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How important is NT?



Mar 27, 2018
We all know about LMS, but I'm wondering were being neurotypical (as compared to autistic) factors into the equation? How autistic can a Chad be? If you take LMS scale (Face, Frame, Height, Money, Status), how much points does NT give or Autism take away?

My feeling is if you are top tier (9/10+ LMS) you can be very autistic but not rainman level.
If you are 7-8 LMS you can be slightly autistic, but almost none
if you are 6 and below LMS you can't be autistic at all
If you are 5-6 you need to be NT to make it
LMS 4 and below it's over
I mostly agree, but I think an 8/10 guy can be pretty autistic and still get someone.
NT is everything.
autism tends to correlate with ugliness tbh so I'm not sure this is a worthwhile question
I don't look bad imo, but I'm absolute shit at every social situation and super awkward.
I used to be ugly in middle/high school and now I can't handle socializing for shit.
I look fairly decent now (6-6.5 by my low ass standards) but i'm too anti-social to get a gf.
it lowers your SMV by two points. if you NTmaxx as much as possible you might be able to pass off as a slightly strange or eccentric NT which would lower your SMV by one point.
it lowers your SMV by two points. if you NTmaxx as much as possible you might be able to pass off as a slightly strange or eccentric NT which would lower your SMV by one point.
Yeah, I'm thinking roughly the same.
not at all. if you’re genuinely good looking, there’s no way anyone will think of you as an awkward creep, even if you ARE one. it’s all looks.
It's the most important thing.
Kek at how some people think NT is everything while some think it's nothing.
Kek at how some people think NT is everything while some think it's nothing.
NT is a thing, but it directly correlates with looks.

Social interaction is pleasing the most attractive people in the room.
Very important since it indicates better ability to communicate and work with others which means bette survival prospects for the baby
There's a dude in my class who is borderline autistic, he's also the biggest beta fag I've ever met. Women just say he's sweet and caring since he's a tall 8/10. It doesn't matter what you say if you're Chad.
It is everything. What if girls go as far as rubbing against you or sitting on your lap, and you can't make the next move? I know, if you are a 10 a girl will unzip your pants on the subway and start to suck on it.
D3NT (Dark Triad Neurotypicism) is ideal for women. Women are thrillventurers. They want someone who is dominarchical, and who can be cunning against the opposing forces of men. But not so long as he can control her beyond her pace of free-will.
NT is a thing, but it directly correlates with looks.

Social interaction is pleasing the most attractive people in the room.
The way your body works, and how it coincides with people's criteria of desire/ pairship will ultimately create impressions. NT is based on perception and it can often be overceded by having a good nonverbal/ aesthetic affect, even if autistic. But not so autistic that the stimulivolume will overcede the aesthetical psychstimulus that will create a functional reaction of revulsion.

Autism kills the halo effect more than anything. Even more than killing a baby. Because you will show low existentiocapital. And unlike baby killing which infringes upon the morality of mankind, (often overshadowed in their primality by dominarchical existentiocapital) then you are exposing your inadequacy in being a primarch/ existentiarch. And thus people will from their primality read you as low value/ insignificant/ a blemish upon our race. And put you in the evolutionary backburner.
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Average guys need to be NT but extrememy good looking guys can be autistic as fuck
We all know there is some mental component with attraction to women. It could sometimes surpass physical. Argue all you want but Old men get young women, who cares about the reason or their motives. There is some attraction, or it simply wouldn't happen. We can get a woman to come withing 10' of us. Look at Gorillas, the silverback gets to mate with all the Foids. Read some womens "porn" - Romance novels with one guy.

I think being NT matters, even going down to the 1s and 2s it can give them an edge. I know you are going to flame me but you can find plenty of anecdotal evidence to prove this. At the end of the day we can masturbate over pictures of mens features and whatever, but we aren't the final Judge.
Average guys need to be NT but extrememy good looking guys can be autistic as fuck
Don't agree. Unless women pull their pants down and rape them they will still be single.
There's a dude in my class who is borderline autistic, he's also the biggest beta fag I've ever met. Women just say he's sweet and caring since he's a tall 8/10. It doesn't matter what you say if you're Chad.
So many women and their primality pattern is so predicated on aesthetics/ inbornarchical capital because they probably believe genetic refinement is the cornerstone quality to all success. Due to the fact it's widely liked/ holds status capital/ are bolted-in traits that are very uncommon (and the dynamic of its uncommonality and unattainability for most mankind shines a light of glamor upon his identity/ and the notion that the well-gened rule the primal/ primordial existentiarchy, which neolithic women has not parsed its general neurostructure from). Superficial traits will forever exceed immaterial inner essence traits to most all women.

And yes, women create a misdirectional manufactured meaning behind all that they say in order to provide their front of rationality which ultimate will ward off judgment from the outside about her take on the guy that might impact their status. It's a safe space for women to assign a perception onto someone where they can conduit the qualities (of an autist) to their 2 cents about him. And it will create a ripple manipulation effect that will get others to see her point/ her rationality/ and her sense/ sanity is not judged as a trace of being an ineptcel in the primarchy.

Women pillar their positivity on aesthetics almost always. Most else is very peripheral.
Don't agree. Unless women pull their pants down and rape them they will still be single.
They still have to interact with them but the woman will do all the work and approach him if he looks like a male model
We all know there is some mental component with attraction to women. It could sometimes surpass physical. Argue all you want but Old men get young women, who cares about the reason or their motives. There is some attraction, or it simply wouldn't happen. We can get a woman to come withing 10' of us. Look at Gorillas, the silverback gets to mate with all the Foids. Read some womens "porn" - Romance novels with one guy.

I think being NT matters, even going down to the 1s and 2s it can give them an edge. I know you are going to flame me but you can find plenty of anecdotal evidence to prove this. At the end of the day we can masturbate over pictures of mens features and whatever, but we aren't the final Judge.
Being an NT swagmaster has some value, but again it's a peripheral to almost all women. Numbers game.

The primality preference package they all crave that panspans across every distinctive channel of traits about the guy scales his substance through the primarchical codification. And yes, looks are probably in the top 3 traits in almost every case.
A 5/10 normie can easily get laid if he has good social skills.

Just be neurotypical theory
They still have to interact with them but the woman will do all the work and approach him if he looks like a male model
Ok, a woman was RUBBING on me on a crowded subway, smiling. What next?
Ok, a woman was RUBBING on me on a crowded subway, smiling. What next?
I was more thinking about only dating and chats tbh.

I should have said that
I agree for normie tier looks NT is the difference between success and failure.
NT is everything. If you're here, you are not NT by definition.
Most non aspies can act NT but we are have no status so nobody cares about us
Its important to note that NT isn't just "not clinically diagnosed with a disorder". NT is all about being socially adjusted and not having outstanding behavior traits. There is a zero percent chance you browse this forum are fail to exhibit NT behavior.
Doesnt matter for whites

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