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It's Over How will civilization end?



Post like the FBI is watching.
May 6, 2018
@wizardcel is convinced.

My plan is to retire there with my ultra JB and watch the rest of the world collapse. Thank allah that cuckzil is already on its death bed. I think cuckzilian foids will have to resort to prostitution to feed themselves, just like Colombian foids do. There will be a collapse soon, boyos.

But if you believe the end is near, what kind of "end" are you envisioning and how do you think it's gonna happen? It's money what makes the world go 'round, and as long as someone has enough of it and is willing to keep the world turning, though some may suffer, the world will, as a whole, appear to be fine.
Honestly I dont give a fuck
Only plausible option is something in the likes of "warfare", civil wars, mass riots etc would all lead up to the inevitable all out war. Unless there is some sort of economical problems which will still result in war.
with thunderous applause
Slow degrading of the environment to the point of mass extinction of animals.
Which is sad because I like nature(not human nature) and animals
The planet, the rock, will continue to exist for billions of years. But society as we know it will end. The collapse will be economic, at least that's how it is going to down in Brazil. The average person will run out of money to buy basic necessities, there will be no jobs, those who can afford will try to leave the country. Diseases will start to spread ( look up zyca and dengue epidemics in Brazil as well as yellow fever). Foids will resort to prostitution to feed themselves. The cops will go on strike because of lack of pay, there will be mass riots, murders, rapes and civil war. Eventually, the whole country will break apart. I suspect the same will happen in the first world. I can see it happening in Europe.

Brazil will be the first " western" country to fully collapse. It was a failed experiment from the start. It went from being a stable monarchy to being a multiracial shithole tantamount to the banana republics in Latin America and SubSaharan Africa. As I see it, people in America and Europe have voted for the same policies that ruined Brazil. Those countries will face a similar and bitter end. That's how far I can see it. I don't know if there will be an all-out nuclear war though; it's unlikely to happen in our time. The first wave of collapse will really be economic and moral.
Will be ended by me
The planet, the rock, will continue to exist for billions of years. But society as we know it will end. The collapse will be economic, at least that's how it is going to down in Brazil. The average person will run out of money to buy basic necessities, there will be no jobs, those who can afford will try to leave the country. Diseases will start to spread ( look up zyca and dengue epidemics in Brazil as well as yellow fever). Foids will resort to prostitution to feed themselves. The cops will go on strike because of lack of pay, there will be mass riots, murders, rapes and civil war. Eventually, the whole country will break apart. I suspect the same will happen in the first world. I can see it happening in Europe.

Brazil will be the first " western" country to fully collapse. It was a failed experiment from the start. It went from being a stable monarchy to being a multiracial shithole tantamount to the banana republics in Latin America and SubSaharan Africa. As I see it, people in America and Europe have voted for the same policies that ruined Brazil. Those countries will face a similar and bitter end. That's how far I can see it. I don't know if there will be an all-out nuclear war though; it's unlikely to happen in our time. The first wave of collapse will really be economic and moral.

An economic collapse. Where are the corporations?
I wouldn't care if the world ended today. I just wish someone would give me a front row seat to all the destruction.
An economic collapse. Where are the corporations?

There aren't many private corporations in Brazil. The only ones that are here are corrupt multinational mining companies such as Vale. They don't care about the country and its people. They conduct their business everywhere and have no ties to any place. A lot of corporations are owned by the state. Petrobras, the former petrol giant, is owned by the Brazilian state; the company's finances are in shambles. Its success is tied to Brazil's economic performance. This is what socialism does. Companies that provide electricity are also state-owned, even some internet providers are owned by the state lol. This means that if the state falls, the corporations will also fall with it. This is how this country operates. If people in other countries vote for this system, their countries will fall. It's unsustainable in the long run.
There aren't many private corporations in Brazil. The only ones that are here are corrupt multinational mining companies such as Vale. They don't care about the country and its people. They conduct their business everywhere and have no ties to any place. A lot of corporations are owned by the state. Petrobras, the former petrol giant, is owned by the Brazilian state; the company's finances are in shambles. Its success is tied to Brazil's economic performance. This is what socialism does. Companies that provide electricity are also state-owned, even some internet providers are owned by the state lol. This means that if the state falls, the corporations will also fall with it. This is how this country operates. If people in other countries vote for this system, their countries will fall. It's unsustainable in the long run.

What taxes does Brazil collect?
ER will come back from the dead as a demon lord and go ER on the entire world
If everything collapses prostitution like @wizardcel said is obvious and a lot of sects would appear and normies will join to them.
Is a good idea for an incel to go with JB far away.
It's money what makes the world go 'round, and as long as someone has enough of it and is willing to keep the world turning, though some may suffer, the world will, as a whole, appear to be fine.
This, only a monumental and widespread disaster will topple civilization as we know it
If there's not a mass psychotic snap by 2030 from millions of young men, all over the world, from wildly different cultures, all rejecting the stifling failure of globohomo, then my bet is on clean water becoming scarce, only the very rich will be able to afford it (private lakes, energy-intensive desalination). They'll be able to pay off their security details for a while with water, keep the populace a bit distracted with contests for water and vices, keep them fighting amongst themselves like now, but eventually masses of people with absolutely nothing to lose will storm the castle by any means necessary. They won't care that they're going to die in the attempt, they'll just want to try to rip someone to shreds.

They're trying to take weapons away, but it won't work. You can make chlorine gas out of bleach and any kind of acid. You can make explosives out of a thousand things you have in your house right now. Shit is going to continue blowing up, no matter how much the elites try to protect themselves from it. It'll mostly be the proles killing other proles, but that chaos will build and build and eventually people will snap. It'll be like a zombie movie, a wall of fucking proles running and climbing over each other to get to the faggots running the show. No one will have anything to live for so it won't matter if they shoot 90% of them as they're charging. It'll be like a beehive that's been poked too many times, all they want is to destroy the enemy, individual drones have no interest in their personal survival.

At least, that's my prediction. Or maybe cope. And it may not happen in my lifetime if it does at all.
Nuclear war. Tbh the possibility of a nuclear war is at an all time high, I believe that a world-wide nuclear war is enough for the end of civilization.
The idea that civilization will collapse is a massive cope tbh, if civilization didn't collapse during the middle-ages when things were way worse for humanity then it sure as hell isn't gonna collapse in this era.
Nuclear war. Tbh the possibility of a nuclear war is at an all time high, I believe that a world-wide nuclear war is enough for the end of civilization.

I dunno about the likelihood of nuclear war. Here's what I think...

But I tell you, ain't no way we're gonna go to nuclear war. Ain't no way. We have too many other weapons. So even if crazy people were in office, they don't need to use the nukes if they wanna kill somebody. Extinction of humanity won't come from war.
I dunno about the likelihood of nuclear war. Here's what I think...
Seems plausible, there is no reason for the elites to destroy the world they live in. They are many alternatives that wont harm the enviorment (engineered diseases, bio-weapons, etc.)
The idea that civilization will collapse is a massive cope tbh, if civilization didn't collapse during the middle-ages when things were way worse for humanity then it sure as hell isn't gonna collapse in this era.

Well, depending on what you mean by "collapse," society probably collapsed several times throughout the history of man. If you mean drastic societal shifts. Roman Empire, Ottoman Empire, those are things that collapsed.
It won’t end. Civilization never ends, only eras and rulers end.
Well, depending on what you mean by "collapse," society probably collapsed several times throughout the history of man. If you mean drastic societal shifts. Roman Empire, Ottoman Empire, those are things that collapsed.
Roman Empire and Ottomans collapsed due to extreme military defeats though, which is kinda impossible in our era as nuclear weapons produce a state of perpetual "peace" (stalemate).
Slow degrading of the environment to the point of mass extinction of animals.
Which is sad because I like nature(not human nature) and animals
yeah i feel the same way, the general population is completely oblivious to how close we are to catastrophe, we will be the first species to cause our own extinction
A fire broke out backstage in a theatre. The clown came out to warn the public; they thought it was a joke and applauded. He repeated it; the acclaim was even greater. I think that's just how the world will come to an end: to general applause from wits who believe it's a joke.

― Soren Kierkegaard, Either/Or, Part I

@wizardcel is convinced.

But if you believe the end is near, what kind of "end" are you envisioning and how do you think it's gonna happen? It's money what makes the world go 'round, and as long as someone has enough of it and is willing to keep the world turning, though some may suffer, the world will, as a whole, appear to be fine.
We run out of oil by 2040 according to the US government, oilpill.
In b4 solarpower, you need oil to make solarpanels
I don't care how it ends, just as long as it ends.
@wizardcel is convinced.

But if you believe the end is near, what kind of "end" are you envisioning and how do you think it's gonna happen? It's money what makes the world go 'round, and as long as someone has enough of it and is willing to keep the world turning, though some may suffer, the world will, as a whole, appear to be fine.
I don't think it will, unfortunately
A fire broke out backstage in a theatre. The clown came out to warn the public; they thought it was a joke and applauded. He repeated it; the acclaim was even greater. I think that's just how the world will come to an end: to general applause from wits who believe it's a joke.

― Soren Kierkegaard, Either/Or, Part I

Brutal protohonkpill from Kierkegaard, he saw it from afar.
Which exactly? (sorry. aren't keeping up with politics)

Racemixing, boyo. The diversity thing is a trap. It ruins things for ethnics as well as whites. A racemixed population have lower IQs and lack cultural and national identity. Brazil suffers from both problems.

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