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Story How I failed to blackpill someone IRL



East though, they heading to the East
May 30, 2018
I was filling up an answer sheet and I saw a question that asked: "What do you consider social skills?" or something along these lines. Suddenly, I got a burst of inspiration and answered: "I don't believe in social skills. People talk to you if you're good looking". Unfortunately, I was asked to read my answer out loud. Then the teacher figure (foid of course) facepalmed and told me I was wrong. The bluepilled "students" started to laugh at me. I told her to just switch to another person who got it right, but she insisted in indoctrinating me. Then she said people don't only talk to gl people (arguing semantics; I should have said people only want to talk to you if you're good looking), a point I foolishly conceded since I had no idea of how a debate works. After that, she pulled the "teehee beauty is in the eye of the beholder" card and instead of destroying her with studies and shit I just chickened out and feigned agreement with her. She seemed pleased and the oldest dude was still snickering about my thought crime. I swear I felt my estrogens level rise when I got verbally mogged by a female.
I don't even bother anymore. People will cling to their deluded coping mechanisms and never let go.
What does beauty is in the eye of the beholder mean? Genuinely asking I genuinely don't know
That is a pretty autistic move. Have to pick a time and a place buddy boyo, and that wasnt it
What does beauty is in the eye of the beholder mean? Genuinely asking I genuinely don't know
It means that beauty is subjective, and that to one person you may be considered ugly but the other person could consider you to be gorgeous.
It means that beauty is subjective, and that to one person you may be considered ugly but the other person could consider you to be gorgeous.
beauty is only subjective once you reach a certain looks treshold tbh
What does beauty is in the eye of the beholder mean? Genuinely asking I genuinely don't know
Beauty is in the eye of the beholder = beholders are different = we perceive different things as beautiful. But this is wrong:

I’ve said this many times before, and as often as I can, especially to hammer into the heads of lurking bluepillers. So I’ll do it again.

when normie make NAWALT arguments like “just find a girl that likes short guys” or “soke girls are really shallow but u just gotta find one that’s not”..apart from the obvious psychological damage control they usually follow up these arguments with, like saying “bro if she rejected u cause ur not tall enough, she’s just shallow and she’s not even worth your time”, they’re making one extraordinary bold claim: that mate choice criteria varies within a species.

Mate choice criteria does NOT vary within a species.

find me one healthy female of one species Who regards the polar opposite of some attractive trait as attractive, and regards the opposite of it unattractive. like one human woman who exclusively loves short men, the shorter the better, and who regards tall men with the same vitriolic hatred and disgust that normal women regard short men with. Such a woman would be seen as mentally defective.

AFAIK no such example exists. The foid with the cripple boyfriend doesn’t count. There’s other psychological issues at work there, and even if there weren’t, notice how she became famous for her very unusual, divergent mate choice.. nobody would tune in if they were looksmatched. More likely than not, it’s just her method of advertising her fertility. Niche fertility advertisement. Gains orbiters and becomes visible to more chads.

The fundamentals of mate choice criteria do not vary. You’d have to re-engineer DNA at the phylum level to achieve that.

“b-but we’re all different unique specimens. God made us, we’re differen5 from animals, were in a category of our own. Natural laws stopped applying to us sometime in the last 50,000 years! Evolution stopped bro! We’re final form! We’re all spiritual and transcendental and shit now...” ... stfu ape while I drop some blackpill truthbombs on u


No, beauty is in the eye of the beholder - it’s just that every beholder’s eye is calibrated to recognise more or less the same standard of beauty.
beauty is only subjective once you reach a certain looks treshold tbh
That's basically asking which type of Chad foids prefer. If beauty was 100% subjective supermodel traits wouldn't be so similar.
I don't talk with anyone in real life so I can't blackpill them
It’s so easy to win a looks argument with girls (up until the point they lose and start attacking your SMV, at which point you lose).. if she claims looks don’t matter or that they’re subjective, just ask her if she likes 5’2” bald Indians with narrow shoulders and microdicks.. if shes a hot foid with a larger than average dating pool, just ask her how tall her boyfriend is.. and how tall her precious boyfriends were. Ask her how short her shortest boyfriend was. And how tall the tallest was. Guaranteed the shortest is no shorter than 40th percentile, and the tallest is easily 99th percentile.

also ask about their norwood levels, dick sizes (and how long she stayed with each dick size), shit like that.

ofc there’s no point in arguing with a foid. U have nothing to benefit and they can’t lose. They always end up attacking your immutable traits (which, they claim, don’t matter)
It’s so easy to win a looks argument with girls (up until the point they lose and start attacking your SMV, at which point you lose).. if she claims looks don’t matter or that they’re subjective, just ask her if she likes 5’2” bald Indians with narrow shoulders and microdicks.. if shes a hot foid with a larger than average dating pool, just ask her how tall her boyfriend is.. and how tall her precious boyfriends were. Ask her how short her shortest boyfriend was. And how tall the tallest was. Guaranteed the shortest is no shorter than 40th percentile, and the tallest is easily 99th percentile.

also ask about their norwood levels, dick sizes (and how long she stayed with each dick size), shit like that.

ofc there’s no point in arguing with a foid. U have nothing to benefit and they can’t lose. They always end up attacking your immutable traits (which, they claim, don’t matter)
Have you done some debate with a foid before?
Have you done some debate with a foid before?
I’ve blackpilled my brothers female friends before (and to a lesser degree, my mom).. But it was easy to blackpill them because they know me.. they didn’t really offer much resistance since I’m not an enemy male. And because my brother was in our presence and he’s a chad so they tend to agree with whatever the fuck he says. Also because they’re young JBs so they’re agreeable and can be very honest. They haven’t spent years/decades fabricating/debating/doubling down on a just world view so BTFOing is not as much an affront to them... It was easy as hell. One was an Indian foid and I went “lemme take a wild guess, you don’t like Indian guys” and she goes “teehee no.. except zayn Malik”. Proceeded to heightpill and racepill her. She used to say beauty is in the eye of the beholder and there is someone out there for everyone. I BTFOed her rosy worldview that day.
You can't debate women, only beat them. So don't bother.
i could never pull something like this
I blackpill everyone I meet. Sometimes they reject it, sometimes they embrace it
No, no, no. Do not argue with your
  • Teacher
  • Parent
  • Therapist
  • Psychiatrist
  • Police
  • Military
  • Supervisor
  • Manager
  • Older student
  • Older sibling
You're fighting against potent power dynamics with your fumbling mumbling autistic drivel. What else could have possibly happened besides what you just experienced? Stop trying to blackpill your superiors. The only cure for stupidity is a bullet in the head.

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