. He's talking about relationships with women, yet he seems to say just paying for basic sex is enough.

This was a key disconnect that I actually found hard to articulate properly without sounding like a whiny bitch.

Chads have never experienced the feeling of not being desired by women. So they assume that regular sex with prostitutes combined with regularly being friendzoned by landwhales would be just as fulfilling as the romantic relationship they have with their partners, since it theoretically satisfies both the physical and emotional components.

As we know all too well though, it doesn't. It doesn't even come close.

Disclaimer: I've never actually tried escortcelling and I never plan to. It doesn't appeal to me.
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If those behavioral quirks are in fact what make women feel real, however, then sexbots aren't going to be our salvation. This didn't occur to me until that conversation. I now see it as a legitimate concern.

It's like a video game that seems great while you're playing it and then suddenly becomes too easy and isn't fun at all any more. It's impossible to make that game fun again. Chads don't seem to have this problem with real foids; they're always new and interesting.

Perhaps surgeries are our best bet.

You've been brainwashed as fuck by society. "Things need to be difficult to enjoy them" is false. In case of a video game, the satisfaction comes from the difficulty, therefore it is optimally enjoyable at a moderate difficulty. In ANY other scenario, the reward is independent of the difficulty.
Chadlites is somewhat on point but still retarded. being ugly affects every social interaction far beyond romance

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