Most people on here haven't tried it including me to be fair, honestly flying halfway across the world just to MAYBE get my dick wet is just too depressing, I might as well just get an escort at that point.
I would never reproduce with someone of another race so it would be purely for the sex. I want to be liked by my people in my own country. And of course like you said, whites aren't the only ones who can locationmaxx although I will admit we have a slight edge over other races at doing this.
I hate traveling, I never travel 50 miles away from where I live, I can't imagine going to an entirely different country with a completly different culture. I'm not sure what I would even do with myself, like do I get there are just immetadily download tinder and start swiping or what? What happens if no one matches me, do I just sit there awkwardly and wait for my plane ride to go back home?