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LifeFuel How many of you have actually asked a femoid out or approached for number?

Have you asked a femoid out or approached with sexual interest in mind (for say a number)?

  • Yes

    Votes: 45 59.2%
  • No

    Votes: 31 40.8%

  • Total voters


Jun 20, 2018
I have never, I know the legendary @uninstall has done 700+ approaches. Can we really call ourselves truecels if we've never approached? I don't because I know I'll be rejected most likely and want to save myself the embarrassment.
It is too hard man.
in the past but not in years
I never asked a foid out or approached for number
I have never,
Way to scared because of social anxiety and years of ruined self confidence.
I have never, I know the legendary @uninstall has done 700+ approaches. Can we really call ourselves truecels if we've never approached? I don't because I know I'll be rejected most likely and want to save myself the embarrassment.
Speaking of severe acne, I know it's kinda cherrypicking but there is this ugly acne photographer whose youtube videos I occasionally watch, so he's married and seems like a well-established person in my opinion. So want some maybe life fuel — google Sean Tucker photographer
I have never approached I'm scared they would steal my virginity
Speaking of severe acne, I know it's kinda cherrypicking but there is this ugly acne photographer whose youtube videos I occasionally watch, so he's married and seems like a well-established person in my opinion. So want some maybe life fuel — google Sean Tucker photographer
hey thanks man, appreciate that. that is some fuckin life fuel if I've ever seen it, his wife is pretty hot too from what I've seen. I'll subscribe
hey thanks man, appreciate that. that is some fuckin life fuel if I've ever seen it, his wife is pretty hot too from what I've seen. I'll subscribe
You're welcome. The guy isn't ugly if you don't count the acne, and he doesn't really fell into statusmaxx or moneymaxx categories, because he isn't that rich, and he isn't a famous photographer although he is pretty good. I guess he artmaxxes in a way.
Yes,like 5 times
I've tried irl. I still try online.
Yes though never sober.
I tried to approach foids with the intention of knowing them better and who knows have a relationship, every time was so horribly wrong, she did not even look at me, she made a face of disgust when talking to me, she answered with only one word showing total disinterest I never got to ask for their phone number
Some would argue you're volcel if you haven't. I'm personally undecided on that. I have once. Didn't go well.
I don't because I know I'll be rejected most likely and want to save myself the embarrassment.

Exactly. You don’t need a weatherman to know which way the wind blows.
Obviously. If you havent, your deformed or volcel.
Btw ive even tried r/inceldate lol There are like 2 "femcels" (probably larpers) and hundreds of incels lmao
7 times.

0% success rate.
It’s hard because normally I try to discover if a woman is worth hitting on before I do. That makes cold approaching kind of pointless.
A few times:
1. Back in preschool I asked a girl for a dance on some valentines day bs event and she said "No" and laughed
2. All 3 middle school crushes rejected me, one after I bought her earrings and wrote her a letter (I can't really blame her, that was top-tier autism on my part) other 2 just gave me "fuck off" signals
3. Told my oneitis how I feel earlier this year - "I don't see you that way, we can remain friends"
4. Tried approaching in clubs twice, one laughed then walked away other walked away then laughed
Very long time ago when I was drunk all the time
I have near 25 approaches or so
Couple of dates, some numbers exchanged, plans made. Never went to even a kiss.
I never asked someone out but i said something offensive and my oneitis said "I would never date you".
I've warm approached while I could (in school) but not cold. Not even Chads cold-approach in my country. The only way to get laid is by having friends, using tinder or illegally hiring a whore.
Like 3 or 2 years ago i spoke several times with a cashier. She is history teacher and she was working on a shop because she didnt find a job as a teacher.

She was pretty. She was nice to me,but that was her job: be nice with everyone.

I still remember her but im sure that she already forget me.

A lot of guys here have prolly gotten numbers, been on dates etc
This place is dead on weekends thats when The LARPers are out fucking stacies boyo
Do you use an app,social media or what? And how do you approach online??
Dating sites. Send the first message but I never get replies
I asked for a phone number years ago and she gave me her snapchat instead
In reality, you're not supposed to randomly approach women or ANYONE for that matter because its weird. Relationships are meant to develop naturally, i don't think chad approaches women randomly either unless he is at a bar or a club where the whole point is to approach girls. I can never imagine stopping a woman during a busy commute just to ask if i can smaesh. I just wish i had access to social events like parties and clubs.
As for the west: one time irl in my teens and a few times online with zero result. Then I found out about SEA...

Obviously. If you havent, your deformed or volcel.
Btw ive even tried r/inceldate lol There are like 2 "femcels" (probably larpers) and hundreds of incels lmao
That subreddit is pure kekfuel. How can you have come across the blackpill as an incel and still be so brutally bluepilled as to believe this shit would work.
No because im socially retarded. In general i can't connect or relate to other people. I wouldn't know what to say and my charisma level is probably -9000 which doesn't help me either. How the fuck do you even aproach people? lol im a total fuck up
approached hundreds of women in my life.

Still posting here.
I have lost count of how many I've approached in my prime, I still approach from time to time
+500 approaches done bewteen ages 22 and 29.
That subreddit is pure kekfuel. How can you have come across the blackpill as an incel and still be so brutally bluepilled as to believe this shit would work.

Nah, i didnt think it would work lol
My point is that you should at least try once in your life to lookmax, NTmaxx, Socialmax etc and approach; and even if you are rejected 100% of the times and give up after some months or years as a legit incel, you should still keep trying just to check if it still never begun. LARPing as a failure when you never had the chance to fail is dishonest and gay.:feelshehe:
obviously in my highschool days
Cold approaching is a meme. Unless you're in the top 5% of men you will get shut down 99.9% of the time.

If a woman is interested in you they will let you know. The sad truth is that most men believe that is false because they're not attractive enough. Your average woman can pick and choose from the top tier of men, remember that.
I have been doing it since I was 14. 7 years in a row and 0 result.

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