Welcome to Incels.is - Involuntary Celibate Forum

Welcome! This is a forum for involuntary celibates: people who lack a significant other. Are you lonely and wish you had someone in your life? You're not alone! Join our forum and talk to people just like you.

Serious how the FUCK do you guys keep a conversation going?



Failure in Life
Feb 15, 2018
I was feeling very lonely 2 days ago and decided to try one more time:

I downloaded Snapchat and added about 20+ normie guys I knew in high school/early college (aquaintances).

I then messaged everyone first and asked how they are doing and some random conversation topics. I write paragraphs to try talking to them with effort...

Guess how many ghosted me? ALL OF THEM ghost me in the middle of the conversation.

It's over when even males/normies don't even want to be your friend.
Many people join this forum because they are incels and cannot find friends to chat in other places on internet. And by the way even among other incels they do not seem to get along.
I was feeling very lonely 2 days ago and decided to try one more time:

I downloaded Snapchat and added about 20+ normie guys I knew in high school/early college (aquaintances).

I then messaged everyone first and asked how they are doing and some random conversation topics. I write paragraphs to try talking to them with effort...

Guess how many ghosted me? ALL OF THEM ghost me in the middle of the conversation.

It's over when even males/normies don't even want to be your friend.

SERIOUSLY? You added people you knew in HS/college? I would never do that if I wish to have something like Snapchat.
normies dont like to associate with incels.
Many people join this forum because they are incels and cannot find friends to chat in other places on internet. And by the way even among other incels they do not seem to get along.
That is true I see a lot of in-fighting, some things I agree with, and some I don't.

But some people have friends and a social circle and its hard to understand how they do it in my opinion. I try my best and fail.

I hardly ever try to do it, I, irl, just stay quiet in my corner.
Being ghosted on social media or whatever is the next thing after rejection that is most suifuel, even sometimes worse
Snapcht is brutal suicide fuel. Just look at the news feed, it is rage inducing because you see people having fun everyday. Why can't i enjoy even 5% of that?

I don't know but, I should be thankful to you: one more reason for not having apps like Snapchat.
Why don't we keep this conversation going? Maybe we can find ways to keep a conversation going with such experiment. I will tell you when I will have to leave.
I remember back when I was still in uni, we had a group course project and group ourselves together, I was ghosted by own section mates that I've been with since the start saying they were already full, of course that includes a foid that was probably the culprit that probably don't like me, I've gone to the humiliation of saying to the prof that I don't have a group and the prof announcing in front of the whole class that I don't have a group, I got the group in the end tho. God that was the most depressing year for me.

Of course the foid now works while I'm here struggling to find a job and being ghosted by companies that I've applied to

I remember back when I was still in uni, we had a group course project and group ourselves together, I was ghosted by own section mates that I've been with since the start saying they were already full, of course that includes a foid that was probably the culprit that probably don't like me, I've gone to the humiliation of saying to the prof that I don't have a group and the prof announcing in front of the whole class that I don't have a group, I got the group in the end tho. God that was the most depressing year for me.

Of course the foid now works while I'm here struggling to find a job and being ghosted by companies that I've applied to


I was always the last person to be chosen for groups and teams, I just got used to it.
writing a paragraph is a bad thing when trying to have conversations with normies tbh. some of their iq's are low and all they want to do is bullshit 24/7. not trying to say I'm the smartest guy ever or something
writing a paragraph is a bad thing when trying to have conversations with normies tbh. some of their iq's are low and all they want to do is bullshit 24/7. not trying to say I'm the smartest guy ever or something

A good number of so called normies just laugh at everything incels do or say. Rage Fuel.
your asking incels for social skills help? :feelstastyman:
Desert thread and I have nothing else to say here, I am leaving the thread.
don't write paragraphs. And it's not necessarily your fault. Conversation flows naturally if both people are interested and make an effort
Confirming that no one is interested in me.
i cant believe many quiet people in my school are actively social. Like they dont initiate anything and they still manage to hangout because others invite them
when is the last time you talked to these guys? If it's been a long time you can't really expect much. IME people often stop looking to expand their social circles as they get older
Well half of them i met as classmates last year in college. and we would talk a lot during class. During school I got their contact info in hopes of becoming more social with them outside of school, but it never really went past texting for homework help and assignments. When school ended we stopped textinf. So year later I try to hit them up, hinting that we can hang out but they dont seem interested despite hanging with their other friends
damn, I've been in this situation a lot. A year is too long for most people. You need to start hanging out with them much earlier - preferably when you're still seeing them on a daily basis. Otherwise they will see you as an outsider. You probably noticed that normies often make friends within the first week of classes. I think people like us need to move faster. We take too long to get comfortable
I don't, i havent had a conversation in a long long time.
you talked to much lol. I learned this the hard way when talking to girls. They don't care about what you are saying they just want to talk about themselves. So what you have to do is just ask questions, small talk questions. Like "how have you been", "what are doing", "what have you been up too" etc to get them to talk. Also keep your text no longer than a sentence. Paragraphs scream social retard or at least that is how they view it.

Note: Don't just ask questions tho. Make sure to also say something about you, but most people will ask you a question back so it won't seem awkward. Also keep the conversation light, don't talk about too personal stuff and stay talking about neutral topics.
yea i hear open ended questions are good, because some people will give one worded answers if I ask a simple question. Thing is they usually dont ask "so what are you up to right now" back. Like ask the questions and they always answer. It seems like an interview and i feel the sense they dont want to continue
honestly I think texting conversations aren't meant to drag out for long, like they shouldn't have too much substance. Usually its used to try to meet up with someone or to tell them something that happened. As for asking to many questions and making it seem like an interview all you have to do to avoid this is talk about yourself. Don't just wait for them to ask you the question because like you said some may not.

you-"Hey whats up"
them-"Not much just in school"
you- "oh me too, I have just been studying"
you-"so what you majoring in?" or "so hows school" or "how do you like your campus" etc.
them- "Its alright I guess "
you- "oh thats cool"
you- "you know its been a while since we hung out maybe we should hang out to catch up"

And then you can try to arrange a hangout or date if its a girl. Obviously the person has to have some interest in you to get the date or hangout but my example was more of a person who wasn't too interested in talking to you but you still making it work out in the end and keeping the conversation going. If the person doesn't want to talk they will keep it dry and no matter what you do and it just won't work so don't beat your self up over it. This is how you should keep it light until you ask the big question. If they do want to talk it would be even easier to have a conversation since there will be more back and forth.
honestly I think texting conversations aren't meant to drag out for long, like they shouldn't have too much substance. Usually its used to try to meet up with someone or to tell them something that happened. As for asking to many questions and making it seem like an interview all you have to do to avoid this is talk about yourself. Don't just wait for them to ask you the question because like you said some may not.

you-"Hey whats up"
them-"Not much just in school"
you- "oh me too, I have just been studying"
you-"so what you majoring in?" or "so hows school" or "how do you like your campus" etc.
them- "Its alright I guess "
you- "oh thats cool"
you- "you know its been a while since we hung out maybe we should hang out to catch up"

And then you can try to arrange a hangout or date if its a girl. Obviously the person has to have some interest in you to get the date or hangout but my example was more of a person who wasn't too interested in talking to you but you still making it work out in the end and keeping the conversation going. If the person doesn't want to talk they will keep it dry and no matter what you do and it just won't work so don't beat your self up over it. This is how you should keep it light until you ask the big question. If they do want to talk it would be even easier to have a conversation since there will be more back and forth.
poor guy could have used this advice, but he banned himself. SMH
poor guy could have used this advice, but he banned himself. SMH
That's what I just realized I was too late. Dam I was trying to be as detailed as possible hope he comes back so I can bump him this info.
Kek asking for advice about socializing on a form full of incel. I am dead
you dont write paragraphs to people on snapchat lol
I've given up trying to be a human, LDAR.
don't write paragraphs. And it's not necessarily your fault. Conversation flows naturally if both people are interested and make an effort

This. You can't force it tbh.
Have you tried not being ugly?
honestly I think texting conversations aren't meant to drag out for long, like they shouldn't have too much substance. Usually its used to try to meet up with someone or to tell them something that happened. As for asking to many questions and making it seem like an interview all you have to do to avoid this is talk about yourself. Don't just wait for them to ask you the question because like you said some may not.

you-"Hey whats up"
them-"Not much just in school"
you- "oh me too, I have just been studying"
you-"so what you majoring in?" or "so hows school" or "how do you like your campus" etc.
them- "Its alright I guess "
you- "oh thats cool"
you- "you know its been a while since we hung out maybe we should hang out to catch up"

And then you can try to arrange a hangout or date if its a girl. Obviously the person has to have some interest in you to get the date or hangout but my example was more of a person who wasn't too interested in talking to you but you still making it work out in the end and keeping the conversation going. If the person doesn't want to talk they will keep it dry and no matter what you do and it just won't work so don't beat your self up over it. This is how you should keep it light until you ask the big question. If they do want to talk it would be even easier to have a conversation since there will be more back and forth.
poor guy could have used this advice, but he banned himself. SMH
thank you for the advice. I will try my best to use it. . I will do self control at the moment as Facade advised me. i will lurk from time but post less for time being. If things dont work out i could com bak
I was feeling very lonely 2 days ago and decided to try one more time:

I downloaded Snapchat and added about 20+ normie guys I knew in high school/early college (aquaintances).

I then messaged everyone first and asked how they are doing and some random conversation topics. I write paragraphs to try talking to them with effort...

Guess how many ghosted me? ALL OF THEM ghost me in the middle of the conversation.

It's over when even males/normies don't even want to be your friend.

I don't know man. Im almost 28 and never had friends or a girlfriend. I just can't connect or relate to other people in general. Im too much of a mentalcel or socially retarded/autistic
I don't know man. Im almost 28 and never had friends or a girlfriend. I just can't connect or relate to other people in general. Im too much of a mentalcel or socially retarded/autistic
I see. I feel the same, i see people who hangout with groups of people everyday and like it seems they have Friend connections everywhere, From florida all the way to New york... like they can travel from one state to another and hangout with friends still ...
Keep in mind that these people are in their early 20s , how do they build up connections so fast
I see. I feel the same, i see people who hangout with groups of people everyday and like it seems they have Friend connections everywhere, From florida all the way to New york... like they can travel from one state to another and hangout with friends still ...
Keep in mind that these people are in their early 20s , how do they build up connections so fast

The biggest issue for me is how the fuck are you supposed to even find people at my age? Most are working and have their family or social circles already and don't want new friends especially if they are low value. I guess they are all at bars, clubs or discos but let's be honest this not a place for a social retarded/autistic incel like me to be.

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