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Venting How the fuck do you deal with the pain of it all

Deleted member 101

Deleted member 101

I just wanna be loved, but don’t think I’m worthy
Nov 7, 2017
I’m so goddamn alone

it hurts to the point where my heart feels heavy

how the fuck do you deal with it

no friends in years, and forget about having a girlfriend L O L

it’s impossible to not go insane from this shit, from feeling both so isolated and feeling like a loser, a massive fucking failure in life

there’s zero reason why I shouldn’t purchase a weapon and kill myself. Why even wait until my parents die? If they truly love me, they’ll understand why their son took his own life. They will find comfort in my departure from life. But they won’t. I will only cause them anguish.

I can’t even get myself to “self-improve” or whatever the fuck, I feel so fucking shitty with depression and anxiety

I’m such a pathetic, socially inept loser

I already feel it’s too late, even if I ascended I will have wasted all my youth. I’ll be in my 30s, missed out on teen love, 20s love. I’d be amazed if I could even find some miserable single mom.

on top of that I am extremely shy
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Hope is a dangerous thing. It can drive a man insane. All we can do is learn how to let it go because we were never made for it. We were never the man in a girl's erotic dream, we were never the man who a girl imagined spending her life with and the more we try, the more we will be disappointed with ourselves. Failure and rejection never builds a person, it just makes him more frustrated. I can't tell you to rope but even I can't see any other way. Guess we'll just have to rot till our bodies succumbs to its inevitable fate.
I don’t give a fuck about my parents. I love them but they will know that I ended it because I am subhuman. We didn’t sign a contract before we were born.
You habituate. Your mind and body constantly get bombarded with stresses, like loneliness, in addition to the usual life stresses.

You adapt and condition yourself out of necessity. You simply get used to it.

If you don't, or can't, then you have a breakdown, lose your mind, and possibly rope.
Video games, Benzos, and most of all: SLEEPING. Sleeping is what i look forward to ALL day.
You come to grips with the fact that your destiny is to suffer. Nature demands that someone be at the bottom and we just got unlucky
Hedonistic copes n Dharmamaxxing for me tbh.
Same ngl. There is not much I can do when I am a damn 5'5 manlet, not even gymmaxxing can help me since I am quite poor so I don't get to eat 3 meals a day, so I end up losing muscle instead of gaining it, or even afford the equipment, of course I wouldn't care about any of thia if I had someone who loved me, instead, all I can do ia rot like I do everyday.

Every single day of my existance is the same fucking bullshit, and I have tried, trust me. But living through life without a purpose or meaning is pointless, why the fuck do I work my ass off to only hope that one day I will find someone who cares about me, I have been alone as long as I can remember, It is absolutely pathetic. The only reason I haven't killed myself is because of my mother, because she is actually a decent person, unlike my father who is a manwhore, I even told him one day to his face I wished he rotted it hell, and the piece of shit cried, something I am not even able to do, if only the bastard had given me better genes like his entire family line, instead I am stuck at a pathetic height of 5'5, while all the men on his side at around 6', even my fucking brother got a his height.

Why the fuck was a given the short end of the stick? This shit ain't fair, all I wanted is someone for me, someone who could love and care about me, after all, there are millions of females in this damned filth of a world, why couldn't I just have one. Fuck.
Hope is a dangerous thing. It can drive a man insane.

Remember metabuxx, hope is a good thing, maybe the best of things and no good thing ever dies, I will be hoping that this post finds you and finds you well.

Your friend,

Fat Link
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The only advice I can give is this, kill yourself and society and foids gain another notch for their belt and a victory in there eyes, live and feel pain but you will endure and that shows society that you won't break and we are incels and we endure that is our path, and yes to endure is to suffer and If i could ease your pain I would as no human being deserves the fate we have been handed and what ever choice you choose I will respect you either way.
you guys are my friends, and we always help each other cope through suffering
I don't feel lonely
just wait till sexbots become mainstream br0
Same ngl. There is not much I can do when I am a damn 5'5 manlet, not even gymmaxxing can help me since I am quite poor so I don't get to eat 3 meals a day, so I end up losing muscle instead of gaining it, or even afford the equipment, of course I wouldn't care about any of thia if I had someone who loved me, instead, all I can do ia rot like I do everyday.

Every single day of my existance is the same fucking bullshit, and I have tried, trust me. But living through life without a purpose or meaning is pointless, why the fuck do I work my ass off to only hope that one day I will find someone who cares about me, I have been alone as long as I can remember, It is absolutely pathetic. The only reason I haven't killed myself is because of my mother, because she is actually a decent person, unlike my father who is a manwhore, I even told him one day to his face I wished he rotted it hell, and the piece of shit cried, something I am not even able to do, if only the bastard had given me better genes like his entire family line, instead I am stuck at a pathetic height of 5'5, while all the men on his side at around 6', even my fucking brother got a his height.

Why the fuck was a given the short end of the stick? This shit ain't fair, all I wanted is someone for me, someone who could love and care about me, after all, there are millions of females in this damned filth of a world, why couldn't I just have one. Fuck.

This is unbelievably brutal
Go to escorts and massage therapists, you still feel an emptiness and longing for real connection, but it makes it somewhat more bearable
Women and jews have a temporary stranglehold on men's balls. Their experiment is too stupid to continue long-term though. Incels are rising thanks to the freedom of the internet (it still is far from completely censored). Basically the jews failed to anticipate how easily goyim would communicate with this technology and how hard it would be for them to shut it down.

So don't fucking rope, revenge is coming very soon.
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Escapism is the best cope.
i relate to a lot of what you said man, and i have no clue either. every day is another shitty boring tragic day and i have no reason not to rope either. just the fear of death and parents alive too so i don't fucking know i really don't
stop giving a fuck and go lossus
Just ldar, buddy boyo- it’s completely n utterly over
Try to not think about it and go on with your day, enjoy the small copes that comes your way.
Most things can be copes if you try hard enough
Set an age where if you aren't surgerymaxxed by that time, it's the rope. Then pick a rope method and a plan. Then try to surgeryaxxed before it's too late or just end it all. That's really all we can do.
Eventually the pain will become a dull ache that you don't really notice
I know that for a lot of guys here thinking about being in a relationship is suicide fuel but imagining being in one helps me because I can imagine someone being there for me.
As someone who is approaching 30, I have accepted loneliness. I feel alright alone because I can't stand hearing stupid shit I've heard a million times before. And I don't feel comfortable within people's presence. I hate the lies and drama. I feel like a robot most of the time, devoid of emotion.

All my passion and motivation died this year. Whatever I put effort into just goes to waste, I don't bother anymore. Vidya games are starting to get annoying, music is still a good cope. Discovering new good music on youtube is pretty good. Even going outside is suifuel.
I let out all my anger through lifting, biking, kickboxing/mma.
Tbh I think at 29 you can look back at all your efforts and see where it's gotten you, if it's nowhere then it's safe to rope, because it def won't get any better after that.
The only advice I can give is this, kill yourself and society and foids gain another notch for their belt and a victory in there eyes, live and feel pain but you will endure and that shows society that you won't break and we are incels and we endure that is our path, and yes to endure is to suffer and If i could ease your pain I would as no human being deserves the fate we have been handed and what ever choice you choose I will respect you either way.

High IQ sage advice.
You have to delute yourself into thinking other people don't exist
Can't deal with it if foids live rent free in your head, the day you stop caring about those worthless pieces of shit will be the day you feel free, also don't rope as there's absolutely no point in it imo. Roping won't make you chad or get you foid companionship so I don't get how people can rope just because foids don't care about them, just cope it out, or have a good long cry about it
Just write misogynistic posts on the internet bro. It really is therapeutic
I dont feel lonely and my emotions are very low, I still have worst problems than that, I have a bunch of allergies and btw I am sick all time...
Women and jews have a temporary stranglehold on men's balls. Their experiment is too stupid to continue long-term though. Incels are rising thanks to the freedom of the internet (it still is far from completely censored). Basically the jews failed to anticipate how easily goyim would communicate with this technology and how hard it would be for them to shut it down.

So don't fucking rope, revenge is coming very soon.
based and awakepilled

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