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RageFuel How true do u think this is ? I saw this on a "femcel" forum



I who have never known foids
May 11, 2023
Screenshot 20240609 144735  01
In the real world the landwhale is lusting after the chads while the guy is running circles around her
Not sure. I think ugly people of both genders don't want other ugly people. And in general, women have fewer problems so they are probably more picky in practice, even though it seems that guys value appearance more.
Not sure. I think ugly people of both genders don't want other ugly people. And in general, women have fewer problems to they are probably more picky in practice, even though it seems that guys value appearance more.
interesting perspective
I think it;s true BUT they also made her fat, which is a choice in most cases
I think it;s true BUT they also made her fat, which is a choice in most cases
If the landwhale loses some weight, tenthousands of normies would simp for her. Now there are maybe just hundreds or thousands.
"Femcel" is only another term for "invisible for Chad".
Femcel = chad only

If this cartoon were true, femcels numbers would dwarf incel numbers. Which is not the case, they are still the minority
It's true in some cases but mostly not really.
There are plenty of incels who have bottom of the barrel standards (like me) I would ascend with a 1/10 if someone was willing.
Even if the sub5 male in the comic WAS attracted to the sub5 female, she wouldn't be attracted to him, chad only and all that.
This is just women projecting onto men mostly so they can justify having absurd standards, the reality is women are the one who gatekeep relationships, plenty of guys are desperate enough to take anything but that can't be said about most females.
Women can't believably deny they have unrealistic overly high standards and this makes them look unlikeable so they have to project this same flaw onto men to make themselves look better and not feel ashamed of their poor shallow behavior. Spewing false equivalences and whataboutisms to drag down men to their level despite how it's blatantly obvious men are more likely to be willing to settle with an ugly women than women would with ugly men.
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Femcel memes are pure projection. It's just another chapter in a very long book called female imitation and projection.

When PUA was getting mainstream, what happened? fPUA, which was pants-on-head retarded it just aped PUA and disregarded sex differences.
When MGTOW went mainstream, what happened? WGTOW.
Now the blackpill has gone mainstream, what's happening? Femcels.

Whatever men are doing and saying, women will copy it, and will, at best, swap the sexes. This is a reflex women have when they're threatened by something. If you catch a woman stealing and turn her in, what does she do? She accuses you of stealing. Same motive here. Just tune it out, recognize it for what it is. They don't even think as they do this, why should you waste your precious thought on it?
Its a massive projection by them. I've even posted studies about how a woman's looks don't play a part in her capability of acquiring a partner if she so wants. A MAN'S LOOKS DO MATTER. There are 105 male babies born for every 100 female babies. In most parts of the world there's a lot lot lot more young men wandering around than young women. Any woman under 50 years old is in no place to say that women have it harder than men when it comes to dating. Its just a blatant lie, but women don't care about the objective truth.

I'm not saying that beautiful women and ugly women get the same amount of attention from men, because they don't, but claiming that ugly men don't go for ugly women is massive copium. The data even states that ugly women get married younger than beautiful women. This is probably because unattractive women realize that they can't keep playing men and find a Chad, so some settle for their looksmatch.

TL;DR its a massive projection from women and not even close to the truth.
Am 30 years old I would fuck a fat no arm no leg stump foid that's how desperate I am but the fat stump foid only wants Chad too
In real world there would be a HTN dating the ugly foid
The strong desire for a Stacy often blinds men to more available foids.

Everyone is so spoiled that everyone "thinks" they deserve better.
good move from the femcels by showing females as smart and sentients beigns, bad it is not in touch with reality :feelshmm:

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