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Serious how to cope/prevent suicide - my take



Jul 3, 2024


As incels, we're more likely to be in this suicidal nihilistic apathetic state. A lot of us are non-neurotypical and we're aware of the blackpill and how life is suffering. We can't cover our eyes and cope the way normies do with betabuxx relationships and festivals and shit.

I see a lot of posts about "how do I cope","how to not rope", and "life is hell and I lack the constitution for suicide, it's just my programming keeping me going - how do I stop it"


I went through those stages as well. I still feel this way. I don't have a solution to fixing that. But I have a recommendation that helped me a ton with it. two simple steps: 1. minimize suffering, 2. find the best cope. let me elaborate.

1. minimizing suffering

You. do. not. have. to do anything. other than survive.

That's right, once you have food shelter and your life isn't in danger, you don't have to do anything extra. You don't have to try to looksmaxx and be neurotic and take normies advice and chase foids that will never fuck you. That's a cause of suffering. You don't have to compete with normies on the status game (that shit does nothing anyway) and try to be alpha, king of instagram or whatever the fuck they do. You don't have to constantly put yourself in normie conversations and socialize, especially if you don't get dopamine from surface level fucking chitchat about sports and celebrities. That's a cause of suffering. Do you understand? Remember every time you went and expended energy on something someone else wanted you to do and it did absolutely fucking nothing for you but cause you suffering? yeah you don't have to do that. Part of it is our programming but we have brains, our brains can understand that our programming somtimes leads to suffering. practice Aceticism.

This sounds like LDAR or bhuddist advice, but it's just the first step to making incel existence better. Minimize your demands and obligations, clear your schedule, make life as uninvasive as possible. The goal is to make it almost completely boring outside of maintaining food, shelter, and health.

2. coping​

Now that life is incredibly low maintenance and boring. Low energy drain - notice something? You don't feel "happy"? you just feel bored, if you start to think you feel like you're just approaching death and rotting slowly? Yeah that's the default state in life for everyone who isn't too busy fighting for food and safety, every fucking person feels it. LIFE IS SUFFERING. "I think. therefore I am (aware of my death) so I better stop thinking)".

There is no cure from that. Nothing will ever get rid of that feeling permanently. pleasure, pain, distractions, drugs, a million followers on instagram, a thousand hours of porn videos, a thousand prostitutes, trips to the beach. Nothing will get rid of that deep unfulfillment. That's the tragedy of having a conciousness and a mind or will that wishes to be more than a meat sac that exists and perishes. You will never fill that hole.

filling that existential hole is impossible. NO ONE HAS THIS "HAPPINESS" THE MIND IS SEEKING. This perfect state where there's nothing wrong and "our life is fulfilling" doesn't exist. it's. a. fucking lie. It's a sick joke played on us by biology or satan or whoever. Being trapped in this aging fluctuating flesh but having a mind that seeks perfection and infinity.

so what the fuck do you do? Cope.


our lives are a hedonic treadmill, a wave function. our natural state is to be existentially dreadful and miserable. We just have copes that distract us from that or assault our body with horomones and pleasure (or pain if you're a masochist) that make us forget that. It's like a cosine function:

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What does all this mean when it comes to preventing suicide as an incel? well first, ejaculating inside of a foid would not stop you from comitting suicide, it would only be a form of cope with life. If it's a prostitute, that high doesn't last very long at all. Usually followed by disgust and more suffering. If you enter a betabuxx marriage, fucking your unenthusiastic wife that you're basically paying for won't stop you from feeling suicidal, it would just be a high not much different from jacking off, but with endorphins from human touch. You'd immediately feel suffering after realizing you now have to live as a betabuxxer, pay for a foid to cheat on you, get divorce raped, have a dead bedroom, etc. Normies are surprisingly good at covering their eyes to this phenomenon and then crying about it on reddit 40 years into their marriage.

A woman that desires you would be an ideal cope, so would some kids probably. But this is incels.is - that shit doesn't happen to us, only chads. And even chads get tired of that shit, some of them kill themselves too. Life is suffering.

in summary. There's nothing that won't make you kill yourself, only distract you from it. So get to distracting yourself. Pick good copes. All the copes are hedonic treadmill. Drugs. sex. raising kids. driving. eating. etc. too much of any of them becomes an unpleasurable experince. The human body gets used to the chemicals and novelty wears off, you return back to your original state of boredom or suffering if you have a negative situation. so switch it up every now and then.

here's what all of this looks like for me and how it helped:

  • my suffering is minimal. I live in my comfort zone, keep my calendar free of obligations, live minimally, my job and income are as minimal and optimal as possible.
  • I found my favorite copes. Movies, abstraction. projects. science. art. music. mathetmatics.

Your favorite cope might not be science and abstraction. But there's something about that cope that makes it different - schopenhauer agreed with this - abstraction, art, science, creativity. you have a sensitive mind they work as great copes because they take you out of existence. You become entrenched in the programming you're doing, the book you're reading, whatever you're observing, you genuinely forget that suffering exists, and your brain is in a state of pure focus ontop of getting the chemicals and dopamine. I think it's what drug addicts and alcohol addicts are looking for when they try to numb their pain. It's become like my only cope. it's all I do. I literally only take breaks to maintain my life, do chores and obligations, let my body rest, or if I get bored I switch it up, do something a little more stimulating like driving fast or shooting a gun, then when i've had enough of that I turn back to this.

I no longer have suicidal thoughts often, or at least if I do I remember that it's not all that bad cause I can cope and that's better than trying to get past my fear of suicide to put myself out of my misery.

I will live like this until I die. It might be a completely pointless post. Only a few of you might resonate. But It's what I needed earlier. Normies probably shouldn't follow their advice, I doubt their minds are as sensitive to cope or live this depressed philosopher life. They'd cry like babies if they had to read a book or sit still for an hour. That's why they cope with drugs tiktok and loud parties and football and their dead bedroom marriages. No shame in that, I'm just non-neurotypical. I used to wish I was like them but then I found this advice. and remember, not one person on the planet can fill that existential hole, that's why everyone's searching for "happiness" even when they have every luxury and pleasure and power and control available - for those born with everything they turn to some extreme fucking copes but that's for another day.
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feel free to share how you guys cope as well - anything helps - incels.is should be a helpful place for incels, unlike the normie world and reddit tier advice that just causes us more suffering.
Going from one cope to another is like a female sleeping around with multiple guys

The Same Way That Women Like To Monkey Branch From Cock To Cock, Incels Like To Monkey Branch From Cope To Cope​

Going from one cope to another is like a female sleeping around with multiple guys
females are children 100% they can only cope with life through basic surface level activities - they turn into the worst drug addicts, they make the best consumers. They have no mind for art or science or creativity just consuming candy and shopping. Notice how all the famous females just sell their bodies or show their ass while doing basic activities? ayn rand type of females are genetic deviants and more like men than women
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Just kidding, copes only will last so long until they die off
Always leave with positive K/D or do not leave st all.
Always leave with positive K/D or do not leave st all.
as much hate as I have for the world I still have morals I wouldn't be able to ER, I tested very low on narcisissm and sociopathy but high on machiavellianism.
High iq post. This should honestly be on must read, good thread OP. :dab:
The best cope for anybody who isn’t chink is knowing you’re not chink
I keep getting banned for this but the reality is that there is NO COPE. You either ascend or you rope.
If you can't ascend - rope is the only solution for you
You can shit your pants and cry all you want but this is the reality of our world.


As incels, we're more likely to be in this suicidal nihilistic apathetic state. A lot of us are non-neurotypical and we're aware of the blackpill and how life is suffering. We can't cover our eyes and cope the way normies do with betabuxx relationships and festivals and shit.

I see a lot of posts about "how do I cope","how to not rope", and "life is hell and I lack the constitution for suicide, it's just my programming keeping me going - how do I stop it"

View attachment 1207224

I went through those stages as well. I still feel this way. I don't have a solution to fixing that. But I have a recommendation that helped me a ton with it. two simple steps: 1. minimize suffering, 2. find the best cope. let me elaborate.

1. minimizing suffering

You. do. not. have. to do anything. other than survive.

That's right, once you have food shelter and your life isn't in danger, you don't have to do anything extra. You don't have to try to looksmaxx and be neurotic and take normies advice and chase foids that will never fuck you. That's a cause of suffering. You don't have to compete with normies on the status game (that shit does nothing anyway) and try to be alpha, king of instagram or whatever the fuck they do. You don't have to constantly put yourself in normie conversations and socialize, especially if you don't get dopamine from surface level fucking chitchat about sports and celebrities. That's a cause of suffering. Do you understand? Remember every time you went and expended energy on something someone else wanted you to do and it did absolutely fucking nothing for you but cause you suffering? yeah you don't have to do that. Part of it is our programming but we have brains, our brains can understand that our programming somtimes leads to suffering. practice Aceticism.

This sounds like LDAR or bhuddist advice, but it's just the first step to making incel existence better. Minimize your demands and obligations, clear your schedule, make life as uninvasive as possible. The goal is to make it almost completely boring outside of maintaining food, shelter, and health.

2. coping​

Now that life is incredibly low maintenance and boring. Low energy drain - notice something? You don't feel "happy"? you just feel bored, if you start to think you feel like you're just approaching death and rotting slowly? Yeah that's the default state in life for everyone who isn't too busy fighting for food and safety, every fucking person feels it. LIFE IS SUFFERING. "I think. therefore I am (aware of my death) so I better stop thinking)".

There is no cure from that. Nothing will ever get rid of that feeling permanently. pleasure, pain, distractions, drugs, a million followers on instagram, a thousand hours of porn videos, a thousand prostitutes, trips to the beach. Nothing will get rid of that deep unfulfillment. That's the tragedy of having a conciousness and a mind or will that wishes to be more than a meat sac that exists and perishes. You will never fill that hole.

filling that existential hole is impossible. NO ONE HAS THIS "HAPPINESS" THE MIND IS SEEKING. This perfect state where there's nothing wrong and "our life is fulfilling" doesn't exist. it's. a. fucking lie. It's a sick joke played on us by biology or satan or whoever. Being trapped in this aging fluctuating flesh but having a mind that seeks perfection and infinity.

so what the fuck do you do? Cope.


our lives are a hedonic treadmill, a wave function. our natural state is to be existentially dreadful and miserable. We just have copes that distract us from that or assault our body with horomones and pleasure (or pain if you're a masochist) that make us forget that. It's like a cosine function:

View attachment 1207197

What does all this mean when it comes to preventing suicide as an incel? well first, ejaculating inside of a foid would not stop you from comitting suicide, it would only be a form of cope with life. If it's a prostitute, that high doesn't last very long at all. Usually followed by disgust and more suffering. If you enter a betabuxx marriage, fucking your unenthusiastic wife that you're basically paying for won't stop you from feeling suicidal, it would just be a high not much different from jacking off, but with endorphins from human touch. You'd immediately feel suffering after realizing you now have to live as a betabuxxer, pay for a foid to cheat on you, get divorce raped, have a dead bedroom, etc. Normies are surprisingly good at covering their eyes to this phenomenon and then crying about it on reddit 40 years into their marriage.

A woman that desires you would be an ideal cope, so would some kids probably. But this is incels.is - that shit doesn't happen to us, only chads. And even chads get tired of that shit, some of them kill themselves too. Life is suffering.

in summary. There's nothing that won't make you kill yourself, only distract you from it. So get to distracting yourself. Pick good copes. All the copes are hedonic treadmill. Drugs. sex. raising kids. driving. eating. etc. too much of any of them becomes an unpleasurable experince. The human body gets used to the chemicals and novelty wears off, you return back to your original state of boredom or suffering if you have a negative situation. so switch it up every now and then.

here's what all of this looks like for me and how it helped:

  • my suffering is minimal. I live in my comfort zone, keep my calendar free of obligations, live minimally, my job and income are as minimal and optimal as possible.
  • I found my favorite copes. Movies, abstraction. projects. science. art. music. mathetmatics.

Your favorite cope might not be science and abstraction. But there's something about that cope that makes it different - schopenhauer agreed with this - abstraction, art, science, creativity. you have a sensitive mind they work as great copes because they take you out of existence. You become entrenched in the programming you're doing, the book you're reading, whatever you're observing, you genuinely forget that suffering exists, and your brain is in a state of pure focus ontop of getting the chemicals and dopamine. I think it's what drug addicts and alcohol addicts are looking for when they try to numb their pain. It's become like my only cope. it's all I do. I literally only take breaks to maintain my life, do chores and obligations, let my body rest, or if I get bored I switch it up, do something a little more stimulating like driving fast or shooting a gun, then when i've had enough of that I turn back to this.

I no longer have suicidal thoughts often, or at least if I do I remember that it's not all that bad cause I can cope and that's better than trying to get past my fear of suicide to put myself out of my misery.

I will live like this until I die. It might be a completely pointless post. Only a few of you might resonate. But It's what I needed earlier. Normies probably shouldn't follow their advice, I doubt their minds are as sensitive to cope or live this depressed philosopher life. They'd cry like babies if they had to read a book or sit still for an hour. That's why they cope with drugs tiktok and loud parties and football and their dead bedroom marriages. No shame in that, I'm just non-neurotypical. I used to wish I was like them but then I found this advice. and remember, not one person on the planet can fill that existential hole, that's why everyone's searching for "happiness" even when they have every luxury and pleasure and power and control available - for those born with everything they turn to some extreme fucking copes but that's for another day.
Will read later, personally i tend a yard, and might grow in the future, maybe aquaponics, /seaweed growing/ mushroom growing, aswell as maybe making a business.
I keep getting banned for this but the reality is that there is NO COPE. You either ascend or you rope.
If you can't ascend - rope is the only solution for you
You can shit your pants and cry all you want but this is the reality of our world.
I don't think too many will argue with this. Copes eventually are bound to run out. Objectively speaking, many of our lives are not worth the suffering for the little good things we get to enjoy. Only problem I had with you was you were denying NTpill. Right now, I keep living because my mother needs me. My father and most of my other family are already gone. Once she dies, I do not think I can have the motivation to keep going. The brutal insomnia, loneliness, and health issues I have take their toll. I genuinely felt like blowing my brains out the other day because for 3 days in a row, I was only able to sleep 3-4 hours due to the loneliness messing up my mind and the noisy neighbors. Horrendous OCD destroys your mind as well. I'm genuinely getting really sick of life and struggling to keep going
I got banned multiple times for saying this JFL
That's crazy then. Only beef I had with you was you were denying the importance of being NT and also if I remember correctly, calling the 6'0" and above users fakecels. I 100% agree with you though that there isn't much meaning to a life devoid of love and sex. Those are such basic human needs, and being deprived of them is akin to being starved all the time. My mind feels like it is slowly going to shit with no gf and essentially no real friends either for that matter. I certainly won't argue with you that copes can't last forever because I agree. My own copes are running out. Without my father, I don't even have anyone to talk about cars with and enjoy the car hobby with. Even masturbation doesn't feel that good anymore because my dopamine system is so fried.
You can't find meaning in your life as a blackpilled incel, bluepilled incels in denial have the delusion that they'll one day make it and chase after their dreams to keep going. They still have hope. Blackpilled incels have nothing left to motivate them to persevere in the face of adversity. The only incentive to keep carrying on is because the alternative is even worse.
You can't find meaning in your life as a blackpilled incel, bluepilled incels in denial have the delusion that they'll one day make it and chase after their dreams to keep going. They still have hope. Blackpilled incels have nothing left to motivate them to persevere in the face of adversity. The only incentive to keep carrying on is because the alternative is even worse.
it's a terrible limbo state, I very much understand. This is my best insight on how I continue to exist in this state.

I don't do the things that make me suffer, even if my programming drives me towards them. I do things I enjoy/keep me distracted, and I distract myself from that empty chasm of hating existence but lacking the constitution for suicide

I mean that's all you can do. It's not ideal but it's the best I can get in life. it's optimal I guess
You can't find meaning in your life as a blackpilled incel, bluepilled incels in denial have the delusion that they'll one day make it and chase after their dreams to keep going. They still have hope. Blackpilled incels have nothing left to motivate them to persevere in the face of adversity. The only incentive to keep carrying on is because the alternative is even worse.
Absolute doomer cope, dont twist those
Good read tbh high effort
tldr: engross yourself in stuff like books movies etc. more sensitive, aesthetic and abstract shit. This will make you distracted from the world around you. High concentration high focus states. Good healthy way of coping tbh

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