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how would you escape inceldom if you were rich right now?

I would get gyno surgery and get a lambo
If I was rich right now I would be the epitome of LDAR. I would drop out of school so fucking fast you wouldn't believe it. I would quit my job(s) and e-mail everyone that I am going to leak company secrets but never actually do it because I'm too lazy. I'd do it for the reaction.

With Phase 1 complete, I would buy some property that is close enough to civilization but far enough from neighbors. Nothing fancy, I don't need much. Get myself a beast gaming PC with Google fiber even though I only play old-ass games, but fuck it. Table, mattress, bathroom, maybe balcony for smoking cigarettes when it's nice out and I get tired of the stench inside my house, that is all I need. I could have a studio for all I care if they make them stand-alone. I would hire a person to deliver copious amounts of liquor to my house, as well as stuff like toilet paper, once a week. A lawn mower, but preferably I live on some shit tier lot that needs no maintenance. Fuck it, I'm rich, pave that shit concrete so I never have to care about it again. Get a maid to clean up once every two weeks and do my laundry. I would start smoking hella weed again too, and any other drug the dude can get his hands, I want all of them. Maybe a prostitute once in a blue moon, but I make enough money to do that now and I don't bother so probably not.

And I would live like that until my liver gave out, natural causes, or money ended. Never leave the house ever again. The fucking DREAM.
I would invest my money to develop a time machine and some gene repairing freaking nanobots. Then take those freaking nanobots in my pocket, travel to back in time when my mother was just conceived and me being in a zygote state. Then inject the nanobots into her body so that they can repair my genes and shit just before the cell division starts. Hop on to the time machine and return back as a 10/10 chad and slay like shit.
move to thailand.
blickpall said:
If I was rich right now I would be the epitome of LDAR. I would drop out of school so fucking fast you wouldn't believe it. I would quit my job(s) and e-mail everyone that I am going to leak company secrets but never actually do it because I'm too lazy. I'd do it for the reaction.

With Phase 1 complete, I would buy some property that is close enough to civilization but far enough from neighbors. Nothing fancy, I don't need much. Get myself a beast gaming PC with Google fiber even though I only play old-ass games, but fuck it. Table, mattress, bathroom, maybe balcony for smoking cigarettes when it's nice out and I get tired of the stench inside my house, that is all I need. I could have a studio for all I care if they make them stand-alone. I would hire a person to deliver copious amounts of liquor to my house, as well as stuff like toilet paper, once a week. A lawn mower, but preferably I live on some shit tier lot that needs no maintenance. Fuck it, I'm rich, pave that shit concrete so I never have to care about it again. Get a maid to clean up once every two weeks and do my laundry. I would start smoking hella weed again too, and any other drug the dude can get his hands, I want all of them. Maybe a prostitute once in a blue moon, but I make enough money to do that now and I don't bother so probably not.

And I would live like that until my liver gave out, natural causes, or money ended. Never leave the house ever again. The fucking DREAM.

How would you have Google Fiber if you lived in the middle of nowhere?
Framecel222 said:
How would you have Google Fiber if you lived in the middle of nowhere?

Like I said, close enough to civilization but far enough from neighbors. Far enough for me is about 20-30 meters.
By having lots and lots of money.

But at the same time, I don't have the desire to get rich though... I just want a simple easy life.
1. Genioplasty+jaw implants+rhino
2. Fix my wrists any way possible
3. Expensive clothes
4. Lambo
5. Slay
  • Escortceling.
  • Jaw realignment and implants.
  • Nose job.
  • Hair transplant.
  • Leg lengthening.
Surgerycel. Fix my voice disorder. Escortcel.

But tbh it's over anyway. I'd probably give a bunch to charity and get a small place somewhere sequestered and play video games and spend money on cam girls until rope.
jagged0 said:
I'd fly to asia and slay.

I'd definitely leave for Asia. I'd also see what type of surgies I could get to improve.
existentialhack said:
Surgerycel. Fix my voice disorder. Escortcel.

But tbh it's over anyway. I'd probably give a bunch to charity and get a small place somewhere sequestered and play video games and spend money on cam girls until rope.

kinda this. at this point couldnt even be bothered about slaying in all this shit, too many dark experiences in this world.
I'd just fly around the world, go shopping, sightseeing, visit museums, concerts, and the most expensive high-class escorts.
Slay Bollywood stars, possibly by paying them if everything else fails.
.Get a nose job
.Re-invest my money to get even more rich until i reach billonarie status
.Once i get here, take interest in the advances in genetic engineering/Designer babies
.Once that science got developed enough, rent an uterus and pay billions if necesary to assure that my son is made of the greatest genetic worth(gigachad will look like someone that post in Cucktears in comparison)
.Enjoy my life being an ultrapowerfull, rich asshole, with an descendancy that AMOGS the 99.5% of the planet until i die of an heart attack in the hands of an VIP escort at 120, as my final Ha-HA to nature.
I'll travel to different parts of the world and escortcel
I'd have a spaceship built, fly it to Mars, and have sex with the first living organism I found.
I would move to a poor country and abduct a local girl and turn her into a sex slave.If the police starts bugging me I would bribe them to leave me alone

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