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Serious how over is it for you?



Nov 8, 2017
recently my iman has been increasing. inshAllah wata'Allah i will marry within like 3 or 4 years inshaAllah. but like at the same time idk what family would marry their pretty nice soft virgin pure chaste daughters to me.

optimally im shooting for 14 y/o tbh but like im guessing that wont fly so i guess ill settle for 18 (sigh) but our kids are gonna be unhealthy bc her fertility will be almost done for.

sigh. just want my 14 y/o virgin wife. no fun in life without one. otherwise, i am willing to exchange this for Jannah in which i will abide therein eternally and have access to the most beautiful 72 maiden niqabis who only dress modestly for me. i will cuddle and huggy and kissy and baby make with them.

honestly vesting dont even sound bad at this point tbh. but like at the same time idk if the fatwa for it issued is like actually legit orrrrrrrrrrr... so yea idk no vest for now but definitely going to start thinking of ways i can attain Jannah ASAP cus im tryna leave this dunya ASAP if you catch me.
bonus points if someone translates my title PROPERLY.
recently my iman has been increasing..

There is no way your iman is increasing when you are browsing this site and posting here lol, keep coping "sheikh"
Well done. Put a fork in it. My goose is cooked.
optimally im shooting for 14 y/o tbh but like im guessing that wont fly so i guess ill settle for 18 (sigh) but our kids are gonna be unhealthy bc her fertility will be almost done for.

It's funny when you mix blackpill into a cope fantasy, truly a twisted mind.
Man I am sick of these muslim LARPers.
recently my iman has been increasing. inshAllah wata'Allah i will marry within like 3 or 4 years inshaAllah. but like at the same time idk what family would marry their pretty nice soft virgin pure chaste daughters to me.

optimally im shooting for 14 y/o tbh but like im guessing that wont fly so i guess ill settle for 18 (sigh) but our kids are gonna be unhealthy bc her fertility will be almost done for.

sigh. just want my 14 y/o virgin wife. no fun in life without one. otherwise, i am willing to exchange this for Jannah in which i will abide therein eternally and have access to the most beautiful 72 maiden niqabis who only dress modestly for me. i will cuddle and huggy and kissy and baby make with them.

honestly vesting dont even sound bad at this point tbh. but like at the same time idk if the fatwa for it issued is like actually legit orrrrrrrrrrr... so yea idk no vest for now but definitely going to start thinking of ways i can attain Jannah ASAP cus im tryna leave this dunya ASAP if you catch me.
Status and money gets you arranged mariages in islamic society, your looks don't mean shit so work on getting a career and alot of money.
If you're larping then i know you are, this statement is irrefutable.
akhi I know you are wanting to change, please leave this site for it is no good for ones emaan. I suggest you prepare yourself for the holy month of Ramadan now for indeed Allah says in the Qur'an surah Baqarah ayah 183
"O you who have believed, decreed upon you is fasting as it was decreed upon those before you that you may become righteous"

Fasting will also help you fight your nafs and help you lower your gaze. Remember that marriage is highly recommended and not fardh. Seek ilm as it is an individual obligation on every sane Muslim. What I see on this site is a serious lack of ilm which is why the mushriks on this site accuse us of being "LARPers" and only Allah knows what is in our hearts.

Whoever takes a path in search of knowledge, Allah will make easy for him the path to Jannah. (Jami` at-Tirmidhi) grade sahih.
There is no way your iman is increasing when you are browsing this site and posting here lol, keep coping "sheikh"
i talk to my sheykh bro tryna get married so off me bro. trying to get networked youre not even trying.
It's funny when you mix blackpill into a cope fantasy, truly a twisted mind.
twisted? its 2018 bro. no. anythgin 15+ non virgin by default, play it safe, get a family to wed their virgin 14 in a contract (familial) and there you go. reserved and you have big ties to the family. thats just how it is if you find a normal ******** family im frustrated but just got some years ahead to make it happen. whatever, just simple ldar if you know you are determined to -maxx out everything.
optimally im shooting for 14 y/o tbh but like im guessing that wont fly so i guess ill settle for 18 (sigh) but our kids are gonna be unhealthy bc her fertility will be almost done for.
Man, you really need a biology class. But if you want an arranged child marriage so badly, why not move to a country that allows it? That seems like a logical solution.
We should ban all Muslims and anime avs
i talk to my sheykh bro tryna get married so off me bro. trying to get networked youre not even trying.
If ain't leaving this site than you are not trying to improve, request a permaban than I will respect your efforts,
Agreed it's for our own good
wow ok a picture of two soldiers hugging each other is horrible ok cool yep.

so confused by you people, i swear you have a grudge against them solely because they're brown and have a religion.
Can't even see your pic I'm on mobile
I mean only anime avs and Muslims in general
recently my iman has been increasing. inshAllah wata'Allah i will marry within like 3 or 4 years inshaAllah. but like at the same time idk what family would marry their pretty nice soft virgin pure chaste daughters to me.

optimally im shooting for 14 y/o tbh but like im guessing that wont fly so i guess ill settle for 18 (sigh) but our kids are gonna be unhealthy bc her fertility will be almost done for.

sigh. just want my 14 y/o virgin wife. no fun in life without one. otherwise, i am willing to exchange this for Jannah in which i will abide therein eternally and have access to the most beautiful 72 maiden niqabis who only dress modestly for me. i will cuddle and huggy and kissy and baby make with them.

honestly vesting dont even sound bad at this point tbh. but like at the same time idk if the fatwa for it issued is like actually legit orrrrrrrrrrr... so yea idk no vest for now but definitely going to start thinking of ways i can attain Jannah ASAP cus im tryna leave this dunya ASAP if you catch me.
Vesting= suicide vest?????
i want a daughter tbh.
would be her nice father.
off me immature youngcels. useless, why are you even here? goml.
I don't think everyone is a LARPER some are legit,but most are probably just RPing.

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