This reminds me of something I saw in one of those court shows, but in Spanish. (These shows are dramatized, I know, and just take it with a grain of salt and go with it)
A late teens-early 20ish roastie left home with her Chad boyfriend. Her dad protested, and the Chad punched her dad in the face. The daughter laughs at this, and proceeds to leave with dream boy.
Chad starts treating ungrateful Stacy like shit, beating her, and begs to come back home, but Dad has disowned her. The case is that the mom wants the daughter back home, but the dad doesn’t want anything to do with his POS roastie daughter. The judge, a blue pill dyke, starts telling off the dad, “you’re such a cold, horrible person”
The point is, I can see myself being like the dad. I will easily disown the fuck out of my child if they wrong me