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How much deaths would you cause if you became a dictator? (in hoi4)



Totalitarian Autist with gamer characteristics
Jul 3, 2022
I can recall when I was in middle school, I'd read alot about ww2 and dictatorships and remember being surprised at some of the death tolls of some leaders mainly people like Hitler, Stalin or Mao, but it had me thinking, assuming you become dictator how many deaths do you think you'd cause?

assuming I take power without the use of a putsch (therefore the death toll of those killed in it would not be considered) I'd immediately kill opposition which may total 15,000, after this I'd begin mass liquidation of prisons which varies but the death toll would be somewhere around 50,000. Then would begin purges of my own men which may number 400 or so. With this out of the way I'd then establish a police state which may kill around 10,000 to 100,000 people depending the how harsh my police officers are. I have no intention on expanding the countries borders or anything like that so there wouldn't be deaths from imperialism. In total, the death toll of my presidency would be around 165400 killed, and many more deported to concentration camps or exiled out of the country. (in hoi4)

@Anarcho Nihilist
Millions, possibly tens of millions (in roblox)
Billions, I would expect nothing less
I really don’t care about that at all tbh, as long as I’m comfortable - but for that, I don’t care how many villagers die in Minecraft. I would pick certain people - even groups of people - though, to become extinct in World of Warcraft. People who insulted me, laughed about me, etc. They (and their families) would feel the wrath of my power.
I also don't understand how being a dictator you can kill more than 1 million people during your entire reign, which would last about 15-20 years of rule.
Holy fucking glow officer :feelsahh:
glowing stick figure GIF
Billions must die. (In game)
But to answer your question.. :feelsLSD:
Weird question, officer.
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I can recall when I was in middle school, I'd read alot about ww2 and dictatorships and remember being surprised at some of the death tolls of some leaders mainly people like Hitler, Stalin or Mao, but it had me thinking, assuming you become dictator how many deaths do you think you'd cause?

assuming I take power without the use of a putsch (therefore the death toll of those killed in it would not be considered) I'd immediately kill opposition which may total 15,000, after this I'd begin mass liquidation of prisons which varies but the death toll would be somewhere around 50,000. Then would begin purges of my own men which may number 400 or so. With this out of the way I'd then establish a police state which may kill around 10,000 to 100,000 people depending the how harsh my police officers are. I have no intention on expanding the countries borders or anything like that so there wouldn't be deaths from imperialism. In total, the death toll of my presidency would be around 165400 killed, and many more deported to concentration camps or exiled out of the country. (in hoi4)

@Anarcho Nihilist
Don’t know.
Billions, I would expect nothing less
I would say 6 million, but I feel like the most I could accomplish realistically is 271k
I can recall when I was in middle school, I'd read alot about ww2 and dictatorships and remember being surprised at some of the death tolls of some leaders mainly people like Hitler, Stalin or Mao, but it had me thinking, assuming you become dictator how many deaths do you think you'd cause?

assuming I take power without the use of a putsch (therefore the death toll of those killed in it would not be considered) I'd immediately kill opposition which may total 15,000, after this I'd begin mass liquidation of prisons which varies but the death toll would be somewhere around 50,000. Then would begin purges of my own men which may number 400 or so. With this out of the way I'd then establish a police state which may kill around 10,000 to 100,000 people depending the how harsh my police officers are. I have no intention on expanding the countries borders or anything like that so there wouldn't be deaths from imperialism. In total, the death toll of my presidency would be around 165400 killed, and many more deported to concentration camps or exiled out of the country. (in hoi4)

@Anarcho Nihilist
Gorillions. (in roblox)
Tens of millions.

I will not kill for fun. I'd deport the ethnicities that does not belong on my land, if resisted, then they're off to be deleted.

Next, to save the planet climate and prevent future mass migration (the earth is very overpopulated and it's heating us all every year) I will immediately cease all food aid to Africa. I will also fund sterilizing "vaccines" (hello Bill Gates!!) and cleanse areas and countries with high birth rate, either by means of trade blockades or other means.

This is of course, an ideal situation as there are international sanctions/pressures, but weak countries are the ones with crazy birth rate so we can do some work there.
cleanse areas and countries with high birth rate, either by means of trade blockades or other means.
even your own? Doesn't it make sense to increase the population of your nation so you can send them off to foreign lands so that you may dominate these territories? Don't you want Han majority globally on every continent?
even your own? Doesn't it make sense to increase the population of your nation so you can send them off to foreign lands so that you may dominate these territories? Don't you want Han majority globally on every continent?
Just kill your own population theory
many because I can't be arsed

let the people die I am bored of them
I'd only kill all jews, everywhere, genocide stops at <1% DNA.

and force a population reduction on all non white races, as well as all stupid whites.

So basically global eugenics. With breeding for intelligence and creativity. (Original thinking)

With the dead populations used as fertilizer.

All women will be required to stay home.
even your own? Doesn't it make sense to increase the population of your nation so you can send them off to foreign lands so that you may dominate these territories? Don't you want Han majority globally on every continent?
I have no desire to conquer others. Also what I'm saying is that I'd genocide third worlders with super high, unsustainable birth rate
Honestly, a dictator from Burgerland such as myself wouldn't be thinking too much about imperialism. So this alone would probably stunt my numbers by a long shot.

I know for a fact that responses to an American dictator will be extremely harsh, so my processes will be very slow as I remove important checks and balances. Many states will still leave the union, since it'll be obvious as to what I'm doing to anyone who knows what each branch of government does. Taking back the states will spark multiple small-scale wars and may kill nearly 100,000 Americans.

I and the media shift our focus to criminal activity, and heavily fear-monger to the public. Eventually, once enough people are scared of something horrible happening to them, Ill approve a mass deportation scheme, involving a large portion of blacks and political opponents.

Although, complications with a mass deportation of black people based on political acuity tests, along with their spouses and children may bring the death toll to about 4,000. Assuming that the ships are clean, and the majority of the deportees are in perfect health/dont go apeshit monkey mode on one another. The ones who pass with a certain score will be awarded a secure job in law enforcement. I'm also sparing the Jews, since I'm a dictator and I'm the one who's in charge now. Plus, they'll more than likely get clipped by my other processes later down the line.

Some more big numbers may come up if people begin to protest. Re-education camps aren't a good investment and will require raising taxes on the general public, which I don't want to do. Censoring television stations and eliminating the crowds will be the main way I can handle this. Of course, I will select the minorities who passed the test and accepted their job offers to shoot down the crowds. Protester deaths may be in the 700s to the 26,000s, depending on how fast we can bribe big tech and the media into staying silent and shutting down any call to action. This is another reason why I kept Jews.

The collateral would simply be reputational damage to the rest of the minority population leftover, due to the blacks and browns exclusively gunning down all of the protesters under my command. Ill just execute whoever I had involved for treason over the span of like, 10 years, so thats around another 40,000 that I directly killed. I'm assuming that since their reputation is in tatters, that civilians will end up enacting justice upon them.

So, yeah, my ideal plan kills a lot of people, but nowhere close to millions like most other peoole want to do.
However many deaths “a little trolling” amounts to.

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