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Venting How tf can any of you can still be religious after going through what you have



Aug 24, 2024
"muh god is putting me through a test so he can reward me in heaven"
Some people have the ability to stay religious whilst others don't
The only conceivable religion I would be apart of is Islam because of the 72 virgins in Jannah thing. But even that's an obvious cope
God has his favorite people, that's why I left Christianity.
The only conceivable religion I would be apart of is Islam because of the 72 virgins in Jannah thing. But even that's an obvious cope
Obvious lie to trick and control normies, they also wouldn't rope because they just had to endure and enjoy the virgins in heaven
Fear of Hell + force of habit

Ultimately whether it’s true or false for guys like us it’s just another cope and distraction to help get us through the day.

Also if my voice wasn’t so fucked I’d seriously consider becoming a street preacher so I could troll all the LGBTQ pride troons, soy faggots and sexhaver scum that I’ll never get to be.

It’s one of my favorite and most hilarious copes to watch street preachers on YouTube causing fags and troons to absolutely go bonkers and throw a level 5 nigger style chimpout simply by being told their disgusting and depraved lifestyle is a sin and that it’s going to send them straight to Hell. :feelskek:

Oh god the troons, soys and fags get so fucking mad! :feelshaha:

It’s glorious.

Only downside is sometimes the freaks attack and throw drinks and shit on them and break their equipment and stuff while the pro fag cops in heavily libtarded and pozzed areas of the country won’t do anything about it to bring these degenerates to justice. :feelsugh:
Fear of Hell + force of habit

Ultimately whether it’s true or false for guys like us it’s just another cope and distraction to help get us through the day.

Also if my voice wasn’t so fucked I’d seriously consider becoming a street preacher so I could troll all the LGBTQ pride troons, soy faggots and sexhaver scum that I’ll never get to be.

It’s one of my favorite and most hilarious copes to watch street preachers on YouTube causing fags and troons to absolutely go bonkers and throw a level 5 nigger style chimpout simply by being told their disgusting and depraved lifestyle is a sin and that it’s going to send them straight to Hell. :feelskek:

Oh god the troons, soys and fags get so fucking mad! :feelshaha:

It’s glorious.

Only downside is sometimes the freaks attack and throw drinks and shit on them and break their equipment and stuff while the pro fag cops in heavily libtarded and pozzed areas of the country won’t do anything about it to bring these degenerates to justice. :feelsugh:
Also have cups of drinks so you can throw back at them
Also have cups of drinks so you can throw back at them
Technically that’d be assault and if the cops actually did their job we’d both go to jail so that’s a no go good buddy.

Plus to come across as an authentic street preacher that true Christians could really get behind and support I’d have to practice a policy of non violence and restraint.

Things can escalate quickly and very badly when out in the streets so peaceful interactions while still verbally trolling the poofs is what is best I think.
The only conceivable religion I would be apart of is Islam because of the 72 virgins in Jannah thing. But even that's an obvious cope
The 72 virgins are only for martyrs
The religioncucks arent suffering enough or at the level as someone that hate god.
Maybe chad in next life. I mean it cant get worse as it is
It's just another cope. Religion is the original cope. Retarded incels think that religion can control foids but nature always prevails.
This is just me personally

I have a high physical pain tolerance and I'm emotionally blunt sometimes. I experience anger less and moment of joy very strongly as well as bit of a
sadomasochistic. Similar to David Goggins

My perception of time passes me quickly, I'd be mistaken to think 2020 wasnt close to half a decade. So in my mind, I've already suffered but over a decade those hot flashes of suffering will be like stepping on thorns while on a warm summer walk

The obvious one is meaning, drawing on strength outside yourself is a good thing as well as a self transcendent purpose

Another is because the idea of your creator holding you accountable is a good deterrent for me to go ER. Hell I still remember planning one since the age of 9, not because of bullying but for the potential of seeing my destructive trendies fulfilled.

Also to be a good beacon to my young siblings as I believe that religion to be the best moral compass

Fear of hell isnt that strong as I believe that the standard of morality seems it fit for me to be punished then so be it
A lot of followers of the Abrahamic religions are going to hell

Matthew 7:21-23​

21 “Not everyone who says to me, ‘Lord, Lord,’ will enter the kingdom of heaven, but the one who does the will of my Father who is in heaven. 22 On that day many will say to me, ‘Lord, Lord, did we not prophesy in your name, and cast out demons in your name, and do many mighty works in your name?’ 23 And then will I declare to them, ‘I never knew you; depart from me, you workers of lawlessness.’

even if theres no life after death, I'm dead so I dont lose anything, I'm already naked.

But that's me bruh
"muh god is putting me through a test so he can reward me in heaven"
Because I know the enemy is religious, too.
But they chose the dark side. If the rulers of this world believe in God and supernatural things, it's worth to take some time to think about it. If they praise openly Satan, then there must be something to it.
I'm not mad at God nowadays because I can't be a fornicator, I'm thankful for it.
When you think deeper about it, the things this world has to offer won't bring you totally fulfillment for your soul. Probably you would be happy for some time until you get used to these things. So, we are wondering why even rich Chads and foids get depressed and sometimes even kill themselves. Although they've got everything we desire and dream about. Fortune, "love", sex, money, friends, power. But it doesn't seem to be enough..
Because I know the enemy is religious, too.
But they chose the dark side. If the rulers of this world believe in God and supernatural things, it's worth to take some time to think about it. If they praise openly Satan, then there must be something to it.
I'm not mad at God nowadays because I can't be a fornicator, I'm thankful for it.
When you think deeper about it, the things this world has to offer won't bring you totally fulfillment for your soul. Probably you would be happy for some time until you get used to these things. So, we are wondering why even rich Chads and foids get depressed and sometimes even kill themselves. Although they've got everything we desire and dream about. Fortune, "love", sex, money, friends, power. But it doesn't seem to be enough..
World leaders dont give a fuck about religion, religions been used since idk how long ago to control people, sexless dudes for example were just told they were gonna have 72 virgins in heaven so they should spend their time serving god and doing good deeds.
Religion is bluepilled bullshit
I used to be religous but I just can't keep it up anymore. I will only go back if I can figure out why has this shit happened to me and I doubt that will ever happen.
World leaders dont give a fuck about religion, religions been used since idk how long ago to control people, sexless dudes for example were just told they were gonna have 72 virgins in heaven so they should spend their time serving god and doing good deeds.
I guess you have no idea. Maybe you're too young and not into this topic yet.
Maybe you're blind.
Well, some day you'll see it for yourself. What I'm talking about.
Good luck!
It's just ancient bluepill advice.
Bluepilling niggas to control them, its fucking obvious how they took control of them, high iq shit tho they thought of everything religion is still believed today, even on this fucking forum by incels
Bluepilling niggas to control them, its fucking obvious how they took control of them, high iq shit tho they thought of everything religion is still believed today, even on this fucking forum by incels
Insane I kow. But it's believed because it matches human psychology and its want for goodness and justice so well... too bad that's not how the world works.

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