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Discussion How many curry “men” can the average American sheboon whoop at once?

How many curry “males” can the average American boon whoop at once

  • 0 - I’m a stupid coping curroid

  • 1 - I’m a stupid coping curroid

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Looney Tunes existence
Feb 8, 2023
Inspired by @unique_freak ‘s threads
@Confessor @wereq
wtf does whoop mean
Beat up. You’ve never heard that word used?
oh. then 0 because curries could just give the boon a banana and everything would be fine afterwards
I think 2 is reasonable
it would take -1 curries to defeat a sheboon
it would take -1 curries to defeat a sheboon
You wouldn’t get it cause you live in the Gulf, you’ve never seen a boon in your life. Those things are ferocious, they can rip apart a curry negro with ease
You wouldn’t get it cause you live in the Gulf, you’ve never seen a boon in your life. Those things are ferocious, they can rip apart a curry negro with ease
what I meant to say is that you need one negative curry to defeat a sheboon and since curries are made out of matter you need anti matter curries or in other words " negative curries " to defeat the sheboon and possibly rip a hole in time and space.
Depends on how many curries are equivalent to a bus traveling at 100 mph.
Depends on how many curries are equivalent to a bus traveling at 100 mph.
From Bing AI:

This is an interesting question, but not an easy one to answer. There are many factors that affect the strength of a human, such as age, weight, height, muscle mass, fitness level, and health condition. Moreover, the force of a bus traveling at 100 mph depends on the mass of the bus, the braking distance, and the duration of the collision. Therefore, the answer will vary depending on the assumptions we make.

One possible way to approach this problem is to use some average values from the web search results. For example, we can assume that:

- The average Indian male has a mass of 62 kg¹ and can exert a force of 350 N² with his arms.
- The bus has a mass of 12,000 kg³ and a braking distance of 100 m⁴.
- The collision duration is 0.1 s⁵.

Using these values, we can calculate the impact force of the bus using the formula:

F = \\frac {mv^2} {2d}, F = 2dmv2,

where F F F is the impact force, m m m is the mass, v v v is the speed, and d d d is the braking distance. Plugging in the numbers, we get:

F = \\frac {12,000 \\times (100 \\times 1.609)^2} {2 \\times 100} \\approx 1.16 \\times 10^7 \\, \\mathrm {N}, F = 212,000×(100×1.609)2≈1.16×107 N,

where we converted 100 mph to 160.9 km/h and then to m/s.

To find out how many average Indian males it would take to create the same force, we can divide the impact force by the arm force of one person:

N = \\frac {F} {f} = \\frac {1.16 \\times 10^7} {350} \\approx 33,143, N = Ff=1350×1.1633,143,

where N N N is the number of people and f f f is the arm force.

Therefore, it would take about 33,143 average Indian males to create a force equivalent to a bus traveling at 100 mph, assuming they can all apply their arm force in the same direction and at the same time.

Of course, this is a very rough estimate and it does not account for many other factors, such as the shape and material of the bus, the angle and location of the collision, the elasticity and friction of the surfaces, the air resistance, and the human variability. Also, the arm force is not the only or the best measure of human strength, as different muscles and body parts can generate different forces. Therefore, the actual number of people required may be much higher or lower than the calculated value.

I hope this answer satisfies your curiosity, but please do not try to test it in real life, as it would be very dangerous and irresponsible. Thank you for chatting with me.

Source: Conversation with Bing, 11/23/2023
(1) Impact Force Calculator - Calculate the impact force in a collision. https://www.gigacalculator.com/calculators/impact-force-calculator.php.
(2) Car Crash Calculator – Impact Force. https://www.omnicalculator.com/physics/car-crash-force.
(3) Stopping Distance Calculator. https://www.omnicalculator.com/physics/stopping-distance.
(4) 2.2 Speed and Velocity - Physics | OpenStax. https://openstax.org/books/physics/pages/2-2-speed-and-velocity.
(5) How long does an average Indian man last during sex?. https://m.timesofindia.com/life-sty...n-man-last-during-sex/photostory/62756225.cms.
(6) Human penis size - Wikipedia. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Human_penis_size.
(7) India Cricket Team Statistics - ESPNcricinfo. https://www.espncricinfo.com/team/india-6/stats.
(8) Weakends of the Average Indian Male - MensXP. https://www.mensxp.com/special-features/today/7319-weak-ends-of-the-average-indian-male-.html.
Depends on how many curries are equivalent to a bus traveling at 100 mph.

it would take about 33,143 average Indian males to create a force equivalent to a bus traveling at 100 mph, assuming they can all apply their arm force in the same direction and at the same time
Hard to say, ofc i want the curry to beat the black negress, but i do see your argument here: I would say about two but ofc, that depends on multiple underlying factors.
More responses!! If you can blow up the 1234012341234897rd "Just Be *x*" thread of the week you can blow this up too, faggots!! :reeeeee::reeeeee::reeeeee:
I have never seen a pajeet fight so it's hard to tell but sheboons are scary creatures with the T-levels of the average white male.
I've seen alot of auditing videos from DJEmedia and he visits asylum seekers hotels where curries are often security guards. Some of the curry guards look weak but a few actually look kinda strong. Of course they are never agressive in the videos, they just tell the auditor to "please leave, you are trespassing" .They never go hands on. I would say 2 or 3. There was a video of 3 curries beating up a black thief in a store but they had weapons.
Solos the entire fucking Indian race lightyears beyond neg fucking diff:feelskek::feelskek::feelskek::feelskek::feelskek::feelskek::feelskek::feelskek:
The boon whooping the curryniggers

Madara madara fighting
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I know. I like women themselves don't do the bare minimum of not being a lardbeast and then project it on men.

Can't even make this shit up:feelskek:

You sure that a sheboon can knock out 6+ curries though? Landwhales move slow so I think they'd actually do worse in situations where they're swarmed. I think a sheboon can take down 2-3 curries for sure but more could present a problem
None, sheboons are fat af
Average curry weighs 65kg and height 5'7. Skinny fat pajeets.

Average sheboon weighs 87 kg and height 5'7 to 5'8. Fat but still with good muscle mass because nigger genes

If I am being completely realistic it should take atleast 3 pajeets to take down a sheboon with high difficulty
Average curry weighs 65kg and height 5'7. Skinny fat pajeets.

Average sheboon weighs 87 kg and height 5'7 to 5'8. Fat but still with good muscle mass because nigger genes

If I am being completely realistic it should take atleast 3 pajeets to take down a sheboon with high difficulty
Changed my vote to 3
Sheboons because of height and frame, unironically.
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I believe in the currycel

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