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how much do you value money?



Dec 18, 2017
ever since 6th grade hit and i saw kids with expensive clothes and stuff i always thought that was stupid and a waste of money. tbh i would rather spend my money on gaming stuff and braces and i would be cool. what about you  guys? how much do you value money?
Fashion is pointless if you're ugly tbqh, and I value money a lot since with an abundance of it you can make life bearable for yourself as an incel. Too bad I'll never be rich.
Fashion is pointless if you're ugly tbqh, I value money a lot since with an abundance of it you can make life bearable for yourself as an incel. Fat chance that I'm ever going to be rich though.
Götterdämmerung said:
Fashion is pointless if you're ugly tbqh, I value money a lot since with an abundance of it you can make life bearable for yourself as an incel. Fat chance that I'm ever going to be rich though.

maybe thats why i thought it was a waste, because i knew the clothes wouldn't make me look any better. be more optimistic about getting wealth though, maybe it can happen.
uglylifematters said:
maybe thats why i thought it was a waste, because i knew the clothes wouldn't make me look any better. be more optimistic about getting wealth though, maybe it can happen.
True, male models have to have aesthetic faces because of that. They make the clothes look good, not the other way around. The guy in my profile picture could wear a fucking trashbag and women would still be lining up to fuck him.
it is half of happiness
i just wanna live a life without being in poverty like i am rn
nausea said:
yep, I could not care less of possessions

I use to think expensive things would make me cool but then I found out about how people really are and stopped caring. similar to you?
uglylifematters said:
nausea said:
yep, I could not care less of possessions
I use to think expensive things would make me cool but then I found out about how people really are and stopped caring. similar to you?
no, never liked it
nausea said:
no, never liked it

wish I could have been like you growing up. I feel like I wasted so much of me and my moms money and time trying to impress.
I generally don't give a shit about the lavish fancy lifestyle, e.g. expensive houses, cars, ..., etc. However, you need money to the point to survive, e.g. shelter, food, ..., etc.

Anyways, all I just want is a new computer like @themisterpepsi
idkwattodowithlife said:
I generally don't give a shit about the lavish fancy lifestyle, e.g. expensive houses, cars, ..., etc. However, you need money to the point to survive, e.g. shelter, food, ..., etc.

Anyways, all I just want is a new computer like @themisterpepsi

Same. I am almost a year without a computer. I ordered a new mechanical keyboard a few weeks ago but fedex doesn't want to send it from cologne (It's a package from canada)
Facade said:
idkwattodowithlife said:
I generally don't give a shit about the lavish fancy lifestyle, e.g. expensive houses, cars, ..., etc. However, you need money to the point to survive, e.g. shelter, food, ..., etc.
Anyways, all I just want is a new computer like @themisterpepsi
Same. I am almost a year without a computer. I ordered a new mechanical keyboard a few weeks ago but fedex doesn't want to send it from cologne (It's a package from canada)
Wow, I guess the shipping must be really that bad in Germany, is there any other part in Germany, where you could collect your package?
idkwattodowithlife said:
I generally don't give a shit about the lavish fancy lifestyle, e.g. expensive houses, cars, ..., etc. However, you need money to the point to survive, e.g. shelter, food, ..., etc.
Anyways, all I just want is a new computer like @themisterpepsi
I only ever did because I wanted to impress people (compensate for ugliness). same for the second part though except I want a ps4 pro and some games
uglylifematters said:
I only ever did because I wanted to impress people (compensate for ugliness). same for the second part though except I want a ps4 pro and some games
I see what you mean. I guess you cared about your image and you wanted to represent yourself in a good way, so people wouldn't judge you for it. But I guess as you get older, you start caring less about it, overtime, that's probably one of the benefits of getting older.
idkwattodowithlife said:
I see what you mean. I guess you cared about your image and you wanted to represent yourself in a good way, so people wouldn't judge you for it. But I guess as you get older, you start caring less about it, overtime, that's probably one of the benefits of getting older.

Stop filling my alerts u niggas
idkwattodowithlife said:
Wow, I guess the shipping must be really that bad in Germany, is there any other part in Germany, where you could collect your package?

It takes so long because it's still at the customshouae for some reason. I guess this problem only occurs when you order stuff internationally.Shipping inside the country is quite fast
idkwattodowithlife said:
I see what you mean. I guess you cared about your image and you wanted to represent yourself in a good way, so people wouldn't judge you for it. But I guess as you get older, you start caring less about it, overtime, that's probably one of the benefits of getting older.

most definitely. I laugh at my old self for caring when I was 11-15 so much about clothes and shit. are you an oldcel or a youngcel who matured fast?
Themisterpepsi said:
Stop filling my alerts u niggas
Stop lying, you probably love it, misterpepsi-senpai ;).

I love money. I only work a part time retail job but I live extremely frugally. Eat rice and beans, oats, peanut butter sandwiches and shit. Buy clothes maybe once a year, probably less. Don't eat out, go to theatres, travel, other extracurricular stuff. All the money i save goes into my savings account. Hoping to retire somewhat early so i can rot in my room all day watching anime playing vidya and jerking off.
uglylifematters said:
are you getting these messages?

Replying to a person with muh @ in it alerts me
uglylifematters said:
most definitely. I laugh at my old self for caring when I was 11-15 so much about clothes and shit. are you an oldcel or a youngcel who matured fast?
Yeah its good to look back at our past mistakes and laugh at it. It's healthy for our minds to reminisce about some of our good fond memories, every once in a while, and especially for the times were suffering within Inceldom.

I'm kind of semi old, but idontcare/10. I'm 23, what about yourself :)?

Facade said:
It takes so long because it's still at the customshouae for some reason. I guess this problem only occurs when you order stuff internationally.Shipping inside the country is quite fast
Hopefully, it all gets sorted out someday :).
flimsycel said:
I love money. I only work a part time retail job but I live extremely frugally. Eat rice and beans, oats, peanut butter sandwiches and shit. Buy clothes maybe once a year, probably less. Don't eat out, go to theatres, travel, other extracurricular stuff. All the money i save goes into my savings account. Hoping to retire somewhat early so i can rot in my room all day watching anime playing vidya and jerking off.
That's really awesome <3. Something I plan to do that as well, but I'm kind of serious with wanting to go to grad school like Blickpall, and studycel my life away :).
idkwattodowithlife said:
Yeah its good to look back at our past mistakes and laugh at it. It's healthy for our minds to reminisce about some of our good fond memories, every once in a while, and especially for the times were suffering within Inceldom.

I'm kind of semi old, but idontcare/10. I'm 23, what about yourself :)?

Hopefully, it all gets sorted out someday :).

I'm about to be 17. I guess I'm super young for this site lol. and yeah I hope for the same
Money lets me buy medications and bandages and other related tools so that I don't bleed to death.
satoshisacuck said:
Money lets me buy medications and bandages and other related tools so that I don't bleed to death.

flimsycel said:
I love money. I only work a part time retail job but I live extremely frugally. Eat rice and beans, oats, peanut butter sandwiches and shit. Buy clothes maybe once a year, probably less. Don't eat out, go to theatres, travel, other extracurricular stuff. All the money i save goes into my savings account. Hoping to retire somewhat early so i can rot in my room all day watching anime playing vidya and jerking off.

the last part sounds like the life.
I don't value anything.
ZERO. Only value it for necessity - food, shelter, etc.. outside of that its worthless. Bought everything I wanted and have money to blow but nothing interests me not even the stuff i bought
Noobcake said:
. Bought everything I wanted and have money to blow but nothing interests me not even the stuff i bought

are you a richcel?

Kointo said:
I don't value anything.

there has to be something?

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