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How to get rid of body acne ?



Mar 9, 2018
Any tips ? Is it even possible ?
I have lots of chestne/backne. Nothing you can really do. It's something you just accept and hope you don't ever get invited to a pool party.
I have lots of chestne/backne. Nothing you can really do. It's something you just accept and hope you don't ever get invited to a pool party.
It's over my body is scared for life i have those veiny things too don't know what they're called in english.
chemical peels. lasers. topical solutions. If you are not too far gone you can basically completely eradicate it with no traces of ever being there. The problem lies that you need to be completely compromised + a good tasteless diet. Meanwhile if your telomeres were elite, you could eat donuts with coke and mcdonalds and have barrett tier skin.
It's over for backnecels, man.
There are some creams that might work for you. No cosmetic bullshit but rather a real cream that is used for medically treating acne. You should combine that with a clean diet if you have not done that already
I had acne on my face, back and chest for years, ever since puberty. It ruined my skin, I have scars everywhere now. Everything I tried only worked temporarily (topicals, isotretinoin, antibiotics etc). Now I'm on AA medication and it's basically gone.
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I had acne on my face, back and chest for years, ever since puberty. It ruined my skin, I have scars everywhere now. Everything I tried only worked temporarily (topicals, isotretinoin, antibiotics etc). Now I'm on AA medication and it's basically gone.
What age did you start taking AA ? I'm interested i'm still in my teens and the acne on my body and face isn't too bad i can still use medication lotions to somewhat get rid of it but it always comes back.
go on accutane. if you already have scars like me though just lay down and rot because lasers do nothing but take your money.
are you changing your bedsheets regularly?
Can't afford that kind of luxury does that cause body acne ? i might start wearing pyjamas if so tbh.
yeah, think of how much we sweat and how much skin we shed, bedsheets are a haven for bacteria.
Can't afford that kind of luxury does that cause body acne ? i might start wearing pyjamas if so tbh.
Do you consume dairy? My acne got a lot better when I quit eating it.
Just drink whiskey bro. you hit this whiskey man its like country in western days you get better
Had pretty bad back acne. I don't anymore. What helped me was not popping pimples or scratching them open. Just don't do it. The nofap of acnecels.

Also, avoid fast food, drink enough water and let some air on your back. I try to have a naked upper body for at least half an hour a day. Dries out existing pimples and vitalyzies the skin.
What age did you start taking AA ? I'm interested i'm still in my teens and the acne on my body and face isn't too bad i can still use medication lotions to somewhat get rid of it but it always comes back.
Since like half a year ago (I'm 26).
A tanning bed or spending time in the sun with your shirt off will help.
Any tips ? Is it even possible ?

It's possible. The easiest way to get rid of body acne is by exercising, drinking lots of water, and, most importantly, cutting out ALL sugars, gluten, and other garbage from your diet. Carefully read the ingredients of the things you're eating.

If it bothers you so much, try a vegetarian/vegan diet for a month and see if your conditions improve.

If it's driving you insane and you think it's the cause of your Inceldom, do a 30 day water fast.
okay, i know people might think this is pretty fuckin gay, but my sister has this mask from lush called the "mask of magnaminty" and i steal it sometimes to get rid of my bacne, it works like a dream, it's sort of pricey though, but it lasts you for like over 6 months
totally 110% worth it.

here's the link to it, just in case you have any allergies or something and wanna check the ingredients idk
okay, i know people might think this is pretty fuckin gay, but my sister has this mask from lush called the "mask of magnaminty" and i steal it sometimes to get rid of my bacne, it works like a dream, it's sort of pricey though, but it lasts you for like over 6 months
totally 110% worth it.

here's the link to it, just in case you have any allergies or something and wanna check the ingredients idk


Also retinols worked really well for me, and masks like above that exfoliate a bit.
Go to a high level cosmetic salon, they have this vibrating thing that uses ultra sound or w/e (idk how it works) but it clears all acne after 2-3 visits.
I have had it since 12 along with facial one but never gave a fuck, it usually doesn't even scar. Facial acne scars AND is in your face.

If it's something extreme, roacutan, if not, let it be.
go on accutane. if you already have scars like me though just lay down and rot because lasers do nothing but take your money.
accutane is some intense shit. Only fuck with accutane if you're absolutely desperate, it causes your blood pressure to rise permanently as well as damaging your organs. I know this from personal experience and have been gassy as fuck every since taking accutane. It clears your skin up though that is for sure.
I have no idea. I just pick at whatever zits and pimples I can feel on my back. It's satisfying.

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