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How the fuck do you gymcel



Nov 7, 2017
Do people do the push pull cope, or the full body cope, or whatever else cope now. How many sets and reps do you even do. When do you take days off. I feel like everyone just said fuck it and takes steroids so you can do whatever you want then.
By eating married ass :'(

Dickcel here
Full body as a beginner; intermediate and advanced, some sort of split.

If you take enough roids, your protein synthesis stays elevated throughout the week, making body part splits effective. But PPL and upper/lower are the best options for everyone else.
I'm somewhat of a beginner. So full body 3 times a week.

But most important stuff is the nurtrition and sleeping enough part I fail at
Gymcelling is the most overrated form of getting fit.

Just get into a legit sport, preferably some sort of martial arts, and organize your eating habits depending on what your goals are. (Cutting or bulking)

You'll do a ton of calisthenics (bodyweight excercises) that will help you develop an optimal physique. Sure, calisthenics have their limitations in terms of muscle development compared to weight lifting but there's a reason for that. Human beings aren't meant to have a biceps the size of their skull or tree trunk legs. Excessive gymcelling will just make you look disproportionate AF in the long run run (look at Tellem-T) and that's a niche look that most chicks don't really dig, nor is it healthy.

On top of that you'll actually become well-versed in fighting which is always appreciated, and will expand your social circle by joining a club instead of lifting alone like an aspie hoping that someone will notice you.

The only reason to gymcel is if you're a manlet and trying to compensate and cope.
Slavicel said:
Gymcelling is the most overrated form of getting fit.

Just get into a legit sport, preferably some sort of martial arts, and organize your eating habits depending on what your goals are. (Cutting or bulking)

You'll do a ton of calisthenics (bodyweight excercises) that will help you develop an optimal physique. Sure, calisthenics have their limitations in terms of muscle development compared to weight lifting but there's a reason for that. Human beings aren't meant to have a biceps the size of their skull or tree trunk legs. Excessive gymcelling will just make you look disproportionate AF in the long run run (look at Tellem-T) and that's a niche look that most chicks don't really dig, nor is it healthy.

On top of that you'll actually become well-versed in fighting which is always appreciated, and will expand your social circle by joining a club instead of lifting alone like an aspie hoping that someone will notice you.

The only reason to gymcel is if you're a manlet and trying to compensate and cope.
CopingGymcel said:
Full body as a beginner; intermediate and advanced, some sort of split.

If you take enough roids, your protein synthesis stays elevated throughout the week, making body part splits effective. But PPL and upper/lower are the best options for everyone else.

How many sets and reps should you do, if you don't mind me asking? Also what the fuck people are talking about just a push pull cope instead of ppl cope, because squat and leg press is a push movement.
GeneticFilth said:
How many sets and reps should you do, if you don't mind me asking? Also what the fuck people are talking about just a push pull cope instead of ppl cope, because squat and leg press is a push movement.

The amount of sets you should do entirely depends on your training experience, diet, sleep and genetics. Reps, you should periodize it and not just stick to a certain number. Higher reps for isolation exercises and lower reps for compound movements, generally.
I "gymcel" (I don't really go to the gym, I just do bicep curls at home) because I enjoy having sore muscles, the pain makes me feel comfy for some reason. It's the same when I'm ill and my joints ache, but I haven't been ill in years so I just lift instead.
Slavicel said:
Gymcelling is the most overrated form of getting fit.

Just get into a legit sport, preferably some sort of martial arts, and organize your eating habits depending on what your goals are. (Cutting or bulking)

You'll do a ton of calisthenics (bodyweight excercises) that will help you develop an optimal physique. Sure, calisthenics have their limitations in terms of muscle development compared to weight lifting but there's a reason for that. Human beings aren't meant to have a biceps the size of their skull or tree trunk legs. Excessive gymcelling will just make you look disproportionate AF in the long run run (look at Tellem-T) and that's a niche look that most chicks don't really dig, nor is it healthy.

On top of that you'll actually become well-versed in fighting which is always appreciated, and will expand your social circle by joining a club instead of lifting alone like an aspie hoping that someone will notice you.

The only reason to gymcel is if you're a manlet and trying to compensate and cope.

I don't know about martial arts. I don't want to do the gay as fuck grapple shit and my face is ugly, so it's impossible to make friends that won't treat me like trash. The only thing I could do is be good at the hobby, unfortunately I have 6.5 inch wrist and bad genes come in bad packages so that won't happen. My fat distribution is also dog shit. All the fat just goes to my legs, as a result I look like the opposite of the don't forget leg day pictures. Cutting is completely pointless for me as a result. My upper body has zero fat on it and my skeletor abs show(1/10 genetics). Yeah, it's all a cope. Just ldar. I was thinking that at least with a good body at least then males wouldn't treat me as bad, but face and height are everything.
Slavicel said:
Gymcelling is the most overrated form of getting fit.

Just get into a legit sport, preferably some sort of martial arts, and organize your eating habits depending on what your goals are. (Cutting or bulking)

You'll do a ton of calisthenics (bodyweight excercises) that will help you develop an optimal physique. Sure, calisthenics have their limitations in terms of muscle development compared to weight lifting but there's a reason for that. Human beings aren't meant to have a biceps the size of their skull or tree trunk legs. Excessive gymcelling will just make you look disproportionate AF in the long run run (look at Tellem-T) and that's a niche look that most chicks don't really dig, nor is it healthy.

On top of that you'll actually become well-versed in fighting which is always appreciated, and will expand your social circle by joining a club instead of lifting alone like an aspie hoping that someone will notice you.

The only reason to gymcel is if you're a manlet and trying to compensate and cope.


COPE. You just don't want to put in the work, because you're lazy.
CopingGymcel said:

COPE. You just don't want to put in the work, because you're lazy.

He's dead though.
CopingGymcel said:
The amount of sets you should do entirely depends on your training experience, diet, sleep and genetics. Reps, you should periodize it and not just stick to a certain number. Higher reps for isolation exercises and lower reps for compound movements, generally.

Thanks for the input. I guess bbcs do 3 million sets and I'm genetic garbage so I do not as many sets. What do you think about the push pull instead of ppl because leg press and squat are a push movement?
GeneticFilth said:
Thanks for the input. I guess bbcs do 3 million sets and I'm genetic garbage so I do not as many sets. What do you think about the push pull instead of ppl because leg press and squat are a push movement?

Push day is usually the longest. You don't want to have your workouts go longer than 60 minutes a natty. Push and legs on the same day will take way too long. Just do upper/lower.
Whey Protein mix+ a few Curls every day (I occasionally do 5 sets of 20)
GeneticFilth said:
I don't know about martial arts. I don't want to do the gay as fuck grapple shit and my face is ugly, so it's impossible to make friends that won't treat me like trash. The only thing I could do is be good at the hobby, unfortunately I have 6.5 inch wrist and bad genes come in bad packages so that won't happen. My fat distribution is also dog shit. All the fat just goes to my legs, as a result I look like the opposite of the don't forget leg day pictures. Cutting is completely pointless for me as a result. My upper body has zero fat on it and my skeletor abs show(1/10 genetics). Yeah, it's all a cope. Just ldar. I was thinking that at least with a good body at least then males wouldn't treat me as bad, but face and height are everything.

Same tbh. WTF is this shit, all fat goes to my legs and bottocks and my midface while my upper body is lean

i'm a genetic trainwreck
CopingGymcel said:

COPE. You just don't want to put in the work, because you're lazy.

Yeah, never mind the fact that he was a juice junkie with the internal organs of an 80 year old man. Dude died of a heart attack at 22 ffs.

Gymcelling past a certain point is overrated. You don't need to be shredded to oblivion to be attractive, nor is it a posititve. 

Daily reminder that this is what women voted as the ideal male body:


You can easily reach that body with calisthenics alone.

And this is only a bonus to other advantages mentioned. (learning martial arts, expanding your social circle)
get to 100 push-ups in a set with good form or 50 dips in a set = the biggest ur chest is every going to be

alternatively - get to 1.2 BW bench - the biggest ur chest is going to be

get to 2.3 BW deadlift - the biggest ur back is ever going to be
get to 1.8 squat - the biggest ur legs are ever going to be

maintain (lift the same weight forever, never change ur workout - just gymcel as if you are brushing ur teeth)

CopingGymcel said:
Full body as a beginner; intermediate and advanced, some sort of split.
If you take enough roids, your protein synthesis stays elevated throughout the week, making body part splits effective. But PPL and upper/lower are the best options for everyone else.
what do in case you've never done any gymcelling or sport in your life? I have literally 0 muscle, only fat, look fat even at a healthy BMI

how do you even start in my case?
Legit Incel said:
what do in case you've never done any gymcelling or sport in your life? I have literally 0 muscle, only fat, look fat even at a healthy BMI

how do you even start in my case?

Find out your TDEE (Total Daily Energy Expenditure). Subtract 500 calories from your TDEE. Eat 0.8g of protein per lbs of body weight.

Do a full body program 3 days a week.
CopingGymcel said:
Legit Incel said:
what do in case you've never done any gymcelling or sport in your life? I have literally 0 muscle, only fat, look fat even at a healthy BMI
how do you even start in my case?
Find out your TDEE (Total Daily Energy Expenditure). Subtract 500 calories from your TDEE. Eat 0.8g of protein per lbs of body weight.
Do a full body program 3 days a week.
why only 3 days a week?
Legit Incel said:
why only 3 days a week?

Because you don't need to train more than 3 days a week as a beginner. You want low volume, hit every muscle (full body), three days a week, focusing on strength progression.
CopingGymcel said:
Legit Incel said:
why only 3 days a week?
Because you don't need to train more than 3 days a week as a beginner. You want low volume, hit every muscle (full body), three days a week, focusing on strength progression.
how much time until i progress? 187 cm and 79 kg now
Legit Incel said:
how much time until i progress? 187 cm and 79 kg now

Don't think about time, just do it. Just focus on smaller goals and take it one step at the time.

Do this program: https://imgur.com/gallery/6Wcif

Should be able to put on muscles and lose fat at the same time in a calorie deficit as long as protein intake is kept high enough (0.8g per lbs of body weight) and calories aren't too low. Should see some nice strength gains, too.

Every lbs you lose will be a difference. You should definitely see some huge changes to your face and body after 20 lbs.
Self-improvement is Red Pilled cope and is contrary to the Black Pill philosophy.

It's over. It's pointless fighting nature.

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