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Blackpill How ugly are you?


Ssj Incel

Apr 17, 2018
If a giga Chad had your body would he be an incel?
im avg, im just a manlet with no bbc = ogre
Disgusting pizza face. It's over
i'd say this is fairly accurate Screenshot 20171027 105504
Not that bad..but being ethnic it doesnt matter...every ethnic sub 9 will have to compete with bottom tier whites all their life..it was over from the start for me
my face looks like a deformed potatoe
I am not like super ugly, but I am ugly enough to be incel.
If I lost 30 lbs, I would look like a grey.
4/10 overall, imo
>normalish 4/10 face, permanent bags under eyes
>big head, even by 6'2 standards
>shit posture
>teeth need ~1 year worth of braces to be properly arranged (still look somewhat passable)
>tall endomorphic frame means fashonmaxxing is impossible and I look like a fucking boulder (hard to find clothes at all)
>balding (Norwood class 3A (and rapidly worsening) at 23)
I would say 4/10. Decent skin, white but tan easily without getting red, nice eyes (yes few women said that) but my lack of jaw ruins the entire face and gives me a weird childish/unmanly beta look. Plus my teeth are crowded due to lack of jaw. I was once getting a blood test when I was 22 and the lady taking my blood asked where my mom was. Its over

But a guy at work yesterday asked how old I was and he guessed only 1 year younger then I actually am so I dont know wtf what the average person sees. I am hoping to save money for maxillofacial surgery. That would make the world of a difference. I am even wondering if theres anything I can do until then while waiting. (it will take years to gather the funds) I am also a brokecell and live in ethnic trash area where people drive around with plastic bags for side windows. So, chances are just like everyone else born here, ill die here and never have 10 grand to spare
I look like a girl (trap ( I would definitely fuck myself of dispair)) or like an Eastern-Europe dictator (a girl once told me I look russian while there's 0% russian blood in my entire ancestry kek) depending on the light exposure and on my gymcelling level. For the moment I try to gymcel, I gave up the idea of fucking myself.
I'm ethnic, that alone should tell you I belong here
Lmao I saw you post in the ratings megathread, you don't belong here just leave troll
mentalcel :feelsrope:

maybe some day ill fix my problem and ill become a normie or chadlite but till then i belong here :feelsokman:
I am below average looking except on the good days when my hair is perfect and i happen to be fit.
Usually i am just a skinny/fat guy with below average looking face.
ugly enough to be a virgin
I look like a girl (trap ( I would definitely fuck myself of dispair)) or like an Eastern-Europe dictator (a girl once told me I look russian while there's 0% russian blood in my entire ancestry kek) depending on the light exposure and on my gymcelling level. For the moment I try to gymcel, I gave up the idea of fucking myself.

PM me your pics plz.
Decent facial aesthetics utterly destroyed by a melting/droopy left side, acne scars, extreme black spots under the eyes, horrible teeth/maxilla/mouthbreathing, and an extremely recessed chin.

Fixed maxilla/teeth with braces that I wore for 5 (!!!) fucking years.
Acne scars fixed through laser procedures.
Black spots under the eyes are here to stay.
I grow my hair to hide my facial asymmetries.
Considering chin implant for my recessed chin.

Following looks-maxing, went from full blown true-cel, to low-tier normie. I look forward to my chin implant.
Enough to get down treated like a retard by most people (nobody takes you seriously, you get called boy a lot, never sir, people always try to exploit you, you get targeted by assholes a lot etc). I'm so familiar with how they act towards me IRL, I can gauge them just by that; I've been given the talk many times, by friends or strangers, about how some people are unlucky. Sometimes I can feel the mercy, it's depressing.
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mentalcel :feelsrope:

maybe some day ill fix my problem and ill become a normie or chadlite but till then i belong here :feelsokman:
Exactly, you're a mentally ill chad

This is incels.is, not chadmentalcels.me

3/10 thx to my baggy eyes and weak jawline
The problem is not how I look, but my lack of social skill... I'm around 4/10... But being black doesn't help at all... I'll post my ass on the ratings megathread later.
unironically 0/10, do i need to be reminded again?
Sometimes I think I'm a 4 and sometimes I think I'm a 7. It depends on my mood. I still don't know what the truth is
Fuckton of acne scars and pimples growing on random parts of my face.
Embarrassingly noticeable bald spot which stops me from growing my hair out
I also walk around with a blank expression on my face which creeps people out apparently
My face is fucked. Having a giga chad body would be nice, but with my face I really don't think anything can save me.
prob 4/10, i'd know if i'd be 3 and below since people would look with disgust at me and they just look for 1sec at me and then ignore me.
Not sure exactly. I can infer that since no woman has ever wanted something to do with me I'm below average.
Jsanza mogs me to oblivion
At my peak, I will be very average, I think. My face is symmetrical and my hair is thick/healthy, both of which bode well.
I look really young & boyish
-My face is a 4/10
-I am 5'8 and I have a laughable frame
I'm a 3/10. I think if giga-chad had my body... he would fail getting laid if he tried right away.

But, if he got my body in shape, obliterated his NEET status, and then used his giga-chad personality he could probably be a normie. Though he'd have to tone down his personality, because it would be too inconsistent with his body. If he still acted like a giga-chad he would not be confident, but arrogant! Haha.

Just like how handsome guys are assertive, and ugly guys are creepy.
Somewhere between 3/10 to 4/10.
3/10 with a feminine face that makes you want to throw shit at it + borderline manlet.
hopefully mewing and jaw improvement can ascend me to pond scum tier. i have faith in lord mew (PBUH)
4/10 subhuman (verified by ratings from fellow incels).
Considerably. Not enough to be particularly noticed by my ugliness and pointed at or something, but definitely unattractive. 3-3.5/10.
I sometimes get that look on the streets kek

and as I've said earlier somewhere, a girl once told me that I'm 3/10
Tall, (6'2) oversized head, bad eye area, ugly light blond hair, Not skinny but not fat. White. A solid 3/10
Average, white and 5'10 but I have dark circles around my eyes and minor acne, but mental issues for certain.
Being realistic:
Face: 2/10
Body: 6/10
That makes me a 4/10 r-right ?

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