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Discussion How much does intelligence matter to women?



Jan 1, 2024
Do they consider it a good trait, detrimental or do they not care? Does being very dumb mean that it's over for you?
They don't care. They might say they want someone intelligent but when you see the people these whores actually go for it seems to mean nothing.
Don't you think that if they gave a fuck about that, they wouldn't so be so vehemently against the blackpill?
woman prefer it from a evolutionary standpoint, as smarter man have higher chances of survival. Some people here think that woman prefer dumb man since they date them, but that's not true. They date dumb man because they're good looking enough to overlook how stupid they're, if they had to choose between a nerd Chad and a Chad who uses his fingers to count, they would choose nerd Chad. That's why there's such an infatuation with Henry cavill as well, he presents himself as a smart sophisticated man while at the same time having Chad looks.
it only matters if it can be translated into money.
As long as he’s not mentally retarded as long as he’s NT as long as he’s smart enough to make some sort of money
They don't care about intelligence. They only care about making "good decisions" Like marrying them, buying stuff for them or basically being a betabux to them is the same as being intelligent to them.
woman prefer it from a evolutionary standpoint, as smarter man have higher chances of survival. Some people here think that woman prefer dumb man since they date them, but that's not true. They date dumb man because they're good looking enough to overlook how stupid they're, if they had to choose between a nerd Chad and a Chad who uses his fingers to count, they would choose nerd Chad. That's why there's such an infatuation with Henry cavill as well, he presents himself as a smart sophisticated man while at the same time having Chad looks.
Lmao fucking cope. Women only care about fat cock. Smart hot women going with blue collar chad is pretty common.
They don't care as long as they a chad.
Most definitely not as much as they claim it does.
"hey baby want sum fuk?"
Intelligence doesnt fucking matter. When foids say they want "intelligence" they mean money and social status.

If youre intelligent in a way that doesnt make money they dgaf.
Don't you think foids like safety? And whom do you think they are safer with?
They feel safer with chad. Not with the autist that can solve differential equations the fastest.
They feel safer with chad. Not with the autist that can solve differential equations the fastest.
Chad will be safer if he's smart. More smart = more strong.
Intelligence doesnt fucking matter. When foids say they want "intelligence" they mean money and social status.

If youre intelligent in a way that doesnt make money they dgaf.
Women like all good qualities, they just only want those qualities in attractive men.
not much because they are stupid themselves
Higher intelligence is preferred from an evolutionary standpoint as @Fatass3000 said. The issue is that the ideal personality types for rational thinking and idea generation are also the ones that do poorly at just being present in the moment, being confrontational, generally good at physical stuff, attentive to their own looks already as a child and so on. If you're really clumsy, bad at sports, nonconfrontational, all things related to low extraverted sensing then it will be harder to attract girls as a teenager. Of course these things still matter way less than looks. But that is the reason why "intelligence" as in scoring high on an iq test will make you indirectly less attractive, even though the intelligence in itself is a good thing. This theory of balance between certain personality traits is from Jungian psychoanalysis and I found it to be very legit.
It certainly doesn't hurt but... face & height come first, they're the key or keys to open that thick iron gate. Then perhaps, money or intelligence are definitely bonuses.
They find it hot lmfao
They like intelligent Chads.
Intelligence doesnt fucking matter. When foids say they want "intelligence" they mean money and social status.

If youre intelligent in a way that doesnt make money they dgaf.
If they care, then intelligence comes second and physical appearance comes first.
Foids don't give a shit about Class, Intelligence, or Skills.

The only question foids ask are: Is he hot and dominant?

Foid: Yes? Then creampie me daddy teehee :foidSoy::foidSoy:

Then they complain about the nigger violent boyfriend giving her a black eye.

Shut up whore, you chose it.
Foids don't give a shit about Class, Intelligence, or Skills.

The only question foids ask are: Is he hot and dominant?

Foid: Yes? Then creampie me daddy teehee :foidSoy::foidSoy:

Then they complain about the nigger violent boyfriend giving her a black eye.

Shut up whore, you chose it.
I think they like street smartness and the like, definitely, it's just that they can also be dumb as fuck to not be able to figure out who actually posses the real thing.
Intelligence may allow you to dominate your surroundings better with higher social awareness and wits, but it's otherwise useless on its own.
Intelligence may allow you to dominate your surroundings better with higher social awareness and wits, but it's otherwise useless on its own.
Yes, exactly. They care about it only as a proxy for resources and assertiveness even.

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