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Discussion How was your life during late childhood/early teens (the age an attractive person usually starts having a romantic and eventually sexual life)?



May 2, 2018
Mine was utter shit. I literally didn't have a life between 10 and 14 roughly. I was full of mental problems and dropped school several times due to severe bullying and other problems. Also I had a stepfather I absolutely hated and it took years for my mom to finally kick him away from home.

I was basically a hikikomori, spending all days at home playing with lego, watching TV and stuff like that. No friends whatsoever, let alone romantic experiences. I basically lived as a toddler who hasn't even started school yet.

When I was 13 I returned to school (thankfully, I was ahead of my age in school previously, So I could return to sixth grade, not that much delayed) just to face a ton of bullying again, it had gotten even worse because now I wasn't just a passive barely mentally ill person, but also ugly (acne had started big time, also my facial traits changed a lot after puberty and I became uglier). But I was able to endure it because I made some friends (A Chadlite pitied and befriended me, I'm friends with him up to this day; he got with 2 girls I liked though).
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Well from 10-12 I was still in middle school in the Dutch school system and still had some friends I made when I was very young. ( Dutch "Middle School" is from the age of 4-12 ).
Then at 12 when I went to high school everything went downhill slowly, became more shut-in and absolutely hated everyone at school.
It was constant torture, got bad grades, barely passed anything.. I still remember gym class as being the worst subjects to every exist.

but also ugly (acne had started big time).
Acne started when I was almost 12 for me, very suifuel especially when you have acne and others don't.
My acne just got worse and worse and it is still bad to this day. Acne is a big factor as to why I hate going outside.
Runescape, youtube(not the trash now) n porn. :feelsrope:
It just went all downhill more than it was when I was 12-13 years old, that's when inceldom has started to hit. I miss some of my childhood friends when I was 10 or so ngl
My acne started at 13 y o, I also started developing an unibrow @ that age and my acne was very severe when I was 16, so 13-18 yrs of my life has been hell
Very boring and dull.
I have a memory void, I was 10 and all of a sudden here I am wagecucking.
All I can remember is books, a few friends and acne.
the only attention i got from women was them bullying me.
I dont want to even recolect
played with some friends football occasionally mind u these were fellow rejects as well like me, spend a huge time in front of the computer memes games shit like that
at that age my childhood friends are moving away more and more, so i don't talk to them anymore
It was fine until around 13 when puberty destroyed me and all my friends started getting attention from girls
Nothing but helicopter parenting, my parents basically fucked me up. I lacked social development and never got to experience teen love.
That's when my life turned to shit, got depressed and severe social anxiety. I got into puberty at around 12-13, I was horny af and I tried hanging out with girls but I just got ignored or bullied. I used to be able to talk and play with them earlier, but in 7th grade everything changed when people started hitting puberty and we entered the domain of sex. As a response I just started nolifing on games and forums.
My teens have been absolute shit.

I think all of us incels have in common that our lifes while we were growing have been absolute dogshit, which lead to us developing unattractive faces, shitty frames etc.
Correct oral posture and adequate nutrition + exercise and you will likely reach your genetic potential and end up somewhat attractive. I was severely neglected as a teen, I grew up on junk food and developed chronic illnesses like allergies and hayfever which lead to me mouth breathing for a bit. I got depressed, began to suck at school. Also very stressful time in general, because parents were beyond useless and retarded. Did a lot of coping playing computer games.

It went all downhill when i was like 14 years old. Before that I had friends, heck even female friends. My life is shit, because my parents were too retarded to raise me properly. I had life on easy mode up until i was 14 years old. Its over for me now.

"It never began" <- is fucking retarded though, most of us had the potential to lead a happy life, but our parents fucked us up.
Terrible. 0 friends, no social life whatsoever, treated like a jester in school, moved to an even more ugly apartment, constant fights between parents and there were periods where I barely had something to eat due to lack of money. Spent most of my days in front of a screen, and that didn't change over the years.
My early teenage years can be summed up with this: FAP FAP FAP FAP FAP FAP FAPFAPFAPFAPFAP FAP.
Anyone else been a school clown?
I was ugly as fuck and terrible on football so i never made IRL friends.
I was bullied a lot in the 7th,8th and my first year of high school. That ruined my life for a while because I couldn't concentrate on my studies. I had so much pent-up anger and sadness inside me that I stopped studying. I finally made friends in my second and senior year of high school, but I was having so much fun that I completely forgot about my studies. I wanted to make up for all the time I lost due to my being bullied-- at that time my bullies had either failed school completely or had been expelled for bad conduct. I was having so much fun that I forgot about my studies. I barely passed my exams and graduated from school with average marks.

I wanted to get into medical school back then, but I failed the entrance examination miserably. I had graduated without knowing anything. I ended up going for business administration instead. But my nightmares started all over again. The place reeked of normies and Staceys. Everyone was into parties and degenerate acts. They soon realized that I was different and started bullying me. They would call me " faggot" because no one had ever seen me with a woman. They'd spread a lot of lies and rumors about me. It was horrible. I dropped out in 2009: one year short of graduation.

I did nothing in 2010-2011. I got my driver's license in 2012. I did nothing in 2013-2014. I got a job in 2015 and lasted a year there. In 2016, I started my chemical engineering course. Fortunately, I don't get bullied anymore. Things have changed since 2006-2007. There are more incels than ever and alternative cultures are accepted. Even though I live in a " republica" the normies don't mess with me.

That's why I think conservatism is bad for incels. I was bullied like hell during Brazil's conservative era. If you were not seen with a woman, you'd get labelled as "gay". Even women laughed at me and called me " bixa", "viado" and whatnot. This doesn't happen anymore. People don't try to humiliate anymore for not having a girlfriend. I'm not close to anyone, and no one tries to get to know me. But I guess that's all right. I don't really want friends.
I was short and awkward as fuck
That's why I think conservatism is bad for incels. I was bullied like hell during Brazil's conservative era. If you were not seen with a woman, you'd get labelled as "gay". Even women laughed at me and called me " bixa", "viado" and whatnot. This doesn't happen anymore. People don't try to humiliate anymore for not having a girlfriend. I'm not close to anyone, and no one tries to get to know me. But I guess that's all right. I don't really want friends.
I don't think conservatism is worse than SJWism at all, but I agree with you that one good thing that came from that new special snowflake soy era was bullying awareness. In the 90s, shit was BRUTAL.
Got bullied hard, and bullying in Slavlands is pretty brutal. I was surrounded my whole life by low IQ homo sovieticus who act and think like apes. I coped with it by compulsively playing video games and daydreaming about growing up in United States circa 1950, all with a wife in a pretty flower dress, a nice car and a house in the suburbs with a white picket fence.
daydreaming about growing up in United States circa 1950, all with a wife in a pretty flower dress, a nice car and a house in the suburbs with a white picket fence.
I have also dreamed about it before but the US is pretty cucked. Even back then I think it was already a bit too much cucked from my tastes.
My teens have been absolute shit.

I think all of us incels have in common that our lifes while we were growing have been absolute dogshit, which lead to us developing unattractive faces, shitty frames etc.
Correct oral posture and adequate nutrition + exercise and you will likely reach your genetic potential and end up somewhat attractive. I was severely neglected as a teen, I grew up on junk food and developed chronic illnesses like allergies and hayfever which lead to me mouth breathing for a bit. I got depressed, began to suck at school. Also very stressful time in general, because parents were beyond useless and retarded. Did a lot of coping playing computer games.

It went all downhill when i was like 14 years old. Before that I had friends, heck even female friends. My life is shit, because my parents were too retarded to raise me properly. I had life on easy mode up until i was 14 years old. Its over for me now.

"It never began" <- is fucking retarded though, most of us had the potential to lead a happy life, but our parents fucked us up.
This. I could at least have had a good normie life if it werent for my retarded neglectful parents.
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Absolute garbage. Acne destroyed any chance at a normal life
I don't think conservatism is worse than SJWism at all, but I agree with you that one good thing that came from that new special snowflake soy era was bullying awareness. In the 90s, shit was BRUTAL.
After columbine, society started to take bullying more seriously. When I was bullied at my school by a few chads, they simply were rude and didn’t let me hang out with their friends. I had many friends who were also friends with them. They never attacked me though. One time I tried to attack them and they didn’t even fight back.

I would like to see what scarier bullying is like
One time I tried to attack them and they didn’t even fight back.
Mogs me.

I was a very passive kid. In fact, that's the reason I got bullied as a kid. I remember the bullies making fun of people for being fat or ugly, but with me it was just my passiveness.

But when I became a teenager, I started being bullied for being ugly as well.
Mogs me.

I was a very passive kid. In fact, that's the reason I got bullied as a kid. I remember the bullies making fun of people for being fat or ugly, but with me it was just my passiveness.

But when I became a teenager, I started being bullied for being ugly as well.
The only fights involving beatings I saw were beaten black kids at school and they happened only rarely
The only fights involving beatings I saw were beaten black kids at school and they happened only rarely
People punched each other a lot in the arms, torso, etc, when I was a kid. Blows to the head/face were rare.
I have also dreamed about it before but the US is pretty cucked. Even back then I think it was already a bit too much cucked from my tastes.
I agree. It was a very naive and idealized version of 1950s America in my case, in yours probably too. My way of coping with the grim reality of growing up in Eastern Europe. I wanted to live with nice and polite neighbours. Instead I lived surrounded by alcoholics and actual domestic violence on regular basis. I wanted to live in my own home somewhere nice and safe. Instead I grew up in a commieblock with paper-thin walls so thin you could hear your neighbour taking a shit and where going out after dark was considered a dangerous and foolish thing to do. Such is life in Eastern Europe.
I agree. It was a very naive and idealized version of 1950s America in my case, in yours probably too. My way of coping with the grim reality of growing up in Eastern Europe. I wanted to live with nice and polite neighbours. Instead I lived surrounded by alcoholics and actual domestic violence on regular basis. I wanted to live in my own home somewhere nice and safe. Instead I grew up in a commieblock with paper-thin walls so thin you could hear your neighbour taking a shit and where going out after dark was considered a dangerous and foolish thing to do. Such is life in Eastern Europe.
Communism ruined EEurope. The people who still defend that shit after all that happened are moral accomplices of genocide.
Let’s just say my life went down the shitter after primary school.
Highschool was painful. I remember thinking how pointless the work was and most of the time I left it to the last minute. In year 10 I completely gave up doing any work at all. As for the social aspect I had two or three friends and they were good people but the wider group that they were in was pretty annoying. They didn't bully me but they did piss me off, bullying never was a thing at my school. I didn't get into any physical altercations save for one time near the end of year 10 (which you really couldn't call a fight). I had enough of him insulting me and I punched him in the back of the head. He turned around and asked me to do it again to which I said nothing and stood still, waiting for him to make a move. When he didn't fight back and went inside I got my things and walked back home and played vidya. He didn't say anything to me ever again in person after that incident, but was too eager to send me death threats over video game chats and text messages.
The only thing I will miss is a good friend of three years there. He was the one who introduced me to Metal music when he let me listen to Iron Maiden on the bus going on a school excursion. We had some fun times.
"It never began" <- is fucking retarded though, most of us had the potential to lead a happy life, but our parents fucked us up.
It's all about face(+height), unless your face was deformed by ur parents, u r jus coping. Chads and Tyrones are already slaying before they complete puberty, at worse some might be virgins throughout hs but definitely slay in college. Don't forget the good looking kids raised by single moms eating crap food growing up too.

I'm not saying u r completely wrong, but if what u meant by 'potential to lead a happy life' includes obtaining a foid who loves and lusts for you for who you are(looks) and not what resources you bring(betabuxx), you have only seen half the blackpill.
Constantly depressed, sad and nervous because I thought the reason people treated me like shit was my fault. I coped hard with escapism.
It's all about face(+height), unless your face was deformed by ur parents, u r jus coping. Chads and Tyrones are already slaying before they complete puberty, at worse some might be virgins throughout hs but definitely slay in college. Don't forget the good looking kids raised by single moms eating crap food growing up too.

I'm not saying u r completely wrong, but if what u meant by 'potential to lead a happy life' includes obtaining a foid who loves and lusts for you for who you are(looks) and not what resources you bring(betabuxx), you have only seen half the blackpill.
There is a reason most parents spend thousands of dollars on things like braces and procedures to ensure they looksmax their kids as much as possible.
During my middle school years I was really fucking ugly, even more than typical incels, so I was always passive-aggressively bullied rather than full out bullied because I was low inhib as fuck. Had an intimidating ugly face rather than a nerdy ugly face which was pretty beneficial because I had no trouble making friends back then. Even had one girl trying to flirt with me saying "hey blackglassbox do you like me?", which I thought she was saying in an insulting way like as if she was saying how could this ugly ass mf like me, rather than a genuine curious question because although I was low-inhib maxxed extrovert, my self-esteem was low as fuck.
I was at my ugliest then. Short, anorexic, covered with acne, fucked up teeth, greasy hair, too poor so dressed like shit. Life was hell.
was all downhill really just waiting to drop 6 feet

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