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How is Christianity not a cuck religion?

  • Thread starter ItsAllOverButTheCry
  • Start date


Oct 27, 2018
The entire message of Jesus is that all you need to do is accept him and repent and you will enter the gates of heaven.

That's right, even that foid that rode the cock carousel in her youth can simply repent and enter heaven. Your bullies? Repent and go to heaven. People who murder, rape and steal? Repent and go to heaven.

It's basically a Chad/Stacy religion. Just go out there and fuck around, but repent so you face no consequences. The incels at the bottom, the ones who get shit on, we get nothing. Imagine being a good little boy, praying everyday, going to church all the time, donating, volunteering etc.. you're just gonna end up at the same place as the repentant drug addicted, rapist. :lul::lul::lul:

Jesus even explained this exact situation in 'The Parable of the Prodigal Son'. One son went out and got his inheretance from his dad and proceeded to waste it all partying. The other son stayed behind and worked hard with his father. The first son comes back and begs for forgiveness and the father throws a party for him, which he has never done for the second son. Sad!
It's known christianity now is only virtue signalling and an excuse for degeneracy, the downfall of religion leads to the uprise of degeneracy.
blah blah etc etc whatever who cares?

religion kept women at bay through fear. I dont understand incel that hate religion, you should be wanting it to come back.

Repenting doesnt really work like that. If they "repent" and go back to doing it you are not really cheating the system tbh.
@Teutonic Knight
Hey wveryone suck my fat hard cock 8========o :feelsahh:
It's not so simple, how many people you think really repent in the end? Almost none.
blah blah etc etc whatever who cares?

religion kept women at bay through fear. I dont understand incel that hate religion, you should be wanting it to come back.

Repenting doesnt really work like that. If they "repent" and go back to doing it you are not really cheating the system tbh.

Not fear, just a lack of understanding. Foids would love Christianity, "no one but God can judge me!"

It's not so simple, how many people you think really repent in the end? Almost none.

Several 30 year old foids who get married after the cock carousel.
As if repenting is so simple.

I remember how hard it was to go to confession sometimes and those were minor things.

I think with the likes of Chads and Stacies those people have the sin of pride and will never truly repent.

The reason why Chad and Stacy fuck around in the first place is because Christianity doesn't have social control anymore to establish a society where this behavior would be scrutinized. At this point going to Christianity is an individual's choice and unfortunately churches want to be open to people and accept everyone and aren't harsh to them.

What Christians do today doesn't reflect what Christianity should look like.

As far as I know other religions have some form of repentance too. If you don't have that then people would actually continue to sin because they would think it's hopeless now anyway.

At the end of the day it's up to God so if you really believe in this you will always be uncertain about yourself and you will feel guilty about past things you did.
Several 30 year old foids who get married after the cock carousel.
Not really, unless you think they'd not cheat on their husband with Chad. Yes those who wouldn't are forgiven, but how many are they?
The entire message of Jesus is that all you need to do is accept him and repent and you will enter the gates of heaven.

That's right, even that foid that rode the cock carousel in her youth can simply repent and enter heaven. Your bullies? Repent and go to heaven. People who murder, rape and steal? Repent and go to heaven.

It's basically a Chad/Stacy religion. Just go out there and fuck around, but repent so you face no consequences. The incels at the bottom, the ones who get shit on, we get nothing. Imagine being a good little boy, praying everyday, going to church all the time, donating, volunteering etc.. you're just gonna end up at the same place as the repentant drug addicted, rapist. :lul::lul::lul:

Jesus even explained this exact situation in 'The Parable of the Prodigal Son'. One son went out and got his inheretance from his dad and proceeded to waste it all partying. The other son stayed behind and worked hard with his father. The first son comes back and begs for forgiveness and the father throws a party for him, which he has never done for the second son. Sad!

Islam is the only based modern religion. I'm forced to go to church and the way our pastor talks about god it's as if we're supposed to let god fuck our girlfriends. He literally was saying that it's god that gives us the strength to wake up and that it's not you that put a child in your wife, it's god who puts it there. The only reason retards believe in christianity is so they can go to heaven.
religion is cope and a good one
As if repenting is so simple.

I remember how hard it was to go to confession sometimes and those were minor things.

I think with the likes of Chads and Stacies those people have the sin of pride and will never truly repent.

The reason why Chad and Stacy fuck around in the first place is because Christianity doesn't have social control anymore to establish a society where this behavior would be scrutinized. At this point going to Christianity is an individual's choice and unfortunately churches want to be open to people and accept everyone and aren't harsh to them.

What Christians do today doesn't reflect what Christianity should look like.

As far as I know other religions have some form of repentance too. If you don't have that then people would actually continue to sin because they would think it's hopeless now anyway.

At the end of the day it's up to God so if you really believe in this you will always be uncertain about yourself and you will feel guilty about past things you did.

You can't scrutinize in Christianity. Only God can judge you. You should be tolerant of those people and wait until they repent. Forgive everyone. Help everyone. Turn the other cheek. Be a doormat. It's all right there mannnn.

Not really, unless you think they'd not cheat on their husband with Chad. Yes those who wouldn't are forgiven, but how many are they?

You're post is basically saying that foids can fuck 100+ men before they get married, stay loyal and everything is fine and dandy. Even if its just 1/1000, that still doesn't seem right.
Islam is the only based modern religion. I'm forced to go to church and the way our pastor talks about god it's as if we're supposed to let god fuck our girlfriends. He literally was saying that it's god that gives us the strength to wake up and that it's not you that put a child in your wife, it's god who puts it there. The only reason retards believe in christianity is so they can go to heaven.

But this is not the problem with Christianity but with people who declare themselves Christians (eg. modern Westerners).

The Muslims who are under Western influence are equally cucked as Western Christians.

In Bosnia you have Catholic Croats, Muslim Bosniaks and Orthodox Serbs who share the same language and live in the same country and experienced the same cultural and political developments. Guess what, they're all cucked and degenerate at this point (not as much as the West but it's still degeneracy everywhere). Islam doesn't do shit if put in same social and political circumstances as Christianity is right now. In fact, you could argue that Bosnian Muslims are the least based out of these groups and the most pro-Western.
You can't scrutinize in Christianity. Only God can judge you. You should be tolerant of those people and wait until they repent. Forgive everyone. Help everyone. Turn the other cheek. Be a doormat. It's all right there mannnn.

That was never what the Church taught so your point is irrelevant.
Just spread the other cheek...

Islam is the only based modern religion. I'm forced to go to church and the way our pastor talks about god it's as if we're supposed to let god fuck our girlfriends. He literally was saying that it's god that gives us the strength to wake up and that it's not you that put a child in your wife, it's god who puts it there. The only reason retards believe in christianity is so they can go to heaven.
Listen to another pastor then. He's a Muslim, but this applies to everything.

How long do you plan on living with them for
I don't see myself ever being financially able to move out, will probably live with them till I inevitably rope.
*blushes* b-but that's a sin
:::::p::bluepill::bluepill::bluepill: ~o=====3:::
\( • Y • )\::::::::::::::::::::::::::/.....\
Me cumming bluepills into your whoure bunny face while you mastourbate
Listen to another pastor then. He's a Muslim, but this applies to everything.

I meant true Sharia Islam is based. I understand that there are many people of every religion who support watered down versions of their religion. I was just giving my anecdote to show my experience with this.
You're post is basically saying that foids can fuck 100+ men before they get married, stay loyal and everything is fine and dandy. Even if its just 1/1000, that still doesn't seem right.
Except it doesn't only apply to women fucking Chads and everyone can use God's clemency.
That was never what the Church taught so your point is irrelevant.

Not sure if serious

James 4:11-12
11 Don’t speak evil against each other, dear brothers and sisters.[a] If you criticize and judge each other, then you are criticizing and judging God’s law. But your job is to obey the law, not to judge whether it applies to you. 12 God alone, who gave the law, is the Judge. He alone has the power to save or to destroy. So what right do you have to judge your neighbor?

Matthew 5:38-40
38 “You have heard that it was said, ‘Eye for eye, and tooth for tooth.’[a] 39 But I tell you, do not resist an evil person. If anyone slaps you on the right cheek, turn to them the other cheek also. 40 And if anyone wants to sue you and take your shirt, hand over your coat as well.

Matthew 7:1-5
7 “Do not judge, or you too will be judged. 2 For in the same way you judge others, you will be judged, and with the measure you use, it will be measured to you.

3 “Why do you look at the speck of sawdust in your brother’s eye and pay no attention to the plank in your own eye? 4 How can you say to your brother, ‘Let me take the speck out of your eye,’ when all the time there is a plank in your own eye? 5 You hypocrite, first take the plank out of your own eye, and then you will see clearly to remove the speck from your brother’s eye.

Matthew 18:21-22
“Then Peter came to Him and said, ‘Lord, how often shall my brother sin against me, and I forgive him? Up to seven times?’ Jesus said to him, ‘I do not say to you, up to seven times, but up to seventy times seven.’”

Matthew 6:14-15
“For if you forgive men their trespasses, your heavenly Father will also forgive you. But if you do not forgive men their trespasses, neither will your Father forgive your trespasses.”
The Muslims who are under Western influence are equally cucked as Western Christians.
This cannot be stated enough. in the west, the only holy trinity is the TV, the Cunt, and the Almighty Dollar
Jesus cucked the Jews and the Romans. The Jews thought the messiah would be a warlord and Jesus was a soft pussy. Real Christ followers would be ascetics and forgo pleasure. America is based on a protestant ethic that says all lives have value. They turned their simple kind puritan ways into a system of gaining material value.
Jesus even explained this exact situation in 'The Parable of the Prodigal Son'.

It's more like MDEs Prodigal Stunna in real life.
pretty hard to be religious with all the hypocrisy and savagery you see from most people. A lot of opportunistic cucks end up as leaders of churches and they constantly shift messages to mirror their viewpoints. There's so many blackpills in the bible but they won't touch them for whatever reason.
blah blah etc etc whatever who cares?

religion kept women at bay through fear. I dont understand incel that hate religion, you should be wanting it to come back.
The bible is based, but churches twist the message to being a cuck.
In origin most religions were pretty based because all of them knew how to handle women. Thanks to secularization you get cucked versions of religion.
We incels commit sins by coping.
It would have been better for us to die as infants
The entire message of Jesus is that all you need to do is accept him and repent and you will enter the gates of heaven.

That's Protestantism. They believe human nature is fundamentally irredeemable so you can only be saved by an act of grace from Christ.

Catholics and Orthodox believe you must make yourself "perfect" as the Father in heaven is perfect, which involves taking upon the nature of Christ, a process known as "theosis". This involves extreme dedication, asceticism, renunciation, prayer and spiritual practices that in some cases resemble those of eastern religions (such as the Jesus Prayer of the Hesychasts).

This lecture is about the differences between Orthodox Christianity and Islam but it's good because it explains how Orthodoxy works as well:

The key to understanding both Orthodoxy and Catholicism lies in the idea, expressed by Athanasius of Alexandria, that "Christ became man so that man may become God". So in order to be truly saved, you have to become God, which means taking upon his nature, which means relinquishing your own finite and limited human ego, which means abandoning all earthly attachments and delusions, which means Chads and Stacies are most likely destined to hell in so far as they only engage in hedonism and egotism.

This also means that inceldom may be a mean by which God is trying to force you to renounce the world in order for you to return to him, but that's entirely up to whether you can start that journey. I think most incels are destined for hell too, but some may be saved through renunciation of earthly attachments and dedication to God.
God Fashwave
I talked to many tradcucks online, mostly MGTOW. For them the church is just a place that creates social pressure on women. And religion is there to help MGTOW and tradcucks to overcome their personal insecurities.

I’m sure most tradcucks and MGTOWs will go to hell.

If heaven and hell do exist, then tradcucks and MGTOW will all go burn in hell because they are truly the scum of the human specie.

Too bad hell does not exist, so tradcucks and MGTOW will use religion associations for their purposes without punishment.
That's Protestantism. They believe human nature is fundamentally irredeemable so you can only be saved by an act of grace from Christ.

Catholics and Orthodox believe you must make yourself "perfect" as the Father in heaven is perfect, which involves taking upon the nature of Christ, a process known as "theosis". This involves extreme dedication, asceticism, renunciation, prayer and spiritual practices that in some cases resemble those of eastern religions (such as the Jesus Prayer of the Hesychasts).

Literally never heard that for Catholics. What bible passages talk about that? Why don't we all just quit our jobs and become ascetics?
Literally never heard that for Catholics.

Post Vatican II Catholics are basically Protestants. Catholicism was a lot different even as little as an hundred years ago, before Freemasons took over the Church.

What bible passages talk about that?

Quoting Bible passages is a game Protestants like to play. Catholics and Orthodox believe in tradition, of which scripture is a part of but not the sole source.

With that said, there's many quotes by Jesus where he says to give up on earthly things, i don't think that's contestable. It was he who also told us to be perfect as the father in heaven is perfect, what do you suppose he meant with that?

Why don't we all just quit our jobs and become ascetics?

That's what the apostles did, isn't it?

There's a reason monasticism was seen as the highest calling anyone could follow for most Christian countries except Protestant ones, for obvious reasons. Obviously, it's not a path intended for just anybody, because most people would find it too difficult.

An analogous situation can be found in Buddhism, where monasticism is seen as the highest calling, though not everybody can follow the path of a monk.

Ultimately, there's no way anybody actually reading the words of Christ could come out with the idea Chads and Stacies could find their way to heaven after years of constant partying and general debauchery, is there?
I meant true Sharia Islam is based. I understand that there are many people of every religion who support watered down versions of their religion. I was just giving my anecdote to show my experience with this.

Wahabi, if that's what you are talking about, is not real Islam. It's a militant heresy akin to what Puritanism was for Christianity.

Hamza Yusuf, despite being a western convert, is presenting a version of Islam that is actually closer to the traditional Islamic way that's been suppressed in the Muslim world ever since the Salafi took over (the popularity of shams like Zakir Naik shows how far Muslims have fallen). He also has some connection with Sufism, at least if this picture with him and Martin Lings is anything to go by:


And as far as i'm concerned Sufism is the highest form of Islam there is, like Hesychasm is the highest form of Orthodox Christianity.
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Christianity was known for mutilating babies and causing autism before they introduced baptism so fuck them
It is cucked, thats why shariah law is the only solution.
Imagine being a good little boy, praying everyday, going to church all the time, donating, volunteering etc.. you're just gonna end up at the same place as the repentant drug addicted, rapist. :lul::lul::lul:

This is something that always bothered me about Christianity, it just doesn't make sense, if one can simply just repent and be forgiven, then that obviously incentivizes sinning, now some people will argue "you don't know when you will die so its a gamble, you could die a sinner", that's only remotely true, its very unlikely you will just randomly die in the safe world humans have created in this era (unless oyu live or venture into dangerous areas)

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