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Serious how we could potentially reverse the tides in our favour



Nov 28, 2017
the main issue is the mans lust for pussy. the man lusts far more than women which is the main reason why women can be so selective and men often have to date two points below their PSL whilst women can date above. juggernaut law is also the epitome of this as even average girls can be swarmed with dozens of beta orbiters. but why is a man so lustful for girls? sure, there are biological reasons but id also wager a huge part of it owes to societal standards. society has made it so that your value as a man is judged based on how many girls you can date/fuck/LTR/whatever. you see, normies want to follow the crowd and be like everyone else, they want to follow the trend. lets use pokemon go as an example. before pokemon go if you were caught playing or watching pokemon in public(unless you were stacy or chad because lets not forget, they can do no wrong), you would be mocked, shunned, laughed out the room etc. you would most likely be excluded from your circle of friends as well. but when pokemon go dropped and became viral it became normal to do so. hell, if you WERENT playing that game they would probably shun you and pressure you to play. now that we have established societal standards has a huge part to play in why men crave to keep up in the sexual market so much lets cut to the chase. if societal standards is what drives men then we need to change them so that it becomes "trendy" to go MGTOW. i know it sounds unrealistic but deep down most normies are fed up of how women behave. thats why slut shaming is so popular, thats why normie males dont like feminism. if we use such things and make them the backbone of a MGTOW propaganda campaign then spread it so that it becomes viral more and more normies fed up of women will understand and the more popular it becomes, the more societal standards will shift in our favour. it will be deemed ok by society to go your own way. if this gets popular enough then women will not be able to have orbiters, be so selective and will be forced to cut the shit and lower their standards, thus evening the market.
Yeah MGTOW is the normie friendly side of the blackpill. Hopefully they can propagate it since they are less hated
sure, there are biological reasons but id also wager a huge part of it owes to societal standards.

And I'd wager that these societal standards have formed due to biological reasons.

before pokemon go if you were caught playing or watching pokemon in public(unless you were stacy or chad because lets not forget, they can do no wrong), you would be mocked, shunned, laughed out the room etc. you would most likely be excluded from your circle of friends as well. but when pokemon go dropped and became viral it became normal to do so. hell, if you WERENT playing that game they would probably shun you and pressure you to play..

Yeah I asked my crush out but she asked me about my Pokemans and I said I don't play that children's game that's made to sell toys and she told me that's why I never get laid.

thats why slut shaming is so popular

Non sequitur, slut shaming is popular especially because foids hate the living hell out of eachother. They've been calling eachother sluts since the invention of language.

the more societal standards will shift in our favour.

Oh, you think this will end well? Gigacope.
Yeah MGTOW is the normie friendly side of the blackpill. Hopefully they can propagate it since they are less hated
most of them are former normies/chadlites but they have accepted the blackpill after getting sick of femoids bullshit. we should really be allying with them and making this happen rather than shunning them for being "volcels".
I'm here because I'm too ugly for women.
And I'd wager that these societal standards have formed due to biological reasons.

Yeah I asked my crush out but she asked me about my Pokemans and I said I don't play that children's game that's made to sell toys and she told me that's why I never get laid.

1. cope. JBs are a great exmaple of why this is wrong. biologically JBs are prime, best condition femoids that men all secretly want to fuck deep down but cant because of societal standards and the same standards make them shun others and be shunned for wanting to do so or doing so.

2. that wasnt even my argument, that was just an example of societal standards but OK??? lowiqcel?
We can't do anything
1. cope. JBs are a great exmaple of why this is wrong. biologically JBs are prime, best condition femoids that men all secretly want to fuck deep down but cant because of societal standards and the same standards make them shun others and be shunned for wanting to do so or doing so.

I don't know how that's "cope" but w/e.

The societal standards that surround JBs have everything to do with men being dads. Since before JB foids were free to roam the Earth and run with the buffalo, they were considered to be their father's property. Of course, such property was sold when it was ripe, the foid's virginity being the contract seal. The father wouldn't have wanted his property being spoiled by some stable boy or by his neighbors, so powerful laws were instated to make sure that those goods were not damaged while the foid was still considered the father's property. If such property was damaged, payment for destruction of property was at first considered acceptable, see Bible (rapist having to pay compensation).
It's already popular on YouTube.
Just rope, eternal peace sounds a lot better than living just to get brutally sodomized by life again and again.
Just rope, eternal peace sounds a lot better than living just to get brutally sodomized by life again and again.

can't wait till I rope
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