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SuicideFuel How many here graduated college a kissless virgin?



Nov 8, 2017
I honestly hope I'm the only one, no one deserves this pain.

A major reason for many guys inceldom is they don't leave their parents basement (a lifestyle I wish I could live) and subsequently don't meet women. I was kicked out of home at 18 and spent the next 5 years at university where I was exposed to a fuck tonne of foids. In the first couple of years I managed to semi-successfully larp as NT and went to a few parties and clubs. It was the most optimal possible environment to meet a girl who found me attractive ... and it never happened. I didn't get a single IOI around drunk horny girls at parties, I had no success talking to girls who I would see most days at home or at classes, and girls who were mutual friends of the social group I tagged along with did not want to get to know me. I am the embodiment of involuntary celibacy, a fucking kissless virgin college graduate. The "best" years of my life gone. The most incredible opportunity to meet girls ends in complete failure simply because my face is ugly. Only excruciating wagecucking awaits, and the prospect of being a meal ticket to the future single mothers who humiliated me in college. And the feminists, jews and progressive voting boomers all celebrate as a straight white males life ends in suicide because of hypergamy.
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Me, i am a living failure in all areas of life
Count me in. I have an enginnering degree so there weren't many foids. I was part of a church group and there were a few (including my latest oneitis RIP). I mostly sat at home and played guitar and video games when not at school. I had pretty much no friends outside that group. I hate college and all my classmates hated me and laughed at me for being autistic. OVER.

I know I missed my final chance, but w/e. I make good money with that degree and I can cope easier.
Post college its over. You don't meet foids after college
I don't plan to ever go to college
Count me in. I have an enginnering degree so there weren't many foids. I was part of a church group and there were a few (including my latest oneitis RIP). I mostly sat at home and played guitar and video games when not at school. I had pretty much no friends outside that group. I hate college and all my classmates hated me and laughed at me for being autistic. OVER.

I know I missed my final chance, but w/e. I make good money with that degree and I can cope easier.
Sounds a lot like me, but if you are anything like me the money won't really help. Most men have simple needs and don't require a wealthy lifestyle or lots of possessions to be happy.

I would rather have my salary cut in half and have more time for Vidya and other copes than life the "more successful" life I have led.
Count me in. I have an enginnering degree so there weren't many foids. I was part of a church group and there were a few (including my latest oneitis RIP). I mostly sat at home and played guitar and video games when not at school. I had pretty much no friends outside that group. I hate college and all my classmates hated me and laughed at me for being autistic. OVER.

I know I missed my final chance, but w/e. I make good money with that degree and I can cope easier.
Sounds a lot like me, but if you are anything like me the money won't really help. Most men have simple needs and don't require a wealthy lifestyle or lots of possessions to be happy.

I would rather have my salary cut in half and have more time for Vidya and other copes than life the "more successful" life I have led.
Lol parents told me studying hard and getting good grades was more important in college. Ps they lied
Anyone that graduated from college without being kissless or a virgin won't be replying anyway, cause it's against the rules.

But i'll just say, university is by FAR your best oppurtunity to lose your Virginity, ESPECIALLY if you lived out.

Don't do what i did and live at home
Grad as a KHHV.
Money is green.
Sounds a lot like me, but if you are anything like me the money won't really help. Most men have simple needs and don't require a wealthy lifestyle or lots of possessions to be happy.

I would rather have my salary cut in half and have more time for Vidya and other copes than life the "more successful" life I have led.

Sounds a lot like me, but if you are anything like me the money won't really help. Most men have simple needs and don't require a wealthy lifestyle or lots of possessions to be happy.

I would rather have my salary cut in half and have more time for Vidya and other copes than life the "more successful" life I have led.
You're totally right, but the money has allowed me buy new new guitars since graduation, a PS4 pro, a 6-figure house, and all kinda of other shit. It makes the free time I get more fun. I would give up some salary for less time working though.
You're totally right, but the money has allowed me buy new new guitars since graduation, a PS4 pro, a 6-figure house, and all kinda of other shit. It makes the free time I get more fun. I would give up some salary for less time working though.
How much do you earn? I'm also an engineeringcel, but unemployed.
You're totally right, but the money has allowed me buy new new guitars since graduation, a PS4 pro, a 6-figure house, and all kinda of other shit. It makes the free time I get more fun. I would give up some salary for less time working though.
Replace PS4 with Xbox 1 and guitar with amateur farming equipment and that all sounds like me too.

I guess the point I am trying to make is does that stuff really make you happy? I bet the guitar does, and the video games can help if you only play in moderation, but it's not like tons of poor people don't have those things either. What about the house, do you need all that space?

If that is an effective cope for you that's great, I am genuinely happy for you. I would trade it all for a small apartment with a loyal, loving wife and a few good kids.
dropped out of hs *kissed girl* few years ago...pure luck.
How much do you earn? I'm also an engineeringcel, but unemployed.

52k before taxes and retirement. I live in Ohio, which is VERY low cost of living. Additionally, my tax rate is effectively only 16%. I have about $500 a month for fun shit after bills, mortgage, and saving some.

Replace PS4 with Xbox 1 and guitar with amateur farming equipment and that all sounds like me too.

I guess the point I am trying to make is does that stuff really make you happy? I bet the guitar does, and the video games can help if you only play in moderation, but it's not like tons of poor people don't have those things either. What about the house, do you need all that space?

If that is an effective cope for you that's great, I am genuinely happy for you. I would trade it all for a small apartment with a loyal, loving wife and a few good kids.
I would too man, I'd trade it all for a good loyal christian wife. But I know that's not realistic. I can only do what I can, and buyshitmaxing is my best option right now.

There are houses worth less 100,000$ in the us ?
Sure, all over the place. I live in Ohio, it's very low cost of living. Wages are low, but so is cost of everything else. House I grew up in (my parents') is worth about $85,000. If you live in a big city or somewhere " nice", then yeah they're expensive. My house in California would cost $300,000, but in ohio it only costs less than half that.
With a foid I met through Tinder, oddly enough. I lost the thread soon afterward, though. As much as I and everyone else here might hate the app, I'd still be wallowing in the plasma of total inexperience if it weren't for it.
Tinder was a bust for me, refreshing to see some positivity come out of that god forsaken app. I think I'd rather remain a touchless kissless virgin than to cruelly come so close like you did. It's like a dying man only being allowed a few ineffective drops of lifesaving medication.
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Not yet, but I surely will... there is just no opportunity for sex because I'm not attractive or an ultra normie
Yes. Graduated from a large, decadent party school as a lookless, touchless, kissless, hugless, handholdless virgin. One year on and now I'm only a V, but four years of total and unremitting rejection while caught in the ever-raging tempest of a hormonal Bacchanal is something a bit worse than "bad luck".
I like your typing style. Good vocab.
Sure, all over the place. I live in Ohio, it's very low cost of living. Wages are low, but so is cost of everything else. House I grew up in (my parents') is worth about $85,000. If you live in a big city or somewhere " nice", then yeah they're expensive. My house in California would cost $300,000, but in ohio it only costs less than half that.
I can't even moneymax, because I live in France and everything is expensive, but as a future engineer I will not be able to get anything below 30K$.
Condemned to a sad life-_-
52k before taxes and retirement. I live in Ohio, which is VERY low cost of living. Additionally, my tax rate is effectively only 16%. I have about $500 a month for fun shit after bills, mortgage, and saving some.

I would too man, I'd trade it all for a good loyal christian wife. But I know that's not realistic. I can only do what I can, and buyshitmaxing is my best option right now.

Sure, all over the place. I live in Ohio, it's very low cost of living. Wages are low, but so is cost of everything else. House I grew up in (my parents') is worth about $85,000. If you live in a big city or somewhere " nice", then yeah they're expensive. My house in California would cost $300,000, but in ohio it only costs less than half that.
What kind of engineer are you? How long have you been practicing? Have you earned your EI or PE yet? Of not, do you intend to?
Probably a very small percentage tbh. If you graduate college (3+ years) a kissless virgin, you've massively failed.
Curry phdceling in STEM, khhv.
What kind of engineer are you? How long have you been practicing? Have you earned your EI or PE yet? Of not, do you intend to?
Electrical, practicing for 15 months. I passed the FE so I am an E.I. I intend to get my PE as soon as apossible as I get a 5-figure bump in salary for becoming a PE.
I honestly hope I'm the only one, no one deserves this pain.

A major reason for many guys inceldom is they don't leave their parents basement (a lifestyle I wish I could live) and subsequently don't meet women. I was kicked out of home at 18 and spent the next 5 years at university where I was exposed to a fuck tonne of foids. In the first couple of years I managed to semi-successfully larp as NT and went to a few parties and clubs. It was the most optimal possible environment to meet a girl who found me attractive ... and it never happened. I didn't get a single IOI around drunk horny girls at parties, I had no success talking to girls who I would see most days at home or at classes, and girls who were mutual friends of the social group I tagged along with did not want to get to know me. I am the embodiment of involuntary celibacy, a fucking kissless virgin college graduate. The "best" years of my life gone. The most incredible opportunity to meet girls ends in complete failure simply because my face is ugly. Only excruciating wagecucking awaits, and the prospect of being a meal ticket to the future single mothers who humiliated me in college. And the feminists, jews and progressive voting boomers all celebrate as a straight white males life ends in suicide because of hypergamy.

dont waste energy mourning these early years

in time to come you will be 50 and looking back over 32 adult years of pain and emptiness

save you energy for mourning those years
It’s fucking over. I have two degrees and never once got laid, kissed, held hands with a girl. All my advances were always instantly rejected :feelsrope::feelsrope::feelsrope:
Yes, i've never had any kind of female interaction in my life, no women wanted me back in highschool and never will, i accepted the fact that i will die as a virgin.
Went to college and got 0 IOIs, dropped out from depression, went back for CS at the age of 26 since I'm a subhuman and still 0 IOIs despite being looksmaxed. It's oooooover
Went to college and got 0 IOIs, dropped out from depression, went back for CS at the age of 26 since I'm a subhuman and still 0 IOIs despite being looksmaxed. It's oooooover
What do you consider and IOI or perhaps a low level IOI?
What do you consider and IOI or perhaps a low level IOI?
A genuine smile or something. But I got ghosted from day 2 by all the norms so it doesn't really matter what I think.

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