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Serious How to lose Body fat without gymcelling?



Phoenician Nationalist
Jun 7, 2018
My face is basically bloated and I’m at least at like 23% BF right now lol...
As a child I was really fat (like more than 30%) before I lost some weight...

What tips do you have for me to lose some of that BF? I can’t stop eating carbs and shit.
Eat less. Eat only quality food. It's not rocket sciense.
Like what food dude? Should I just cut all carbs?
My current diet is very simple.

Breakfast - Oatmeal with yogurt on workout day or just yogurt on offdays
Lunch - Some lean meat or boiled eggs or maybe cottage cheese
Dinner - Beef of some sort, or maybe a tuna salad
Avoid processed food. Intermitting fastening is also quite good for ldarmaxxing because you have to buy and cook less. Can write more tomorrow if you want. Have to sleep now.
As long as you consume fewer calories than you expend, you're good. My goal is always around 1800, but it varies based on height and your activity level. If you want to be healthier too, then you're going to want to actually think about what you're putting into your body, especially cutting out sugar because that's a huge problem in the modern American diet.
Eat only shugar/fructos alt of IT how much u whana and very litle of fat abute 100g protein and no omegas
I am eating better, drinking less soda, and going for a walk and a swim every day. Swimming is very good exercise btw. It works all your muscles. Not that its going to help INCELS like me. Even if I lose the weight I am still disabled, poor, and have a small dick.
Man it’s really simple. The hard part is the discipline and staying consistent with it.
If you eat less calories than you burn in a day, then you WILL lose weight. That’s it. Nothing more, nothing less. You have to first calculate your TDEE to find your daily caloric expenditure and eat less than that, usually 250-500 calories less a day.

Obviously fruits, veggies, lean meats, and healthy fats are IDEAL, and will make you feel way better, but even if you overeat healthy foods you can gain weight.
Drink water when you are hungry and wait 10 minutes or so while distracting yoursellf. Likely your cravings will subside.
low carb is basically required if you want to remove face bloat

These two videos is all you need srs.
You can not eat and your body will burn you fat reserves to stay alive
Im trying to stick to a very low cal diet, its almost impossible when I lose motivation.
How is your diet? You dont need to cut carbs.
Walk more. Eat as much as you want. You're welcome.

*Need to walk at least 5 km a day btw.
Walk more. Eat as much as you want. You're welcome.

*Need to walk at least 5 km a day btw.
Doesn't work, i used to walk at least 10km a day and eat what i want, it was useless.
You can't just go around eating what you want or you've got some superhuman metabolism.
Starvemaxx is an option.
I have 22%bf but not a bloated face
CICO is the end all be all, OP. Eat less than you burn and you'll slim down.
Try water fasting or just eat a lot less
If you get skinny and still got face bloating it's overino
keep at a maximum of 1000 calories a day, only have breakfast and dinner.
Drink water only.
Forget the processed foods.
Stop eating

If you eat at a caloric deficit, your metabolism will slow down to match your new caloric intake. That's how plateaus happen. Save yourself the trouble and stop eating.
Fasting (painful but it works and is fast, not that healthy tho), Beef + Water only diet (this also works, slower than fasting but still proven to give good results), then lastly the slowest method I know of is just counting your calories.

I wouldn't recommend working out if you're going to fast but working out, at least doing cardio will really boost your weight loss if you're counting calories or on the beef + water diet.
Doesn't work, i used to walk at least 10km a day and eat what i want, it was useless.
You can't just go around eating what you want or you've got some superhuman metabolism.
Well go me then.

*Not true at all. Went down from 105 kg to 80 right now purely by walking. My diet has not changed a bit.
Well go me then.

*Not true at all. Went down from 105 kg to 80 right now purely by walking. My diet has not changed a bit.
Your diet has to be alright or you've got that "good metabolism genetics" crap.
I went from 160kg to 120kg by not drinking coke and not eating too much sugar, my shit diet did not change nor did i gain weight from not walking ten kilometers a day so excercise without a proper diet is a scam.
You probably underestimate how good your diet is.
Your diet has to be alright or you've got that "good metabolism genetics" crap.
I went from 160kg to 120kg by not drinking coke and not eating too much sugar, my shit diet did not change nor did i gain weight from not walking ten kilometers a day so excercise without a proper diet is a scam.
You probably underestimate how good your diet is.
My Dad is 62 kg and 5'11". Fast as fuck metabolism. My Mum is dead but she was heavy as fuck tbh, probably around your weight now but she was 5'9".

I'm in the middle of them I guess. But no man, my diet is absolute shit. I eat a box of cereal loaded with sugar, eat burger after burger and I only gain weight if I sit around.

Some people don't gain weight at all even if they sit around and THEY are the ones you can push this off on tbh. And you aren't ever fat if you have a fast metabolism and I was fat (was called fat often enough anyway).
My Dad is 62 kg and 5'11". Fast as fuck metabolism. My Mum is dead but she was heavy as fuck tbh, probably around your weight now but she was 5'9".

I'm in the middle of them I guess. But no man, my diet is absolute shit. I eat a box of cereal loaded with sugar, eat burger after burger and I only gain weight if I sit around.

Some people don't gain weight at all even if they sit around and THEY are the ones you can push this off on tbh. And you aren't ever fat if you have a fast metabolism and I was fat (was called fat often enough anyway).
Either you got lucky with the genetic lottery or you underestimate your diet, one of those, though i get the " OBEEZEETY IS NOT GENETIC BRAH" shoved down my throat on a daily basis, i don't entirely hate that, and i am inclined to believe or want/try to believe the statement to be true because i feel better that way, even if it's complete bullshit since not everyone's metabolism is the same, i will still indulge in self-deception because it feels good, but i'm not getting conned out of my money by shitty weight loss pills that don't work though.
Eiher you got lucky with the genetic lottery or you underestimate your diet, one of those, though i get the " OBEEZEETY IS NOT GENETIC BRAH" shoved down my throat on a daily basis, i don't entirely hate that, and i am inclined to believe or want/try to believe the statement to be true because i feel better that way, even if it's complete bullshit since not everyone's metabolism is the same, i will still indulge in self-deception because it feels good, but i'm not getting conned out of my money by shitty weight loss pills that don't work though.
Well to be honest some days I don't even eat so there's that. And also when I get depressed I tend not to eat much at all as opposed to others who eat and eat and eat.

I can understand both though and why it happens.
Intermittent fasting. You can still eat. Sucks at first but then you'll get a lot of energy later if you keep it up and you are hungry less

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